698 research outputs found

    Morse theory, graphs, and string topology

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    In these lecture notes we discuss a body of work in which Morse theory is used to construct various homology and cohomology operations. In the classical setting of algebraic topology this is done by constructing a moduli space of graph flows, using homotopy theoretic methods to construct a virtual fundamental class, and evaluating cohomology classes on this fundamental class. By using similar constructions based on "fat" or ribbon graphs, we describe how to construct string topology operations on the loop space of a manifold, using Morse theoretic techniques. Finally, we discuss how to relate these string topology operations to the counting of J - holomorphic curves in the cotangent bundle. We end with speculations about the relationship between the absolute and relative Gromov-Witten theory of the cotangent bundle, and the open-closed string topology of the underlying manifold.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figure

    The Floer homotopy type of the cotangent bundle

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    Let M be a closed, oriented, n-dimensional manifold. In this paper we describe a spectrum in the sense of homotopy theory, Z(T^*M), whose homology is naturally isomorphic to the Floer homology of the cotangent bundle, T^*M. This Floer homology is taken with respect to a Hamiltonian H: S^1 x T^*M --> R, which is quadratic near infinity. Z(T^*M) is constructed assuming a basic smooth gluing result of J-holomorphic cylinders. This spectrum will have a C.W decomposition with one cell for every periodic solution of the equation defined by the Hamiltonian vector field X_H. Its induced cellular chain complex is exactly the Floer complex. The attaching maps in the C.W structure of Z(T^*M) are described in terms of the framed cobordism types of the moduli spaces of J -holomorphic cylinders in T^*M with given boundary conditions. This is done via a Pontrjagin-Thom construction, and an important ingredient in this is proving, modulo this gluing result, that these moduli spaces are compact, smooth, framed manifolds with corners. We then prove that Z(T^*M), which we refer to as the "Floer homotopy type" of T^*M, has the same homotopy type as the suspension spectrum of the free loop space, LM. This generalizes the theorem first proved by C. Viterbo that the Floer homology of T^*M is isomorphic to H_*(LM).Comment: 36 pages. A gluing assumption is described, and a more complete discussion of framing issues is give

    Stability phenomena in the topology of moduli spaces

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    The recent proof by Madsen and Weiss of Mumford's conjecture on the stable cohomology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces, was a dramatic example of an important stability theorem about the topology of moduli spaces. In this article we give a survey of families of classifying spaces and moduli spaces where "stability phenomena" occur in their topologies. Such stability theorems have been proved in many situations in the history of topology and geometry, and the payoff has often been quite remarkable. In this paper we discuss classical stability theorems such as the Freudenthal suspension theorem, Bott periodicity, and Whitney's embedding theorems. We then discuss more modern examples such as those involving configuration spaces of points in manifolds, holomorphic curves in complex manifolds, gauge theoretic moduli spaces, the stable topology of general linear groups, and pseudoisotopies of manifolds. We then discuss the stability theorems regarding the moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces: Harer's stability theorem on the cohomology of moduli space, and the Madsen-Weiss theorem, which proves a generalization of Mumford's conjecture. We also describe Galatius's recent theorem on the stable cohomology of automorphisms of free groups. We end by speculating on the existence of general conditions in which one might expect these stability phenomena to occur.Comment: typos and some references corrected. To appear in "Surveys in Differential Geometry", vol. on "Geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces

    Morse field theory

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    In this paper we define and study the moduli space of metric-graph-flows in a manifold M. This is a space of smooth maps from a finite graph to M, which, when restricted to each edge, is a gradient flow line of a smooth (and generically Morse) function on M. Using the model of Gromov-Witten theory, with this moduli space replacing the space of stable holomorphic curves in a symplectic manifold, we obtain invariants, which are (co)homology operations in M. The invariants obtained in this setting are classical cohomology operations such as cup product, Steenrod squares, and Stiefel-Whitney classes. We show that these operations satisfy invariance and gluing properties that fit together to give the structure of a topological quantum field theory. By considering equivariant operations with respect to the action of the automorphism group of the graph, the field theory has more structure. It is analogous to a homological conformal field theory. In particular we show that classical relations such as the Adem relations and Cartan formulae are consequences of these field theoretic properties. These operations are defined and studied using two different methods. First, we use algebraic topological techniques to define appropriate virtual fundamental classes of these moduli spaces. This allows us to define the operations via the corresponding intersection numbers of the moduli space. Secondly, we use geometric and analytic techniques to study the smoothness and compactness properties of these moduli spaces. This will allow us to define these operations on the level of Morse-Smale chain complexes, by appropriately counting metric-graph-flows with particular boundary conditions.Comment: 59 pages, 10 figure

    Twisted Calabi-Yau ring spectra, string topology, and gauge symmetry

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    In this paper, we import the theory of "Calabi-Yau" algebras and categories from symplectic topology and topological field theories to the setting of spectra in stable homotopy theory. Twistings in this theory will be particularly important. There will be two types of Calabi-Yau structures in the setting of ring spectra: one that applies to compact algebras and one that applies to smooth algebras. The main application of twisted compact Calabi-Yau ring spectra that we will study is to describe, prove, and explain a certain duality phenomenon in string topology. This is a duality between the manifold string topology of Chas-Sullivan and the Lie group string topology of Chataur-Menichi. This will extend and generalize work of Gruher. Then, generalizing work of the first author and Jones, we show how the gauge group of the principal bundle acts on this compact Calabi-Yau structure, and compute some explicit examples. We then extend the notion of the Calabi-Yau structure to smooth ring spectra, and prove that Thom ring spectra of (virtual) bundles over the loop space, ΩM\Omega M, have this structure. In the case when MM is a sphere we will use these twisted smooth Calabi-Yau ring spectra to study Lagrangian immersions of the sphere into its cotangent bundle. We recast the work of Abouzaid-Kragh to show that the topological Hochschild homology of the Thom ring spectrum induced by the hh-principle classifying map of the Lagrangian immersion, detects whether that immersion can be Lagrangian isotopic to an embedding. We then compute some examples. Finally, we interpret these Calabi-Yau structures directly in terms of topological Hochschild homology and cohomology

