5 research outputs found

    The value of photography in the investigation of crime scenes

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    It is said that "one picture is worth a thousand words". This implies that pictorial testimony has more value than ten witnesses. The witnesses may give different views on the same issue, and, furthermore, they may forget some of the facts. Due to human error, omission, and defects such as old age and sight problems, they are contributing factors for people to give different accounts of the same events. The study entails the various roles of photography, such as recording the crime scene and that photography is considered as evidence in court. Investigators may use them for both suspects' and witnesses' interviewing. Furthermore, witnesses and victims may use them to refresh their memories, and the court uses them to prove the matter at issue. This indicates that photographs have a major role to play in the judicial and investigation processes.Police PracticeM. Tech. (Forensic Investigation

    Proposing internet of things integration into deoxyribonucleic acid technology for combating stock theft in Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa

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    The ever-increasing stock theft in the selected areas of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Province seems to be uncontrollable. Heavily reliance on the use of conventional methods, such as brand-marking and tattooing and legislative frameworks, like the Stock Theft Act (No. 57 of 1959) and Animal Identification Act (No. 6 of 2002) in attempting to quell this crime currently proved ineffective. In responding to this elusive scourge, the objective of this study was to propose Internet of Things (IoT) integration into Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) technology for combating stock theft in the selected areas of KZN Province. This qualitative study was guided by the descriptive and exploratory research designs, with approximately 49 participants purposively selected from various Anti-Stock theft stakeholders. The Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interview (KIIs) were adopted for data collections. The inductive Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) was also employed for data analysis. This study established that IoT allows livestock farmers to improve their livestock management through activity and movement-monitoring. Thus, the sought integration with DNA technology can adequately aid to evidence gathering relating and livestock identification by offering DNA characteristics. It is recommended that all Anti-Stock theft stakeholders should highly consider undergoing educational courses and other related trainings based on the effective use of IoT and DNA technology to physical match livestock ear notches and brands, as well as provide specific descriptions and verifications of their near real-time visibility in varying periods respectively

    Tlhotlhomiso ya fotokerameteri jaaka thekeniki mo patlisisong ya bosenyi : molebo wa lefatshe lotlhe/ka kakaretso

