9 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis of the Trends and Characteristics of Railway Research

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    A retrospective bibliometric analysis of the railway sector covering the 20-year period between 2002 and 2021 was carried out to better understand the characteristics of the railway research. The Scopus database contained 1918 articles published with the keywords “Rail System”. VOSviewer software was used to create network maps from each of the variables studied. The results showed a huge increase in the number of publications over this period—notably, work written by Zhang, Y.T., who was found to be the most productive author. Engineering was found to be the most studied subject area of knowledge; Transportation Research Record was the journal with the highest number of publications; and China was revealed to be the leading country regarding this research field, Southwest Jiaotong University being the leading institution in this topic. Finally, there was a lack of research on the environmental impact and sustainability of railway systems, an area that could be opened up for future study

    A Tool for the Assessment of Forest Biomass as a Source of Rural Sustainable Energy in Natural Areas in Honduras

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    Forest biomass as a rural sustainable energy source has received much attention in recent years due to its major economic, social, and environmental benefits. This research focuses on an adapted methodology based on parameters of the Evaluation of Ecological Integrity for using sitespecific information as a tool for the assessment of forest biomass as a source of rural sustainable energy in Honduras, focusing on the Central American Pine–Oak Forests. The parameters used were Percentage of Forest Cover (FC), Patch Area (AREA), Fractal Dimension Index (FRAC), and Proximity Index (PROX). The goal was an average index rating of 5 for an ecosystem which is intact or in its natural state. The findings showed an ecosystem degradation that was outside the range of acceptable variation with a simple average of 1.75, which is far lower than the target rating of five (5.0); the forest cover loss was 40% of the total area. This surprising finding shows that immediate intervention is required to maintain this ecosystem, and that if action is not taken, the ecosystem will suffer severe degradation. Decision makers must consider this methodology for using site-specific information and ensure that local communities are involved in restoring the ecosystem

    An Approach for Water and Energy Savings in Public Buildings: A Case Study of Brazilian Rail Company

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    Water scarcity is a current problem in many parts of the planet and there is a worldwide concern about water availability to meet future water demand. In countries like Brazil, where most of the electricity is produced by hydroelectric power plants, water scarcity directly impacts energy production. The water–energy nexus is directly related and impacted by CO2 emissions and its climate consequences, which calls to a broader approach: energy–carbon–water nexus. In this context, the Sustainable Water and Energy Consumption (SWEC) Program was developed to mitigate water and energy supply problems in a railway company in Brazil. The actions took place in four main areas: (a) users conscientization, (b) consumption diagnosis, (c) indicators for evaluating water and energy consumption, and (d) evaluation of implementing alternative cleaner water and energy sources. The per capita consumption of water and energy were reduced by 10% and 19%, respectively. Permanent results were achieved by the SWEC Program, such as the acquisition of two photovoltaic systems with a total capacity of 96.5 kWp. The investment made provided an average monthly reduction in energy consumption of 56% in 2022. This work contributed to the UN Agenda 2030 and the findings may help companies and industries, and other institutions, such as universities and schools, to improve their water and electricity consumption

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Railways: Systematic Review of Research Progress

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    Rail transportation plays a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions from the transportation system, making a significant contribution to environmental impact mitigation due to the efficiency of passenger and freight rail transportation. Accurate assessment of carbon emissions resulting from rail transit is essential to quantify the positive impact of this mode of transportation on overall urban transport emission reduction. Given that measuring carbon emissions throughout the lifecycle of rail transportation involves a wide array of factors, adopting a systematic framework for analyzing these aspects is crucial. This study conducts a comprehensive review of existing research related to carbon emissions in rail transportation and its mitigation. Initially, the distinct characteristics of carbon emissions associated with rail transportation are identified, along with the complexity involved in accurately measuring these emissions. Subsequently, a comparison and analysis are conducted regarding various models for measuring carbon emissions in rail transportation. Finally, the study examines some greenhouse gas emission measurement research within the railway system. Redirecting research efforts toward measuring carbon emissions in the rail transportation system is essential to help the development of robust and effective public policies. This measure will play a crucial role in emission reduction, climate change mitigation, and the promotion of more sustainable transportation. Furthermore, the identified results propose which LCA methodology offers a valuable framework improving the quality of railway transportation emissions for future generations

    Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Calculation for Urban Rail Transit Systems: The Case of Pernambuco Metro

