81 research outputs found

    Use of filter paper stored dried blood for measurement of triglycerides

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    Adaptation of assays on dried blood has advantages of ease of collection, transportation, minimal invasiveness and requirement of small volume. A method for extraction and estimation of triglyceride from blood spots dried on filter paper (Whatman no. 3) has been developed. A single dried blood spot containing 10 μL blood was used. Triglyceride was efficiently extracted in methanol from blood dried on filter paper by incubation at 37°C for two hours with gentle shaking. For the estimation, a commercially available enzymatic method was used. Blood spot assays showed mean intra and inter assay coefficient of variance of 6.0% and 7.4% respectively. A comparison of paired whole blood spots and plasma samples (n = 75, day 0) gave an intraclass correlation of 0.96. The recovery was 99.6%. The dried blood triglyceride concentrations were stable for one month when the filter discs were stored at room temperature (16–28°C). Storage of filters at 4°C extended the stability and triglycerides could be quantatively recovered after 3 months of storage

    Association of trans fatty acids with lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors in an Indian industrial population.

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    OBJECTIVE: Trans-fat, an invariable component of industrial fat is considered as one of the major dietary factors associated with CVD. Although the use of trans-fat is completely banned in some of the high-income countries where the CVD epidemic is declining, it is widely used in LMIC. We aimed to investigate the association of trans fatty acid in serum with risk markers of CVD in an industrial population in India. Participants were randomly selected from a study conducted in an industrial setting among employees and their family members. Information related to their demographic profile, anthropometric measurements, oil intake were recorded. Fasting samples were collected and stored at - 80 °C for analysis. Their lipid profile and hs CRP were measured and fatty acids analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detector (FID). RESULTS: Complete data was available for 176 participants. Among trans fatty acids, mono trans fatty acid was significant predictor of serum triglycerides [Unadjusted β (95% CI) 22.9 (2.6, 43.2); Adjusted β (95% CI) 20.4 (3.5, 37.3)]. None of the other trans fatty acids either individually or in group correlated with any of the biochemical markers studied

    Comparative Evaluation of Biomarkers of Inflammation Among Indian Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Consuming Vegetarian vs. Non-vegetarian Diet

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    Background: Sub-inflammation and insulin resistance characterize women with PCOS. Data on dietary modulation of inflammation among PCOS women is scant, particularly from Indian subcontinent. The present study aimed to assess the effect of plant based vs. animal origin diets on serum markers of inflammation (primary outcome measure).Methods: This observational case-control study compared age and BMI matched PCOS and apparently healthy women from two populations following different dietary practices. The vegetarian women from New-Delhi (n = 82 PCOS and n = 179 healthy) and non-vegetarian women from Srinagar (n = 62 PCOS and n = 141 healthy) formed the groups. Using a uniform methodology, detailed clinical, biochemical, hormonal, and inflammatory marker assessment was undertaken.Results: The mean age of the overall cohort was 26.23 ± 4.59 years with a mean BMI of 24.39 ± 3.72 kg/m2. Overall pro-inflammatory markers (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, hs-CRP and serum resistin) were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) and anti-inflammatory markers (IL-10 and adiponectin) were lower among women with PCOS than healthy subjects. On comparing vegetarian women with non-vegetarians, higher daily calorie intake (1895.46 ± 258.19 vs. 1860.13 ± 323.96 Kcal) with a higher protein and fat and lower carbohydrate intake was recorded in the latter, although the percent energy derived from carbohydrates was higher among vegetarians. Clinical and biochemical parameters were comparable among the groups except mFG score, total serum testosterone and serum lipid levels which were higher among non-vegetarian women as compared to their vegetarian counterparts from both categories (PCOS and healthy). Interestingly, vegetarian women with PCOS and healthy women had higher serum pro-inflammatory and lower anti-inflammatory markers compared to their non-vegetarian counterparts.Conclusion: Women with PCOS consuming Indian vegetarian diet have higher pro-inflammatory and lower anti-inflammatory marker levels than their age and BMI matched healthy non-vegetarian counterparts. This interesting observation can be attributed to the dietary composition, among other factors and needs confirmation from well-designed randomized studies on a larger cohort

    Relationship of APOA5, PPARγ and HL gene variants with serial changes in childhood body mass index and coronary artery disease risk factors in young adulthood

