341 research outputs found

    Monitoring Sustainable Agricultural Development in Romania

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    Sustainable development is a concern of governments and groups of countries around the world. The topic is on top agenda because the need for a coherent development strategy became imminent under global crisis conditions. The objectives of the work consist in identifying the level of sustainable development of agriculture in Romania, by quantifying the indicators developed by the European Union and those published by the United Nations. The main results show a slight progress in sustainable agricultural development of Romania, at least in those regarding the area under organic farming, which increased 8 times from 2000 to 2009.sustainable development, organic agriculture, models of production and consumption.

    Migrant lives. A comparative study of work, family and belonging among low-wage Romanian migrant workers in Rome and London

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    Framed within the context of growing economic changes generated by globalisation in Europe and of the transition towards an increasingly service-based economy and therefore labour market restructuring, the present study investigates the intersecting lived experiences of work, family and belonging of intra-European migrant workers and their families in Rome and London. In particular the comparative examination focuses on the dynamics of mobility and work which Romanian women and men are embedded in and enact within the transnational geo-political space of the enlarged EU, as well as on the mechanisms and processes influencing their transnational mobilities. The analysis, based on a longitudinal multi-sited fieldwork conducted in two European locations – Rome and London - develops within three key institutional sites of migration: labour market, family and “community”/belonging. Within each of these, a specific process of migration is then explored: access to and participation in the labour market, transnational family formation and activities, formation and meanings of belonging/“community” in the two cities. The overall aim is to compare and provide an in-depth account of the various dimensions of Romanian migrants’ experiences in the context of different national and supranational policies, labour market realities, and socio-cultural institutions. Furthermore, the in-depth exploration, which combines narrative interviews and participant observation, provides empirically grounded insights into the existence of variables such as nationality, gender, class, historical experiences and long term individual or collective/family goals, which, together with social and immigration policies, labour market demands, work permit systems, and new geo-political openings of the European Union, are involved in and effectively influence migratory and settlement decisions and practices. As such, the study provides a valuable contribution to the empirical and theoretical advancement of studies on transnationalism in the current evolving space of the EU

    Potential Connections between Migration and Immigrants Food Consumption Habits. The Case of Romanian Immigrants in Andalusia, Spain

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    The paper aims to identify potential connections between migration and food consumption habits of Romanian immigrants in Andalusia, Spain and to study a series of factors that may contribute to the establishment of these connections. The analysis was based on a series of information obtained through a field research carried out between January and June 2011 among the Romanian immigrants in Andalusia (306 respondents). The analysis’ results revealed the fact that after migration, the Romanian immigrants who took part in the study felt a series of changes in their food consumption habits, mainly resulting in consuming a higher proportion of the food products specific to the host country, compared to the food products specific to their country of origin. The analysed factors that may influence the relationship between migration and food consumption habits were encountered in the specific scientific literature, namely the length of residence and immigrants’ age. The analysis revealed the fact that among different groups of respondents by length of residence and age, there are statistically significant differences in what concerns their perception regarding the changes in their food consumption habits after migration. The length of residence is positively correlated with the changes in food consumption after migration, while age is negatively correlated.migration, immigrant, consumer, consumption, food products, consumption habits, consumer behaviour, Romania, Spain

    Developing the Management Competencies for Getting a Competitive Position in the Organic Food Market

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    Although almost any conference tackles the issue of organic foods, we consider that this article does not fit into normal patterns of research. Our paper proposes a complex analysis in the field of organic food products. It also highlights the need of developing new competences of managers and marketers in analysing market for getting a competitive position on it. The method used is the Six Thinking Hats, devised by Edward de Bono. This method appeals to the driving creative thinking; it can be applied in almost any field of analysis. The outcomes show that, using creative thinking, the leaders develop new competences which enable them to better analyse organic food market and to identify and gain competitive positions on it.management competencies, organic food, six hats method, creative thinking, leaders, competitive position.


