9 research outputs found

    Infestazione con il Dicrocoelium dendriticum e con la Fasciola hepatica sul terreno di caccia dei cervi della speciale riserva naturale Gornje podunavlje (lungo Danubio)

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    Sažetak Metiljavost (fascioloidoza) je parazitsko oboljenje jetre koje se javlja kod jelena u ritskim ravničarsko šumskim lovištima, rjeđe u planinskim. Uzročnici ove bolesti su dvije vrste metilja, koje pripadaju skupini plosnatih crva, i to veliki (Fasciola hepatica seu Distomum hepaticum) i mali metilj (Dicrocoelium dendriticum). Cilj rada je bio utvrditi utjecaj razvoja bolesti na brojnost jelenske divljači, postupke i mogućnosti liječenja, brojnost jelena nakon primjene lijeka tijekom nekoliko godina, kao i utjecaj ove bolesti na kvalitetu turističke ponude u lovištu specijalnog rezervata prirode "Gornje podunavlje“. Po procjeni lovnih stručnjaka i zdravstvenog stanja odstrijeljenih jelena, invadiranost je stalno rasla, od početnih 20% do konačnih 90%. Metiljavost je nedvosmisleno utjecala na pogoršanje ukupnog zdravstvenog stanja populacije jelena, s vrlo visokim stupnjem smrtnosti. Situacija se počela značajno mijenjati 2006. godine, kada se pristupilo tretmanu jelena s antiparazitskim prepartom (Albendazol) i to putem koncentrirane hrane i soli. Primjena ovakvog tretmana je dala vrlo dobre rezultate.Fluke (fascioliasis) is a parasitic liver disease that occurs in deer in flatland forest and wetland plain hunting areas, rarely in the mou- ntain. The causes of this disease are two types of liver fluke, which belong to a group of flatworms: large fluke (Fasciola hepatica seu Distomum hepaticum) and small (or lancet) fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum). The aim of this study was to determine: (a) the impact of disease progression in the number of deer population, methods and treatment options, deer population number after a number of drug treatment continuously over several years, so as the impact of this deer disease at the quality of tourism offer in the area of Spe- cial Nature Reserve “Gornje podunavlje”. According to hunting experts’ estimation, based on established health condition of hunted deer, fluke occupancy has steadily increased, from initial 20% up to 90%. Fluke has, undoubtedly, contributed to the overall health status deterioration of deer population, with very high mortality outcome. The situation has significantly changed in 2006, when the deer ware approached with an anti-parasitic (Albendazole) treatment mixed in a concentrated feed and salt. This treatment showed itself to be very successful.Zusammenfassung Leberegelkrenkheit (Fascioliasis) ist eine Parasitenkrankheit der Leber, die bei den Hirschen im Moorland in ebenen Waldjagdgebie- ten, selten in gebirgigen Gebieten, vorkommt. Die Erreger dieser Krankheit sind zwei Leberegel , die in die Gruppe der flachen Würme gehören, u.zw. der große Leberegel (Fasciola hepatica seu Distomum hepaticum) und der kleine Leberegel (Dicrocoelium dendriti- cum). Das Ziel der Untersuchung war (a), den Einfluss der Krankheitsentwicklung auf die Zahl von Hirschwild festzustellen, Art und Möglichkeiten der ärztlichen Behandlung und die Zahl nach der erfolgten Behandlung mit Medikamenten in Kontinuität durch einige Jahren zu bestimmen. Man sollte auch feststellen, welchen Einfluss diese Erkrankung der Hirsche auf die Qualität des touristischen Angebotes im Jagdgebiet im Naturspezialreservat "Gornje podunavlje“ hat. Nach der Schätzung der Jagdexperten und auf Grund des festgestellten Gesundheitszustand der abgeschossenen Hirsche, wuchs der Grad der Krankheit von anfänglichen 20 % auf 90 %. Die Leberegelkrankheit beeinflusste ohne Zweifel negativ den gesamten Gesundheitszusand der Hirsche, mit einem hohen Grad der Mor- talität. Die Situation änderte sich bedeutend, als die Hirsche 2006 mit dem Antiparasitenpräparat (Albendazol) behandelt wurden, dies durch das konzentrierte Futter und durch Salz. Die Anwendung dieser Behandlung erzielte gute Resultate.Sommario La fasciolosi è una malattia da parassita del fegato che si incontra dai cervi sui terreni di caccia del tipo boschivo in pianura, raramen- te in montagna. La causa di questa malattia sono due tipi della fasciola che appartengono al gruppo di platelminta: sono la fasciola grande (Fasciola hepatica seu Distomum hepaticum) e la fasciola piccola (Dicrocoelium dendriticum). Lo scopo di questa ricerca era determinare l’impatto negativo dello sviluppo di malattia al numero di cervi, ai modi e le possibilità della loro guarigione, e il loro numero dopo l’applicazione continua del rimedio durante alcuni anni, ma si voleva anche studiare l’influsso di questa malattia alla qualità dell’offerta turistica nell’ambito del terreno di caccia dei cervi della speciale riserva naturale Gornje podunavlje. Gli esperti di caccia hanno determinato sui campioni di cervi cacciati un aumento continuo del numero di cervi contagiati, dal 20% iniziale fino al (!) 90% finale. Grazie alla fasciolosi le condizioni salute della popolazione di cervi sono molto peggiorate e hanno avuto una percen- tuale alta di mortalità. La situazione è notevolmente cambiata nel 2006 quando gli professionisti hanno applicato l’antiparassitario Albendazol negli alimenti concentrati e nel sale. I risultati sono stati molto soddisfacenti

