8 research outputs found

    Particle-Based Simulations of Electrophoretic Deposition with Adaptive Physics Models

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    This work represents an extension of mesoscale particle-based modeling of electrophoretic deposition (EPD), which has relied exclusively on pairwise interparticle interactions described by Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory. With this standard treatment, particles continuously move and interact via excluded volume and electrostatic pair potentials under the influence of external fields throughout the EPD process. The physics imposed by DLVO theory may not be appropriate to describe all systems, considering the vast material, operational, and application space available to EPD. As such, we present three modifications to standard particle-based models, each rooted in the ability to dynamically change interparticle interactions as simulated deposition progresses. This approach allows simulations to capture charge transfer and/or irreversible adsorption based on tunable parameters. We evaluate and compare simulated deposits formed under new physical assumptions, demonstrating the range of systems that these adaptive physics models may capture.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    Laser-based ion doping is a suitable alternative to dope biologically active ions into colloidal bioglass nanoparticles

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    Bioactive glass nanoparticles (nBGs) have demonstrated promising properties for bone regeneration due to their bone-binding ability. Incorporating multiple ions into nBGs can improve their bioactivity and provide them with additional functionalities aiding bone repair. However, incorporating multiple ions into nBGs combining different functionalities is still challenging as the additional ions often interfere with the nanoparticle properties. To overcome these challenges, here we report the use of pulsed laser doping and co-doping techniques as an alternative method for ion incorporation into colloidal nBGs. We demonstrate the simultaneous laser-induced incorporation of iron (Fe), strontium (Sr), and/or copper (Cu) ions into nBGs from simple salt solutions without altering the particles' morphology. Furthermore, laser-doped nBGs were biocompatible and could significantly increase alkaline phosphatase (ALP) production in human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSC). Moreover, laser-co-doped nBGs containing Fe and Sr ions significantly increased vessel formation by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Therefore, pulsed laser doping in liquids was shown to be a versatile technique to incorporate multiple ions into nBGs and allow systematic studies on cooperative effects of dopants in active biomaterials

    High Yielding vs. Low Yielding Testers to Identify Advanced Breeding Lines for General Combining Ability in Dolichos Bean (<i>Lablab purpureus</i>)

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    <p>Plant breeders are often confronted with the task of selecting suitable parents for making crosses to maximize the probability of isolating desirable pure-lines in predominantly self-fertilizing species, such as dolichos bean. General combining ability (GCA) is one of the widely accepted measures for choosing parents for crosses. However, the choice of suitable testers to discriminate among breeding lines for GCA has been a debatable issue in crop breeding. Comparative ability of high yielding testers (HYT) and low yielding testers (LYT) to discriminate among advanced breeding lines for GCA in dolichos bean was investigated using two criteria: (1) range of GCA and (2) contribution of lines towards total variance of test-cross progenies. The range of estimated GCA effects of lines was wider when tested against LYT than when tested against HYT. The greater contribution of lines to the variance of crosses derived from LYT than those derived from HYT suggested better ability of LYT than HYT to discriminate among lines for GCA. Based on GCA effects, significant differences existed in the ability of HYT and LYT to discriminate among lines for their GCA effects and favored the use of LYT for studies designed to evaluate the breeding lines for their GCA effects in dolichos bean.</p

    Recent developments in Lablab purpureus genomics: A focus on drought stress tolerance and use of genomic resources to develop stress-resilient varieties

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    This research article published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021Drought is a major climatic challenge that contributes significantly to the decline of food productivity. One of the strategies to overcome this challenge is the use of drought-tolerant crops with a wide range of benefits. Lablab is a leguminous crop that has been showing high promise to drought tolerance. It is reported to have higher drought resilience compared with the commonly cultivated legumes such as common beans and cowpeas. Because of its great genetic diversity, Lablab can withstand high temperature and low rainfall, unlike other related crops. On top of that, it is grown for multitudes of purposes including food, forages, conservation agriculture, and improved soil fertility. To enhance its production and benefits during the present effects of climate change, it is crucial to develop improved varieties that would overcome the challenge of drought stress. In the past years, there have been several reviews on Lablab based on origin, domestication, characterization, utilization, germplasm conservation, some cultivation constraints, and conventional breeding with limitations on the genomic exploitation of the crop for drought tolerance. Conventional breeding is the major breeding technique for many Lablab cultivars. The integration of genomic, physiological, biochemical, and molecular approaches would be required to develop drought-tolerant cultivars of Lablab. In this review, we discuss recent developments in Lablab genomics with a focus on drought stress tolerance and the use of genomic resources to develop stress-resilient varieties