110 research outputs found
Análise comparativa do dimensionamento de reservatório de concreto armado apoiado no solo: considerando a ligação entre a parede e o fundo tipo pé deslizante
Artigo submetido ao Curso de Engenharia Civil da UNESC - como requisito parcial para obtenção do Título de Engenheiro Civil.Neste trabalho se analisa a influência da forma dos reservatórios, circular, retangular e multicelular aliada à viabilidade técnica de execução, no custo final da obra. Esta análise é feita estipulando-se um volume sob o qual foram dimensionados 3 reservatórios, 1 para cada forma adotada (retangular, circular e multicelular). Foram estabelecidas como variáveis para análise as quantidades obtidas de aço, forma, concreto, material para impermeabilização, e mão de obra para a execução. De posse desses dados, foi feito o levantamento de custos e gerado o orçamento final para a execução de cada reservatório adotado. No final é estabelecida uma relação de custos entre os reservatórios de forma circular, retangular e multicelular, tendo em conta o dimensionamento dos mesmos e as respectivas viabilidades técnicas para a sua execução
Sistema de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos na Cidade Ocidental (GO)
This technical report aims to present the construction of a Waste Management System Municipal Solid, held in the city of Cidade Ocidental in Goiás with emphasis on the implementation of a cooperative of waste pickers. To that end, we conducted a literature review containing the context of urban solid waste to Brazil level, the management of municipal solid waste and the guideline for the preparation of a management plan and solid waste management. In primary and secondary sources, diagnostic information was collected performed at the beginning of project implementation, containing municipal information and main points of improvement. It also registered the strategic information for the project implementation, such as management plan for solid waste and actions of the project for implementation of the selective collection system including the incorporation of social technologies and environmental education as a form of awareness to county residents. It was concluded that this report presents a practical way of implementing a management system, enabling alternatives aiming at the implementation of an integrated management system of municipal solid waste that is economical, effective and has social inclusion as premise, especially of people living garbage as an income source. From the selective collection program could be greater integration of collectors in this system, ensuring better working conditions and income. Neste relato técnico o objetivo é apresentar a construção de um Sistema de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos, realizado no município de Cidade Ocidental (GO), com ênfase na implantação de uma cooperativa de catadores de materiais recicláveis. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica contendo a contextualização dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no Brasil, a gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos e a diretriz para a elaboração de um plano de gestão e gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. Como fontes primárias e secundárias, foram coletadas informações do diagnóstico realizado no início da implantação do projeto, contendo os dados do município e os principais pontos de aprimoramento. Também foram registradas as informações estratégicas para implantação do projeto, como o plano de gestão dos resíduos sólidos e as ações realizadas no projeto para implantação do sistema de coleta seletiva que inclui a incorporação de tecnologias sociais e de educação ambiental, como forma de conscientização dos moradores do município. Concluiu-se que o presente relato técnico apresenta, de forma prática, o processo de implantação de um sistema de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos urbanos, que seja econômico, eficaz e que tenha a inclusão social como premissa, especialmente das pessoas que vivem do lixo como fonte de renda. A partir do programa de coleta seletiva, foi possível maior inserção dos catadores nesse sistema, garantindo-lhes melhores condições de trabalho e renda
Principales factores sociodemográficos y obstétricos de riesgo para anemia en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital III EsSalud Chimbote, 2016
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar los principales factores sociodemográficos y obstétricos de riesgo para anemia materna por la gestación en 109 gestantes atendidas en el Hospital III EsSalud, en el período octubre- noviembre del 2016. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y relacional; los datos se tomaron de las historias clínicas mediante ficha de recolección y se procesaron para estadística descriptiva e inferencia. Se encuentra asociación significativa con riesgo para anemia en las gestantes con antecedentes de anemia con un 53.5% de los casos, en primer lugar, seguido de ocupación como amas de casa en un 81.4%, multiparidad en un 90.7 % y procedencia de zona rural un 44.2 %. No se encuentra relación entre anemia en el embarazo con edad de la gestante, estado civil, período intergenésico, y edad gestacional.Tesi
Fortalecimiento de la estimulación temprana con enfoque en desarrollo infantil temprano en niños menores de 1 año del puesto de Salud El Siglo – Moquegua, 2022
La estimulación temprana es un conjunto de herramientas, métodos y actividades que tienen una base científica y se aplican de manera sistemática y consistente.
Se utiliza para niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años de edad para maximizar el desarrollo cognitivo, físico, emocional y social, evitar etapas de desarrollo no deseadas y ayudar a los padres a cuidar y desarrollar a su hijo de manera efectiva e independiente. El papel unificador del hogar y la escuela es fundamental, trabajando juntos y armonizando en este proceso y durante este período.
