2 research outputs found

    Design, Synthesis, and Antisickling Investigation of a Nitric Oxide-Releasing Prodrug of 5HMF for the Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease

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    5-hydroxyfurfural (5HMF), an allosteric effector of hemoglobin (Hb) with an ability to increase Hb affinity for oxygen has been studied extensively for its antisickling effect in vitro and in vivo, and in humans for the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD). One of the downstream pathophysiologies of SCD is nitric oxide (NO) deficiency, therefore increasing NO (bio)availability is known to mitigate the severity of SCD symptoms. We report the synthesis of an NO-releasing prodrug of 5HMF (5HMF-NO), which in vivo, is expected to be bio-transformed into 5HMF and NO, with concomitant therapeutic activities. In vitro studies showed that when incubated with whole blood, 5HMF-NO releases NO, as anticipated. When incubated with sickle blood, 5HMF-NO formed Schiff base adduct with Hb, increased Hb affinity for oxygen, and prevented hypoxia-induced erythrocyte sickling, which at 1 mM concentration were 16%, 10% and 27%, respectively, compared to 21%, 18% and 21% for 5HMF. Crystal structures of 5HMF-NO with Hb showed 5HMF-NO bound to unliganded (deoxygenated) Hb, while the hydrolyzed product, 5HMF bound to liganded (carbonmonoxy-ligated) Hb. Our findings from this proof-of-concept study suggest that the incorporation of NO donor group to 5HMF and analogous molecules could be a novel beneficial strategy to treat SCD and warrants further detailed in vivo studies

    Design, Synthesis, and Investigation of Novel Nitric Oxide (NO)-Releasing Aromatic Aldehydes as Drug Candidates for the Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is caused by a single-point mutation, and the ensuing deoxygenation-induced polymerization of sickle hemoglobin (HbS), and reduction in bioavailability of vascular nitric oxide (NO), contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease. In a proof-of-concept study, we successfully incorporated nitrate ester groups onto two previously studied potent antisickling aromatic aldehydes, TD7 and VZHE039, to form TD7-NO and VZHE039-NO hybrids, respectively. These compounds are stable in buffer but demonstrated the expected release of NO in whole blood in vitro and in mice. The more promising VZHE039-NO retained the functional and antisickling activities of the parent VZHE039 molecule. Moreover, VZHE039-NO, unlike VZHE039, significantly attenuated RBC adhesion to laminin, suggesting this compound has potential in vivo RBC anti-adhesion properties relevant to vaso-occlusive events. Crystallographic studies show that, as with VZHE039, VZHE039-NO also binds to liganded Hb to make similar protein interactions. The knowledge gained during these investigations provides a unique opportunity to generate a superior candidate drug in SCD with enhanced benefits