1,924 research outputs found

    Framework for estimation of nacelle drag on isolated aero-engines with separate jets

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    Typically, the evaluation of nacelle drag in preliminary design is required to find an overall optimum engine cycle and flight trajectory. This work focuses on the drag characteristics of aero-engine nacelles with separate jet exhausts. The main body of analysis comes from 3D numerical simulations. A new near-field method to compute the post-exit force of a nacelle is presented and evaluated. The effects of the engine size, Mach number, mass-flow capture ratio and angle of attack are assessed. The results obtained from the numerical assessments were used to evaluate conventional reduced order models for the estimation of nacelle drag. Within this context, the effect of the engine size is typically estimated by the scaling ratio between the maximum areas and Reynolds numbers. The effect of the angle of attack on nacelle drag is mostly a function of the nacelle geometry and angle of attack. In general, typical low order models based on skin friction and form factor can underestimate the friction drag by up to 15% at cruise operating point. Similarly, reduced order models based solely on Reynolds number and Mach number can underestimate the overall nacelle drag by up to 74% for free stream Mach number larger than the drag rise Mach number

    Two Boundaries Separate Borrelia burgdorferi Populations in North America

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    Understanding the spread of infectious diseases is crucial for implementing effective control measures. For this, it is important to obtain information on the contemporary population structure of a disease agent and to infer the evolutionary processes that may have shaped it. Here, we investigate on a continental scale the population structure of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme borreliosis (LB), a tick-borne disease, in North America. We test the hypothesis that the observed d population structure is congruent with recent population expansions and that these were preceded by bottlenecks mostly likely caused by the near extirpation in the 1900s of hosts required for sustaining tick populations. Multilocus sequence typing and complementary population analytical tools were used to evaluate B. burgdorferi samples collected in the Northeastern, Upper Midwestern, and Far-Western United States and Canada. The spatial distribution of sequence types (STs) and inferred population boundaries suggest that the current populations are geographically separated. One major population boundary separated western B. burgdorferi populations transmitted by Ixodes pacificus in California from Eastern populations transmitted by I. scapularis; the other divided Midwestern and Northeastern populations. However, populations from all three regions were genetically closely related. Together, our findings suggest that although the contemporary populations of North American B. burgdorferi now com- prise three geographically separated subpopulations with no or limited gene flow among them, they arose from a common ancestral population. A comparative analysis of the B. burgdorferi outer surface protein C (ospC) gene revealed novel linkages and provides additional insights into the genetic characteristics of strains

    Domain Walls Motion and Resistivity in a Fully-Frustrated Josephson Array

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    It is identified numerically that the resistivity of a fully-frustrated Josephson-junction array is due to motion of domain walls in vortex lattice rather than to motion of single vortices

    Phase transitions in a frustrated XY model with zig-zag couplings

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    We study a new generalized version of the square-lattice frustrated XY model where unequal ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic couplings are arranged in a zig-zag pattern. The ratio between the couplings ρ\rho can be used to tune the system, continuously, from the isotropic square-lattice to the triangular-lattice frustrated XY model. The model can be physically realized as a Josephson-junction array with two different couplings, in a magnetic field corresponding to half-flux quanta per plaquette. Mean-field approximation, Ginzburg-Landau expansion and finite-size scaling of Monte Carlo simulations are used to study the phase diagram and critical behavior. Depending on the value of ρ\rho, two separate transitions or a transition line in the universality class of the XY-Ising model, with combined Z2Z_2 and U(1) symmetries, takes place. In particular, the phase transitions of the standard square-lattice and triangular-lattice frustrated XY models correspond to two different cuts through the same transition line. Estimates of the chiral (Z2Z_2) critical exponents on this transition line deviate significantly from the pure Ising values, consistent with that along the critical line of the XY-Ising model. This suggests that a frustrated XY model or Josephson-junction array with a zig-zag coupling modulation can provide a physical realization of the XY-Ising model critical line.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamic Approach to the Fully Frustrated XY Model

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations, we systematically investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of the chiral degree of freedom in the two-dimensional fully frustrated XY model. The critical initial increase of the staggered chiral magnetization is observed. By means of the short-time dynamics approach, we estimate the second order phase transition temperature TcT_{c} and all the dynamic and static critical exponents θ\theta, z, β\beta and ν\nu.Comment: 5 pages with 6 figures include

    Chiral phase transitions: focus driven critical behavior in systems with planar and vector ordering

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    The fixed point that governs the critical behavior of magnets described by the NN-vector chiral model under the physical values of NN (N=2,3N =2, 3) is shown to be a stable focus both in two and three dimensions. Robust evidence in favor of this conclusion is obtained within the five-loop and six-loop renormalization-group analysis in fixed dimension. The spiral-like approach of the chiral fixed point results in unusual crossover and near-critical regimes that may imitate varying critical exponents seen in physical and computer experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Discussion enlarge

    Tricritical behavior of the frustrated XY antiferromagnet

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    Extensive histogram Monte-Carlo simulations of the XY antiferromagnet on a stacked triangular lattice reveal exponent estimates which strongly favor a scenario of mean-field tricritical behavior for the spin-order transition. The corresponding chiral-order transition occurs at the same temperature but appears to be decoupled from the spin-order. These results are relevant to a wide class of frustrated systems with planar-type order and serve to resolve a long-standing controversy regarding their criticality.Comment: J1K 2R1 4 pages (RevTex 3.0), 4 figures available upon request, Report# CRPS-94-0

    High Field ESR and Magnetization of the Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4

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    We report the experimental and the analytical results of electron spin resonance (ESR) and magnetization in high magnetic fields up to about 68 T of the quasi two-dimensional triangular lattice antiferromagnet NiGa2_2S4_4. From the temperature evolution of the ESR absorption linewidth, we find a distinct disturbing of the development of the spin correlation by Z2Z_2-vortices between 23 K and 8.5 K. Below Tv=8.5T_{\rm{v}}=8.5 K, spin-wave calculations based on a 57^{\circ} spiral spin order well explains the frequency dependence of the ESR resonance fields and high field magnetization processes for HH\parallelcc and HH\perpcc, although the magnetization for HH\perpcc at high fields is different from the calculated one. Furthermore, we explain the field independent specific heat with T2T^2-dependence by the same spin-wave calculation, but the magnitude of the specific heat is much less than the observed one. Accordingly, these results suggest the occurrence of a Z2Z_2 vortex-induced topological transition at TvT_{\rm{v}} and may indicate quantum effects beyond the descriptions based on the above classical spin models