El desarrollo psicomotor la capacidad de transformar y mejorar el funcionamiento global de un individuo física, emocional e intelectualmente y en relación con el medio ambiente y la sociedad. El desarrollo psicomotor tiene lugar en un ritmo bien definido, en el que se interconectan varios procesos propios de la edad. Después de adquirir una habilidad, se mejorará y luego se aprenderá una nueva habilidad.
El Desarrollo Infantil Temprano abarca temas relacionados con la salud, la ciencia, la educación, el apoyo familiar y el cuidado protector y el bienestar de los niños y niñas desde el nacimiento hasta los primeros años de la escuela primaria.
La madre es parte fundamental en el desarrollo de estímulos primarios, que a través del juego y su cuidado innato lograrán el máximo desarrollo del potencial psicomotor del niño, ya que los bebés nacen recibiendo estímulos externos interactuando con otras personas y de su entorno, cuando animan a sus hijos, naturalmente le dan la oportunidad de explorar, obtener habilidades y destrezas y comprender lo que sucede a su alrededor.
Según la OMS (Organización mundial de la salud) nos define que la estimulación temprana “Para que en el futuro la sociedad alcance el desarrollo óptimo de la salud mental y física de los niños es importante la estimulación temprana, la buena alimentación, el cuidado continuo en el aprendizaje de los niños, el estímulo al aprendizaje lo cual permite estar más saludables y puedan socializar acorde a su edad”
20 anos do Encontro de Estudos em Estratégia - 3Es: : uma reflexão sobre o período recente e futuro da área de estratégia no Brasil
No editorial desta Edição Especial, celebramos um marco significativo na academia, os 20 anos de existência do Encontro de Estudos em Estratégia da ANPAD - 3Es. As duas décadas de história representam uma oportunidade para refletirmos sobre o papel transformador do evento para a área de administração, sobretudo em estratégia. A partir de uma discussão sobre a importância dos eventos científicos para a comunidade acadêmica, apresentamos os depoimentos do atual e do futuro Coordenador da Divisão de Estratégia da ESO/ANPAD, os Professores: Dr. Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra e Dr. Christian Daniel Falaster. Eles discorreram sobre as mudanças ocorridas no cenário recente dos eventos acadêmicos e na pesquisa científica, assim como sobre os desafios para a área de estratégia. Isto fornece importantes indicativos sobre o papel deste evento para o desenvolvimento da comunidade de pesquisa em estratégia no Brasil
How Hiring Financial Advisors in Cross-Border Acquisitions in The BRICS is Driven by The Target Country Institutional Image and Home-Target Distance
Examinamos como a imagem institucional e as distâncias geográfica e institucional do país receptor influenciam as empresas adquirentes na contratação de assessores financeiros, em aquisições internacionais entre os países dos BRICS. Especificamente, examinamos se a adquirente contrata assessor financeiro no país de origem, no país de destino ou um assessor global. Argumentamos que é mais provável que o comprador contrate um assessor financeiro quanto pior for a imagem institucional do país de destino, maior forem as distâncias institucionais e geográficas entre os países. Usando dados longitudinais de 642 aquisições entre empresas dos BRICS - Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China, e África do Sul, entre 2013-2017, testamos empiricamente as hipóteses. As descobertas têm implicações importantes para acadêmicos, formuladores de políticas e gestores. Nossos resultados confirmam que: as empresas adquirentes têm maior probabilidade de contratar um assessor financeiro no país de origem quando a distância institucional for maior entre os países. Também é mais provável que as empresas adquirentes contratem um assessor financeiro global quando a distância geográfica entre os países é maior.We examine how the target country’s institutional image and home-host institutional and geographic distance influence the acquirer firms’ hiring financial advisors in cross-border acquisitions (CBAs) in the BRICS. Specifically, we scrutinize whether the acquirer hires financial advisor in the acquirer firm’s country, the target country or a global advisor. We argue that the acquirer is more likely to hire a financial advisor the poorer the institutional image of the target country and the greater the home-host institutional and geographic distance. Using longitudinal data on 642 cross-border acquisitions during 2013-2017 in the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa, we empirically test the hypotheses. The findings have important implications for scholars, policymakers and managers. Our results confirm that: acquirer firms are more likely to hire a financial advisor in the acquirer’s country to advise a cross-border acquisition the greater the institutional distance between the countries. And, that acquirer firms are more likely to hire a global financial advisor to advise a cross-border acquisition the greater the geographic distance between the countries
How Hiring Financial Advisors in Cross-Border Acquisitions in The BRICS is Driven by The Target Country Institutional Image and Home-Target Distance
