24 research outputs found


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    The present paper aims to demonstrate the role that ground rent has in establishing the agricultural land price. In order to be able to prove the connection between the ground rent and the agricultural land price, there are submitted to debate indicators that are part of ground rent such as the positioning of the land, the distance between the land and the access roads and water source, the intrinsic qualities of the land soil, the type of land and the manner of exploitation. The debate is intended to show how and in what manner the indicators part of ground rent may influence the price of an agricultural land. The final purpose of this study is to prove that a justified land price may contribute to encourage the agricultural land transactions and therefore to develop the land market. To fulfil the purpose of this paper it is necessary to understand what land ground means, why it is important the land price and how can the agricultural land price influence the agricultural land market and the development of the agriculture overall. The main methods utilized are collecting, analyze and interpreting data and information from the specialized literature. The conclusions formulated at the end of the study allow seeing the influence of ground rent on agricultural land price, the influence of the agricultural land price on agricultural land market and the influence of agricultural land market on the development of the agriculture

    Europa politica (de Paul Magnette)

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    Politici publice romanesti in perspectiva europeana

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    Romania si integrarea europeana

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    Reforma justitiei si politica regionala. Schimbări europene în context românesc

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    Introducere :între concepte, teorii şi realitãţi empirice

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    Aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană este una din principalele teme de cercetare tratate în cadrul colecţiei « Studii europene » a Editurii Institutul European de la Iaşi. Primele volume au apãrut în perioada în care România era încã un stat candidat la aderare din dorinţa de a prezenta publicului larg natura construcţiei europene şi modul sãu de funcţionare, dar şi paşii pe care România i-a fãcut pentru a deveni la 1 ianuarie 2007 unul din cele 27 de state membre. În cadrul colecţiei « Studii europene » au fost publicate o serie de volume care, împreună, arată cine este, ce este şi de ce este ceea ce este Uniunea Europeană. Altele au adus în atenţia cititorului « istoria românească a ideii de Europa » precum şi transformările generate în spaţiul politic românesc de procesul de integrare. Subiectele abordate în colecţie rãmân de actualitate. Aşa cum nici Europa nu s-a construit într-o zi, ca sa îl parafrazãm pe Robert Schuman, nici integrarea României nu s-a încheiat pe 31 decembrie 2006. Volumul de faţã, dedicat politicilor publice, se înscrie în aceeaşi logică, obiectivul coordonatorilor fiind acela de a aduna într-o lucrare colectivă o serie de contribuţii care să pună în evidenţă ce face România pentru a se integra în Uniunea europeană şi mai ales cine şi cum se ocupă/s-a ocupat de îndeplinirea condiţiilor de aderare. Obiectivul nostru nu este de a evalua politicile publice (policy outcomes) adoptate de România în contextul aderării la Uniunea europeană. Volumul îşi propune să explice aceste procese, cum apar şi cum se dezvoltă din interacţiunea statului cu diferiţi actori politici, sociali, instituţionali naţionali dar şi internaţionali.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe


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    Romania has the largest number of EU holdings. For this purpose, this paper analyses the effect of the excessive agricultural land fragmentation caused by the laws and measures adopted in the previous period. The existence of small holdings is influenced by the land property structures and at the same time, by the training and experience level of holders (heads of holdings). For writing this paper, analyse of statistical data was used in terms of identifying the impact factors which leaded to this holdings situation and, specially, to the fragmentation phenomena, obviously in the agricultural economy. Are highlighted, in order to study the impact, the historical evolution of the Romanian village, the Romanian peasant psychology on property, ownership thirst, desire to have land that would be just his and the need of being the only one who operates it and has benefits of its exploitation. This conception, however, tends to obsession and is generated by a system that has takenthe land from the peasant, leaving him without the essential object of his work. There still exists the fear of no longer having the land, impregnated a lot in their thinking; these resulted in a blockage concerning association, cooperation, lease or any form that could increase the agricultural holdings dimensions. This thinking is manifested in aged population, which is still one of the main problems of the Romanian rural. The effect of these factors, but also of others who will be found in the work act in a negative manner on the formation of a competitive agriculture with an European management orientation. That is why studying them may lead to solutions for the reduction of their influence, the formation of viable social structures and economically valuable

    Drumul spre Uniunea Europeana. procesul de europenizare in Romania

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    Romanian rural area faces a violent lack of entrepreneurship initiatives, which can generate negative economic and social phenomena, with medium and long-term effects, such as: the decreased living standards of people in rural areas, the migration of young people from rural areas, which generates psychosocial problems among children who have to stay with their grandparents, the sharp decrease of interest for agriculture and, thus, the decrease of GDP ratio from agricultural activities, the lack of education among rural people etc. Under these circumstances, thepaper tries, through documentation, analysis and processing statistical data, to quantify the development level of entrepreneurship in rural areas in Romania, compared with developed EU countries (such as: Germany, Great Britain, France etc.), in order to reveal the gaps in this sector. To increase the relevance of the analysis, the paper also analyzes the possible causes that can stimulate or repress the expression of entrepreneurship and its implementation in Romanian and European rural areas, such as: different levels of fiscal pressure, the existence, effectiveness and efficiency of programs implementation for stimulating and supporting entrepreneurship in general and in rural areas, in particular, the different business culture etc. These results generated from the research will finally create a set of premises for adopting international best practices and develop pragmatic solutions and programs to increase entrepreneurship, which can leads to new business initiatives in the Romanian rural area.In conclusion, for a quality of life growth and a decrease of negative social and economic phenomena with medium and long-term impact, it is necessary an increase of the living standards, done by increasing the opportunities for entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural areas. Specifically, there are needed investments in the development of human resources in rural areas and in supporting its entrepreneurial efforts and activities in order to generateprofitable activities that can ensure motivating financial and social rewards for medium and long terms

    Land fragmentation management-key in rural economy development

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    The present paper aims to analyze the current state regarding the property and exploitation of the agricultural land and to formulate solutions concerning the rural economy development with a starting point anchored in the consolidation of the agricultural holdings and the excessive land fragmentation management. A developed rural economy which reduces the poverty of the population living in this environment is based on the proper exploitation of the agricultural land. The faulty law system regarding the agricultural land property has led to its excessive fragmentation, a fact that possesses a problem in achieving efficientland exploitation