47 research outputs found


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    Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kulon Progo saat ini sesuai peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku diberi kebijakan untuk mengelola jalannya pendidikan dasar, yaitu bidang sekolah dasar (SD) dan sekolah menengah pertama (SMP). Seksi Kurikulum dan Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan merupakan salah satu seksi yang ada dikedua bidang tersebut. Salah satu tugas dari seksi kurikulum dan PMP SMP adalah menyelenggarakan program peningkatan mutu pendidikan berupa pencapaian Standar Pelayanan Minimal atau SPM yang diberlakukan bagi seluruh SMP negeri dan swasta yang ada di Kabupaten Kulon Progo.. Program ini didasari fakta bahwa masih kurang meratanya sebaran kualitas pendidikan khususnya SMP yang ada di Kulon Progo, sehingga diharapkan dengan adanya data capaian SPM ini bisa menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi pihak yang berwenang. Pelaksanaan program ini menggunakan aplikasi SIAPP SPM Dikdas (Sistem Aplikasi Perhitungan Pemenuhan SPM Dikdas) yang berasal dari pengembangan aplikasi Microsoft Access. Hasil dari program ini berupa dataabse dan grafik yang akan memudahkan orang dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan untuk membaca berapa angka capaian standar pelayanan minimal ditiap sekolah ataupun secara keseluruhan per kecamatan/kabupaten. Tingkat keberhasilan program mencapai 80 % dan tingkat keterlaksanaan program mencapai 100%

    The Effect of Marketing Mix and Retail Mix on Consumer Loyalty of Gelael Supermarket in Makassar City

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    This research aims to determine the effect of marketing mix and retail mix on consumer loyalty. This research conducted in the company of PT. Gelael Indotim Makassar. The data used in this study were obtained from a questionnaire (primary). The sampling method uses purposive sampling method. The number of samples used was 160 customers from different gender, age and occupation. The analytical method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Smart-PLS 2.0 for Windows. The research findings show that the variables of Marketing Mix has a positive yet not a significant effect on Consumer Loyalty of Gelael Supermarket, meanwhile Retail Mix has positive and significant effect or indirect effect. Keywords: Marketing Mix, Retail Mix, Consumer Loyalty, Gelael Supermarket


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    The study aims to determine factors which influence the export volume of leading commodities in SouthSulawesi and investigate which hedging strategy has been implemented by the exporters. The survey wasundertaken for 13 managers arranging 250 sales contracts in thirteen companies. They were asked todescribe what type of hedging strategy was implemented in protecting their revenue with US dollar asdenominated currency to their contract. Several literatures suggested that hedging strategy needs to consistof hedging theory, but in South Sulawesi, the international traders belief is in pragmatism way byrelying on money market instrument especially for interest rate orientation. Although export import activitiesfor cocoa, cement, lobster, seaweed, box and marbles used USfordenomination,therespondentswereawareofRupiahfluctuationtoforeigncurrencywhichalsobearstransactionexposure.Multipleregressionanalysiswasusedtodeterminevariableswhichaffectedthevolumeandexport,whilehedgingstrategywasidentifiedusingqualitativeapproach.Itwasfoundthattheincreaseoncostofhedging,inflationreferencesandinterestratereferencesaffectedsignificantlytheincreaseoftheexportvolume,whiletheincreaseofUS for denomination, the respondentswere aware of Rupiah fluctuation to foreign currency which also bears transaction exposure. Multipleregression analysis was used to determine variables which affected the volume and export, while hedgingstrategy was identified using qualitative approach. It was found that the increase on cost of hedging, inflationreferences and interest rate references affected significantly the increase of the export volume, whilethe increase of US spot rate to Indonesian Rupiah did not significantly affect in reducing export volume.Most of exporters rely on hedging in money market, long forward contract to protect their transactions


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    INTISARI Abdul Rakhman, 2015. MAKNA SIMBOLIS ORNAMEN RUMAH LIMAS PALEMBANG. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk dan makna dibalik ornamen yang terdapat pada Rumah Limas Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Rumah Limas atau Rumah Bari merupakan bentuk arsitektur tradisional Palembang yang paling terkenal karena corak, bentuk, dan kepadatan seni ukir pada rumah tersebut yang disertai kemegahan. Selain itu, keunikan dan kekhasan dari berbagai bentuk motif hiasan Rumah Limas Palembang itu tidak dimiliki oleh rumah tradisional lainnya. Ciri khas bentuk motif hiasan Rumah Limas Palembang terlihat dari atapnya yang berbentuk piramida menurun curam, dihiasi simbar-simbar, dan diberi tambahan bunga melati. Bentuk atap tersebut melambangkan keagungan dan pengayoman adab sopan santun. Semua motif dalam Rumah Limas Palembang itu menggambarkan kehidupan atau tatanan tata krama dari masyarakat Palembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode etnografi yang menggunakan berbagai data kualitatif berkaitan dengan ornamen Rumah Limas Palembang. Hal itu dilakukan dengan pendekatan estetika Djelantik dan data diperoleh dari kegiatan observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan rumah Limas Palembang sangat berkaitan erat dengan matahari dan sungai sehingga hal itu sangat menentukan posisi rumah yang akan didirikan. Budaya itu dipegang teguh karena masyarakat Palembang dahulu sangat bergantung pada sungai, baik untuk transportasi maupun untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Ornamen Rumah Limas Palembang sangat beragam dan terletak pada dinding rumah, pintu, pagar rumah depan. Setiap ornamennya memiliki fungsi masing-masing dan dikerjakan dengan teknik ukir menggunakan bahan dasar berupa kayu. Ditinjau dari nilai estetikanya, Rumah Limas Palembang memiliki motif yang sederhana, namun indah dan menarik, serta mengandung makna simbolis di dalamnya. Kata kunci: makna simbolis, ornamen, rumah Lima