Examinamos como a imagem institucional e as distâncias geográfica e institucional do país receptor influenciam as empresas adquirentes na contratação de assessores financeiros, em aquisições internacionais entre os países dos BRICS. Especificamente, examinamos se a adquirente contrata assessor financeiro no país de origem, no país de destino ou um assessor global. Argumentamos que é mais provável que o comprador contrate um assessor financeiro quanto pior for a imagem institucional do país de destino, maior forem as distâncias institucionais e geográficas entre os países. Usando dados longitudinais de 642 aquisições entre empresas dos BRICS - Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China, e África do Sul, entre 2013-2017, testamos empiricamente as hipóteses. As descobertas têm implicações importantes para acadêmicos, formuladores de políticas e gestores. Nossos resultados confirmam que: as empresas adquirentes têm maior probabilidade de contratar um assessor financeiro no país de origem quando a distância institucional for maior entre os países. Também é mais provável que as empresas adquirentes contratem um assessor financeiro global quando a distância geográfica entre os países é maior.We examine how the target country’s institutional image and home-host institutional and geographic distance influence the acquirer firms’ hiring financial advisors in cross-border acquisitions (CBAs) in the BRICS. Specifically, we scrutinize whether the acquirer hires financial advisor in the acquirer firm’s country, the target country or a global advisor. We argue that the acquirer is more likely to hire a financial advisor the poorer the institutional image of the target country and the greater the home-host institutional and geographic distance. Using longitudinal data on 642 cross-border acquisitions during 2013-2017 in the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa, we empirically test the hypotheses. The findings have important implications for scholars, policymakers and managers. Our results confirm that: acquirer firms are more likely to hire a financial advisor in the acquirer’s country to advise a cross-border acquisition the greater the institutional distance between the countries. And, that acquirer firms are more likely to hire a global financial advisor to advise a cross-border acquisition the greater the geographic distance between the countries
Dear Reader,We are pleased to present the Special Issue of the Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management, with the theme: “Strategic responses to crisis and uncertainties”. In our 2020 editorial we presented a series of indicatives highlighting the need for research that would provide a better understanding of the crisis and its impacts in diverse sectors, both past crises and the most recent one, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.Apart from understanding the impact, it is essential to advance research that provides a better understanding about the possible actions to face these periods of crisis. In the call for this special issue we encouraged, above all, researches that advance the discussion in the field of human actions and the role of individuals in the face of crisis and uncertainties in the organizational environment.In this issue we present seven articles that provide significant contributions in this field. We start with the article “Strategic changes and dynamic capacities in hotels marked by uncertainty” by Wendell de Moura Domingos (UFPE) and Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira (UFPE). The goal was to analyze the existence of similarities and diferences in the strategic changes and dynamic capabilities between two hotels located in the na Coastal Region of Cabo de Santo Agostinho and Porto de Galinhas, two regions with different stages of touristic development and marked by market uncertainties. Based on multiple cases and content analysis, the results indicate the existence of a relationship between cooperation strategies and the development of tourism in the region.The second article “Adaptation and strategic reinvention: performance of private health companies in pandemic times” was written by de Juliana da Fonseca Capssa Lima Sausen (Unijuí), Daniel Knebel Baggio (Unijuí), Maria Margarete Baccin Brizolla (Unijuí) e Taísa Schéfer Roveda (Unijuí). The goal was to investigate when and to what extent private health institutions adapt and reinvent themselves strategically during a pandemic. Through a qualitative approach using content analysis, the results demonstrate that the changed and the strategic adaptation happens, initially, by the influence of the external environment, and then by the company’s ability to identify opportunities and implement development actions and routine, processes and dynamics, expanding such opportunities to future perspectives and broader contexts.The third article “Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the relationship between capital structure and performance: Analysis of companies listed on B3” was written by de Thiago Borges de Souza (UFRGS), Wendy Beatriz Witt Haddad Carraro (UFRGS) and Alan Bandeira Pinheiro (UFPR). The study’s goal was to identify, by sector, the impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the relationship between capital structure and the performance of Brazilian companies listed in the B3. The results show that the pandemic raised the level of debt and diminished the performance in the companies in the sample analyzed.The fourth article “Digital Transformation and COVID-19: A multiple case study on food micro and small enterprises” is by Erica Santos de Oliveira (UFU), Núbia Cristina Fernandes (UFU), Juliane Silvestre (UFU), Vérica Freitas (UFU) and Verônica Angélica Freitas de Paula (UFU). The goal was to analyze the pandemic context in food micro and small enterprises (MSEs), as well as the digital transformations that happened from the adoption of new communication and sale channels. Based on the study of multiple cases the research describes the impact of the pandemic in (MSEs) of the food sector and how the digital transformation was driven and accelerated by this new context.The fifth article, “Moderating effect of the economic crisis and market turbulence in small companies in the legal amazon” was written by Rodrigo Marques de Almeida (UFSM) Guerra, Luís Felipe Dias Lopes (UFSM) and Maria Emília Camargo (UFSM). The goal was to investigate the moderating effect of variable economic crisis and market turbulence in the relationship between open-mindedness and entrepreneurial resilience of managers working in small companies in the Legal Amazônia. Through the Explanatory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling