143 research outputs found

    Mengatasi Hambatan Berhitung Mencongak Menggunakan Strategi Mental dalam Materi Operasi Bilangan Bulat

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    This iams of this research is to overcome the obstacles arithmatic computation students use mental strategies in the material addition and subtractionof integers. The method used in this research is descriftive researh. The subjects consist of 9 student on grade VII SMP N 4 Sintang. The subjects were given three meeting treatment on mental strategies that Aggregation, Wholistic, Separation and separation left to right. Before being given the students mental strategies many obstacles arithmetic computation as, amounting to 77,8% of students still rely on stationery and using the standard way, by 43,2% students are taken more than 15 seconds to answer a question and 30,2 % of student answered incorrecly or not answered at all. After given a mental strategy aritmetic computation the students better than, no longer rely stationery and paper by 10% of studets take more than 15 seconds to answer question and only 6,7% of students incorrecly

    Design zero-voltage switching DC-DC buck converter

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    This report proposes an integrated, high switching frequency, zero-voltage-switching dc-dc buck converter for battery charger application. The design and analysis of dc�dc buck converter with integrated inductor is presented. The converter has been optimized to convert 12V input voltage to 5V at 1.5A maximum load current at 50MHz switching frequency. The converter has been simulated using an ORCAD 16.5 based simulation tool and result show that the switching losses using zero�voltage-switching technique is less compared to conventional buck converter

    Optimized bio-inspired kernels with twin support vector machine using low identity sequences to solve imbalance multiclass classification

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    The function of enzymes is performed differently depending on their bio-chemical mechanisms and important to the prediction of protein structure and function. In order to overcome the weaknesses of imbalance data distribution in subclasses prediction we proposed Bio-Twin Support Vector Machine (Bio–TWSVM). The TWSVM approach as also allow for kernel optimization where in this study we have introduced the bio-inspired kernels such as the Fisher, spectrum and mismatch kernels which at the same time incorporate the biological information regarding the protein evolution in the classification process

    Eksplorasievformasikeanekaragaman Jenis, Potensi Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Bahan Pestisida Alami Dipropinsijawa Barat Dan Banten*[exploration on Information of Plant Species Diversity, Their Potential and Utilization as Natural Pesticides in West Java And

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    Pests, diseases and weeds are considered as organisms that limiting the agricultural productivity. Losses of agricultural productivity originated from the attack of these organisms may be up to 40% to 60%; sometimes in several cases failure of harvests occurred. So far, chemical (synthetic) pesticides are used to control the attack of these organisms. Meanwhile, the use of synthetic pesticides in fact, creates many negative effects on both biotic and abiotic environments, such as pollution against terrestrial and aquatic environments, even killing the vertebrates and husbandry animals, predatory insects, and some economic insects (insect species that benefit to the life of man). Due to the losses created by utilization of synthetic pesticides, therefore a number of scientists and farmers initiated to turn their attention to use the natural pesticides (directly originated from plants) under the light of back to nature principle, although this step is seems to be less effective.Some natural pesticides practiced by West Javan farmers are likely almost disappeared and difficult to be found in the field. It is important to mention some species here such as cujete/kalabas (Cresentia cujete), bratawali (linospora tuberculata), bitter yam/gadung (Dioscorea hispida), sambiloto {Andrographis paniculata), sarikaya {Annona squamosa) and so many more. Some weed species are known used by farmers as natural pesticide like saliara {Lantana camara), ki pahit (Tithonia diversifolia), alang-alang (Imperata cylindrical) and badotan {Ageratum conyzoides). This research is aimed to inventory plant species used by farmers as natural pesticides as to reduce the reliance on synthetic pesticides. Methods of approach to the problem are by library studies (journals, proceedings of seminars, notes etc), field survey and interview to farmers of several districts (Kabupatens) in West Java and Banten Provinces i.e. Sumedang, Majalengka, Sukabumi, Garut, Pandegelang and Serang. Result shows that there are still 130 plant species used as natural pesticides, and 42 natural (plant based raw materials) pesticide formulations used by farmers