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    In recent years, the issue of climate change has gained significant attention and become a focal point of discussion in various sectors of civil society. Governments, individuals, and scientists worldwide are increasingly concerned about the observed changes in climate patterns, often attributed to the rising levels of greenhouse gases. In this context, the main objective of this study is to assess the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the railway system in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, and compare them with other national case studies, aiming to obtain greenhouse gas emission parameters specific to the railway system and propose mitigation models to address this environmental impact in the air. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was employed to examine the life cycle of the Pernambuco Metro. This involved conducting an inventory of resource inputs and emissions using actual observed data. Additionally, a comparative analysis of greenhouse gas emissions across different urban rail transport systems is presented to provide valuable contextual insights. The study findings reveal that the total greenhouse gas emissions from the Pernambuco rail system amount to 6170.54 t CO(2)e. Considering a projected total service life of 50 years, the estimated greenhouse gas emissions for the entire life cycle of the system's operation and maintenance reach 308,550 t CO(2)e. The interdisciplinary nature of this research highlights the significance of studying the atmospheric effects of the Pernambuco railway system as a crucial parameter for designing strategies and technologies aimed at reducing air pollution within the region. Through quantifying and analyzing the greenhouse gas emissions of the Pernambuco rail system, this study provides valuable insights that contribute to addressing concerns related to climate change and promoting sustainable practices. It underscores the importance of developing effective strategies to mitigate air pollution and facilitates informed decision-making for the future of urban transportation systems

    Intensificación en el desarrollo de competencias en asignaturas de Tratamiento de Aguas a través del análisis de diagramas de flujo de instalaciones mediante el empleo de técnicas de gamificación y estrategias de trabajo colaborativo

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    El objetivo principal del presente proyecto de innovación docente es el de subsanar una problemática detectada en los últimos años en las asignaturas de Tratamiento y Tecnología de Aguas del Grado en Ciencias Ambientales, Ingeniería Sanitaria en la Construcción Civil (Especialidad Construcciones Civiles) del Grado en Ingeniería Civil, y Tecnologías para el Tratamiento de Aguas del Grado en Ingeniería Química. Los estudiantes de las asignaturas indicadas anteriormente presentan serias dificultades para implementar, interpretar y analizar diagramas de flujo de instalaciones de tratamiento de aguas, ya sean de potabilización, desalación, depuración y/o reutilización. Este aspecto es uno de los de mayor relevancia dentro del temario de dichas asignaturas y se traduce en tasas de rendimiento y de éxito relativamente bajas. La aplicación de la innovación docente desarrollada en el presente proyecto pretende solventar esta deficiencia de los estudiantes en estas asignaturas de tratamiento de aguas mediante estrategias de trabajo colaborativo e introduciendo la evaluación por pares. Asimismo, esta metodología permitirá potenciar el desarrollo de diferentes competencias de las asignaturas en cuestión

    Urban Waste: Visualizing the Academic Literature through Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review

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    The management of solid urban waste is one of the biggest problems currently faced by society and the economy. It can be considered a negative externality that arises as a consequence of the production and consumption processes of industry and society. This study consists of a bibliometric analysis to recognize the articles published and included in high-impact scientific journals, as well as a systematic review of the literature. We have collected 1897 research articles from the Scopus database that have been published between 1981 and 2021. We have identified the main subject areas, authors, institutions, and countries of these publications, as well as research trends in terms of resource management. Our findings show that since the 20th century, there has been quantitative and qualitative growth in this line of research, especially since 2006, and that four main trends have been defined: environment, society, technical aspects, and economic aspects. The economic field makes reference to the circular economy and its link to the objectives and sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda, in which there is an important need to provide solutions to the problems generated as a consequence of the inadequate management of solid waste

    Urban Waste: Visualizing the Academic Literature through Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review

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    The management of solid urban waste is one of the biggest problems currently faced by society and the economy. It can be considered a negative externality that arises as a consequence of the production and consumption processes of industry and society. This study consists of a bibliometric analysis to recognize the articles published and included in high-impact scientific journals, as well as a systematic review of the literature. We have collected 1897 research articles from the Scopus database that have been published between 1981 and 2021. We have identified the main subject areas, authors, institutions, and countries of these publications, as well as research trends in terms of resource management. Our findings show that since the 20th century, there has been quantitative and qualitative growth in this line of research, especially since 2006, and that four main trends have been defined: environment, society, technical aspects, and economic aspects. The economic field makes reference to the circular economy and its link to the objectives and sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda, in which there is an important need to provide solutions to the problems generated as a consequence of the inadequate management of solid waste

    A Tool for the Assessment of Forest Biomass as a Source of Rural Sustainable Energy in Natural Areas in Honduras

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    Forest biomass as a rural sustainable energy source has received much attention in recent years due to its major economic, social, and environmental benefits. This research focuses on an adapted methodology based on parameters of the Evaluation of Ecological Integrity for using site-specific information as a tool for the assessment of forest biomass as a source of rural sustainable energy in Honduras, focusing on the Central American Pine–Oak Forests. The parameters used were Percentage of Forest Cover (FC), Patch Area (AREA), Fractal Dimension Index (FRAC), and Proximity Index (PROX). The goal was an average index rating of 5 for an ecosystem which is intact or in its natural state. The findings showed an ecosystem degradation that was outside the range of acceptable variation with a simple average of 1.75, which is far lower than the target rating of five (5.0); the forest cover loss was 40% of the total area. This surprising finding shows that immediate intervention is required to maintain this ecosystem, and that if action is not taken, the ecosystem will suffer severe degradation. Decision makers must consider this methodology for using site-specific information and ensure that local communities are involved in restoring the ecosystem