of 299 managers, the empirical model demonstrates the moderating effect of the variable economic crisis and market turmoil on MA and RE in an environment of resource constraints further aggravated by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.The sixth article, “Open strategizing and organizational resilience considering the environmental uncertainty”, was written by Felipe Kopp Leite (UFSC) and Rosalia Aldraci Barbosa Lavarda (UFSC). The goal of the study was to investigate how the open strategizing phenomenon relates to the organizational resilience, in situations of environmental uncertainty. As results of the theoretical study, the authors point out that: (a) organization with reactive preparation overcome uncertainty through inclusion and flexibility; (b) organization with high risk or process-based do not converge to the phenomenon of open strategizing; (c) organization focused on resilience overcome unvcertainty through learning from the past, transparency of information and inclusion of actors in the strategy formation.To end this issue, the seventh article, “Relationship evolution between top and middle management in a strategic implementation process in the context of the COVID-19 crisis” was written by Livia Aquino Machado (FDC), Maria Elisa Brandão Bernardes (FDC) and Samir Lótfi Vaz (FDC). The goal was to investigate the evolution of the relationship between senior management and middle management in the implementation of strategy in the context of crisis, more specifically the crisis generated by COVID-19. Through a case study the result of the research show that the COVID-19 crisis made it possible to bring senior management and middle management closer, intensified by the meetings of the Crisis Committee, catalyzing the process of diminishing ambiguity and the opening of senior management for the presentation and acceptance of ideas coming from middle management.We wish you all an excellent read!Prezados leitores, É com satisfação que apresentamos a Edição Especial da Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia, com o tema: “Enfrentamento e respostas estratégicas a crises e incertezas”. Em nossos editoriais do ano de 2020 realizamos uma série de indicativos destacando a necessidade de pesquisas que proporcionassem um melhor entendimento da crise e seus impactos nos mais diversos setores, tanto as crises passadas quanto a mais recente, causada pela pandemia da Covid-19.Além do entendimento sobre o impacto, é fundamental avançar nas pesquisas que forneçam melhor compreensão sobre as possíveis ações para o enfrentamento destes períodos de crise. Na chamada para esta edição especial encorajamos, sobretudo, as pesquisas que avançassem nas discussões no campo das ações humanas e o papel dos indivíduos diante da crise e das incertezas do ambiente organizacional.Nesta edição apresentamos sete artigos que fornecem contribuições significativas para este campo. Iniciamos com o artigo “Mudanças estratégicas e capacidades dinâmicas em hotéis marcados por incertezas” de Wendell de Moura Domingos (UFPE) e Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira (UFPE). O objetivo foi analisar a existência de semelhanças e diferenças nas mudanças estratégicas e capacidades dinâmicas entre os hotéis localizados na Região do Litoral do Cabo de Santo Agostinho e Porto de Galinhas, duas regiões em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento turístico e marcadas pelas incertezas de mercado. A partir de casos múltiplos e análise de conteúdo os resultados indicam a existência da relação entre as estratégias de cooperação e o desenvolvimento da atividade turística na região.O segundo artigo “Adaptação e reinvenção estratégica: atuação de empresas de saúde privada em tempos de pandemia” é de autoria de Juliana da Fonseca Capssa Lima Sausen (Unijuí), Daniel Knebel Baggio (Unijuí), Maria Margarete Baccin Brizolla (Unijuí) e Taísa Schéfer Roveda (Unijuí). O objetivo foi investigar em que ponto e até que ponto as instituições de saúde privada se adaptam e se reinventam estrategicamente em tempos de pandemia. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa utilizando a análise do conteúdo, os resultados demonstram que as mudanças e a adaptação estratégica ocorreram, inicialmente, pela influência do meio externo e, em seguida, pela capacidade da empresa de identificar oportunidades e implementar ações de desenvolvimento e de otimização de rotinas, processos e dinâmicas, expandindo tais oportunidades para perspectivas futuras e contextos mais amplos.O terceiro artigo “Impactos da pandemia de Covid-19 na relação entre estrutura de capital e desempenho: análise das empresas listadas na B3” é de autoria de Thiago Borges de Souza (UFRGS), Wendy Beatriz Witt Haddad Carraro (UFRGS) e Alan Bandeira Pinheiro (UFPR). O estudo teve por objetivo identificar, setorialmente, o impacto causado pela pandemia de Covid-19 na relação entre a estrutura de capital e o desempenho das companhias brasileiras listadas na B3. A partir de demonstrações contábeis dos anos de 2019 e 2020 de 100 empresas brasileiras listadas na B3, os resultados mostram que a pandemia aumentou o nível de endividamento e diminuiu o desempenho nas empresas da amostra analisada.O quarto artigo “Transformação digital e Covid-19: Estudo de casos múltiplos em micro e pequenas empresas alimentícias” é de Erica Santos de Oliveira (UFU), Núbia Cristina Fernandes (UFU), Juliane Silvestre (UFU), Vérica Freitas (UFU) e Verônica Angélica Freitas de Paula (UFU). O objetivo foi analisar o contexto pandêmico em Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPEs) alimentícias, bem como as transformações digitais ocorridas a partir da adoção de novos canais de comunicação e vendas. A partir de estudo de casos múltiplos a pesquisa descreve sobre o impacto da pandemia em MPEs do setor alimentício e como a transformação digital foi impulsionada e acelerada pelo novo cenário.O quinto artigo, “Efeito moderador da crise econômica e da turbulência de