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Triglycerides is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD) and is especially important in Indians because of high prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia in this population. Both genetic and environmental factors determine triglyceride levels. In a birth cohort from India, hypertriglyceridemia was found in 41% of men and 11% of women. Subjects who had high triglycerides had more rapid body mass index (BMI) or weight gain than rest of the cohort throughout infancy, childhood and adolescence. We analysed polymorphisms in <it>APOA5</it>, hepatic lipase and <it>PPARγ</it> genes and investigated their association with birth weight and serial changes in BMI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Polymorphisms in <it>APOA5</it> (-1131T > C, S19W), <it>PPARγ</it> (Pro12Ala) and hepatic lipase (-514C > T) were studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction digestion in 1492 subjects from the New Delhi Birth Cohort (NDBC). We assessed whether these polymorphisms influence lipid and other variables and serial changes in BMI, both individually and together.</p> <p>The risk allele of <it>APOA5</it> (-1131C) resulted in 23.6 mg/dl higher triglycerides as compared to normal allele (P < 0.001). Risk allele of HL (-514T) was associated with significantly higher HDL2 levels (P = 0.002). Except for the marginal association of <it>PPARγ</it> Pro12Ala variation with a lower conditional weight at 6 months, (P = 0.020) and A<it>POA5</it> S19W with a higher conditional BMI at 11 yrs of age (P = 0.030), none of the other associations between the gene polymorphisms and serial changes in body mass index from birth to young adulthood were significant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The promoter polymorphism in <it>APOA5</it> was associated with raised serum triglycerides and that of HL with raised HDL2 levels. None of the polymorphisms had any significant relationship with birth weight or serial changes in anthropometry from birth to adulthood in this cohort.</p

    Clinical Study Content of Trans Fatty Acids in Human Cheek Epithelium: Comparison with Serum and Adipose Tissue

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    Studies pertaining to trans fatty acids (TFA), which have been implicated in development of chronic diseases, are more relevant in developing countries where nutrition transition is changing traditional habits and practices. Measuring TFA is an arduous task because of the need for fat biopsies. This study identifies a tissue, which can be easily accessed for analytical measurement of trans fatty acid. In this cross-sectional study, fatty acid in adipose tissue, cheek epithelium, and blood samples were assessed by gas chromatography. Spearman correlation coefficient was computed to study the correlation of fatty acid distribution among the three tissues. The correlation coefficient of total trans fatty acid between cheek epithelium and serum was 0.30 ( &lt; 0.02) and between cheek epithelium and adipose tissue was 0.33 ( &lt; 0.019). This study is the first to report trans fatty acid profile in cheek epithelium giving scope for utilizing the cheek epithelium as a tissue for objective assessment of trans fatty acid intake

    Association Between Urban Life-Years and Cardiometabolic Risk: The Indian Migration Study

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    Urban living is associated with an increase in cardiometabolic risks, but the speed at which these risks are accrued over time is unknown. Using a cross-sectional sibling-pair design, the authors surveyed migrant factory workers and their spouses from 4 cities in India together with their rural-dwelling siblings and examined the associations between urban life-years and cardiometabolic risk factors. Data on 4,221 participants (39% women; mean age = 41 years) were available (2005–2007). In regression models, a 2-slope pattern for body fat (with a marked shift at 10 years) was found, whereas a common slope could be accepted for other risk factors. In men, the regression coefficients (per decade of urban life) were 2.5% in the first decade and 0.1% thereafter for body fat; 1.4 mm Hg for systolic blood pressure; and 7% for fasting insulin. Age, gender, marital status, household structure, and occupation did not influence the patterns appreciably; however, stronger gradients for adiposity were noted in migrants from lower socioeconomic positions. The findings suggest that body fat increases rapidly when one first moves to an urban environment, whereas other cardiometabolic risk factors evolve gradually. Public health interventions focused on the control of obesity in newer migrants to urban areas, particularly those from lower socioeconomic positions, may be beneficial