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    Abstracts in English, Zulu and TswanaCrime scene measurements are complex and seldom verified by investigators and the courts; thus, ignoring the most important feature of measurement. There is a correlational relationship between the objects, items and human intervention at the crime scene. Photogrammetry is the most accurate, reliable and error-free method of capturing crime scene measurements. Although it is a time-consuming activity, photogrammetry is highly recommended in criminal investigations and should be practiced as both a method and a technique. The contactless measurements are more accurate than the actual contact variants, which can even be calibrated in centimetres and millimetres. In this regard, 3D provides absolute certainty about crime scene measurements. The study illustrates the significance of transforming 2 Dimension photographs into more reliable 3D measurements. Naturally, ordinary photographs consist of dual dimensions, and photogrammetric intervention renders the photograph more valuable in 3 Dimension. Certainly, there is only a slight difference when photogrammetric measurements are compared to contact measurements. However, taking photographic measurements is still preferred by both private and public investigators in order to obviate later points of disputation in the courts. But, if measurements are wrong, the entire investigation will be misled. Photogrammetry is vital in reconstructing precise crime scene evidence and proper modus operandi profiling. The study aims to contribute towards more accurate and reliable crime scene measurement, which makes it to rely less on actual sketching measurements. The researcher anticipates that the introduction of photogrammetry be used in criminal investigations. Although quality comes with cost, crime investigators will gain immeasurable benefit from incorporating crime scene with photogrammetry. Credible evidence forwarded and presented in the courts should be sufficient beyond disrepute to secure convictions whose entire investigation processes were cogently within the framework of constitutional adherence and compliance. The digitalisation of the crime scene is a step forward towards the modern use of technology. The challenges of crime scene contamination contribute to a diversion of the entire investigation. Therefore, accurate photogrammetric measurements are helpful in refuting contradictory versions by witnesses and victims. Furthermore, if the MO of a crime suspect is diagnosed through false measurements of the crime scene, the entire (CJS) will focus on inappropriate processes and draw wrong conclusions due to the distortion of crime scene measurements. This research adopted the qualitative research and the sampling followed in the empirical was judgemental sampling since there is minimum available sample of participants in this more technological complex environment. Furthermore, the researcher designed and developed legend method with grid sectoral combination of multiple items measurements as the contribution of this study. The findings on the study has showed that Photogrammetry measurements are more accurate and reliable as compared to traditional measurements methods available in the market. The researcher recommended that there should be a further development and exploring of the technique in the African context.Izilinganiso zezigameko zobugebengu ziyinkimbinkimbi futhi azivamile ukuqinisekiswa ngabaphenyi nezinkantolo; ngakho, ukunganaki isici esibaluleke kakhulu sokulinganisa. Kunobudlelwano bokuhlobana phakathi kwezinto, okuthile kanye nokungenelela kwabantu endaweni yesigameko sobugebengu. Ukusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni kuyindlela enembe kakhulu, ethembekile futhi engenaphutha ekuthwebuleni izilinganiso zendawo yesigameko sobugebengu. Nakuba kuwumsebenzi odla isikhathi, ukusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni kuphakanyiswe kakhulu ophenyweni lobugebengu futhi kufanele kwenziwe kokubili njengendlela nesu. Izilinganiso zokungathinteki zinembe kakhulu kunezinhlobonhlobo zangempela zothintana naye, ezingalinganiswa ngisho ngamasentimitha namamilimitha. Mayelana nalokhu, i-3D ihlinzeka ngokuqiniseka okuphelele mayelana nezilinganiso zendawo yesigameko sobugebengu. Ucwaningo lubonisa ukubaluleka kokuguqula izithombe ze-2D zibe izilinganiso ezithembeke kakhulu ze-3D. Ngokwemvelo, izithombe