mercado em pequenas empresas da Amazônia Legal” é de autoria de Rodrigo Marques de Almeida (UFSM) Guerra, Luís Felipe Dias Lopes (UFSM) e Maria Emília Camargo (UFSM). O objetivo foi investigar o efeito moderador das variáveis crise econômica e turbulência de mercado na relação entre mente aberta (MA) e resiliência empreendedora (RE) de gestores que atuam em pequenas empresas localizadas na Amazônia Legal. Por meio da Análise Fatorial Exploratória, Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais de 299 gerentes, o modelo empírico demonstra o efeito moderador das variáveis crise econômica e turbulência de mercado sobre MA e RE em um ambiente de restrições de recursos agravado ainda mais pelos efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19.O sexto artigo, “Open strategizing e resiliência organizacional considerando a incerteza do ambiente” é de autoria de Felipe Kopp Leite (UFSC) e Rosalia Aldraci Barbosa Lavarda (UFSC). O objetivo do estudo foi investigar como o fenômeno de open strategizing se relaciona com a resiliência organizacional, em situações de incerteza ambiental. Como resultados do estudo teórico, os autores apontam que: (a) organizações com preparação reativa superam a incerteza por meio da inclusão e da flexibilidade; (b) organizações em alto risco ou baseadas no processo não convergem para o fenômeno de abertura da estratégia; (c) organizações focadas na resiliência, superam a incerteza por meio de aprendizados passados, transparência de informações e da inclusão de atores na formação da estratégia.Encerrando esta edição, o sétimo artigo, “Evolução do relacionamento entre alta administração e média gerência em um processo de implementação estratégica no contexto da crise da Covid-19” é de autoria de Livia Aquino Machado (FDC), Maria Elisa Brandão Bernardes (FDC) e Samir Lótfi Vaz (FDC). O objetivo foi investigar a evolução da relação entre a alta administração e a média gerência na implementação de estratégia em contexto de crise, mais especificamente a crise desencadeada pela Covid-19. Por meio de um estudo de caso os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que, a crise da Covid-19 viabilizou a maior aproximação da alta administração com a média gerência, intensificada pelas reuniões do Comitê de Crise, catalisando o processo de diminuição de ambiguidades e abertura da alta administração para a apresentação e aceitação de ideias vindas dos gestores intermediários.Desejamos a todos uma excelente leitura
Meios de Pagamento Digital: a realidade Brasileira. Um estudo de segmentação ambiental
In the last decades, there has been a shift from the use of cash to use of electronic and digital money. There are several phases to build and overcome until the digital money reaches similar levels of cash usage. This work, through the environmental segmentation model of Almeida (2001), aims to present the main factors necessary for the viability of the use and expansion of digital payment means in Brazil. An exploratory research of the qualitative type was carried out. The method used is the case study, more specifically, a study of the sector of electronic and digital payment means. Secondary data were initially collected by collecting information from market reports and articles available in databases. Then, with a semi-structured interview script, primary data were collected. Two interviews were conducted with specialists in the segment. The benefits of using digital money will be many. The interviews highlighted that digital money would generate new revenues with intangible "products"; will allow the emergence of new markets; it may reduce maintenance costs of cash; promote digital and financial inclusion, citizenship and self-esteem. However, obstacles must be overcome: ensuring the authenticity of the transaction; laws and regulations; achieve critical mass; reduction of telecommunication costs; etc. This study benefits the management academy by exploring the technique of environmental segmentation. It addressed a theme little investigated and described in the literature, digital money. It is of utmost importance to business organizations and society to analyze the environment for the entry of digital money, as these can benefit from the new product. It is also hoped that this work will encourage study in other fields such as consumer behavior and organizational theories.Nas últimas décadas, ocorreu uma migração da utilização do dinheiro em espécie para o dinheiro eletrônico e digital. Várias são as fases a construir e superar até que o dinheiro digital, atinja níveis de utilização semelhante ao dinheiro em espécie. Esse trabalho, através do modelo de segmentação ambiental de Almeida (2001), visa apresentar os principais fatores necessários à viabilização do uso e da expansão dos meios de pagamento digital no Brasil. Foi realizada pesquisa exploratória do tipo qualitativa. O método utilizado é o estudo de caso, mais especificamente, estudo do setor de meios de pagamento eletrônico e digital. Inicialmente foram coletados dados secundários mediante o levantamento de informações de relatórios de mercado e de artigos disponíveis em bases de dados. Em seguida, com um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, dados primários foram coletados. Duas entrevistas foram realizadas junto a especialistas do segmento. Os benefícios do uso do dinheiro digital serão muitos. As entrevistas ressaltaram que o dinheiro digital irá gerar novas receitas com “produtos” intangíveis; possibilitará o surgimento de novos mercados; poderá reduzir custos de manutenção do dinheiro em espécie; promoverá a inclusão digital e financeira, cidadania e auto-estima. No entanto, obstáculos precisam ser vencidos: garantir a autenticidade da transação; leis e regulamentação próprias; atingir massa crítica; redução de custos de telecomunicações; etc. Esse estudo beneficia a academia de administração explorando a técnica de segmentação ambiental. Aborda um tema pouco explorado e descrito na literatura, o dinheiro digital. É de extrema importância, às organizações empresariais e sociedade, a análise do ambiente para a entrada do dinheiro digital, uma vez que essas podem se beneficiar do novo produto. Espera-se também que esse trabalho incentive o estudo em outros campos como, o do comportamento do consumidor e das teorias organizacionai
