8 research outputs found

    Blending traditional and digital marketing

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    It is a matter of fact that we are in the digital era and internet marketing and social media have a significant impact on the way consumers behave, companies do business and it is a must for companies to adapt to the new reality. Due to the fast evolution of the technology, the continuous increase in demand and supply, the supply chain elongation and the big amount of date, the only solution to face the major changes is the automation of all the processes. But even though the new era of communication is here, specialist suggest that companies should not ignore traditional methods, and to try to blend digital marketing with traditional campaigns in order to achieve their goals

    Marketing automation

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    The automation of the marketing process seems to be nowadays, the only solution to face the major changes brought by the fast evolution of technology and the continuous increase in supply and demand. In order to achieve the desired marketing results, businessis have to employ digital marketing and communication services. These services are efficient and measurable thanks to the marketing technology used to track, score and implement each campaign. Due to the technical progress, the marketing fragmentation, demand for customized products and services on one side and the need to achieve constructive dialogue with the customers, immediate and flexible response and the necessity to measure the investments and the results on the other side, the classical marketing approached had changed continue to improve substantially

    Promotion on the industrial products market

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    The literature abounds with articles and books on marketing and especially promoting consumer products. As consumers for these goods we are exposed each day to promotional messages of major product brands in order to attract or retain us when we are already buyers. Fewer things have been written about how to do promotion of industrial goods, which are a special category of goods, but have a very high quota in trade of goods, both nationally and internationally. This article will anal

    Responsible Consumption – Source of Competitive Advantages and Solution for Tourist Protection

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    The recent preoccupations of national institutions and organizations and, especially of European and global institutions, regarding the responsible consumption of raw materials, resources and materials became more and more intense in the last years. In the same time, they contribute to the creation of a mentality of equilibrium in consumption and among consumers. With no connection with the area of activity, the XXIst century companies make real efforts to obtain competitive advantages by a consequent implementation of social responsibility, by assuring a responsible consumption in all the processes, and by protecting the consumer interests and rights. It became more and more frequent for the companies from tourism industry to apply the principles of sustainable development and to follow a strategy of responsible consumption. Their efforts are focused on providing different and unique experiences to contemporary consumer. In this way, the responsible consumption becomes not only a competitive advantage, but, also, an efficient way of informing the tourists and protecting their interests and rights. Without having a well-determined “ideological motivation”, tourists become more careful in responsible selection of services, depending on their degree of sustainability. They choose those touristic services that have a big contribution at the environment protection and preservation, respectively that integrate in a harmonious and synergic way cultural, psycho-social and emotional considerations. The institutions that regulate the touristic services supply contribute, also, at the careful monitoring of messages submitted to tourists and the messages content. To measure the way that the rural tourist guesthouses from Romania base their actions on the responsible consumption of raw materials and resources in their strategies of approaching the market and attracting tourists, in order to get sustainable competitive advantages and to offer efficient solutions to protect the tourists interests, the authors did a qualitative empirical research among the managers of these kind of accommodation units

    Acquisition of Electric Vehicles—A Step towards Green Consumption. Empirical Research among Romanian Students

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    The paper analyzes particular aspects of a competitive economy based on low carbon emissions, which requires a fundamental change in consumer behavior, by focusing mainly on green acquisitions. The article contributes to the literature by the novelty of the researched problem: identification and analysis of the attitude and behavior of Romanian students regarding the electric vehicles acquisition. Thus, a quantitative marketing research was conducted, using a sample of 1221 students from 11 Romanian university centers. Also, the paper includes an overview regarding the costs and financial benefits provided by the Romanian Government to the electric vehicles owners, such as acquisition price reductions or tax reductions. The research results show that only half of the students are familiar with the concept of green consumption, and 37.8% of them are interested in buying an electric vehicle, the main reason being the fuel consumption. The authors recommend to the state’s institutions to develop special programs, by offering attractive facilities to the young people with higher education, as potential buyers, for the purchase of electric vehicles, this way diminishing the barrier effect generated by the high price. The academic environment should initiate research, both at the micro and macroeconomic level, to quantify the economic-social implications of green acquisitions in general and electric vehicles in particular

    Buy Now Pay Later—A Fad or a Reality? A Perspective on Electronic Commerce

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    The Millennials and Generation Z use online shopping for a holistic experience and buy more expensive or better-quality products with buy now pay later payment methods for their highly demanding needs. The authors aimed to deepen understanding of this phenomenon by finding related knowledge fields and discovering the type of economy that will represent an increasing market share for the method of domestic e-commerce payments. The methodology used combined computer-assisted review, descriptive statistics, and linear regression to explain the market share of 23 economies worldwide. Student credit card use, myopic consumer law, buying tendencies. and dark financial triangles were identified as related topics. Logistics performance, ease of doing business, and postal development were found to be significant factors. Finally, economies with medium ranks are inclined to adopt this kind of payment easily. Hence, major implications, both managerial and academic, must be addressed. High responsibility should be borne by industry associations, which should run information campaigns by collaborating with public institutions. From the point of view of theoretical implications, studying the buy now and pay later concept and its outcomes might deepen understanding of consumer behaviour, decision-making processes, risk perception mitigation, debt behaviours, and credit adoption

    Challenges in the Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Romania

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    Approximately every two hours, a Romanian woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer as the country ranks first in the EU in terms of its mortality rate. This paper aims to identify the main reasons that have led to this situation. First, a study based on secondary data was conducted in order to identify measures taken by the Romanian Ministry of Health for the prevention of this type of cancer. Second, a quantitative study was conducted to evaluate the impact that exposure to information and awareness campaigns has on women’s behavior regarding cervical cancer prevention through screening. The results of the research show an increased percentage of the women understanding the importance of screening and the benefits of early diagnosis, but also shows that a high percentage of women postpone the routine checks due to lack of time and financial resources. The research results also indicate that the only free screening program implemented in Romania during 2012–2017 was a failure due to poor procedures, low number of women tested, underfunding and the lack of promotion. Our conclusion is that the Romanian Ministry of Health has to take immediate action by conducting major awareness campaigns and also by implementing functional screening programs