8 research outputs found

    Jezična kompetencija nakon zavrŔene srednje Ŕkole RaŔčlamba i obrada rezultata inicijalnoga testa provedenog na prvoj godini studija ekonomskoga usmjerenja visoke Ŕkole u okviru predmeta Poslovni hrvatski jezik, akad. god. 2011./2012.

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    This paper analyzes the results of initial test intended for checking the ability to implement knowledge of standard Croatian language by 1st year students of the School of Economics in Zagreb. The test is conducted each year at the beginning of the studying process as a part of the Business Croatian Language Course. Such a test promptly settles any concerns about the ability of students to participate in the course and diminishes possible reluctance to learning while at the same time strengthening their persistence, motivation and cooperation. The goal was to identify the average literacy level in order to define studentsā€™ language competence and establish the starting linguistic platform of teaching. This paper represents the first part of a research that will include the analysis of final test results done with two groups of students: one group that attended the course taking into consideration results of initial tests and another one that attended the course without being submitted to checking of studentsā€™ initial knowledge and was not adapted accordingly. By doing so we wanted to justify the aim and effects of initial tests.U radu se raŔčlanjuju rezultati inicijalnoga testa, provedenoga među studentima prve godine ekonomskog usmjerenja visokoÅ”kolske ustanove u Zagrebu. Provjeravala se razina znanja iz standardnoga hrvatskog jezika koja su, prema programu, učenici trebali usvojiti do kraja srednjoÅ”kolskog obrazovanja. Test je proveden na početku svake godine u sklopu nastave Poslovnog hrvatskog jezika jer takvo testiranje odmah na početku rjeÅ”ava dvojbe o spremnosti studenata za praćenje nastave, smanjuje pojavu mogućih otpora u učenju i izbjegavanje rada, istodobno pojačavajući perzistentnost, motiviranost za rad i suradnju s predavačem. Cilj je bio propitati prosječnu razinu pismenosti kako bi se utvrdile jezične kompetencije studenata te odredila polazna platforma za izvođenje nastave. U radu je prikazan prvi dio istraživanja koje će obuhvatiti i raŔčlambu rezultata testiranja na zavrÅ”nim testovima, i to u studentskim grupama koje su izvodile nastavu, a uzimajući u obzir rezultate inicijalnih testova, i onih koje su nastavu izvodile prema planu koji nije uključio provjeru i djelomično prilagođavanje početnom znanju studenata, kako bi se provjerila svrha i učinak predtestiranja

    Migration Processes and Identities in the Literary Works of Amelia Batistich

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    Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća doÅ”lo je do pojačanoga iseljavanja Hrvata na Novi Zeland zbog političkih i ekonomskih zbivanja u Domovini. U radu se prati integracijski proces na početcima novoga života na Novom Zelandu kroz književno stvaralaÅ”tvo novozelandske književnice hrvatskoga podrijetla Amelije Batistich. Njezina je književnost inspirirana povijeŔću Hrvata na Novom Zelandu i njihovom prilagodbom novim životnim uvjetima u multikulturalnom okruženju. Zbirka pripovijedaka An Olive Tree in Dalmatia, kao i roman Pjevaj vilo u planini po svojem su sadržaju uronjeni u obiteljsko, povijesno, religijsko, baÅ”tinsko i mitsko, kroz priče preneseno pamćenje, koje vlastiti identitet pronalazi u isprepletenosti dvaju prostora, bivÅ”ega i sadaÅ”njega.At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, there was an increase in the emigration of Croats to New Zealand due to political and economic events in their homeland. From the time of their immigration to the present day, Croatian New Zealanders have preserved an awareness of their ethnic origin and have gradually integrated into New Zealand society. Through the hard work and perseverance of the first generation, new generations of Croatian descendants have been able to attend specialized schools, colleges and universities and today are fully integrated into New Zealand society. In the process they preserved their Croatian identity and founded numerous societies through which they nurtured and built their religious, cultural and political identities. The paper chronicles this integration process through the literary work of Amelia Batistich, a New Zealand writer of Croatian origin. Inspired by the history of Croats in New Zealand and their adjustment to new living conditions in a multicultural environment, her work is immersed in the family, historical, religious and mythical memories passed down from her ancestors and which find their identity in the intertwining of two spaces, the former and the present. In her literary work, written mainly in English, she reflects on the legacy of her ancestors and their need to shape their identity in a multicultural environment defined by hybridity and the necessity to find oneā€™s place in a given space