    Changes in hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment and control rates over 20 years in National Capital Region of India: results from a repeat cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Despite being one of the leading risk factors of cardiovascular mortality, there are limited data on changes in hypertension burden and management from India. This study evaluates trend in the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the urban and rural areas of India's National Capital Region (NCR). DESIGN AND SETTING: Two representative cross-sectional surveys were conducted in urban and rural areas (survey 1 (1991-1994); survey 2 (2010-2012)) of NCR using similar methodologies. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 3048 (mean age: 46.8±9.0 years; 52.3% women) and 2052 (mean age: 46.5±8.4 years; 54.2% women) subjects of urban areas and 2487 (mean age: 46.6±8.8 years; 57.0% women) and 1917 (mean age: 46.5±8.5 years; 51.3% women) subjects of rural areas were included in survey 1 and survey 2, respectively. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Hypertension was defined as per Joint National Committee VII guidelines. Structured questionnaire was used to measure the awareness and treatment status of hypertension. A mean systolic blood pressure <140 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg was defined as control of hypertension among the participants with hypertension. RESULTS: The age and sex standardised prevalence of hypertension increased from 23.0% to 42.2% (p<0.001) and 11.2% to 28.9% (p<0.001) in urban and rural NCR, respectively. In both surveys, those with high education, alcohol use, obesity and high fasting blood glucose were at a higher risk for hypertension. However, the change in hypertension prevalence between the surveys was independent of these risk factors (adjusted OR (95% CI): urban (2.3 (2.0 to 2.7)) rural (3.1 (2.4 to 4.0))). Overall, there was no improvement in awareness, treatment and control rates of hypertension in the population. CONCLUSION: There was marked increase in prevalence of hypertension over two decades with no improvement in management

    The impact of DocosaHexaenoic Acid supplementation during pregnancy and lactation on Neurodevelopment of the offspring in India (DHANI): trial protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests a strong association between nutrition during the first 1000 days (conception to 2 years of life) and cognitive development. Maternal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation has been suggested to be linked with cognitive development of their offspring. DHA is a structural component of human brain and retina, and can be derived from marine algae, fatty fish and marine oils. Since Indian diets are largely devoid of such products, plasma DHA levels are low. We are testing the effect of pre- and post-natal DHA maternal supplementation in India on infant motor and mental development, anthropometry and morbidity patterns. METHODS: DHANI is a double-blinded, parallel group, randomized, placebo controlled trial supplementing 957 pregnant women aged 18-35 years from ≤20 weeks gestation through 6 months postpartum with 400 mg/d algal-derived DHA or placebo. Data on the participant's socio-demographic profile, anthropometric measurements and dietary intake are being recorded at baseline. The mother-infant dyads are followed through age 12 months. The primary outcome variable is infant motor and mental development quotient at 12 months of age evaluated by Development Assessment Scale in Indian Infants (DASII). Secondary outcomes are gestational age, APGAR scores, and infant anthropometry. Biochemical indices (blood and breast-milk) from mother-child dyads are being collected to estimate changes in DHA levels in response to supplementation. All analyses will follow the intent-to-treat principle. Two-sample t test will be used to test unadjusted difference in mean DASII score between placebo and DHA group. Adjusted analyses will be performed using multiple linear regression. DISCUSSION: Implications for maternal and child health and nutrition in India: DHANI is the first large pre- and post-natal maternal dietary supplementation trial in India. If the trial finds substantial benefit, it can serve as a learning to scale up the DHA intervention in the country. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial is retrospectively registered at clinicaltrials.gov ( NCT01580345 , NCT03072277 ) and ctri.nic.in ( CTRI/2013/04/003540 , CTRI/2017/08/009296 )

    Effect of temperature and time delay in centrifugation on stability of select biomarkers of nutrition and non-communicable diseases in blood samples

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    Introduction: Preanalytical conditions are critical for blood sample integrity and poses challenge in surveys involving biochemical measurements. A cross sectional study was conducted to assess the stability of select biomarkers at conditions that mimic field situations in surveys. Material and methods: Blood from 420 volunteers was exposed to 2 – 8 °C, room temperature (RT), 22 – 30 °C and > 30 °C for 30 min, 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours prior to centrifugation. After different exposures, whole blood (N = 35) was used to assess stability of haemoglobin, HbA1c and erythrocyte folate; serum (N = 35) for assessing stability of ferritin, C-reactive protein (CRP), vitamins B12, A and D, zinc, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), tryglicerides, albumin, total protein and creatinine; and plasma (N = 35) was used for glucose. The mean % deviation of the analytes was compared with the total change limit (TCL), computed from analytical and intra-individual imprecision. Values that were within the TCL were deemed to be stable. Result: Creatinine (mean % deviation 14.6, TCL 5.9), haemoglobin (16.4%, TCL 4.4) and folate (33.6%, TCL 22.6) were unstable after 12 hours at 22- 30°C, a temperature at which other analytes were stable. Creatinine was unstable even at RT for 12 hours (mean % deviation: 10.4). Albumin, CRP, glucose, cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, vitamins B12 and A, sTfR and HbA1c were stable at all studied conditions. Conclusion: All analytes other than creatinine, folate and haemoglobin can be reliably estimated in blood samples exposed to 22-30°C for 12 hours in community-based studies