7 research outputs found

    Conjunction of Local and Global Processes Towards Qualitative Integrated Urban Development of Danube Region

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    We are witnesses of continuous and turbulent complexityprocess of urban development at every spatial level. The presence of infor-mation and communication technologies in every aspect of our life leads tothe fact that there is no more “delay” in between global and local changes.This conjunction changes the paradigm of urban development, which isnow in networking, communication and integration. This paper discussesthese relations described as hypothesis within Castells’ paradigm of net-work society and project identity that should be developed on local level inorder to be a part of – a node of global network, and to survive and developits potentialities and capacities. This paradigm is discussed in relation to C.Alexander’s, E. Howard’s, and P. Geeds’ approach in order to define princi-ples and steps of integration of different spatial levels toward more coher-ent, harmonized urban development. The research applies theoretical ap-proaches of networking towards integrated development of Danube region

    Tracing Path: From Conserved/ Museum towards Vivid City– Role of Urban Design

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    The relation to the "historical city" can have two contradictory goals, ie. the tendency to form two opposing contradictory models: on the one hand, the preservation of all levels of values shows and proves its priori historicity, which in the final form manifests itself in obtaining the character of a museum model, where the historical city turns into an exhibit of the time in which it was created and which reflects the civilization in which it originated; on the other hand, the need for their socio-economic development, especially in relation to gentrification, tourism development introduces new activities. Both models should not be seen as separate or opposing, but the way to preserve the "historic" of the city as a base value should be discovered, and enable it to attract and live its "history", evolving and changing on the principles of the time in which it was created, accepted and adapted to the cultural needs of the time it should take. The aim of the paper is to make relations between relevant theories resulting in principles of tracing relation between two models taking into account Landry's concept of Creative city, and Castells's theory of Project identity, Healey's Collaborative theory, Mrdjenovic's Integrative game of urban design using method of comparative analyses between theories and case study analysis. The hypothesis of the research is that urban design can be an integrative discipline that evokes historical cities to become vivid and livable. The research will result in principles for urban design that can trace a path form museum to vivid city

    Opštinа Kuršumlija: uređenje, problemi korišćenja i mere zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta

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    Kuršumlija municipality is located on south of Serbia in Toplički county, mostly in upper course of river Toplica and it’s confluents Kosanica and Banjska. Municipality includes territory of 952 km2. Geographic position of the Kuršumlija municipality is particularly hilly-mountainous then soil types and subtypes, exploitation are: Brown soils, Dark soil on limestone, Alluvium and Colluvial land, and Lithosol. Basic limits of soil utilization are: low level of precipitation and drought apperance, floods, severe erosion and land slides, increased level of environmental degradation and inadequate utilization of agricultural soils. Specially inadequate logging and clearance is distinguished. Basic measures for improvement of Kuršumlija municipality agricultural production are growing of productive and high-quality cultivars of crops, development of fruit production, improvement of animal husbandry, to finance of registered agricultural producers, enhancing of processing capacities, organizing of organic production on larger areas and more households.Opština Kuršumlija nalazi se na jugu Srbije u Topličkom okrugu, sa teritorijom uglavnom u gornjem toku reke Toplice, u slivovima njenih pritoka reka Kosanice i Banjske. Opština obuhvata teritoriju od 952 km2. Geografski položaj opštine Kuršumlija je izrazito brdsko - planinskog karaktera, pa su tipovi i podtipovi zemljišta, načini korišćenja i zaštita ovog područja time predodređeni. Na većim površinama su: Smeđa zemljišta, Crnica na jedrim krečnjacima, Aluvijalni nanos, Koluvijum i Litosoli. Osnovna ograničenja korišćenja navedenih zemljišta su: mala količina padavina i pojava suša; pojava poplava, jake erozije i klizišta, povećan stepen degradiranosti životne sredine i neadekvatan način korišćenja poljoprivrednog zemljišta, suprotno osnovnim njegovim osobinama. Posebno se ističe neadekvatna seča i krčenje šuma. Osnovne mere za unapređenje poljoprivredne proizvodnje opštine Kuršumlija su plansko podizanje novih zasada sa kvalitetnim i produktivnim sortama, razvoj voćarske proizvodnje, unapređenje stočarstva, kreditiranje registrovanih poljoprivrednih proizvođača, podizanje različitih preradnih kapaciteta, organizovanje organske proizvodnje na većim površinama i većem broju domaćinstav