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    Biografija, radni životopis, lat. curriculum vitae, pismeno je službeno obraćanje koje se prilaže uz molbu za posao. PiÅ”e se administrativno-poslovnim funkcionalnim stilom hrvatskoga standardnog jezika. Kako je životopis prvi kontakt s osobama koje odlučuju o zapoÅ”ljavanju, potrebno je obratiti posebnu pozornost na njegov sadržaj i formu. Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja steći uvid u tipičan sadržaj, formu i jezične kompetencije radnih životopisa kandidata za različite poslove. Na slučajnom uzorku životopisa (N = 181) provedena je kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza sadržaja, s posebnim naglaskom na samoprezentacijske opise autora, njihovu jezičnu kompetenciju, funkcionalnu pismenost i kulturu pismenog predstavljanja. Utvrđena je i povezanost naznačenih aspekata sa sociodemografskim obilježjima autora. Analiza pokazuje da u životopisima prevladavaju sadržaji objektivne prirode, no većina autora navodi i socijalno poželjna obilježja ličnosti. MuÅ”karci viÅ”e podastiru svoje profesionalne ambicije, a stariji ispitanici informacije privatne prirode. U većini životopisa pronađene su pravopisne, gramatičke i leksičke pogreÅ”ke te zatipci

    Migrants\u27 Perceptions of Key Factors Contributing to Their Migration from Croatia and Decision to Remain Abroad

