3,972 research outputs found

    Instantons and Holomorphic Couplings in Intersecting D-brane Models

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    We clarify certain aspects and discuss extensions of the recently introduced string D-instanton calculus (hep-th/0609191). The one-loop determinants are related to one-loop open string threshold corrections in intersecting D6-brane models. Utilising a non-renormalisation theorem for the holomorphic Wilsonian gauge kinetic functions, we derive a number of constraints for the moduli dependence of the matter field Kaehler potentials of intersecting D6-brane models on the torus. Moreover, we compute string one-loop corrections to the Fayet-Iliopoulos terms on the D6-branes finding that they are proportional to the gauge threshold corrections. Employing these results, we discuss the issue of holomorphy for E2-instanton corrections to the superpotential. Eventually, we discuss E2-instanton corrections to the gauge kinetic functions and the FI-terms.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Direct Imaging of Extra-Solar Planets – Homogeneous Comparison of Detected Planets and Candidates

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    Searching the literature, we found 25 stars with directly imaged planets and candidates. We gathered photometric and spectral information for all these objects to derive their luminosities in a homogeneous way, taking a bolometric correction into account. Using theoretical evolutionary models, one can then estimate the mass from luminosity, temperature, and age. According to our mass estimates, all of them can have a mass below 25 Jup masses, so that they are considered as planets.Comment: Invited review, accepted by InTech for the Book "Topics in Adaptive Optics", 28 pages, 5 figures, in pres

    Power Towers of String Instantons for N=1 Vacua

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    We provide arguments for the existence of novel hereinafter called poly-instanton corrections to holomorphic couplings in four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric string compactifications. After refining quantitatively the D-brane instanton calculus for corrections to the gauge kinetic function, we explicitly apply it to the Type I toroidal orbifold defined in arXiv:0710.3080 and compare the results to the proposed heterotic S-dual model. This leads us to the intriguing conclusion that N=1 string vacua feature a power tower like proliferation of instanton corrections.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure
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