How can management scholars contribute with research in the COVID-19 crisis?
IntroductionAs the Covid-19 crisis ensues throughout the world, researchers from several fields of research consider how they could contribute to the current understanding of the crisis. In the field of strategic management, we face a special problem as most companies scraped their strategic plans for the year 2020 as they are currently more focused on surviving the crisis with emergent strategies. Strategic management researchers are now in a position where their main object of research has been highly influenced by the pandemic and face the challenge of developing impactful and meaningful research in a world where all eyes are looking for answers to the crisis.In the Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management, we decided that we would encourage researchers in our field to develop research that contributes to a better understanding of the pandemic crisis and their impacts on organizations. We are not currently announcing a special issue dedicated to the pandemic crisis. However, we are stating that we welcome and encourage research on the investigation of aspects that link the pandemic to organizations and strategy.We believe that it is crucial for researchers to acknowledge and to understand the impacts that the pandemic crisis has on organizations. The more we understand this crisis, the more we can contribute to reducing the effects it will have on organizations and jobs. Besides, we believe that this is a time when we, as researchers, have to contribute to society by helping in every way we can. The best way to contribute with our skills is to provide a better understanding of how, in which conditions, and to what extent the pandemic crisis will influence organizations.We provide two following sections for this editorial. First, a suggestion of research themes to be addressed, and secondly, a section regarding the cautions we must have when researching the effects of the pandemic crisis. Suggestions of research themes Impacts of the pandemic crisis over firm performance. Some works are already looking into how the pandemic crisis will impact firm performance (Aifuwa et al., 2020; Gonzalez-Uribe & Wang, 2020). This is a very important topic as the economic performance of the world will be hindered by the crisis. It is important not only to understand how the pandemic will reduce the performance of firms but also to investigate under which conditions this reduction will happen, in which industries, and depending on which firm-specific settings. Strategic responses to the pandemic crisis. Which strategies have firms put up to deal with the crisis? Which kinds of strategic moves have been successful and reduced the impact of the crisis? How could these strategies shape businesses in the near future? It is especially interesting to investigate if firms can develop capabilities through the crisis and how these capabilities willshape future strategies. Global value chains and the pandemic. As companies throughout the world will have to deal with the disruption of global value chains during the pandemic (Bonadio et al., 2020), it is important to investigate how this disruption could shape the future of global value chains. Will companies diversify their value chains to avoid future problems in similar situations? What have we learned with the challenges of finding alternatives and dealing with disruptions of the chain? Institutional pressures, adaptation, and conformity in times of pandemics. Institutions are crucial for strategic decisions and the following performance of firms. However, the institutional environment is usually perceived as the rules of the game that change in a very slow fashion (North, 1990). The challenges that the pandemic crisis imposed upon firms have greatly changed the way that business is conducted. But are institutional pressures reinforced or loosened during a crisis as the pandemic? Could the pandemic crisis spark an institutional change? Pandemic-driven stress and its effects on decision-making. Organizations already struggle to maintain acceptable levels of strategic decision-making in normal circumstances, and in situations such as the current one, this becomes even more complex, subjective, and difficult. Decision-making is the cornerstone of most schools of thought in strategy, and crises escalate choices and consequences (Oroszi, 2018). Latin American organizations are sometimes considered more vulnerable in a plethora of dimensions, and the ongoing pandemic is most likely to influence decision-making in the area negatively. Teams, coordination and multinational efforts. Crises stir trouble but also provide interesting aspects worth of studying for teams and coordination (Driskell et al., 2018). Whereas technologies may mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic on team coordination, new ways of organizing work and making group efforts and decisions may also come up. Multiple stakeholders and conflicts in decision-making. Critical times impose extreme pressures not only on teams but also on stakeholders, especially external ones. Current literature still has gaps on conflicts between ideas as competing pressures and crises tend to overemphasize and distort stakes (van der Wal, 2020). Born globals, startups, and innovation in times of crisis. What are the effects – both negative and positive – of crises on innovation? More specifically, what happens to supposedly more vulnerable beginning endeavors such as born globals (Pepelasis & Protogerou, 2018) and startups (Haase & Eberl, 2019)? What are the capabilities they have developed or are seeking