8,042 research outputs found
Radiation hydrodynamics including irradiation and adaptive mesh refinement with AZEuS. I. Methods
Aims. The importance of radiation to the physical structure of protoplanetary
disks cannot be understated. However, protoplanetary disks evolve with time,
and so to understand disk evolution and by association, disk structure, one
should solve the combined and time-dependent equations of radiation
Methods. We implement a new implicit radiation solver in the AZEuS adaptive
mesh refinement magnetohydrodynamics fluid code. Based on a hybrid approach
that combines frequency-dependent ray-tracing for stellar irradiation with
non-equilibrium flux limited diffusion, we solve the equations of radiation
hydrodynamics while preserving the directionality of the stellar irradiation.
The implementation permits simulations in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical
coordinates, on both uniform and adaptive grids.
Results. We present several hydrostatic and hydrodynamic radiation tests
which validate our implementation on uniform and adaptive grids as appropriate,
including benchmarks specifically designed for protoplanetary disks. Our
results demonstrate that the combination of a hybrid radiation algorithm with
AZEuS is an effective tool for radiation hydrodynamics studies, and produces
results which are competitive with other astrophysical radiation hydrodynamics
codes.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Dispersion corrections to parity violating electron scattering
We consider the dispersion correction to elastic parity violating
electron-proton scattering due to \gammaZ exchange. In a recent publication,
this correction was reported to be substantially larger than the previous
estimates. In this paper, we study the dispersion correction in greater detail.
We confirm the size of the disperion correction to be 6% for the QWEAK
experiment designed to measure the proton weak charge. We enumerate parameters
that have to be constrained to better than relative 30% in order to keep the
theoretical uncertainty for QWEAK under control.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; To be published in the proceedings of
the VIII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications,
December 15-19, 2009, Santiago, Chiil
A double-helix neutron detector using micron-size B-10 powder
A double-helix electrode configuration is combined with a B powder
coating technique to build large-area (9 in 36 in) neutron detectors.
The neutron detection efficiency for each of the four prototypes is comparable
to a single 2-bar He drift tube of the same length (36 in). One unit has
been operational continuously for 18 months and the change of efficiency is
less than 1%. An analytic model for pulse heigh spectra is described and the
predicted mean film thickness agrees with the experiment to within 30%. Further
detector optimization is possible through film texture, power size, moderator
box and gas. The estimated production cost per unit is less than 3k US\$ and
the technology is thus suitable for deployment in large numbers
High-Frequency Microstrip Cross Resonators for Circular Polarization EPR Spectroscopy
In this article we discuss the design and implementation of a novel
microstrip resonator which allows for the absolute control of the microwaves
polarization degree for frequencies up to 30 GHz. The sensor is composed of two
half-wavelength microstrip line resonators, designed to match the 50 Ohms
impedance of the lines on a high dielectric constant GaAs substrate. The line
resonators cross each other perpendicularly through their centers, forming a
cross. Microstrip feed lines are coupled through small gaps to three arms of
the cross to connect the resonator to the excitation ports. The control of the
relative magnitude and phase between the two microwave stimuli at the input
ports of each line allows for tuning the degree and type of polarization of the
microwave excitation at the center of the cross resonator. The third (output)
port is used to measure the transmitted signal, which is crucial to work at low
temperatures, where reflections along lengthy coaxial lines mask the signal
reflected by the resonator. EPR spectra recorded at low temperature in an S=
5/2 molecular magnet system show that 82%-fidelity circular polarization of the
microwaves is achieved over the central area of the resonator.Comment: Published in Review of Scientific Instrument
A quantification of hydrodynamical effects on protoplanetary dust growth
Context. The growth process of dust particles in protoplanetary disks can be
modeled via numerical dust coagulation codes. In this approach, physical
effects that dominate the dust growth process often must be implemented in a
parameterized form. Due to a lack of these parameterizations, existing studies
of dust coagulation have ignored the effects a hydrodynamical gas flow can have
on grain growth, even though it is often argued that the flow could
significantly contribute either positively or negatively to the growth process.
Aims. We intend to provide a quantification of hydrodynamical effects on the
growth of dust particles, such that these effects can be parameterized and
implemented in a dust coagulation code.
