12,772 research outputs found

    Semiparametric Estimation of Consumption Based Equivalence Scales: The Case of Germany

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    Consumption based equivalence scales are estimated by applying the extended partially linear model (EPLM) to the 1998 Income and Consumption Survey (EVS) of Germany. The chosen flexible semiparametric specification is able to capture a large variety of functional forms of household expenditure shares; it yields root-N-consistent parameter estimates and is consistent with consumer theory. The model specification seems to be appropriate for many demographic groups of the survey population. The estimated equivalence scales are mostly lower than the expert equivalence scales of the German social benefits system and the OECD scales. The large standard errors of the estimates indicate that there is still unexplained noise in the data even after constructing homogenous data segments for the estimations. --semiparametric estimation,wild bootstrapping,equivalence scales,social benefits

    New Estimates of the Duration and Risk of Unemployment for West-Germany

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    This paper analyzes changes in the risk of unemployment and changes in the distribution of unemployment duration for the 26 to 41 years old working population in West-Germany during the 1980ties and 1990ties. The comprehensive IAB employment subsample 1975- 1997 is used for the analysis. It contains employment and unemployment trajectories of about 500.000 individuals from West-Germany. The application of flexible nonparametric estimators yields results which are less sensitive to misspecification as it is often the case for parametric hazard rate models. By conditioning on several observable variables such gender, education, marital status etc. we identify significant differences in the first three quintiles of the distribution of the length of unemployment duration. A large share of long term unemployment with only few exits to employment is observed in almost any of the segments. The analysis also considers general evolutions over time and variations along the business cycle. The paper therefore provides a collection of detailed stylized facts about the distribution of unemployment durations in West-Germany during the past two decades. --risk of unemployment,duration of unemployment,German register data,nonparametric analysis

    Unemployment durations in West-Germany before and after the reform of the unemployment compensation system during the 1980s

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    This paper analyzes empirically the distribution of unemployment durations in West- Germany before and after the changes during the mid 1980s in the maximum entitlement periods for unemployment benefits for elderly unemployed. The analysis is based on the comprehensive IAB employment subsample containing register panel data for about 500.000 individuals in West Germany. We analyze two proxies for unemployment since the data do not precisely measure unemployment in an economic sense. We provide a theoretical analysis of the link between the durations of nonemployment and of unemployment between jobs. Our empirical analysis finds significant changes in the distributions of nonemployment durations for older unemployed individuals. At the same time, the distribution of unemployment durations between jobs did not change in response to the reforms. Our findings are consistent with an interpretation that many firms and workers used the more bene cial laws as a part of early retirement packages but those workers who were still looking for a job did not reduce their search effort in response to the extension of the maximum entitlement periods. This interpretation is consistent with our theoretical model under plausible assumptions. JEL: C24, J64, J6

    Histology of the canine claw

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    Dinitrogen fixation and residue nitrogen of different managed legumes and nitrogen uptake of subsequent winter wheat [N2-Fixierung und residualer Stickstoff verschiedener Futterleguminosen sowie N-Aufnahme der Folgefrucht Winterweizen.]

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    Fixed nitrogen accumulated by legumes is the main nitrogen source for organic farming systems. Knowledge about the amount of fixed nitrogen, its pathways into forage yield, crop residues, soil-N and yield formation of the following crop is needed for designing crop rotations. Two field experiments were conducted in Northern Germany with differently managed (cut, mulched) legumes (red clover, alfalfa, white clover) in pure stands and various mixtures with two companion grasses (Lolium multiflorum, Lolium perenne) have been grown to determine N2-fixation, residue nitrogen and N-uptake of subsequent crops. Cropped grass/legume reached higher N2-fixation than mulched. While green manure grass/legume left up to 280 kg ha-1 of N in mulch, stubble and roots on the field, most cropped grass/legume mixtures left less than 110 kg N ha-1 in crop residues. Pure legume swards or legume rich mixtures showed higher N2-fixation than grass rich mixtures. N-uptake in late autumn and at maturity of the subsequent wheat was strongly correlated to the legume content in DM-yield

    Spherulite formation in obsidian lavas in the Aeolian Islands, Italy

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    The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge Andy Tindle (The Open University) for assistance with EMP analyses, and Richard Darton and David Evans (Keele University) for assistance with XRD and Prof Alun Vaughan and Nicola Freebody (University of Southampton) with Raman analyses. LAB is grateful to Sophie Blanchard for support with MATLAB. The authors acknowledge support from Keele University, and grants from the Mineralogical Society (UK and Ireland) and Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group. The authors thank Silvio Mollo and Francesca Forni for their detailed and helpful comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
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