in order to survive these troubling times? SME Entrepreneurship and frugal innovation. As with born globals and startups, we must look to the opposite end of the scale. How are small and medium organizations dealing with the effects of the current crisis? Are there any behavior shifts and strategic alterations that can subside such negative consequences?Countercyclical industries and fields during crises. In the Iberoamerican territories, are there any industries and fields that are gaining momentum in a countercyclical fashion? What are these and what features do they have to promote growth? Can this growth be sustainable once the crisis subsides? Agroindustrial and low-tech industries may be examples, but other fields can also shed light on the matter (Martins et al., 2019). Cautions for researching the pandemic crisis As the pandemic crisis is still undergoing as we write this editorial, we thought of providing some guidance about the special care researcher must-have when dealing with this delicate issue. These are ethical guidelines that we see as important to be followed to ensure a meaningful discussion in the academic field. Do not put a value on lives and health. It is impossible to put a value on life. As researchers of the management field, we are focused on understanding the effects of the pandemic on organizations. We have seen statements treating the crisis as a tradeoff between lives and jobs, or between health and the economy. We are not in a position of pointing a side in this situation. We advise researchers always to remember that lives are invaluable. Do not step outside of your field of research. Many scholars from several fields have conducted research trying to understand and predict the spread of the Covid-19 disease, mainly using their skills with data. This effort is remarkable; however, this is not a competence of the management field as we are not trained in understanding diseases. We, therefore, encourage researchers to look at the effects of the crisis in organizations, and we advise not to delve into understanding the disease per se as this is not our expertise. Do not guide the research question by political agendas. We understand that there are many political interests regarding the results of research on the crisis. We also understand that it is tempting to answer direct questions posed by politicians in the issue. However, we advise scholars not to directly tackle into answering politically-driven questions and to maintain the impartiality we always have. Do not twist your theory/method/argumentation to fit a crisis. As of now, we see a surge on pandemic-related research on all fields. While in some fields this is expected (such as epidemiology or economics), not all management research is closely related to the topic. Several fields have also seen a surge in pandemic-framed research that is only marginally tangential to the topic – management included. Reshaping your study to fit the crisis it does not directly relate to is not only intellectually dishonest but also takes space and time from editors and reviewers from doing their job on papers that actually can contribute to the ongoing scenario.IntroductionAs the Covid-19 crisis ensues throughout the world, researchers from several fields of research consider how they could contribute to the current understanding of the crisis. In the field of strategic management, we face a special problem as most companies scraped their strategic plans for the year 2020 as they are currently more focused on surviving the crisis with emergent strategies. Strategic management researchers are now in a position where their main object of research has been highly influenced by the pandemic and face the challenge of developing impactful and meaningful research in a world where all eyes are looking for answers to the crisis.In the Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management, we decided that we would encourage researchers in our field to develop research that contributes to a better understanding of the pandemic crisis and their impacts on organizations. We are not currently announcing a special issue dedicated to the pandemic crisis. However, we are stating that we welcome and encourage research on the investigation of aspects that link the pandemic to organizations and strategy.We believe that it is crucial for researchers to acknowledge and to understand the impacts that the pandemic crisis has on organizations. The more we understand this crisis, the more we can contribute to reducing the effects it will have on organizations and jobs. Besides, we believe that this is a time when we, as researchers, have to contribute to society by helping in every way we can. The best way to contribute with our skills is to provide a better understanding of how, in which conditions, and to what extent the pandemic crisis will influence organizations.We provide two following sections for this editorial. First, a suggestion of research themes to be addressed, and secondly, a section regarding the cautions we must have when researching the effects of the pandemic crisis. Suggestions of research themes Impacts of the pandemic crisis over firm performance. Some works are already looking into how the pandemic crisis will impact firm performance (Aifuwa et al., 2020; Gonzalez-Uribe & Wang, 2020). This is a very important topic as the economic performance of the world will be hindered by the crisis. It is important not only to understand how the pandemic will reduce the performance of firms but also to investigate under which conditions this reduction will happen, in which industries, and depending on which firm-specific settings. Strategic responses to the pandemic crisis. Which strategies have firms put up to deal with the crisis? Which kinds of strategic moves have been successful and reduced the impact of the crisis? How could these strategies shape businesses in the near future? It is especially interesting to investigate if firms can develop