6 research outputs found


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    Objective: Anthracnose is one of the diseases of cucumber caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lagenarium. The enzymes of fungal melanin biosynthesis pathway act as a potential target for the synthetic fungicides. The present study aims to identify the rational phytochemical compound that exhibits inhibitory activity towards a key enzyme scytalone dehydratase (SCD) of melanin biosynthesis pathway. Methods: Phytochemical compounds with antifungal activity were screened from the conventionally used medicinal plants and docked with the target enzyme SCD. Results: The interaction amongst phytocompounds and the target SCD were evaluated. Five out of 20 compounds exhibited higher binding affinity compared to that of synthetic fungicide carpropamid. Conclusion: The current study revealed that the compounds exhibiting significant interaction with SCD might act as an efficient fungicide for the control of anthracnose disease of cucumber

    Zaštitno djelovanje selena, kalcija i magnezija protiv oksidativnoga stresa uzrokovanog arsenom u mužjaka štakora

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    Inorganic arsenic is a potent carcinogen and environmental pollutant. More than one hundred million people are reported to be exposed to elevated concentrations of arsenic mainly via drinking water. Essential trace elements can affect toxicity of metals by interacting with metals at the primary site of action and can also modify the body’s response to toxic metals by altering their metabolism and transport. This study investigates the effects of concomitant administration of selenium, magnesium, and calcium with arsenic on blood biochemistry and oxidative stress. Selenium was the most effective in reducing arsenic-induced inhibition of blood δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity and liver oxidative stress. Calcium and magnesium also showed favourable effects on haematological and other biochemical parameters. Because selenium was the most effective, it should be added to chelation therapy to achieve the best protective effects against arsenic poisoning in humans.Anorganski arsen snažan je kancerogen i onečišćivač okoliša. Više od stotinu milijuna ljudi izloženo je povišenim koncentracijama arsena, ponajviše u pitkoj vodi. Esencijalni elementi u tragovima mogu utjecati na toksičnost metala na primarnome mjestu djelovanja te na drugačiji odgovor tijela na toksične metale tako što mijenjaju njihov metabolizam i prijenos. Namjera ovoga istraživanja bila je utvrditi utjecaj istodobne primjene selena, magnezija i kalcija s arsenom na neke biokemijske parametre u krvi te na oksidativni stres. Selen primijenjen istodobno s arsenom najdjelotvornije je smanjio inhibiciju dehidrataze delta-aminolevulinske kiseline (ALAD) u krvi te oksidativni stres u jetri. I djelovanje kalcija i magnezija pokazalo se povoljnim na neke hematološke i biokemijske parametre. Ovi rezultati upućuju na obećavajuću ulogu selena u sprječavanju nastanka znakova i simptoma povezanih s izlaganjem arsenu

    Acid Hydrazides, Potent Reagents for Synthesis of Oxygen-, Nitrogen-, and/or Sulfur-Containing Heterocyclic Rings

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