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    Hrvatska se kontinuirano suočava s padom broja stanovnika, ponajviÅ”e zbog niske stope nataliteta te migracije mladih i kvalificiranih radnika iz Hrvatske. Stoga je važno razumjeti glavne pokretače migracija, položaj hrvatskih migranata u inozemstvu te čimbenike koji mogu potaknuti njihov povratak. U ovom će se radu prikazati i analizirati dio empirijskih rezultata istraživanja Demografski potencijal hrvatskog iseljeniÅ”tva koje provodi Institut za migracije i narodnosti u sklopu projekta Ā»Mreža 2050 ā€“ Demografija, od izazova do odgovoraĀ«, a koji se odnosi na prva dva od spomenutih aspekata. U anketnom ispitivanju sudjelovalo je 497 ispitanika (Hrvata koji trenutačno žive u inozemstvu a većina ih je napustila Hrvatsku između 2016. i 2021.) koji su putem online upitnika dali svoje miÅ”ljenje o čimbenicima utjecaja na vlastitu odluku o iseljavanju. Upitnik je sadržavao uglavnom zatvorena pitanja s mogućnoŔću davanja i otvorenog odgovora. Predstavljeni su i raspravljeni glavni mikro i makročimbenici koji utječu na migraciju i aspiracije za migracijom prema percepciji sudionika te percepcije o aktualnim životnim okolnostima. Rezultati su pokazali da su čimbenici na makrorazini, koji se odnose na radne uvjete i stopu zaposlenosti, povezani s čimbenicima na mikrorazini, kao Å”to je osobni socioekonomski status. Radne mogućnosti i radno okruženje smatrani su glavnim razlozima odlaska, a politička situacija donekle važnim čimbenikom koji utječe na osobnu kvalitetu života.Croatia has been facing a population decline, mainly due to a low birth rate and the emigration of young and qualified workers. Considering the historical and dynamic aspects of emigration (Draženović, Kunovac and PripuzĢŒicĢ, 2018), leading to depopulation, it is necessary to investigate all contributing factors in Croatia and explore potential models and measures to mitigate these unfavourable processes. Apart from Germany, Croatian citizens have emigrated mostly to Ireland and Austria since the country acceded to the EU (Pokos, 2017). Research confirms that the number of Croatian citizens who immigrated to Germany, Ireland and Austria in 2016 was, on average, 62% higher than the official data reported by the Republic of Croatia (Jerić, 2019). The increasingly intensive emigration of the young and able-bodied population additionally contributes to a rapidly ageing population, exerting strong pressure on the sustainability of the pension system (Družić, Beg and Raguž KriÅ”tić, 2016) and underscores the importance of investigating the reasons for emigration and the factors essential for return. Migration is also an important area of interest for the European Union due to its exceptional impact on all aspects of society. Increased opportunities for mobility, advances in technology that provide access to information sources, and societal changes strongly suggest the need for policymakers to examine the micro, meso, and macro drivers that influence migration or potentially influence a person\u27s decision not to migrate or remigrate. Governments require migration analysis to create informed migration policies, including citizen participation in the policy development process. The perspectives of migrants and their behaviour should be taken into account when creating policies to better understand the key success factors needed for the desired outcomes of migrants (European Commission, 2020). According to Fargues (2017), migration is a complex process that is constantly changing as a result of various local, international, and global situations, highlighting the need for conĀ¬tinual investigation and repeated surveying of the population. Within the current demographic climate, the World Youth Alliance Croatia (SSMH) launched the project ā€œNetwork 2050 ā€“ Demography, From Challenges to Answersā€, co-financed by the European Social Fund. The project is based on intersectoral cooperation, identified as necessary for improving collaborative efforts to address the effects of negative demographic trends on the social and economic development of Croatia and develop measures for demographic revitalisation. This paper will present the data and analysis of the empirical results of the research conducted by the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies. The study focuses on emigrants\u27 opinions and perspectives regarding the factors that influenced their decision to migrate. This includes their own perceptions of the situation in Croatia, as well as abroad in their host country, which played a role in their decision-making process and continues to potentially impact them. Additionally, the paper explores the emigrantsā€™ perception of their current life circumstances. The target group comprised Croats currently living as expatriates in European countries. A total of 497 respondents, Croats currently living abroad, most of whom left Croatia between 2016 and 2021, took part in the survey. Three main research questions guided the investigation: 1) What are the key drivers of migration at the micro, meso, and macro levels that influence the decision to emigrate or stay, according to the perception of emigrants from Croatia?; 2) What factors influence the decision of Croats to stay abroad?; and, 3) What are the key factors that influence the decision to return to Croatia? For the purposes of this paper, the general results related to research questions 1 and 2 will be presented. The instrument used for data collection was an online questionnaire that respondents filled out independently. The questionnaire consisted of 62 questions, mostly closed-ended, with only a few open-ended questions to accommodate additional information if participants chose to elaborate on their perceptions. Including this option also allowed for the possibility of results that were not expected by the research team. The questions were divided into five thematic chapters: sociodemographic data, migration status, socioeconomic status, returnee motivational status, and identity and value system. The questionnaire was administered with special attention to the time of completion, clarity, and appropriateness of the questions. The data collection process included advertising the research project and posting calls for participation on various social media networks across platforms managed by members of various Croatian diasĀ¬pora groups. Additionally, advertising was conducted through social groups and institutions, as well as using the snowball method. Data was collected during the period from July to October 2021. At the beginning, the purpose of the questionnaire was explained, and respondents were informed that their participation was voluntary with the possibility to withdraw at any time. Consistency in the questionnaire administration was achieved by exclusively offering it online. A total of 500 responses were received, of which 497 were valid, while three questionnaires were partially filled. Only key socio-demographic information was collected and, together with the respondents\u27 personal perceptions, it was examined in relation to the key drivers of emigration. Their perception is the key feedback that can help state authorities and policymakers in designing measures aimed at retaining the population and attractĀ¬ing potential returnees. Their perception was viewed as potentially showing indicaĀ¬tors of migration drivers, push and pull factors, as well as demonstrating public perception around key issues and policies, and the type of information (including its accuracy) used to inform migration. Respecting the perception of the general public when creating policies is in line with the concepts promoted by the EU Parliament (2020), which encourages the participation of citizens in decision-making. According to the obtained sociodemographic data, 208 respondents (41.9%) were female, and 289 respondents (58.1%) were male. The most represented age category (39%) was 30ā€“39 years old. Additionally, 24% of respondents were between 40 and 49 years old, 22% were between 18 and 29 years old 9.5 % were between 50 and 59 years old, 3.2% were 60ā€“69 years old and 2% were between 70 and 81 years old. This indicates that the majority of respondents who leave are younger than 40, i.e. in the reproductive age group. The results obtained support the relevance of the research by Družić, Beg and Raguž KriÅ”tić (2016), who warn about the loss of the young population in Croatia, which results in population ageing. The majority (78.3%) were born in Croatia, and the next significant group (13.1%) was born in Bosnia and HerzegoĀ¬vina. The largest group of respondents, at the time of the questionnaire, lived in Germany, followed by the numerically significant groups in Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden. The trend shown by the majority of respondents coming from Germany is in line with the large wave of migration to Germany since 2013 when Croatia entered the EU, and since July 2015 when the labour market in Germany was opened to Croatia. Jurić (2022) and Pokos (2017) describe Germany as still the most desirable country for Croatian emigration. The results showed that macro-level factors related to working conditions and employment rates influence micro-level factors, such as socioeconomic status. Work opportunities and the working environment were perceived as somewhat important because respondents believe that these aspects affect their personal quality of life. An interesting result is that the number of respondents who stated that they were married or in a partnership doubled after moving. It is worth mentioning that Jang, CastĀ¬erline and Snyder (2014) warn that the longer the time spent abroad, the stronger the ties made, potentially leading to the establishment of family life connected to the host country. This could negatively affect the potential decision to return. The influence of this factor at the micro level requires further research to show the possible impact of marriages abroad on the mobility of new families and their possible return to Croatia, especially if Croatia\u27s goal is to encourage the return of its emigrants. The results of this study, as well as the recommendations of researchers such as Kis, Ozdemir and Ward (2015) on the importance of improving working conditions and wages as a means of improving living conditions, are useful for formulating strategies for population retention. Additionally, certain political restrictions can negatively affect the achievement of the country\u27s migration goals (Boswell, 2002), which, in the case of Croatia, involves return migration and population retention