    Uređenje, korišćenje i mere zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine Kosjerić

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    The Kosjerić municipality is located in the north of the Zlatiborski region and total land area is 456.7 km2 Lower quality soils types and subtypes take the biggest area in the municipality. Loamy sand and sandy loam soils prevail in highland area of municipality. There are vertisol and eutric cambisol on lower terrain. Alluvial soils are under maize, vegetable and meadows, while slight slopes are under cereals, orchards and pastures. On the hilly part of terrain fruit production is traditionally developed. Analysis of the agricultural lands shows that plum orchards are ruined and old, so that renewal is needed. Higher mountainous parts are under forests where beech and oak prevails. Forest area takes 23878 ha (2/3 of total municipality area). Properties and varieties of soils on the Kosjeric municipality territory demand application of complex reclamation measures. These measures should solve range of complex problems, but it takes time and capital goods. Possible positive results of arrangement, agricultural soil usage and protection in Kosjeric municipality are multiple: soil conversion from agricultural to other can not be hold up, but it can be realised with carefully chosen restrictive practices. In western and eastern part of municipality should take up sustainable development principles. To establish forests as much as possible for the purpose of increasing environmental value, economic benefit and protection from erosion and strong current on slopes. Unfortunatelly Titan cement factory is not possible relocate, altought it`s position is upstream from town Kosjeric. There is possibility to apply range of suitable protective measures thus considerably improve existing properties of soils and environment.Opština Kosjerić je najsevernija opština Zlatiborskog okruga, u zapadnom delu Srbije, i ima 359 km². Najveće površine u opštini zauzimaju manje kvalitetni tipovi i poditopovi zemljišta. U brdsko-planinskom delu opštine preovlađuju zemljišta koja prema mehaničkom sastavu predstavljaju ilovaste peskuše i peskovite ilovače. Na nižim terenima se nalaze smonice i gajnjače. Aluvijalne zaravni su pod kukuruzom, povrćem i livadama, a blage padine su pod kulturama žita, voćnjaka i sa pašnjacima. Na brežuljkastom delu je tradicionalno razvijeno voćarstvo. Istraživanja na terenu ukazuju da su šljivici, uglavnom, propali i stari, i da ih treba postepeno obnoviti. Viši planinski delovi su pod šumom u kojoj preovađuju bukva i hrast. Površine pod šumama iznose 23878 ha (2/3 od ukupne površine opštine). Osobine i raznovrsnost zemljišta na prostoru opštine Kosjerić zahtevaju primenu kompleksnih melirativnih mera, koje treba da reše niz složenih, postojećih problema, ali zašto je potrebno vreme i znatna materijalna sredstva. Mogući pozitivni rezultati uređenja, korišćenja i zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta Opštine Kosjerić su mnogobrojni, od kojih su najvažniji: Konverzija namene poljoprivrednog u drugo zemljište se ne može zaustaviti, ali se može realizovati uz pažljive restriktivne mere . U zapadnom i istočnom delu Opštine, treba sprovoditi aktivno principe održivog razvoja, u pogledu korišćenja zemljišta zasnivati što više šume, zbog ambijentalnih i ekoloških vrednosti, ekonomske koristi i zaštite od erozije i bujica usled nepovoljnih nagiba terena; Nažalost, cementaru -Titan nije moguće izmestiti, iako se nalazi uzvodno od gradskog naselja Kosjerić, ali je moguće primeniti niz adekvatnih zaštitnih mera i znatno poboljšati postojeću situaciju, prema zemljištu i okolini

    Smart green port assesment on planning solution of Dockyard in Belgrade

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    Urban planning in Serbia is in dilemma on the paradigm and style of planning it should follow. There were plenty of opportunities taken and realized used top-down approach: eg. Belgrade waterfront, Urban regeneration of Belgrade Downtown, Infrastructural projects, etc. It seems that they achieved what was not possible over decades, however there is still lack of participation in crucial sense that will enable integration of all pillars of sustainability in urban planning and development. The paper will do a critique on existing planning solution for Dockyard in Belgrade taking into account Danube strategy and Sustainability paradigm as framework together with theory of Integrative urban space and green urbanism in relation to communicative theory of urban planning. The hypothesis is that top-down approach resulting in blue print planning can be starting point for wider participation towards smart solutions, in this case creating Smart port. Aims of the paper is to give guidelines for integration of top/down and bottom/up approach in Serbia exploring case of Plan of detail regulation for Dockyard in Belgrade, resulting in suggestions for its improvement towards “smart port