capabilities through the crisis and how these capabilities willshape future strategies. Global value chains and the pandemic. As companies throughout the world will have to deal with the disruption of global value chains during the pandemic (Bonadio et al., 2020), it is important to investigate how this disruption could shape the future of global value chains. Will companies diversify their value chains to avoid future problems in similar situations? What have we learned with the challenges of finding alternatives and dealing with disruptions of the chain? Institutional pressures, adaptation, and conformity in times of pandemics. Institutions are crucial for strategic decisions and the following performance of firms. However, the institutional environment is usually perceived as the rules of the game that change in a very slow fashion (North, 1990). The challenges that the pandemic crisis imposed upon firms have greatly changed the way that business is conducted. But are institutional pressures reinforced or loosened during a crisis as the pandemic? Could the pandemic crisis spark an institutional change? Pandemic-driven stress and its effects on decision-making. Organizations already struggle to maintain acceptable levels of strategic decision-making in normal circumstances, and in situations such as the current one, this becomes even more complex, subjective, and difficult. Decision-making is the cornerstone of most schools of thought in strategy, and crises escalate choices and consequences (Oroszi, 2018). Latin American organizations are sometimes considered more vulnerable in a plethora of dimensions, and the ongoing pandemic is most likely to influence decision-making in the area negatively. Teams, coordination and multinational efforts. Crises stir trouble but also provide interesting aspects worth of studying for teams and coordination (Driskell et al., 2018). Whereas technologies may mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic on team coordination, new ways of organizing work and making group efforts and decisions may also come up. Multiple stakeholders and conflicts in decision-making. Critical times impose extreme pressures not only on teams but also on stakeholders, especially external ones. Current literature still has gaps on conflicts between ideas as competing pressures and crises tend to overemphasize and distort stakes (van der Wal, 2020). Born globals, startups, and innovation in times of crisis. What are the effects – both negative and positive – of crises on innovation? More specifically, what happens to supposedly more vulnerable beginning endeavors such as born globals (Pepelasis & Protogerou, 2018) and startups (Haase & Eberl, 2019)? What are the capabilities they have developed or are seeking in order to survive these troubling times? SME Entrepreneurship and frugal innovation. As with born globals and startups, we must look to the opposite end of the scale. How are small and medium organizations dealing with the effects of the current crisis? Are there any behavior shifts and strategic alterations that can subside such negative consequences?Countercyclical industries and fields during crises. In the Iberoamerican territories, are there any industries and fields that are gaining momentum in a countercyclical fashion? What are these and what features do they have to promote growth? Can this growth be sustainable once the crisis subsides? Agroindustrial and low-tech industries may be examples, but other fields can also shed light on the matter (Martins et al., 2019). Cautions for researching the pandemic crisis As the pandemic crisis is still undergoing as we write this editorial, we thought of providing some guidance about the special care researcher must-have when dealing with this delicate issue. These are ethical guidelines that we see as important to be followed to ensure a meaningful discussion in the academic field. Do not put a value on lives and health. It is impossible to put a value on life. As researchers of the management field, we are focused on understanding the effects of the pandemic on organizations. We have seen statements treating the crisis as a tradeoff between lives and jobs, or between health and the economy. We are not in a position of pointing a side in this situation. We advise researchers always to remember that lives are invaluable. Do not step outside of your field of research. Many scholars from several fields have conducted research trying to understand and predict the spread of the Covid-19 disease, mainly using their skills with data. This effort is remarkable; however, this is not a competence of the management field as we are not trained in understanding diseases. We, therefore, encourage researchers to look at the effects of the crisis in organizations, and we advise not to delve into understanding the disease per se as this is not our expertise. Do not guide the research question by political agendas. We understand that there are many political interests regarding the results of research on the crisis. We also understand that it is tempting to answer direct questions posed by politicians in the issue. However, we advise scholars not to directly tackle into answering politically-driven questions and to maintain the impartiality we always have. Do not twist your theory/method/argumentation to fit a crisis. As of now, we see a surge on pandemic-related research on all fields. While in some fields this is expected (such as epidemiology or economics), not all management research is closely related to the topic. Several fields have also seen a surge in pandemic-framed research that is only marginally tangential to the topic – management included. Reshaping your study to fit the crisis it does not directly relate to is not only intellectually dishonest but also takes space and time from editors and reviewers from doing their job on papers that actually can contribute to the ongoing scenario
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