    ŠTO ĆU BITI KAD ODRASTEM? Analiza zanimanja u dječjim slikovnicama

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    Slikovnice su važan medij s kojim djeca predÅ”kolske dobi stječu osnovne pretpostavke o svijetu odraslih, i o zanimanjima kojima se odrasli ljudi bave. Na uzorku od 100 slikovnica analizirana su različita zanimanja glavnih i sporednih likova. Utvrđeno je da se pojavljuje relativno Å”irok spektar različitih zanimanja, a dominantno se pojavljuju zanimanja vezana uz promet, radnička i zemljoradnička zanimanja te zanimanja iz uslužnih djelatnosti. Postoji velik nesrazmjer u pojavljivanju muÅ”kih i ženskih likova u određenim zanimanjima; muÅ”karci se pojavljuju u mnogo većem broju nego žene - i kao glavni i kao sporedni likovi - a jednako tako pojavljuju se i u mnogo Å”irem rasponu različitih zanimanja. Karakteri s određenim zanimanjem uglavnom potkrjepljuju rodne stereotipe, a analiza jezika je pokazala kako su u slikovnicama žene često gramatički i leksički neprimjetne


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    Biografija, radni životopis, lat. curriculum vitae, pismeno je službeno obraćanje koje se prilaže uz molbu za posao. PiÅ”e se administrativno-poslovnim funkcionalnim stilom hrvatskoga standardnog jezika. Kako je životopis prvi kontakt s osobama koje odlučuju o zapoÅ”ljavanju, potrebno je obratiti posebnu pozornost na njegov sadržaj i formu. Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja steći uvid u tipičan sadržaj, formu i jezične kompetencije radnih životopisa kandidata za različite poslove. Na slučajnom uzorku životopisa (N = 181) provedena je kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza sadržaja, s posebnim naglaskom na samoprezentacijske opise autora, njihovu jezičnu kompetenciju, funkcionalnu pismenost i kulturu pismenog predstavljanja. Utvrđena je i povezanost naznačenih aspekata sa sociodemografskim obilježjima autora. Analiza pokazuje da u životopisima prevladavaju sadržaji objektivne prirode, no većina autora navodi i socijalno poželjna obilježja ličnosti. MuÅ”karci viÅ”e podastiru svoje profesionalne ambicije, a stariji ispitanici informacije privatne prirode. U većini životopisa pronađene su pravopisne, gramatičke i leksičke pogreÅ”ke te zatipci