    Academician prof. dr. Ladislav Ožegović

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    <p>Unanimously it was concluded that the Baranja and Bačka forest and hunting grounds were very well organized giving the impetus to development of hunting and forestry between 1952-1991, and made grounds for contemporary understanding of the modern management.<br />The results showed increase in big game population and the number of trophies, mainly the deer, and later the trophies of wild bore and other big game.<br />This hunting ground represents a nursery for the big game, and is used as a source of the big game for other hunting grounds.</p><p>Key words: Baranja, Bačka, hunting, hunting management, big game</p


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    Until now no study has been carried out to determine the presence of feline coronaviruses in Croatia. The aim of our study was to determine for the first time the presence of the FCoV infection. Seven blood samples from domestic cats were investigated for the presence of Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) antibody titres (FCoV–Ab 1:10, FCoV–Ab 1:100 and FCoV-Ab≥1:400). At the same time, the following hematologic parameters: total erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, total leukocyte and platelet count, were determined. FCoV-Ab 1:10 were found in two cats, while FCoV-Ab≥1:400 were determined in the other two cats. Hematological parameters in seven cats were within the normal range.<br /> Our results indicate that it is necessary to serologically research the extent of the FCoV infection on the statistically representative sample. <br /> <br />Key words: cat, feline coronaviruses, seroprevalenc


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    Abomasal displacement in cattle has been characterized with displacement of abomasus out of its normal position to the left (LDA) or right (RDA) side of the abdomen. Abomasal displacements typically occur in high production dairy cows. Abomasal displacements cause economic loss in dairy herds through decrease in milk production, permanent weight loss, treatment costs, death, and has also been considered to be having a negative impact on reproduction. The aim of this study was to analyze prevalence of abomasal displacement in cattle in Bosnia and Herzegovina, considering the lack of the recorded data on this disorder. Clinical monitoring in one dairy farm was performed on 394 animals of Holstein – Frisian breed during 2008. The animals were divided into 3 groups according to age, in which Group 1 consisted of animals between 15 and 24 months, Group 2 between 2 and 7 years, and Group 3 older than 7 years. In this study, out of total of 394 animals, in 21 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed with total prevalence of 5,32%. In Group 1, from total of 36 animals, only one case of abomasal displacement was detected (2,77%). In Group 2, from total of 289 animals, in 15 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed (5,19%). In Group 3, from total of 69 animals, in 5 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed (7,24%.). Key words: abomasal displacement, dairy cattle, ag


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    Our aim was to examine the influence of stocking density on the conformation in live broilers of Cobb provenance. A total of 120 chickens of Cobb 500 provenance are divided into three groups with 40 animals each (two experimental and one control group). At the end of the first week of feeding, 20 chickens were sampled and marked by random sampling. Chickens from the first experimental group (P1) represented the group with lower population of stocking density (12 chicks/m2), chickens from the second experimental group (P2) represented the group of chickens with a higher population of stocking density (18 chicks/m2), while the stocking density of the control group (K) chickens was in line with technological recommendations (15 chicks /m2). During the experiment, marked chickens were monitored and measured for the chest circumference, drumstick circumference, length of keel (Crista sterni), breast depth and breast angle on a weekly basis. Measures conformations were taken in live chickens in hanging position with the use of appropriate instruments: millimeter measuring tape, caliper and protractor ZP-3. The results were statistically analyzed, statistically significant differences were noted, and correlation coefficient was determined. The longest circumference and depth of chest, drumstick circumference, and keel length were observed in the control group of chickens by the end of the experiment. The differences in comparison with the experimental groups were not statistically significant. The results indicate that compliance with the production technology can result in better production indicators and other factors including the success of intensive poultry production.Key words: stocking density, conformation, live broiler, Cobb provenance</p


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    Horse breeding is a branch of animal husbandry that keeps loosing its importance in BiH, in particular in the postwar period. Horse population number tends to decline constantly. In 1990, horse population in BiH was about 99.803, in 2004 about 27.156, in 2006 about 25.699, while in 2009 the number decreased to 21.185 with the objective tendency of further decline. These data support the opinion of many livestock breeding experts that horse breeding surely became the most endangered livestock breeding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, horse population has an estimate of 1000. Only thanks to a number of enthusiasts in horse breeding, horse population has been surviving, sometimes under unbelievable circumstances lacking food, water and adequate accommodation. These facts command a thorough research both phenotypic and genetic, with the goal of complete determination of this horse population.Key words: Horse breeding, Bosnia and Herzegovina mountain horse, free breeding</p