    Ways towards city development and new technologies

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    Cities are challenged with constant changes. Unpredictability is a product of multilevel changes implying new thinking of city development and place making process. New thinking is related to theory of decision making, according to which we have to develop plenty ways of city development to be in a position for travelling along and across the ways. Therefore, we need new technologies to generate and evaluate the ways, so we can be proactive in city development and place making. The paper will discuss pros and cons of using new technologies in the process assuming that the technology per se is not an instrument for place making. Research thesis is that integration between new technologies, interdisciplinary and social knowledge is necessary to generate and evaluate appropriate ways. In line with this, the ways should be agreed in various social arenas, lining on new technologies as a support for data gathering, producing new information for discussion and clarification, using different diagrams, graphs, charts, reports and thematic maps for analysis of city’s places and generating consensual ways for improving them or create new ones. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to discuss the role of new technologies in city development and place making in regards to decision making and place making theory. The paper will result in a form of conceptual model for using new technologies in city and place development. The method will use comparative analysis of decision making and place making theory as well as students’ case studies that are result of ten years work at the subject “The Future of the City”

    Razvoj, upotreba i zaštitne mere poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine Bojnik

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    In this paper Bojnik municipality is situated in Jablanički county on south of Serbia, on the base of mountain Radan, in confluence of Pusta river in southwestern part of Leskovac depression. The most important soil types (the biggest area) are different subtypes of Eutric Cambisol on the lake sediments. There are upland Dark Soil on northeastern territory of municipality, but on western mountainous part are dominant Brown podzolic soil type. Soil properties and degradation process are conclusively influenced on status, utilization and protection of agricultural soils on Bojnik municipality. There are five directions of soil utilization on territory of Bojnik municipality: 1. Utilization with dominance of agricultural land and forest participation 2. Predominantly agricultural way of land utilization with greater forest participation 3. Utilization of forest with greater participation of agricultural land 4. Equal participation of agricultural land and woodland 5. Equal participation of agricultural and unproductive land On the basis of status assessment the main reasons and sources of harmful influence on environment and even agricultural land are: public liquid waste, infiltration water, uncontrolled creation of garbage dumps, unregulated system of forest exploitation and enhanced erosion.Opština Bojnik se nalazi u Jablaničkom okrugu, na jugu Republike Srbije u podnožju planine Radan, u slivu Puste reke, u severozapadnom delu Leskovačke kotline. Najvažnija zemljišta (najveće površine) na teritoriji Opštine Bojnik, su različiti podtipovi gajnjača na jezerskim sedimentima. Na severoistoku teritorije Opštine pojavljuju se planinske crnice, a na krajnjem zapadnom (planinskom) delu opštine su dominantna smeđa podzolasta zemljišta. Osobine zemljišta i procesi degradacije su presudno uticali na stanje, korišćenje, i zaštitu zemljišta na prostoru opštine Bojnik, i to su presudne osobine terena ovog područja namenjenog poljoprivredi. Na teritoriji opštine Bojnik, izdvojeno je pet pravaca (načina) korišćenja zemljišta: 1. Korišćenje sa dominacijom poljoprivrednog zemljišta i učešćem šuma 2. Pretežno poljoprivredni pravac korišćenja zemljišta sa većim učešćem šuma 3. Šumski pravac korišćenja zemljišta sa većim učešćem poljoprivrednog zemljišta 4. Podjednako učešće poljoprivrednog i šumskog zemljišta 5. Podjednako učešće poljoprivrednog i neplodnog zemljišta Glavni uzroci i izvori štetnog uticaja na životnu sredinu, pa i zemljišta namenjenog poljoprivredi, na osnovu procene stanja na terenu, su: komunalne otpadne vode, infiltracione vode, nekontrolisano formiranje deponija i smetlišta, neregulisan sistem eksploatacije šuma ovog područja, i pojačana erozija