16 research outputs found

    Oxygen consumption in sea water over long periods

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    The rate and extent of oxygen consumption in sea water have been studied and measured under a variety of conditions and for a variety of purposes. Such studies, of what is often called the biological oxygen demand, have either been involved in the estimation of the total content of organic matter or have contributed to the understanding of the processes of organic decomposition in the sea...

    Particulate matter in the oxygen-minimum layer

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    In view of the interest in oxygen distribution in the ocean, it 3eems advisable to bring to light some observations which were made in the l 930\u27s but which were never published…

    The conception of alkalinity of excess base of sea water

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    There is full agreement on these facts: Sea water is slightly alkaline in its reaction towards suitable indicators, and the quantitative measure of this alkalinity may be expressed in terms of the amount of strong acid necessary to bring its reaction to some standard specified endpoint. ..

    The relation of dissolved oxygen to nitrogen in some Atlantic waters

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    The use of the oxygen content of sea water to indicate the state of biological activity has become such common practice that one is apt to lose sight of the fact that it is subject to certain qualifications…

    Some seasonal chemical changes in the open ocean

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    Several studies have been made of the seasonal changes in th, chemical composition of sea water, especially of the so-called nutrient substances. But most of these have been in localities relatively near shore and in the temperate zones where climatic fluctuations are relatively great. During the years 1937 and 1938 an opportunity arose to study such changes in the open ocean in connection with an investigation of the variations of the Gulf Stream (Iselin, 1940)

    The estimation Oof dissolved phosphate in sea water

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    The molybdenum-blue method of determining dissolved inorganic phosphorus in sea water was modified for use with a photoelectric colorimeter. The effect of reagent concentration, time, and temperature on the rate and extent of color development was studied. Practical suggestions are given for carrying out routine analyses at sea

    Volume 6. Article 1. A contribution to the chemistry of the Caribbean and Cayman Seas.

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    The determination of dissolved organic nitrogen in sea water

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    The dissolved organic nitrogen occurring in the sea has so far received the least attention of all the nitrogen-containing fractions. As Krogh (1) has pointed out, it is present in relatively large amounts but is apparently unavailable for use by living organisms. The present investigation was carried out to test the practicability of a more extensive study of the distribution and significance of the dissolved organic N in the sea

    Carbohydrate in sea water

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    Substances which respond to analytical tests for carbohydrate (with anthrone or N-ethyl carbazole) were found in Pacific Coast water in quantities of from 0.1--0.4 mg/L. In coastal lagoons, however, concentrations as high as 8 mg/L were observed. Normally, most of this is in a dissolved rather than suspended state

    Arsenic in the sea

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    Although the microdetermination of arsenic in biological materials is of interest because of its toxicity, still the determination of arsenic in sea water has received but little attention, despite the fact that most of the marine animals and plants concentrate this element in their tissues. We are in some doubt about the physiological Rignificance of arsenic, as well Bs about the forms in which it occurs in the sea