208 research outputs found
“Seeing a country with your own eyes”: The impact of immersion experiences in language travel
This study approaches immersion experiences in the context of language tourism. Immersion is here understood as tourists’ extensive engagement and interaction with the members of the host culture. Previous studies have pointed out that language tourism implies a deeper contact with locals; however, other studies have observed that many language programmes abroad are not always as immersive as expected. These contradictory findings suggest that there may be a tremendous variation in contact with locals in the context of language tourism.
Hence, the present mixed methods study uses interviews with 22 language travellers, and 1,011 survey answers to address the question of how language tourists who had an intense contact with local residents differ – in terms of profile and travel experiences – from those language travellers who did not have such an intense contact. There are significant differences between these groups. Those who had a more intense contact with locals are more likely to be intrinsically motivated by an interest for the local culture, to travel alone, to report higher levels of fluency, more frequent accommodation at homestays, and greater engagement in a wider range of activities at the destination.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Addressing the Conflicting Dimension of Groupware: A Case Study in Software Requirements Validation
This paper addresses the conflicting dimension of groupware, seeking the reconciliation of two very different assumptions about the users' attitudes using groupware tools: users either collaborate or negotiate to reach consensus. We argue that groupware should integrate the full spectrum of attitudes occurring between these two extremes. The designed solution integrates content and process support in a coherent model supporting low and high conflict situations. Furthermore, we propose a set of benefits and resistances, developed at the user-interface level, aiming to influence users towards low conflict attitudes when interacting with groupware. This approach was applied in a case study involving the development of a groupware tool supporting Quality Function Deployment for software requirements validation in a real-world organization. The case study indicated that the proposed approach was beneficial promoting consensus
Attitudes towards machine translation and languages among travelers
Machine translation (MT), i.e., automatic translation, is a growing feld in artifcial
intelligence with huge impacts on societies and businesses. Despite its importance
for traveling and tourism communication, it has not been approached within tourism
research. This study aims to fll this gap in knowledge by analyzing how attitudes
toward machine translation are related to tourists’ profles, travel behaviors, and
language mindsets. It comprises two parts. The frst one concerns a sample of
2535 individuals, while the second concerns a sub-sample of 907 language tourists
(LTs). Specifc research goals are set for each study: (1) to compare individuals with
opposing viewpoints on the importance of MT in terms of profles and attitudes
toward languages; and (2) to understand how LTs’ profles and travel experiences
difered according to their agreement with the importance of MT in their most
signifcant language trip. Statistical exploratory and inferential analyses have
been conducted. We conclude that those with more positive views of MT tend to
be younger and less educated, report poorer language skills, and attribute greater
importance to the role of English as a lingua franca. Concerning LTs, those who
rate MT as less important are more likely to have acquired language skills formally,
engage more in cultural activities, and have closer contact with locals during their
language trips. Acknowledging the role of MT in their most signifcant language trip
is neither associated with a more unfavorable attitude towards the role of language in
tourism nor with perceived diminished travel outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Las estrategias didácticas y sus incidencias en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en la disciplina de Lengua y Literatura, 9° grado “A”, turno vespertino, Instituto Nacional Darío, departamento de Matagalpa, segundo semestre 2016
La enseñanza-aprendizaje de la comprensión lectora en Educación Secundaria debe ser una prioridad.
El tema investigado es: “La comprensión lectora en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la disciplina de Lengua y Literatura en la secundaria de los departamentos de Matagalpa-Jinotega, segundo semestre 2016”.
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar “Las estrategias didácticas y sus incidencias en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en la disciplina de Lengua y Literatura, 9° grado “A”, turno vespertino, Instituto Nacional Darío, departamento de Matagalpa, segundo semestre 2016”.
La importancia de esta investigación radica en que el docente utilice adecuado de las estrategias didácticas durante el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje para lograr la comprensión lectora.
En esta investigación se utilizó el enfoque cuantitativo, con implicaciones cualitativas, el tipo de estudio es de carácter explicativo.
La población es de 22 discentes, misma que se tomó como muestra, constituyendo el 100%, los instrumentos que se aplicaron fueron: Observación, Entrevista y Encuesta.
