9 research outputs found

    Cigarette Smoking Is Associated with a Lower Concentration of CD105+ Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells

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    Cigarette smoking is associated with musculoskeletal degenerative disorders, delayed fracture healing, and nonunion. Bone marrow progenitor cells (BMPCs), known to express CD105, are important in local trophic and immunomodulatory activity and central to musculoskeletal healing/regeneration. We hypothesized that smoking is associated with lower levels of BMPC. Iliac bone marrow samples were collected from individuals aged 18–65 years during the first steps of pelvic surgery, under IRB approval with informed consent. Patients with active infectious or neoplastic disease, a history of cytotoxic or radiation therapy, primary or secondary metabolic bone disease, or bone marrow dysfunction were excluded. Separation process purity and the number of BMPCs recovered were assessed with FACS. BMPC populations in self-reported smokers and nonsmokers were compared using the two-tailed t-test. 13 smokers and 13 nonsmokers of comparable age and gender were included. The average concentration of BMPCs was 3.52 × 105/mL ± 2.45 × 105/mL for nonsmokers versus 1.31 × 105/mL ± 1.61 × 105/mL for smokers (t= 3.2, P=0.004). This suggests that cigarette smoking is linked to a significant decrease in the concentration of BMPCs, which may contribute to the reduced regenerative capacity of smokers, with implications for musculoskeletal maintenance and repair

    Guided Bone Regeneration with Ammoniomethacrylate-Based Barrier Membranes in a Radial Defect Model

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    Large bone defects pose an unsolved challenge for orthopedic surgeons. Our group has previously reported the construction of a barrier membrane made of ammoniomethacrylate copolymer USP (AMCA), which supports the adhesion, proliferation, and osteoblastic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). In this study, we report the use of AMCA membranes to seclude critical segmental defect (~1.0 cm) created in the middle third of rabbit radius and test the efficiency of bone regeneration. Bone regeneration was assessed by radiography, biweekly for 8 weeks. The results were verified by histology and micro-CT at the end of the follow-up. The AMCA membranes were found superior to no treatment in terms of new bone formation in the defect, bone volume, callus surface area normalized to total volume, and the number of bone trabeculae, after eight weeks. Additional factors were then assessed, and these included the addition of simvastatin to the membrane, coating the membrane with human MSC, and a combination of those. The addition of simvastatin to the membranes demonstrated a stronger effect at a similar radiological follow-up. We conclude that AMCA barrier membranes per se and simvastatin delivered in a controlled manner improve bone regeneration outcome

    Ligamentous Lisfranc injuries: analysis of CT findings under weightbearing.

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    PURPOSE The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different ligamentous Lisfranc injuries on computed tomography (CT) findings under weight-bearing and to emphasize the indications for surgical treatment of their various types. METHODS Sixteen human cadaveric lower limbs were placed in weight-bearing radiolucent frame for CT scanning. All intact specimens were initially scanned, and then, dorsal approach was used for sequential ligaments cutting of: (1) the dorsal and the interosseous (Lisfranc) ligaments between medical cuneiform (MC) and metatarsal 2 (MT2); (2) the plantar ligament between the MC and MT3; (3) the plantar ligament between MC and MT2. Based on sequential CT scans, the distances MT1-MT2, MC-T2, as well as the alignment and dorsal displacement of MT2 were measured. RESULTS Slight increase in the distances MT1-MT2 and MC-MT2 was observed after the disruption of the dorsal and the interosseous ligaments. Further increase in MT1-MT2 and MC-MT2 distances was registered after the disruption of the ligament between MC and MT3. The largest distances MT1-MT2 and MC-MT2 were measured after the final plantar ligament cut between MC and MT2. CONCLUSIONS Unequivocal instability is observed with simultaneous transection of the Lisfranc ligament with both plantar ligaments. On CT used as diagnostic tool, plantar injuries at the basis of the second and the third metatarsal are indirect signs of violation of the ligaments and represent an indication for surgical treatment. When using magnetic resonance imaging as diagnostic tool, a ruptured Lisfranc ligament alone without dislocation does not necessarily need surgical intervention