    A polarized view of string topology

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    Let M be a closed, connected manifold, and LM its loop space. In this paper we describe closed string topology operations in h_*(LM), where h_* is a generalized homology theory that supports an orientation of M. We will show that these operations give h_*(LM) the structure of a unital, commutative Frobenius algebra without a counit. Equivalently they describe a positive boundary, two dimensional topological quantum field theory associated to h_*(LM). This implies that there are operations corresponding to any surface with p incoming and q outgoing boundary components, so long as q >0. The absence of a counit follows from the nonexistence of an operation associated to the disk, D^2, viewed as a cobordism from the circle to the empty set. We will study homological obstructions to constructing such an operation, and show that in order for such an operation to exist, one must take h_*(LM) to be an appropriate homological pro-object associated to the loop space. Motivated by this, we introduce a prospectrum associated to LM when M has an almost complex structure. Given such a manifold its loop space has a canonical polarization of its tangent bundle, which is the fundamental feature needed to define this prospectrum. We refer to this as the "polarized Atiyah - dual" of LM . An appropriate homology theory applied to this prospectrum would be a candidate for a theory that supports string topology operations associated to any surface, including closed surfaces.Comment: final version to appear in, "Topology, Geometry, and Quantum Field Theory", proceedings of the 2002 Oxford symposium in honour of the 60th birthday of Graeme Segal, LMS Lecture Note Series 24 pages, 13 figure

    Fourier Decompositions of Loop Bundles

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    In this paper we investigate bundles whose structure group is the loop group LU(n). Our main result is to give a necessary and sufficient criterion for there to exist a Fourier type decomposition of such a bundle ξ\xi. This is essentially a decomposition of ξ\xi as ζ⊗LC\zeta \otimes L\mathbb C, where ζ\zeta is a finite dimensional subbundle of ξ\xi and LCL\mathbb C is the loop space of the complex numbers. The criterion is a reduction of the structure group to the finite rank unitary group U(n) viewed as the subgroup of LU(n) consisting of constant loops. Next we study the case where ξ\xi is the loop space of an nn dimensional bundle ζ→M\zeta \to M. The tangent bundle of LMLM is such a bundle. We then show how to twist such a bundle by elements of the automorphism group of the pull back of ζ\zeta over LMLM via the map LM→MLM \to M that evaluates a loop at a basepoint. Given a connection on ζ\zeta, we view the associated parallel transport operator as an element of this gauge group and show that twisting the loop bundle by such an operator satisfies the criterion and admits a Fourier decomposition.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figure

    A Morse theoretic description of string topology

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    Let M be a closed, oriented, n-dimensional manifold. In this paper we give a Morse theoretic description of the string topology operations introduced by Chas and Sullivan, and extended by the first author, Jones, Godin, and others. We do this by studying maps from surfaces with cylindrical ends to M, such that on the cylinders, they satisfy the gradient flow equation of a Morse function on the loop space, LM. We then give Morse theoretic descriptions of related constructions, such as the Thom and Euler classes of a vector bundle, as well as the shriek, or unkehr homomorphism.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures Final version to appear in Proc. of Conference on Symplectic Field Theory in honor of the 60th birthday of Y. Eliashber

    Stability for closed surfaces in a background space

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    In this paper we present a new proof of the homological stability of the moduli space of closed surfaces in a simply connected background space KK, which we denote by Sg(K)S_g (K). The homology stability of surfaces in KK with an arbitrary number of boundary components, Sg,n(K)S_{g,n} (K) was studied by the authors in \cite{cohenmadsen}. The study there relied on stability results for the homology of mapping class groups, Γg,n\Gamma_{g,n} with certain families of twisted coefficients. It turns out that these mapping class groups only have homological stability when nn, the number of boundary components, is positive, or in the closed case when the coefficient modules are trivial. Because of this we present a new proof of the rational homological stability for Sg(K)S_g(K), that is homotopy theoretic in nature. We also take the opportunity to prove a new stability theorem for closed surfaces in KK that have marked points.Comment: 14 page

    Notes on string topology

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    This paper is an exposition of the new subject of String Topology. We present an introduction to this exciting new area, as well as a survey of some of the latest developments, and our views about future directions of research. We begin with reviewing the seminal paper of Chas and Sullivan, which started String Topology by introducing a BV-algebra structure on the homology of a loop space of a manifold, then discuss the homotopy theoretic approach to String Topology, using the Thom-Pontrjagin construction, the cacti operad, and fat graphs. We review quantum field theories and indicate how string topology fits into the general picture. Other topics include an open-closed version of string topology, a Morse theoretic interpretation, relation to Gromov-Witten invariants, and "brane'' topology, which deals with sphere spaces. The paper is a joint account of the lecture series given by each of us at the 2003 Summer School on String Topology and Hochschild Homology in Almeria, Spain.Comment: 95 page
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