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    This article emphasizes on exploring a variety way of South Sulawesis entrepreneurs to im- plement financial discipline in organizing their businesses appropriately. In addition, this research attempts to investigate factors which need to be considered by entrepreneurs to achieve financial discipline. It was conducted in South Sulawesi with 250 respondents. The data were collected and analyzed by using structured Equation Modeling. The participants responses indicate that most of entrepreneurs intent to practice financial management and consider financial commitment in their effort in order to achieve financial discipline. The findings show that capability of entrepreneurs and their individual characteristics have af- fected financial commitment and financial discipline but it does not affect intention to prac- tice financial management. The role of government only affects financial commitment signifi- cantly but it does not affect intention to practice financial management and financial disci- pline. Environment influences, significantly, the intention to practice financial management and financial commitment but it did not affected financial discipline. Furthermore, leader- ship affects, significantly, the financial commitment, intention to practice financial manage- ment and financial discipline. Last of all, financial commitment also affects intention to prac- tice financial management but it does not affect financial discipline, whereas intention to practice financial management affects financial disciplin

    Determination of Export Volume and Hadging Strategy A Survey of Exporter's Transaction at the Makassar Industrial Estatate (KIMA)

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    The study aims to determine factors which influence of export volume of leading commodities in South Sulawesi and investigate which hedging strategy has been implemented by the exporters.The survey was undertake for 13 managers arranges 250 transaction in 13 companies. They were asked to describe what type of hedging strategy was implemented in protecting their revenue with US dollar as denominated currency to their contract. It was found that the increase of cost of hedging, inflation references and interest rate references affected significantly to the increase of export volume while the increase of US$ spot rate to the Indonesian Rupiah did not affect significantly. Most of exporters rely on hedging in money market, long forward contract to protect their transaction

    Design and Build Automatic Rice Winnowing and Weighing Equipment IoT (Internet of Things) Based

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    Technological developments are growing rapidly without exception in the agricultural sector. Food needs are increasing every year in Indonesia, rice is a staple food for most Indonesian people before being distributed, it is necessary to process rice including cleaning and weighing so that it can reach the hands of buyers. This research was conducted using the R&D (Research and Development) method with a prototype development model. development procedures include the stages of needs analysis, system design and design, prototyping, testing and validation. The design of this rice winnowing and weighing device uses the telegram application, Arduino ide which is connected to the internet as software and hardware NodeMCU ESP 8266, Arduino Uno as a controller, hx711 load cell sensor as a weighing sensor, power supply as a power supplier, relay module, LCD 16 x 20, buzzer, MG996 servo motor, and AC fan that can be controlled remotely using IoT (Internet of Things).  Technological developments are growing rapidly without exception in the agricultural sector. Food needs are increasing every year in Indonesia, rice is a staple food for most Indonesian people before being distributed, it is necessary to process rice including cleaning and weighing so that it can reach the hands of buyers. This research was conducted using the R&D (Research and Development) method with a prototype development model. development procedures include the stages of needs analysis, system design and design, prototyping, testing and validation. The design of this rice winnowing and weighing device uses the telegram application, Arduino ide which is connected to the internet as software and hardware NodeMCU ESP 8266, Arduino Uno as a controller, hx711 load cell sensor as a weighing sensor, power supply as a power supplier, relay module, LCD 16 x 20, buzzer, MG996 servo motor, and AC fan that can be controlled remotely using IoT (Internet of Things)


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    Camera recorders in general will continue to record continuously without stopping and this will take up storage space. This is deemed less effective because of its limited capacity and also in terms of security, the recorded information is very vulnerable. Therefore, in this study, a portable recording camera system was designed using multi sensors and integrated raspberrypi with the server and then the recording results will automatically be sent to the server and forwarded to the user's email. This portable recording system uses a PIR sensor (Passive Infrared Receiver) HC-SR501, Raspberry Pi 3 B plus, Infrared led light, Pi camera, KY-037 sound sensor, SMTP Server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). When the PIR sensor detects movement or the KY-037 sound sensor detects sound, it will be processed by the Raspberry Pi and then the Pi camera will automatically perform the recording process periodically. When finished, the recording results will be sent directly to the user's email via the SMPT (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server provided by Google. All processes in this tool system work completely automatically

    Creating an appropriate competitive performance by innovation and competitive firm strategy (a study of foods and beverage industry in Makassar)

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    This study attempts to investigate the effect of innovation, cost strategy and delivery system on the quality and flexibility in achieving high firms performances in foods and drinks industry. This research was undertaken in Makassar on 120 firms which are represented by staff, managers, directors, owners and HRD, using questionnaires. Types of firms which participated in the survey are individually owned firm, sole proprietary, commanditer and corporation which operate in the several Makassar suburb. The data were collected and analyzed by implementing Structural Equation Modeling. It shows that innovation has affected quality significantly. Cost strategy has also affected quality significantly and also cost strategy has affected flexibility significantly. However, the cost strategy did not affect quality. Beside, quick delivery system did not affect the flexibility. The quality did not affect firm performances whereas the flexibility has affected firm performance significantly