7,765 research outputs found

    Dispersion corrections to parity violating electron scattering

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    We consider the dispersion correction to elastic parity violating electron-proton scattering due to \gammaZ exchange. In a recent publication, this correction was reported to be substantially larger than the previous estimates. In this paper, we study the dispersion correction in greater detail. We confirm the size of the disperion correction to be 6% for the QWEAK experiment designed to measure the proton weak charge. We enumerate parameters that have to be constrained to better than relative 30% in order to keep the theoretical uncertainty for QWEAK under control.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; To be published in the proceedings of the VIII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, December 15-19, 2009, Santiago, Chiil

    High-Frequency Microstrip Cross Resonators for Circular Polarization EPR Spectroscopy

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    In this article we discuss the design and implementation of a novel microstrip resonator which allows for the absolute control of the microwaves polarization degree for frequencies up to 30 GHz. The sensor is composed of two half-wavelength microstrip line resonators, designed to match the 50 Ohms impedance of the lines on a high dielectric constant GaAs substrate. The line resonators cross each other perpendicularly through their centers, forming a cross. Microstrip feed lines are coupled through small gaps to three arms of the cross to connect the resonator to the excitation ports. The control of the relative magnitude and phase between the two microwave stimuli at the input ports of each line allows for tuning the degree and type of polarization of the microwave excitation at the center of the cross resonator. The third (output) port is used to measure the transmitted signal, which is crucial to work at low temperatures, where reflections along lengthy coaxial lines mask the signal reflected by the resonator. EPR spectra recorded at low temperature in an S= 5/2 molecular magnet system show that 82%-fidelity circular polarization of the microwaves is achieved over the central area of the resonator.Comment: Published in Review of Scientific Instrument

    A double-helix neutron detector using micron-size B-10 powder

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    A double-helix electrode configuration is combined with a 10^{10}B powder coating technique to build large-area (9 in ×\times 36 in) neutron detectors. The neutron detection efficiency for each of the four prototypes is comparable to a single 2-bar 3^3He drift tube of the same length (36 in). One unit has been operational continuously for 18 months and the change of efficiency is less than 1%. An analytic model for pulse heigh spectra is described and the predicted mean film thickness agrees with the experiment to within 30%. Further detector optimization is possible through film texture, power size, moderator box and gas. The estimated production cost per unit is less than 3k US\$ and the technology is thus suitable for deployment in large numbers

    Fabrication of Nano-Gapped Single-Electron Transistors for Transport Studies of Individual Single-Molecule Magnets

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    Three terminal single-electron transistor devices utilizing Al/Al2O3 gate electrodes were developed for the study of electron transport through individual single-molecule magnets. The devices were patterned via multiple layers of optical and electron beam lithography. Electromigration induced breaking of the nanowires reliably produces 1-3 nm gaps between which the SMM can be situated. Conductance through a single Mn12(3-thiophenecarboxylate) displays the coulomb blockade effect with several excitations within +/- 40 meV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Revivals of Coherence in Chaotic Atom-Optics Billiards

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    We investigate the coherence properties of thermal atoms confined in optical dipole traps where the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. A perturbative expression derived for the coherence of the echo scheme of [Andersen et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 023001 (2003)] shows it is a function of the survival probability or fidelity of eigenstates of the motion of the atoms in the trap. The echo coherence and the survival probability display "system specific" features, even when the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. In particular, partial revivals in the echo signal and the survival probability are found for a small shift of the potential. Next, a "semi-classical" expression for the averaged echo signal is presented and used to calculate the echo signal for atoms in a light sheet wedge billiard. Revivals in the echo coherence are found in this system, indicating they may be a generic feature of dipole traps

    Kepler Mission Stellar and Instrument Noise Properties Revisited

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    An earlier study of the Kepler Mission noise properties on time scales of primary relevance to detection of exoplanet transits found that higher than expected noise followed to a large extent from the stars, rather than instrument or data analysis performance. The earlier study over the first six quarters of Kepler data is extended to the full four years ultimately comprising the mission. Efforts to improve the pipeline data analysis have been successful in reducing noise levels modestly as evidenced by smaller values derived from the current data products. The new analyses of noise properties on transit time scales show significant changes in the component attributed to instrument and data analysis, with essentially no change in the inferred stellar noise. We also extend the analyses to time scales of several days, instead of several hours to better sample stellar noise that follows from magnetic activity. On the longer time scale there is a shift in stellar noise for solar-type stars to smaller values in comparison to solar values.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A

    Schiff Theorem and the Electric Dipole Moments of Hydrogen-Like Atoms

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    The Schiff theorem is revisited in this work and the residual PP- and TT-odd electron--nucleus interaction, after the shielding takes effect, is completely specified. An application is made to the electric dipole moments of hydrogen-like atoms, whose qualitative features and systematics have important implication for realistic paramagnetic atoms.Comment: 3 pages. Contribution to PANIC05, Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Oct. 24-28, 200

    Penicillin kills chlamydia following the fusion of bacteria with Lysosomes and prevents genital inflammatory lesions in C. muridarum-infected mice

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    The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia exists as two distinct forms. Elementary bodies (EBs) are infectious and extra-cellular, whereas reticulate bodies (RBs) replicate within a specialized intracellular compartment termed an ‘inclusion’. Alternative persistent intra-cellular forms can be induced in culture by diverse stimuli such as IFNγ or adenosine/EHNA. They do not grow or divide but revive upon withdrawal of the stimulus and are implicated in several widespread human diseases through ill-defined in vivo mechanisms. β-lactam antibiotics have also been claimed to induce persistence in vitro. The present report shows that upon penicillin G (pG) treatment, inclusions grow as fast as those in infected control cells. After removal of pG, Chlamydia do not revert to RBs. These effects are independent of host cell type, serovar, biovar and species of Chlamydia. Time-course experiments demonstrated that only RBs were susceptible to pG. pG-treated bacteria lost their control over host cell apoptotic pathways and no longer expressed pre-16S rRNA, in contrast to persistent bacteria induced with adenosine/EHNA. Confocal and live-video microscopy showed that bacteria within the inclusion fused with lysosomal compartments in pG-treated cells. That leads to recruitment of cathepsin D as early as 3 h post pG treatment, an event preceding bacterial death by several hours. These data demonstrate that pG treatment of cultured cells infected with Chlamydia results in the degradation of the bacteria. In addition we show that pG is significantly more efficient than doxycycline at preventing genital inflammatory lesions in C. muridarum-C57Bl/6 infected mice. These in vivo results support the physiological relevance of our findings and their potential therapeutic applications
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