Methods. We numerically integrate the trajectories of small dust particles in
the flow of disk gas around a proto-planetesimal, sampling a large parameter
space in proto-planetesimal radii, headwind velocities, and dust stopping
Results. The gas flow deflects most particles away from the
proto-planetesimal, such that its effective collisional cross section, and
therefore the mass accretion rate, is reduced. The gas flow however also
reduces the impact velocity of small dust particles onto a proto-planetesimal.
This can be beneficial for its growth, since large impact velocities are known
to lead to erosion. We also demonstrate why such a gas flow does not return
collisional debris to the surface of a proto-planetesimal.
Conclusions. We predict that a laminar hydrodynamical flow around a
proto-planetesimal will have a significant effect on its growth. However, we
cannot easily predict which result, the reduction of the impact velocity or the
sweep-up cross section, will be more important. Therefore, we provide
parameterizations ready for implementation into a dust coagulation code.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in A&A; v2 matches the
manuscript sent to the publisher (very minor changes
Fabrication of Nano-Gapped Single-Electron Transistors for Transport Studies of Individual Single-Molecule Magnets
Three terminal single-electron transistor devices utilizing Al/Al2O3 gate
electrodes were developed for the study of electron transport through
individual single-molecule magnets. The devices were patterned via multiple
layers of optical and electron beam lithography. Electromigration induced
breaking of the nanowires reliably produces 1-3 nm gaps between which the SMM
can be situated. Conductance through a single Mn12(3-thiophenecarboxylate)
displays the coulomb blockade effect with several excitations within +/- 40
meV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
Gravity Waves from a Cosmological Phase Transition: Gauge Artifacts and Daisy Resummations
The finite-temperature effective potential customarily employed to describe
the physics of cosmological phase transitions often relies on specific gauge
choices, and is manifestly not gauge-invariant at finite order in its
perturbative expansion. As a result, quantities relevant for the calculation of
the spectrum of stochastic gravity waves resulting from bubble collisions in
first-order phase transitions are also not gauge-invariant. We assess the
quantitative impact of this gauge-dependence on key quantities entering
predictions for gravity waves from first order cosmological phase transitions.
We resort to a simple abelian Higgs model, and discuss the case of R_xi gauges.
By comparing with results obtained using a gauge-invariant Hamiltonian
formalism, we show that the choice of gauge can have a dramatic effect on
theoretical predictions for the normalization and shape of the expected gravity
wave spectrum. We also analyze the impact of resumming higher-order
contributions as needed to maintain the validity of the perturbative expansion,
and show that doing so can suppress the amplitude of the spectrum by an order
of magnitude or more. We comment on open issues and possible strategies for
carrying out "daisy resummed" gauge invariant computations in non-Abelian
models for which a gauge-invariant Hamiltonian formalism is not presently
available.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure
Constraints on T-Odd, P-Even Interactions from Electric Dipole Moments
We construct the relationship between nonrenormalizable,effective,
time-reversal violating (TV) parity-conserving (PC) interactions of quarks and
gauge bosons and various low-energy TVPC and TV parity-violating (PV)
observables. Using effective field theory methods, we delineate the scenarious
under which experimental limits on permanent electric dipole moments (EDM's) of
the electron, neutron, and neutral atoms as well as limits on TVPC observables
provide the most stringent bounds on new TVPC interactions. Under scenarios in
which parity invariance is restored at short distances, the one-loop EDM of
elementary fermions generate the most severe constraints. The limits derived
from the atomic EDM of Hg are considerably weaker. When parity symmetry
remains broken at short distances, direct TVPC search limits provide the least
ambiguous bounds. The direct limits follow from TVPC interactions between two
quarks.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figure
Kepler Mission Stellar and Instrument Noise Properties Revisited
An earlier study of the Kepler Mission noise properties on time scales of
primary relevance to detection of exoplanet transits found that higher than
expected noise followed to a large extent from the stars, rather than
instrument or data analysis performance. The earlier study over the first six
quarters of Kepler data is extended to the full four years ultimately
comprising the mission. Efforts to improve the pipeline data analysis have been
successful in reducing noise levels modestly as evidenced by smaller values
derived from the current data products. The new analyses of noise properties on
transit time scales show significant changes in the component attributed to
instrument and data analysis, with essentially no change in the inferred
stellar noise. We also extend the analyses to time scales of several days,
instead of several hours to better sample stellar noise that follows from
magnetic activity. On the longer time scale there is a shift in stellar noise
for solar-type stars to smaller values in comparison to solar values.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A
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