100 research outputs found

    A nineteenth-century Bonpo pilgrim in Western Tibet and Nepal: Episodes from the life of dKar ru grub dbang bsTan 'dzin rin chen

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    Revue d’Etudes TibĂ©taines Number 15, November 200

    Review of Lost World

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    The Assimilation of Astrology in the Tibetan Bon Religion

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    International audienceThe sciences subsumed within the Tibetan category tsi (rtsis), "calculation," include calendrical reckoning and astrology (kartsi; dkar rtsis) and, secondly, elemental divination (naktsi; nag rtsis). The former is essentially based on the Kālacakra, a late tantra that was introduced from India in the twelfth century, and the latter on Chinese precedents. Although scholarly literature concerning the Tibetans' assimilation of these sciences is steadily growing, there has so far been almost no discussion of the way in which they have been adopted into the Bon religion. Using the example of the educational curriculum of a Bonpo monastery in India, this article explores the pedagogical context within which astrology and (to a lesser extent) elemental divination are taught to young monks. A number of didactic works are then examined with a view to discerning their distinctively Bonpo features

    Histoire et philologie tibétaines

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    Programme de l’annĂ©e 2016-2017 : I. Sources tibĂ©taines pour l’étude de l’origine et la soumission de vampires (sri). — II. Kun-bzang chos-gling : histoire et administration d’un couvent tibĂ©tain dans l’Himalaya, 1670-1940

    Is cancel culture coming to Himalayan Studies? Remarks on a recent critique of the life and work of Mary Shepherd Slusser

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    In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.Martin Luther KingThe main purpose of this article by Emiline Smith and Erin L Thompson is ostensibly to proscribe the publication of unprovenanced works of art, particularly from the Kathmandu Valley. Such publications, the authors argue, should be prevented on the grounds that they may increase the value of such items in the illicit art market. The authors further argue strongly against the removal of..

    Histoire et philologie tibétaines

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    Programme de l’annĂ©e 2014-2015 : I. Sources tibĂ©taines pour l’étude de l’origine et la soumission de vampires (sri). — II. La biographie de dKar ru grub dbang bsTan ’dzin rin chen : voyages et dĂ©couvertes (au Tibet et au NĂ©pal) d’un lama Bonpo du XIXe siĂšcle

    Histoire et philologie tibétaines

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    Programme de l’annĂ©e 2019-2020 : I. Le culte de la divinitĂ© Bonpo gTso mchog mkha’ ‘gying. — II. MatĂ©riaux pour l’étude de l’histoire de Porong (sPong rong), une principautĂ© autonome du Tibet mĂ©ridional, XIVe au XXe siĂšcles (suite). — III. Introduction Ă  l’histoire et aux doctrines de la religion Bon (cours de master)

    Tibetan Sources for a Social History of Mustang, Nepal. Volume 2: The Archives of the Tantric Lamas of Tshognam

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