    Kesesuaian ukuran soma pajeko dan kapalnya di Labuan Uki Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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    Perikanan “soma pajeko” (pukat cincin) sudah cukup lama ada di Sulawesi Utara. Di Labuan Uki Kecamatan Lolak Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow terdapat alat tangkap soma pajeko sebanyak 35 unit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kesesuaian ukuran panjang kantong dengan panjang jaring, panjang jaring dengan lebar jaring (nilai k), panjang kapal, lebar kapal dan dalam kapal, serta panjang kantong dengan panjang kapal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa panjang kantong soma pajeko  berkisar antara 10,50 dan 20,25 m. Panjang kantong tersebut tidak mencapai 20 % dari panjang keseluruhan alat tangkap. Nilai kesesuaian k panjang dan lebar jaring berkisar antara 0,19 dan 0,28 berada dalam kisaran k standar. Perbandingan antara panjang kapal, lebar kapal, serta dalam kapal adalah L/B 4,78–6,25, L/D 13,5–21,3, dan B/D  2,4–4,4. Nilai-nilai perbandingan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan standar.  Perbandingan panjang kantong dan panjang kapal berkisar antara 0,66 dan 0,93 dan tidak sesuai dengan standar perbandingan

    Evaluation of the use of farmyard manure on a guinea grass (Panicum maximum) - Stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis) mixed pasture

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    The effects of different levels of farmyard manure (FYM) and inorganic phosphorus (P) and potassium(K) fertilizer application on the physiology, forage yield and quality of Stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis cv.Pauciflora) - guinea grass (Panicum maximum cv. Green panic) pasture grown on an acid soil in Malaysiawere evaluated in this study. The treatments were six rates of FYM application (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 t FYM/ha and a combined application of 50 kg P with 50 kg K/ha) as triple-superphosphate and muriate of potash,respectively. Four consecutive cuttings were taken at 6-week intervals. Dry matter (DM) yield of guineaincreased linearly with increasing levels of FYM with rates of increase from 239 to 457 kg/ha per tonne increaseof the FYM applied. On the other hand, the DM yield of Stylo was found to decline with the increasing ratesof FYM. Crude protein (CP) concentration of guinea increased linearly from 9.27% to 11.93% from 0 to 50t FYM applications, while the CP concentration of Stylo increased from 17% to 20%. The photosyntheticrate, leaf area index and stomatal conductance of guinea significantly increased with the increasing rates ofthe FYM applied. On the contrary, acid detergent fibre and neutral detergent fibre concentrations of guineadeclined with the increasing rates of the FYM used. Meanwhile, the use of inorganic P and K fertilizers gavea higher yield and higher quality of both the species compared to the control at the first cut but they were notsignificantly different from the control at the fourth cut

    The Analysis Of Students’ Error

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    Negative and interrogative forms are the important elements of Englishgrammars that have to be mastered by SMP students. The learners need to havesubtantial capability of English grammar in order that they are able to speak andwrite correctly.Therefore, the objectives of this research are (1) to identify the frequencies ofoccurance of the students’ grammatical errors based on surface strategy taxonomyfound in their sentences, (2) to identify the frequencies of occurance of students’grammatical errors based on developmental category that are found in theirsentences, and (3) to find out which types of errors were mostly made by thestudents. Descriptive method was used in this research, where the data were takenfrom the students to draw conclusions. This research was conducted at SMPNegeri 8 bandar Lampung. The subject of the research was class VIII.H consistingof 34 students. The data gained were further analyzed based on surface strategytaxonomy and developmental category.Having analyzed the data, it is found that the students commited four types oferrors based on surface strategy taxonomy and developmental category, thehighest frequency of error types based on surface strategy taxonomy ismisformation error (63,17%) followed by misordering errors (23,36%), additionerrors (11,34%) and misordering errors (2,27%). While based on thedevelopmental category, the errors are: pre-systematic stage (44,75%), systematicstage (33,14%) and post-systematic stage (22,09%).The result shows that the highest number of errors occured is misformation. ThisIndicates that students have more serious problems in using grammar especiallytenses in present tenses. They might also be influenced by Indonesian grammar.And based on developmental category the most frequent errorr occured is presystematicstage. This might be due to the students’ lack of knowledge aboutgrammar. The errors students produced were possibly caused by some factorssuch as insufficient grammar mastery, lack of knowledge of present tenses andlack of awareness. In line with the result, it is suggested that English teachersshould not ignore the errors made by them. The teachers can give remedialteaching for the students and provide some tasks or exercises which enable themto practice using tenses