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    The aim of the present research paper is to present a short review on the European turism in 2010 through the influence of the financial crisis. The importance of the paper resides in the presentation of the impact that the economic downturn had on the European tourism, taking a closer look also in the investment in hotel industry in 2010. The paperâ€(tm)s objectives took into consideration the current situation and by proposing the rural tourism as an alternative we offer a solution in order to minimise its effects on this specific activity sector. The subject has not been extensively debated in the specialized literature even though it represents a current issue both regarding the private business environment as well as the main national and international bodies that regulate the tourism industry. The research metodology consists in a SWOT analysis through which we prove the rural and ecotourism to be a viable solution in order to minimise the downturn of the industry for countries in CEE. The added value of the paper consists in the analysis of o subject that is too little taken into consideration and of big importance for the companies acting in this specific domain.european tourism, financial crisis, rural tourism, ecotourism


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the businesses of Romanian producers of agrofood traditional products traded to the Romanian Farmer’s Fair. The need of pursuing these issues is emerged from the changes happened on the market of agro-food products in those regarding the transitions to a healthier consumption, to ecological and/or traditional products, in the case of some consumers. Because of these, some producers identified opportunities of developing businesses with traditional Romanian products. In describing producers’ businesses, a qualitative marketing research is undertaken to the Romanian Farmer’s Fair, trying to identify future trends of the market of agro-food products.Traditional products, Model of consumption, Agro-food products’ market, Consumer, Agribusiness, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    A useful case study on decision making related to financing methods: learning about finance by study case

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    A giant will always need money inflows. A less giant company needs the same money inflows. A retail subject will also need money. So, the competition is to be not in area of money availability, but in area of cost of resources. Be prepare to make your option, and pay less then competition. For you I have the following note: it is not important to do your best in order to avoid difficult situation, but it is important how you handle such situation. The present short but enhanced guide will help you in decisions to come.investment; financing methods; forecast; model; budget; financial ratio; loan; lease; bonds

    Research on Consumers’ Self-Protection through a Healthy Diet

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    The article analyzes consumers’ concern for healthy food, emphasizing the role of the vegetarian diet. Studies on the topic are available world-wide; however, none of these focuses on the role of vegetarian diet within the concern for healthy food, in Romania. In answering this question, a qualitative research was carried out on the customers of a store that sells natural food products and products certified as organic. The results indicate that vegetarian diet has a central role within the wider concern for healthy food, endorsing arguments to support the assertion. Hence, propensities in the consumer concerns to turn to healthier diets were identified, based on a system that diminishes or eliminates meat based diets. The conclusion of the qualitative research is a premise for future development of quantitative research, assessing the dimensions of this phenomenon.healthy food, consumer behaviour, market research, vegetarian diet, eating patterns, organic agro-food products, market strategy


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    The tourism and travel industry represents, worldwide, the most dynamic sector of activity and, at the same time, the most important job generator, as well as a source of recovering the national economies. Tourism is a complex activity because it generates the circulation of massive sums of money, thus contributing to the development of various economic activities which are favourable to the environment protection and to the globalization process emphasis. Tourism itself cannot be considered as a "positive" or "negative" action, but its very diverse consequences can be evaluated in this manner. In the process of sustainable development of tourism, it is necessary that an increased attention be paid to the quality of the touristic products, which should simultaneously offer "the taste of perfection" and "the perfection of taste".touristic destination, sustainable development, touristic potential


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    Agricultural activity, unlike other economic areas, is accompanied by a high degree of risk and uncertainty, caused mainly by environmental factors. The influence of weather on growth and developing processes of crops, orchards and vineyards is the science which studies and determines agricultural biotope necessary to achieve optimal biological productivity. Thus, agro meteorology involves agro-climatic resources’ management and conservation in developing agricultural production process (weather - deepening relationship). Agriculture, as user of agro meteorological information, recover their combination with specialized information (agricultural, technological, economic, etc.) for preventing and minimizing climatic risk upon plant species, but also for establishing sustainable development strategies. In order to prevent and reduce the negative impact on wine production, it is necessary to monitor weather forecasts and hazardous to achieve decision-making system of protection and assurance wine production.natural hazards, traceability, agro meteorological monitoring, risk management.
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