Después de haber aplicado instrumentos se obtuvo como resultado que, por más que la docente implemente diferentes estrategias didácticas, si no existe interés y hábito por la lectura de parte de los estudiantes, estos no lograrán comprender lo que leen.
Entre las conclusiones están:
Las estrategias que utilizó la docente de Lengua y Literatura para desarrollar la comprensión lectora son: lectura silenciosa, lectura comprensiva, resumen, esquemas, trabajo en equipo, lectura compartida o conversatorio.
Las dificultades encontradas durante la observación son: desinterés y falta de hábito por la lectura, asignación de tres obras demasiadas extensas por parte del docente para que estas se desarrollaran en una sola sesión de clase.
Las estrategias didácticas que aplicó la docente inciden positivamente debido a que los estudiantes se interesaron por saber de qué trataba cada novela y participaron activamente en el desarrollo de la clase, lográndose así, el indicador de logro propuesto en el plan de clase.
Entre las estrategias que se le sugieren a la docente están: (Ver Anexo N° 14)
Herramientas de la mente
¿Cómo desarrollar la memoria comprensiva? (Pasos: 1,2,3,4 y 5)
Globos del saber
El panal
El semáforo
El semáforo utilizando los colores
El rosal
La ruleta de los ¿Por qué?
El collage de datos
Columna vertebral
Se sugieren estrategias didácticas innovadoras, las que servirán para mejorar la calidad educativa en Educación Secundaria y harán que los estudiantes se motiven y adquieran el hábito de la lectura, que puedan comprender lo leído.
Palabras claves: Comprensión Lectora, Estrategias Didáctica
Social media addiction scale validation in a Portuguese sample
This study aims to validate a scale to measure addiction to social media (SMAS) for the Portuguese population (SMAS-PV). The original 14 items’ SMAS was translated and back-translated from English to Portuguese. Psychometric scale validation procedures were followed. SMAS-PV’s properties were assessed in a sample of 605 Portuguese university and high-school students. A Parallel Analysis was carried out as a criterion for extracting factors in Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA), EFA for ordinal data, with unweighted least squares (ULS). This was followed by confirmatory factor analysis to examine whether the structure pattern fitted the Portuguese context. The resulting scale, with eight items in a two-component structure, compulsive feelings, and social consequences, demonstrated high reliability and validity. The Portuguese version of the social media addiction scale presented good psychometric qualities, constituting a credible instrument for assessing social media addiction. Participants with the highest addiction levels spend more time connected to social media.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Valência emocional das memórias autobiográficas e a personalidade : Emoção, personalidade e memórias autobiográficas
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto SuperiorÉ muito vasta a literatura no campo das memórias autobiográficas. No entanto, o
impacto da personalidade na evocação das memórias autobiográficas é ainda, pouco
claro. O Objectivo desta investigação é avaliar se os domínios da personalidade vão
influenciar a valência emocional das memórias autobiográficas evocadas. A
metodologia prende-se com a aplicação de escalas clínicas como o BDI (Beck, 1974), o
BSI (Canavarro, 1999), Inventário de Personalidade NEO-PI-R (McCrae & Costa,
1992) e Tarefa de Memórias Autobiográficas (Cáudio,2004), que visam a avaliação das
memórias autobiográficas e determinam os domínios de personalidade que maior
influencia têm no processo de evocação de memórias autobiográficas. Determina-se
que, apesar de não serem significativos, os resultados apontam no sentido esperado e
que existe uma tendência para uma maior evocação de memórias autobiográficas de
valência emocional positiva do que negativa; As mulheres são tendencialmente mais
rápidas no processo de evocação; Mulheres evocam maior número de memórias
autobiográficas do que os homens; Quanto maiores os níveis de neuroticismo, maior o
número de memórias autobiográficas de valência emocional negativa evocadas e por
fim, quanto maiores os níveis de abertura à experiência maior o número de memórias
autobiográficas de valência emocional positiva evocadas.ABSTRACT------The existing literature is very vast in the field of autobiographical memories.