    An Analysis of Test Items Based on the Criteria of Good Tests

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    Masalah penelitian ini difokuskan pada kualitas butir soal yang digunakan dalam ujian semester. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah kualitas butir soal bahasa Inggris sudah memenuhi kriteria soal yang baik atau tidak, terkait dengan validitas, reliabilitas, daya pembeda, tingkat kesukaran, dan kualitas pilihan. Hasil menunjukan bahwa butir soal tersebut memiliki validitas yang baik sesuai dengan silabus, reliabiltas yang rendah (r=0.07), berdasarkan daya pembeda diketahui terdapat 10 soal yang jelek, 24 soal yang cukup, 12 soal yang baik, 3 soal yang negative, 1 soal yang sangat baik, dan berdasarkan tingkat kesukarannya diketahui terdapat 17 soal yang mudah, 16 soal yang sukar, dan 17 soal yang sedang. The problem of the reseach was focused on the quality of test items used in semester exams. The objectives of the reseach were intended to determine the quality of of English semester test items whether or not fulfilled the following criteria of a good test: validity, reliability, discrimination power, level of difficulty, and the quality of options. The results of analysis proved that good validity because the material available in syllabus, low reliability (r=0.07), according to discrimination power were determined that 10 poor items, 24 satisfactory items, 12 good items, 3 negative items, 1 excellent item, and according to level of difficulty were determined that 17 easy items, 16 difficult items, and 17 average items

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

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    The aim of this study was to describe the improvement of students' speaking skills using demonstrations in class III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 05 Kendawangan. The method used is descriptive research forms the classroom action research. The study was conducted in class III, the number of 23 students. Based on the first cycle obtained by the average value of their speaking ability by 86,30. In the first cycle there are still some shortcomings, namely the lack of teachers teaching time produces an interesting message, the teacher also less positively respond to student participation resulting 3 students did not reach the limit of minimum completeness criteria. In the second cycle to be improved according to the results obtained by reflection of the first cycle and the average value of 91,57 students' speaking abilities, all students have reached and even exceeded the limits of a minimum completeness criteria. An increase in the average of the first cycle to the second cycle of 5,27


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    Objective: To evaluate the role of prostate basal cell staining in diagnosing Gleason score 6 prostate cancer. Materials & Methods: During research period, we collected 20 medical records and paraffin block specimens of Gleason score 6 prostatic adenocarcinoma patients. Specimens were taken from prostate needle biopsy. Demographic data and PSA level were extracted from medical records. Basal cells were detected by immunohistochemical staining for antikeratin 34β-E12 on paraffin block specimens analyzed by an experienced pathologist. Positive results suggest a benign lesion. Results: Mean age is 70 ± 6,5 years. Mean prostate volume and PSA level was 52±17cc and 25±21 ng/ml. Three specimens (15%) showed presence of basal cells on antikeratin 34β-E12 staining, which indicated benign lesions. Leucocyturia was found in all patients of this group. There was a significant association between PSA level and antikeratin 34β-E12 staining (p=0,03). In multivariate analysis, there is no significant association between antikeratin 34β-E12 staining with age, prostate volume, and leucocyturia. Conclusions: 15 % cases of prostatic cancer Gleason score 6 still showed basal cell existence. Immunohistochemical staining of basal cell should be considered in suspicious cases of prostatic cancer.