ezijwayelekile ziqukethe ubukhulu obukabili, futhi ukungenelela kokusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni kwenza isithombe sibe yigugu kakhulu ebukhulwini be-3D. Impela, kunomehluko omncane kuphela lapho izilinganiso zokusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni ziqhathaniswa nezilinganiso zokuxhumana. Kodwa-ke, ukuthatha izilinganiso zezithombe kusathandwa yibo bobabili abaphenyi abazimele nabomphakathi ukuze kugwenywe amaphuzu akamuva engxabano ezinkantolo. Ukusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni kubalulekile ekwakhiweni kabusha kobufakazi obunembayo bendawo yesigameko sobugebengu kanye nendlela efanele yokusebenza ekuqoqeni imininingwane ebulekile yomuntu noma yento. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukufaka isandla ekulinganiseni indawo yesigameko sobugebengu enembe kakhulu, okwenza kuncishiswe ukuncika ekudwebeni kwangempela nasezilinganisweni zokuhlela. Umcwaningi ulindele ukwethulwa kokusetshenziswe kwezithombe ekuhloleni ophenyweni lobugebengu ngoba sekuvele kusetshenziswa umkhakha wobunjiniyela. Nakuba ikhwalithi iza nezindleko, abaphenyi bobugebengu bathole inzuzo engenakulinganiswa ngokuhlanganisa ukusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni kwesehlakalo sobugebengu. Ngokulinganayo, ubufakazi obuphathekayo obudluliselwe futhi bethulwe ezinkantolo kufanele banele ngendlela engenakuphikiswa ukuze bathole ukugwetshwa kwazo zonke izinqubo zophenyo ngaphakathi kohlaka lokuhambisana nokubambelela kumthethosisekelo. Ukwenziwa kwedijithali endaweni yesigameko sobugebengu kuyisinyathelo esibheke phambili ekusetshenzisweni kwezobuchwepheshe besimanje. Izinselelo zokungcoliswa kwendawo yesigameko sobugebengu zifaka isandla ekuphambukeni kwalo lonke uphenyo. Ngakho-ke, izilinganiso ezinembile zokusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni ziwusizo ekuphikiseni izinguqulo eziphikisanayo ngofakazi nezisulu. Ngaphezu kwalokho, indlela yokusebenza yomsolwa wobugebengu itholwa ngezilinganiso ezingamanga zendawo yesigameko sobugebengu. Lonke Uhlelo Lwezobulungiswa Bobugebengu lwenze lwagxila ezinqubweni ezingafanele futhi lwafinyelela eziphethweni ezingalungile ngenxa yokuhlanekezelwa kwezilinganiso zendawo yesigameko sobugebengu. Lolu cwaningo lwathatha ucwaningo lokuqoqa nokuhlaziya imininingwane engeyona izinombolo futhi, nendlela yencazelo yolwazi yasetshenziswa eJalimane nase-United States of America. Amasampula alandelwa yolwazi encazelweni kwaba amasampula okwahlulela njengoba kunesampula encane etholakalayo yabahlanganyeli kule ndawo eyinkimbinkimbi yobuchwepheshe. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umcwaningi wenze futhi wathuthukisa indlela edume kakhulu ngenhlanganisela yohlaka lwamabha anezikhala ahambisanayo noma awelanayo yezilinganiso zezinto eziningi njengomnikelo walolu cwaningo. Okutholwe ocwaningweni kubonise ukuthi izilinganiso zokusetshenziswa kwezithombe ekuhloleni zinembe kakhulu futhi zithembekile uma kuqhathaniswa nezindlela zokulinganisa zendabuko ezitholakala emakethe. Umcwaningi uphakamise ukuthi kuqhutshekwe nokuthuthuka futhi kuhlolwe isu lokusebenza esimeni sase-Afrika.Ditekanyetso tsa lefelo la bosenyi di marara mme ga se gantsi di tlhomamisiwa ke babatlisisi le dikgotlatshekelo; ka jalo, go ikgatholosiwa ntlha ya botlhokwa tota ya tekanyetso. Go na le kamano ya kabelano magareng ga dilo le tsereganyo ya motho kwa lefelong la bosenyi. Fotokerameteri ke mokgwa o o nepagetseng thata, o o ikanyegang e bile o se na diphoso wa go tsaya ditekanyetso tsa lefelo la bosenyi. Le fa e le tiro e e tsayang nako, fotokerameteri e atlenegisiwa thata mo dipatlisisong tsa bosenyi mme e tshwanetse go dirisiwa jaaka mokgwa le thekeniki. Ditekanyetso tse di se nang kamano epe di nepagetse go gaisa dipharologantsho tsa nnete tsa kamano, tse di ka lekanyediwang ka disentimetara le dimilimetara. Mo ntlheng eno, 3D e tlamela ka boammaruri ka ga ditekanyetso tsa lefelo la bosenyi. Thutopatlisiso e bontsha bokao jwa go fetolela ditshwantsho tsa 2D go nna ditekanyetso tse di ikanyegang botoka tsa 3D. Ka tlholego, ditshwantsho tsa tlwaelo di na le dikarolo tse pedi, mme tsereganyo ya fotokerameteri e dira gore setshwantsho se nne mosola thata ka 3D. Nnete ke gore go na le pharologanyonyana e e sa reng sepe fa ditekanyetso tsa forokerameteri di bapisiwa le ditekanyetso tsa kamano. Fela go tsaya ditekanyetso tsa ditshwantsho go sa ntse go itlhophelwa ke babatlisisi ba poraefete le ba setšhaba gore ba tile dikganetso tse di ka nnang teng morago kwa dikgotlatshekelo. Fotokerameteri e botlhokwa go aga sešwa bosupi jwa lefelo la bosenyi ka nepo le go dira porofaele e e siameng ya mokgwatiro. Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso ke go akgela mo ditekanyetsong tse di nepagetseng le go ikanyega botoka tsa lefelo la bosenyi, e leng se se dirang gore go seke ga ikaegiwa thata mo go thadiseng le go rulaganya ditekanyetso. Mmatlisisi o solofela go tlaa itsisewe fotokerameteri mo dipatlisisong tsa bosenyi gonne e setse e dirisiwa mo lephateng la boenjiniri. Le fa boleng bo tla ka ditshenyegelo, babatlisisi ba bosenyi ba bone tshiamelo e e boitshegang ka go akaretsa fotokerameteri mo lefelong la bosenyi. Fela jalo, bosupi jo bo ikanyegang jo bo romelwang le go tlhagisiwa kwa dikgotlatshekelo bo tshwanetse go lekana moo bo ka sekeng ba ganediwa gore go fitlhelelwe kgolego mme tirego yotlhe ya patlisiso e le maleba mo ntlheng ya go obamela molaotheo. Go fetolela lefelo la bosenyi mo dijitaleng ke kgato e e lebisang kwa tirisong ya sešweng ya thekenoloji. Dikgwetlho tsa go kgotlhelega ga lefelo la bosenyi di akgela mo go fapogeng ga patlisiso yotlhe. Ka jalo, ditekanyetso tse di nepagetseng tsa fotokerametiri di thusa go ganetsa ditlhagiso tse di farologaneng tsa basupi le batswasetlhabelo. Mo godimo ga moo, mokgwatiro wa mmelaelwa wa mosenyi o lekolwa ka ditekanyetso tse di fosagetseng tsa lefelo la bosenyi. Go dirwa gore Tsamaiso yotlhe ya Tshiamiso ya Bosenyi e tote ditirego tse di seng maleba le go fitlhelela diphitlhelelo tse di fosagetseng ka ntlha ya ditekanyetso tsa lefelo la bosenyi tse di sa siamang. Patlisiso e dirisitse patlisiso e e lebelelang mabaka mme gape go dirisitswe molebo wa maitemogelo wa Jeremane le Amerika. Go tsewa sampole go go latetsweng mo molebong wa maitemogelo e nnile go tsewa sampole ga katlholo gonne go na le sampolepotlana e e gona ya bannileseabe mo tikologong eno e e marara ya thekenoloji. Mo godimo ga moo, mmatlisisi o thadisitse le go dira mokgwa wa legend o o nang le motswako wa dikarolo tsa kiriti tsa ditekanyetso tsa dilo tse di farologaneng e le tshwaelo ya thutopatlisiso eno. Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso di bontshitse gore ditekanyetso tsa fotokerametiri di nepagetse le go ikanyega fa di bapisiwa le mekgwa ya tlwaelo ya ditekanyetso e e gona mo mmarakeng. Mmatlisisi o atlenegisitse gore go nne le ditlhabololo tse dingwe le go tlhotlhomisa thekeniki mo bokaong jwa Aforika.Criminology and Security ScienceD. Phil. (Criminal Justice

    The modus operandi of perpetrators for credit card fraud in the Vaal Region, South Africa

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    Card payments in South Africa continue to be a predominant part of the National Payments System in an evolving payments ecosystem. Due to the growing volume of electronic payments, the monetary strain of credit card fraud is turning into a substantial challenge for financial institutions and service providers, thus forcing them to continuously improve their fraud detection systems. This article attempts to explain the Modus Operandi (MO) of perpetrators of credit card fraud in the Vaal Region in South Africa. The article begins with an examination of the extent of the challenge and response by the relevant stakeholders, especially the Criminal Justice System (CJS). This study was carried out utilising a qualitative research approach with a convenience, purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Thirty-nine (39) interviews were conducted to solicit the views of the participants and police investigators from Vanderbijlpark, Sebokeng, Sharpeville and Vereeniging police stations, members of the community, and victims of credit card fraud were interviewed. These interviews were analysed according to the phenomenological approach, aided with the inductive Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) to identify the participants’ responses and themes. The findings indicated that the extent of credit card fraud in Vaal region is reaching alarming rates. Based on the findings, the authors provided recommendations such as: police investigators being taken for regular workshops and training on how to investigate sophisticated methods used by perpetrators such as technology, awareness in the society about credit card fraud should be prioritised and enhanced