126 research outputs found

    Elastic properties of small-world spring networks

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    We construct small-world spring networks based on a one dimensional chain and study its static and quasistatic behavior with respect to external forces. Regular bonds and shortcuts are assigned linear springs of constant kk and kk', respectively. In our models, shortcuts can only stand extensions less than δc\delta_c beyond which they are removed from the network. First we consider the simple cases of a hierarchical small-world network and a complete network. In the main part of this paper we study random small-world networks (RSWN) in which each pair of nodes is connected by a shortcut with probability pp. We obtain a scaling relation for the effective stiffness of RSWN when k=kk=k'. In this case the extension distribution of shortcuts is scale free with the exponent -2. There is a strong positive correlation between the extension of shortcuts and their betweenness. We find that the chemical end-to-end distance (CEED) could change either abruptly or continuously with respect to the external force. In the former case, the critical force is determined by the average number of shortcuts emanating from a node. In the latter case, the distribution of changes in CEED obeys power laws of the exponent α-\alpha with α3/2\alpha \le 3/2.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, published versio

    Biased random satisfiability problems: From easy to hard instances

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    In this paper we study biased random K-SAT problems in which each logical variable is negated with probability pp. This generalization provides us a crossover from easy to hard problems and would help us in a better understanding of the typical complexity of random K-SAT problems. The exact solution of 1-SAT case is given. The critical point of K-SAT problems and results of replica method are derived in the replica symmetry framework. It is found that in this approximation αcp(K1)\alpha_c \propto p^{-(K-1)} for p0p\to 0. Solving numerically the survey propagation equations for K=3 we find that for p<p0.17p<p^* \sim 0.17 there is no replica symmetry breaking and still the SAT-UNSAT transition is discontinuous.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Biology helps to construct weighted scale free networks

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    In this work we study a simple evolutionary model of bipartite networks which its evolution is based on the duplication of nodes. Using analytical results along with numerical simulation of the model, we show that the above evolutionary model results in weighted scale free networks. Indeed we find that in the one mode picture we have weighted networks with scale free distributions for interesting quantities like the weights, the degrees and the weighted degrees of the nodes and the weights of the edges.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Revte

    Ising Model on Edge-Dual of Random Networks

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    We consider Ising model on edge-dual of uncorrelated random networks with arbitrary degree distribution. These networks have a finite clustering in the thermodynamic limit. High and low temperature expansions of Ising model on the edge-dual of random networks are derived. A detailed comparison of the critical behavior of Ising model on scale free random networks and their edge-dual is presented.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Simplifying Random Satisfiability Problem by Removing Frustrating Interactions

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    How can we remove some interactions in a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) such that it still remains satisfiable? In this paper we study a modified survey propagation algorithm that enables us to address this question for a prototypical CSP, i.e. random K-satisfiability problem. The average number of removed interactions is controlled by a tuning parameter in the algorithm. If the original problem is satisfiable then we are able to construct satisfiable subproblems ranging from the original one to a minimal one with minimum possible number of interactions. The minimal satisfiable subproblems will provide directly the solutions of the original problem.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    Spanning Trees in Random Satisfiability Problems

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    Working with tree graphs is always easier than with loopy ones and spanning trees are the closest tree-like structures to a given graph. We find a correspondence between the solutions of random K-satisfiability problem and those of spanning trees in the associated factor graph. We introduce a modified survey propagation algorithm which returns null edges of the factor graph and helps us to find satisfiable spanning trees. This allows us to study organization of satisfiable spanning trees in the space spanned by spanning trees.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    A Modal Series Representation of Genesio Chaotic System

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    In this paper an analytic approach is devised to represent, and study the behavior of, nonlinear dynamic chaotic Genesio system using general nonlinear modal representation. In this approach, the original nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of model transforms to a sequence of linear time- invariant ODEs. By solving the proposed linear ODEs sequence, the exact solution of the original nonlinear problem is determined in terms of uniformly convergent series. Also an efficient algorithm with low computational complexity and high accuracy is presented to find the approximate solution. Simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: International Journal of Instrumentation and Control Systems (IJICS) Vol.2, No.3, July 201

    Intermittent exploration on a scale-free network

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    We study an intermittent random walk on a random network of scale-free degree distribution. The walk is a combination of simple random walks of duration twt_w and random long-range jumps. While the time the walker needs to cover all the nodes increases with twt_w, the corresponding time for the edges displays a non monotonic behavior with a minimum for some nontrivial value of twt_w. This is a heterogeneity-induced effect that is not observed in homogeneous small-world networks. The optimal twt_w increases with the degree of assortativity in the network. Depending on the nature of degree correlations and the elapsed time the walker finds an over/under-estimate of the degree distribution exponent.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, published versio

    Basal complex: a smart wing component for automatic shape morphing

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    Insect wings are adaptive structures that automatically respond to flight forces, surpassing even cutting-edge engineering shape-morphing systems. A widely accepted but not yet explicitly tested hypothesis is that a 3D component in the wing’s proximal region, known as basal complex, determines the quality of wing shape changes in flight. Through our study, we validate this hypothesis, demonstrating that the basal complex plays a crucial role in both the quality and quantity of wing deformations. Systematic variations of geometric parameters of the basal complex in a set of numerical models suggest that the wings have undergone adaptations to reach maximum camber under loading. Inspired by the design of the basal complex, we develop a shape-morphing mechanism that can facilitate the shape change of morphing blades for wind turbines. This research enhances our understanding of insect wing biomechanics and provides insights for the development of simplified engineering shape-morphing systems

    Entropy landscape and non-Gibbs solutions in constraint satisfaction problems

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    We study the entropy landscape of solutions for the bicoloring problem in random graphs, a representative difficult constraint satisfaction problem. Our goal is to classify which type of clusters of solutions are addressed by different algorithms. In the first part of the study we use the cavity method to obtain the number of clusters with a given internal entropy and determine the phase diagram of the problem, e.g. dynamical, rigidity and SAT-UNSAT transitions. In the second part of the paper we analyze different algorithms and locate their behavior in the entropy landscape of the problem. For instance we show that a smoothed version of a decimation strategy based on Belief Propagation is able to find solutions belonging to sub-dominant clusters even beyond the so called rigidity transition where the thermodynamically relevant clusters become frozen. These non-equilibrium solutions belong to the most probable unfrozen clusters.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure