31 research outputs found
Observing The Differences in Constitutional Court Decision About the Legal Age of Marriage
In 2014–2017, there were two tests of the same norms in the Marriage Law, namely the Constitutional Court Decision Number 74 / PUU-XII / 2014 and 22 / PUU-XV / 2017. However, there is a difference in the verdict between one judgment and the next. In Constitutional Court Decision Number 22/PUU-XV/2017, the Constitutional Court changed the previous stance that stated that the age limit norm was constitutional, changing it to unconstitutional, which led to the follow-up of the lawmakers to revise the Marriage Law. This study will compare judges' considerations in the decisions of Constitutional Court Number 74 / PUU-XII / 2014 and Number 22 / PUU-XV / 2017. It will be sought against the Constitutional Court's background changing its stance from one ruling to the next. This research uses normative research methods with a conceptual and philosophical approach to legislation. The results showed that the difference underlying the two rulings was in the excavation of legal sources by judges in their legal considerations
Antinomy of Community Participation Rights in the Law on the Environmental Sector
Issues of deprivation of rights and discrimination are topics that are always discussed in Indonesia, which is known as a democracy. Community participation is one of the important instruments for indicators of the success of democracy in a country which is carried out in various sectors of life. This research will look at how to regulate community participation rights, especially in the development sector and environmental management. This study uses normative juridical research with a statutory and conceptual approach. The results of the study indicate that conceptually the right of community participation in the environmental sector is an elaboration of the guarantee of good and healthy environmental rights. The right to the environment is a procedural right that cannot be separated from other rights. Regulations regarding community participation rights scattered in various environmental sector laws still contain antinomies that result in inconsistencies in the participation model and guarantee legal uncertainty. From here, efforts need to be made, such as ratifying the Declaration of the Right to Development into law and/or enacting a special law on community participation
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran berupa komik mengenai kesadaran ragam budaya yang ditujukan untuk kelas X di SMA Sulthon Aulia Boarding School Bekasi. Jumlah populasi penelitian terdiri dari 4 kelas X. Sampel yang diambil pada penelitian sebanyak 80 peserta didik. Peneliti menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dalam pengambilan sampel. Cara demikian dilakukan bila anggota populasi dianggap homogen (Margono, 2014). Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan metode pengembangan Research and Development (RnD) menggunakan model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation). Adapun tahapan model pengembangan yang dilakukan adalah analisis, desain, dan pengembangan. Alat pengumpul data berupa angket dan wawancara. Komik yang dikembangkan ini adalah sebuah buku bergambar yang berisikan mengenai cerita-cerita ragam budaya yang tiap episodenya mengandung isu budaya etnis. Komik ini akan memiliki 3 cerita dari setiap 3 isu yang berbeda, terdiri dari stereotip, mikroagresi, dan diskriminasi. Penilaian media dilakukan oleh validator yang terdiri dari ahli media, ahli konten dan peserta didik. Berdasarkan data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hasil evaluasi formatif yang dilakukan oleh ahli media 70%, penilaian ahli konten 86%, penilaian peserta didik terhadap media mencapai 87.5%, dan penilaian capaian kinerja peserta didik mencapai 92.5%. Hasil pengembangan komik untuk membangun kesadaran budaya dikategorikan sangat baik
How Cognitive Linguistics Affect Indonesian Students’ Understanding on Learning Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verb is one aspect of English that is often avoided by EFL learners, including students in Indonesia. This is usually due to the method of learning phrasal verbs that tends to make it difficult for learners. Hence, this research tries to present how cognitive linguistics affects Indonesian students’ understanding of learning phrasal verbs. This research takes about 50 students of Padang State Polytechnic, Indonesia as the research subject. The students were divided into two groups: those who learned phrasal verbs with the traditional method and those with the cognitive linguistics method. Each group of students was taught by different lecturers who used cognitive linguistics and traditional methods. Then, the students were tested on their understanding of phrasal verbs. This study employed a quasi-experimental causal-comparative research design; this research revealed that learning phrasal verbs with the cognitive linguistics method is able to produce a significant understanding of students’ ability to understand phrasal verbs. The results of the test found that students who learned phrasal verbs with the cognitive linguistics method had a score of 80 in understanding the meaning of phrasal verbs and a score of 76.8 in applying phrasal verbs in English sentences. While the test results of the traditional method group showed less good results. In-depth interviews, and questionnaires from this research show that cognitive linguistics method helps students in understanding the meaning of phrasal verbs although there are weaknesses in applying phrasal verbs into English sentences. The implication of this research finding is that cognitive linguistics method can be an effective approach for teaching phrasal verbs to EFL students
The Phenomenon of Dynastic Politics Following Constitutional Court Decision Number 33/PUU-XIII/2015
This research aims at breaking down the dynamics of dynastic politics after the 2020 simultaneous general election and the dynamics between the nomination of regional heads and dynastic politics following the issuance of the Constitutional Court decision no. 33/PUU-XIII/2005. The research found that this local politics phenomenon is triggered by the policy on regional autonomy and decentralization after reformation in bringing about new groups with family ties at local levels who occupy positions in the government. Going by the excuses of freedom and human rights, the groups in this dynastic politics have seen a gradual increase in quantity overtime. This increase happened after the Constitutional Court decision no. 33/PUU-XIII/2015 ruled in their favour. In the ruling, the Court took human rights into their main consideration for reversing the ruling against the ban on the dynastic politics law, which in Article 7 (r) UU 1/2015 may give the impression that the right to political participation is removed
The interim president anticipates the vacancy of the office of president and vice president; Indonesia calls it ‘pelaksana tugas kepresidenan’, which is filled by the minister of home affairs, foreign affairs, and minister of defense. This article explores the two actors (bureaucrats and legitimacy) who become interim presidents in the constitutions of the world's countries. Next, the Indonesian arrangement and accompanying problems in the 1945 Constitution will be reviewed. This article is aided by a doctrinal research method with historical, legislative, and comparative constitutional approaches. Indonesia has its peculiarities compared to the constitutions of world countries because it applies a compound position as interim President adopted from the New Order legal products (Tap MPR VII/1973) without going through a decontextualisation process, so it still applies the old features (bureaucratic actors) with compound/collegial executive positions in the new constitutional structure that seeks to purify the presidential system. In addition, there are conditions that the 1945 Constitution still cannot resolve and that cause paralysis of governance. This article offers one solution—which could alleviate two specific problems simultaneously—and that is to make the Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) the acting President of the future.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi NaOH Terhadap Rendemen, Kadar Air dan Kadar Abu Gelatin Ceker Itik (Anas Platyrhynchos Javanica)
Gelatin adalah suatu protein yang didapatkan dari hasil hidrolisis kolagen pada tulang dan kulit hewan. Ceker itik mengandung kolagen, jumlahnya banyak dan belum dimafaatkan dengan baik sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan baku gelatin. Gelatin dikelompokan menjadi gelatin tipe A dan B. NaOH dapat digunakan pada proses demineralisasi pembuatan gelatin tipe B. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi dan pola hubungan NaOH terhadap rendemen, kadar air dan kadar abu gelatin ceker itik. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan 3 perlakuan konsentrasi NaOH (P1 = 3%; P2 = 5% dan P3 = 7%). Hasil penelitian diuji menggunakan analisis ragam, dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan dan uji polinomial orthogonal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NaOH berpengaruh nyata terhadap rendemen, kadar air dan kadar abu gelatin ceker itik. Konsentrasi NaOH terbaik pada kosentrasi 3% dengan nilai rendemen 4,77%, kadar air 7,20% dan kadar abu 3,48%
The legal identify in the original version of Indonesia has been camouflaged by the
hegemony of the Western legal opinion that tends to be legalistic and formalistic in
nature and to have liberal spirits. At present, the legal society is stunned by the
phenomenon that they should accept a modern law that as if it has been fallen from the
sky. Law is the crystallization of the society‟s morality, values, and identity. Law is
values that are born from the earth the people step on, therefore, it does not suddenly
fall from the sky and should be accepted by all levels of society. It is high time to purify
the national legal identity by placing the customary law and its layers of instruments as
a value that will influence the content of the positive law. The Banyu Roto‟s pledge, as a
value and customary law prevailed among the Tengger tribe, is the value and norm
serving as the daily life guidance in order to maintain the balance of the Tengger
society. Therefore, a national criminal reform with an orientation to maintain and
restore the condition and order may be made. This present article will try to answer the
following questions: first, what is the meeting point/convergence between Banyu Roto‟s
Pledge as a jural postulate and the aim of the Crime in the revision of the Criminal Law
in the future? Second, what is the way of life (the value of the people in Tengger tribe)
dealing with the basic value contained in the Banyu Roto‟s pledge used to see the
criminalization of adultery outside marriage in Indonesia? A socio-legal research
method was employed in this present research
Perancangan Aplikasi Kemahasiswaan Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut Berbasis Web
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat aplikasi kemahasiswaan di Sekolah TinggiTeknologi Garut yang dapat mempermudah informasi kepada semua mahasiswa mulai dari melihatinformasi kegiatan dan informasi beasiswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah rational unified processyang merupakan metodologi pengembangan sistem berbasis objek dengan tahapan-tahapan nyameliputi : inception, elaboration, construction, dan transition. Pemodelan yang digunakan yaituunified modeling language dengan diagram yang digunakan yaitu use case diagram, activitydiagram, sequence diagram, dan class diagram. Penelitian ini dibatasi hanya pada proses pengajuanproposal dan laporan penanggung jawaban dengan tahapan sampai pada fase construction padametode perancangan perangkat lunak dan pengujian menggunakan black-box testing. Hasil daripenelitian ini berupa aplikasi kemahasiswaan di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, yang diharapkandapat mempermudah semua mahasiswa untuk melihat informasi tentang kegiatan-kegiatanorganisasi