5 research outputs found

    Studi Evaluasi Kebutuhan Kapasitor Bank dan Potensi Penghematan Energi di PT IPTEK TAMAN MINI INDONESIA

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    Pada bulan awal Januari 2015, terjadi kebakaran pada ruang Main Distribution Panel (MDP) dari sistem tenaga listrik di PP-IPTEK dan ini berdampak kepada kerusakan sistem bank kapasitor dan panel-panel utama listrik yang ada di gedung PP-IPTEK. Dari hasil survei awal, perlu adanya kajian ulang terhadap sistem kelistrikan di PP-IPTEK yang saat ini disuplai oleh PLN dengan kapasitas 1.140 MW. Hasil kajian mendapati faktor daya mengalami penurunan dari 0.9 menjadi 0.79 yang mengakibatkan menurunnya efisiensi dalam penerimaan daya. Oleh karena itu, diadakan perbaikan dengan faktor daya yang baru menggunakan kapasitor bank yang baru yaitu sebesar 0.98 agar memberikan kualitas daya yang lebih baik dan menghilangkan adanya pembayaran kVArh yang berlebih dari PLN. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, PP-IPTEK dapat menghemat biaya dengan rata-rata Rp. 14.767.903,- pada setiap bulannya dan dengan kualitas daya yang baik, juga mampu memberikan daya tambahan yang dapat dialihfungsikan pada kebutuhan-kebutuhan PP-IPTEK yang lainnya

    Analyzing the deformation of copper conductor from a fire impact

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    Fire is an oxidation reaction of the three elements (fuel, oxygen, heat) that can result in loss of property, injury, even death. Electricity potential that may results on fire is the short circuit current that occurs on the equipments and electrical installation cables. The remaining wires at the first fire location are subject to fire damage and can cause electrical short circuit. The purpose of this study is to analyze the short-circuit electrical deformation of copper cable using SEM EDS and MICRO XRF instrument. Based on the study result, there is a dominant change of oxygen elements in single cable and fiber sample causing fire that is 35,96% and 21,24%, those values are higher than Oxygen on a burned short circuited cable that is 19,54% and 12,1%. The microstructure of the cable that causes fire looks like irregular clumps whereas the burned cable looks like a clump of clumps

    Evaluation Study of Waste Materials for Renewable Energy through 3R Model in Bogor City

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    Waste  is  one  the  critical  issues  in  Indonesia which  can  pose  a  badly influence  both  to human’s health and nature preservation if it is not properly managed for productive use. Hence, the increasing production in municipal waste is directly proportional to the increasing number of population, in which raises the waste production in big cities in Indonesia, such as in Bogor. In Bogor, a waste processing facility (TPS) using biogas for renewable energy has been developed. The volume of wastes in Bogor at the year of 2016 has reached 2.734,03 m³ per day. There are 12 locations for waste processing facility with the TPS 3R (Reduce, Re-use and Recycle) model but there are only 3 locations that uses biogas for   Renewable   Energy.   3   of   these   biogas-based   waste processing  facilities  can  be  found in  the  region  of  Taruna, Ceremai, and Dharmais. The wastes' capacity of each regions (Taruna, Ceremai, and Dharmais) consecutively is 3.300 kg,2.400 kg, and 2.520 kg with the number of organic materials that are being processed into biogas for renewable energy is 85 kg, 85 kg, and 55 kg

    Analyzing the potential and the load evaluation on Ubrug hydro power plant of Sukabumi, West Java

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    Built in 1923, the Ubrug Hydro Power Plant in Sukabumi was set up with an installed power of 5,94 MW on 1st unit and 2nd unit and 6,48 MW on the 3rd unit resulting in sum total of 18,36 MW. However, at present, the actual total power only generates 15,045 MW, a smaller number than its initial capacity, due to the lack of water discharge. Based on the measurement data, the load of the generator has experienced a decrease of power in normal field operation with a peak load of 9,5 MW and the lowest of 6 MW. On daily operations, only 2 generators are being operated, leaving the 3rd generator unoperated. This is due to the aging hydroelectric power plant on the location and the transition of forest functions in the upstream area, that serves as water absorption, to settlements of residents, and industrial estates. The other and the most salient cause is the waste carried by the Cicatih River coming along with the flow of water in the conduit

    Analyzing the potential and the load evaluation on Ubrug hydro power plant of Sukabumi, West Java

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    Built in 1923, the Ubrug Hydro Power Plant in Sukabumi was set up with an installed power of 5,94 MW on 1st unit and 2nd unit and 6,48 MW on the 3rd unit resulting in sum total of 18,36 MW. However, at present, the actual total power only generates 15,045 MW, a smaller number than its initial capacity, due to the lack of water discharge. Based on the measurement data, the load of the generator has experienced a decrease of power in normal field operation with a peak load of 9,5 MW and the lowest of 6 MW. On daily operations, only 2 generators are being operated, leaving the 3rd generator unoperated. This is due to the aging hydroelectric power plant on the location and the transition of forest functions in the upstream area, that serves as water absorption, to settlements of residents, and industrial estates. The other and the most salient cause is the waste carried by the Cicatih River coming along with the flow of water in the conduit