However, the impact of personality in the process of recalling or evoking
autobiographical memories is still unclear. To this end we propose to assess whether the
personality domains will influence the emotional valence of autobiographical memories
recalled. The methodology relates to the application of clinical scales as the BDI (Beck,
1974), BSI (Canavarro, 1999), NEO-PI-R (McCrae & Costa, 1992) and The
Autobiographical Memory Task (Cláudio, 2004), aimed at the evaluation of the
autobiographical memories and determine the aspects of personality that have greater
influence in the process of recall of autobiographical memories. We determined that,
although not significant, the results point in the expected direction and there is a
tendency towards greater recall of autobiographical memories of positive emotional
valence than negative; Women tend to be faster in the recall process; Women evoke
more autobiographical memories than men; The higher the neuroticism levels, the
greater the number of autobiographical memories of negative emotional valence
recalled, and finally, the greater de levels of opening to experience the greater the
number of autobiographical memories of positive emotional valence recalled
Percepções do desenvolvimento econômico sustentável diante das disposições de direito internacional público : uma análise das obrigações ambientais do sistema financeiro em nível internacional
O presente trabalho busca analisar o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável no cenário internacional e a sua contribuição para o estabelecimento do papel das instituições financeiras no que tange à proteção ambiental. A justificativa para tal reside no protagonismo da atividade financeira, principalmente diante da disponibilização do crédito e em suas respectivas formas de controle. O objetivo geral do trabalho consiste na análise dos instrumentos jurídicos que buscam regulamentar a atividade das instituições financeiras do ponto de vista ambiental, tendo como ponto de partida o estudo do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, o panorama histórico que levou à sua disposição bem como os seus desdobramentos, tanto no cenário brasileiro quanto em âmbito internacional. No que tange aos objetivos específicos do trabalho, a construção histórica do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável será abordada, de modo a identificar e embasar as atuais disposições de direito internacional derivadas desta. Nesse sentido, a vinculação entre o direito ao desenvolvimento, o direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado e a garantia do acesso aos recursos naturais para as atuais e futuras gerações será destacada. Ainda, o Acordo de Paris e os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável - como as mais recentes iniciativas de cunho ambiental em nível internacional - serão analisados visando a projeção dos próximos passos relativos ao setor financeiros. De modo exemplificativo, a perspectiva brasileira será interpretada, assim como as atuais disposições legislacionais e os precedentes internos relativos à responsabilização das instituições financeiras por danos ambientais. Por fim, identificar-se-á que, em que pese não haja previsões expressas de responsabilização das instituições financeiras em geral, a tendência é que esse tema adquira relevo, tanto no cenário brasileiro quanto no cenário internacional.One intends, in this essay, to investigate the concept of sustainable development in the international scenario and its contribution establishing the role of financial institutions when the matter is environmental protection. The justification for the study lies in the key role played by the financial activity, especially considering the credit and its control measures. The main objective of study resides in the verification of international law instruments that regulates the activity developed by financial institutions, beginning with the analyses of the concept of sustainable development as well as it’s the historical construction and repercussions regarding the international and Brazilian scenarios. Regarding the specific objectives of study, the historic construction of the sustainable development concept will be followed to identify and support the current dispositions of international law related to the concept. Besides, it is worth stressing the relation between the right to development, the right to an ecologically balanced environment and the insurance to the access natural resources for the current and future generations. Yet, the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, as the newest initiatives related to environmental measures in international ground, will be studied seeking the projection of the next steps among the financial sector. As an example, the Brazilian scenario, its legal dispositions and intern precedents will be interpreted to identify the hypothesis of liability of financial institutes due to environmental damages. Finally, the conclusion will show that, although there is no specific legislation regarding the responsibilities of financial institutions, both the Brazilian and international scenarios show a trend of growing acquirement about the theme
Psychological well-being and health perception: predictors for past, present and future
Background: Increasing evidence supports an association between psychological well-being and overall health, however, much remains to be understood about this association. Objectives: The current study addresses this issue by presenting a new perspective focusing on health perceptions. Additionally, it examines the impact of each of six dimensions of psychological well-being on health perception. Methods: Data for this study were collected from a sample of 1,155 Portuguese adults in various settings. Results: Findings reveal that psychological well-being dimensions' impact differently on prior, current, and health outlookperceptions. Furthermore, the dimension depressed mood influences current health perception; in turn, current health perception is the strongest predictor for psychological well-being. Discussion: Our results provide support for a bidirectional relationship between health perception and psychological well-being
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