17 research outputs found


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    In Romania the livestock sector generates significant outputs for the agricultural and the national economy. Geographical distribution of the livestock production systems varies between regions of development, due local traditions, production conditions, and consumer choices options. This paper analysis the livestock sector at regional level for all animal species considered for production. For the research method, based on regional analysis has been considered statistical approach, based of national database for year 2011. The results indicates different concentration of livestock at regional level, even if animal density per 100 ha was calculate in order to consider the different dimension of agriculture land of each region


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    In Romania the livestock sector is well developed and presents specific characteristic for each region of development. This paper analysis the livestock sector at regional level, following a previous research made by the authors for all animal species considered for production. For the research method, based on regional analysis has been considered statistical approach, based of national database for the years 2011 and 2015. The results indicates changes in the concentration of livestock at regional level. While the poultry, sheep, goats and cattle sectors increased in terms of livestock, significant decreases were recorded in relation with pigs and horses livestoc

    Policies and tools for climate change policy implementation: a panel data analysis at industrial and commercial level

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    Climate change is a very debated topic among academia, national and international institutions. Therefore, policies and tools for diminishing pollutant emissions are in place in a number of countries. Among them, taxation and renewable energy use seem to be among the most important. This paper aims at testing the impact of certain tools for climate change policy implementation, such as environmental taxes, renewable energy use, real productivity, employment rate taking into consideration the level of economic development and the GINI coefficient, on the greenhouse gas emissions in two important sectors of the economy: industry and commerce. Panel data analysis is used for a cluster of nine developing countries of the European Union that have the per capita GDP at purchasing power parity lower than 80% of the EU average, during 2008–2021. Similar to other studies, the results show a negative relationship between environmental taxation and greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial sector, and a positive one in the commercial sector. The latter is explained by the fact that transport, which is a main pollutant sector, is also one of the most difficult sectors to achieve green transition, given high associated costs. The analysis also shows that renewable energy use discourages the emissions of greenhouse gases, both in the industrial and commercial sectors, so that fostering investment in renewables is an important factor for addressing climate change and promoting a sustainable growth


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    The European Union Regions of Development are characterized by substantial social, economic, and territorial disparities. There also recorded large economic disparities between rural and urban areas. The Romanian rural areas includes: 2860 communes, 12,956 villages, representing around 90% of the Romanian territory and 45 % of its population. It has the main agricultural and forestry resources and over 9.6 million inhabitants. Of these, 506 communes and 2414 villages are located in the 6 counties of The North East Region of Development, one of the poorest regions of development within European Union. This paper is focused on the regional development issues in the rural areas of this region and is aimed to evaluate the resources that haven’t been enough capitalized in this region and to indentify solutions to improve the socio- economic situation in the next years, through a balanced development strategy

    A Chaos Theory Perspective on International Migration

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    This paper aims at providing a different approach to international migration analysis, beyond classical models previously proposed by specialized literature. Chaos theory is getting more and more applied into macroeconomics once traditional linear models or even previous dynamic analysis become less suitable. Modern science sees chaos as unpredictable evolution, maybe even disorder. Still, chaos has got its own rules and can describe many dynamic phenomena within our world. Thus, we test whether international migration data falls under the rules of chaos and whether recent developments within the “European migration crisis” (the total daily migration inflows towards the coasts of Italy, by sea, from January 2014 to April 2017) could be described as chaotic


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    Is a long history of ferce competition between wine companies, fghting for a better market share, trying to differentiate itself from the rest of frms. In todays overcowed economy, competition results in the appereance of a red ocean, where rivals struggle to capture a return on increasingly limited. Try using new element introduced to provide an easy product to be consumed at any time and does not assume possession of specifc information, so the buying decision should be made easily. The new product will have a fresh taste, refreshing, slightly pungent, like champagne

    Unemployment and the Migration of the Romanian Labour Force. Causes and Effects

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    Ensuring the set of rights and freedoms that are part of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union (EU) seems to be a double-edged sword. If in 2000s, these rights and freedoms were the main catalyst for accession to the European common market, currently these rights are generating consistent disputes among the Member States (MS). Geopolitical tensions that currently exist, along with the political changes that have occurred in certain MS have fuelled pessimism and lack of confidence in the ability of the European common market and the EU to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. We reached a point in which the very elements that underpinned the common market create suspicion regarding the future of the EU. Therefore, some opinions, (especially from politics) are in favour of a restricted or controlled access to these rights and freedoms in order to maintain stability in the EU, and the framework for growth. The significant increase of xenophobia, terrorism threats, migration crisis, populism, nationalism, and the Brexit are all elements covered by the public agenda and exerting a major pressure on the organization and functioning of the EU in general, and especially on the future of the Cohesion Policy. The development scenarios for Europe have been recently publicly released for debate, and they are a consequence of the concerns about the inability of the European development model to remain competitive globally. Our analysis was aimeds at the phenomenon of migration of the Romanian labour force in the frame of the current socio-economic climate; concretely, we made an analysis of the Romanian labour market, focused on social tensions manifested at this level, and on the one hand, and on the other hand, we analysed the minimum wage in Romania and other EU member states, namely the unemployment and the factors that influence it. The information we used came from multiple sources, such as economic literature, recent studies of various national and international bodies; statistical institutes of EU member states, etc. The economic analysis of unemployment has been completed by the utilization of a multiple linear regression model. The research first proposes a set of theoretical and methodological elements and aspects related to migration in general, and to international migration, in particular. Then, the paper analyzes the specificity of the labor market in Romania, proposing a more in-depth analysis of unemployment, which also includes an econometric model. The research enumerates the variables that determine and justify, at the same time, the emigration of Romanian workers. Also, the paper presents aspects related to the administration of the labor market in Romania, the social tensions emerging on this market, and the ratio between the minimum wage and the subsistence expenses. The number of Romanian emigrants is analyzed as well, having as source the diplomatic missions of our country in the host countries, and the national statistical institutes

    Relationship between the innovation and competitiveness

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    This paper is written in order to shed light on the complex relationship between the innovation and competitiveness. Innovation is the end of a supply process, know-how and processing. It is also the beginning of an exploitation process, which may lead to improve the frm performance, namely its competitiveness. This recursive process of knowledge supply, processing and exploitation includes the value chain innovation. In the operation phase, innovation both in the products and in the process, contribute positively on the company performance


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    Abstract This paper is a study that has as main objective the diagnosis of fruits and vegetables sector i

    Consumer Choice for Milk and Dairy in Romania: Does Income Really Have an Influence?

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    Milk and dairy are basic food products and their importance in healthy human development is well known. However, this does not mean that the consumers’ requests for these products are not evolving and fitting into the new context of sustainable development. By conducting a quantitative analysis on 847 answers regarding milk and dairy consumption offered by Romanian consumers, the objective of this study is to reveal what are the main factors of influence for respondents when choosing a milk or dairy product, and to see if these factors are evolving towards including sustainability-related aspects. The results point out that while price and store availability are still present as choice criteria, new aspects that might be related to a sustainable behavior, such as ecologic certification, country of origin or traditional products, are considered by the respondents when purchasing milk and dairy. However, this depends on the level of income; higher incomes allow respondents to consider new criteria