1,119 research outputs found

    Trinocladus divnae and montiella filipovici: A new species (Dasycladales, green algae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Mountain Paštrik (Mirdita Zone)

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    Two new dasycladalean species from the Upper Cretaceous of the Mountain Paštrik, Kukes Cretaceous Unit of the Mirdita Zone are described: Trinocladus divnae sp. nov. is characterized by variable size of the thallus, relatively narrow main axis, typical Trinocladus organization of the laterals and thin calcification limited to the distal part of the thallus which includes a swollen part of secondaries and short tertiaries. Often, the internal portion of the whorls (except sometimes the main stem membrane), tends to dissolve and form dissolution cavities filled with cement. Montiella filipovici sp. nov. is characterized by a primary skeleton made of a thin individual sheath around a fertile ampullae, often obliterated by recrystallization. Four to six laterals, each giving one secondary and one fertile ampulla located on the upper side of the relatively thick short primary lateral. Upper Cenomanian limestone with Cisalveolina fraasi and Trinocladus divnae sp. nov. was deposited immediately before the events that resulted in sea level rising. The middle and upper Cenomanian eustatic-tectonic processes had different effects in the Paštrik shallow water areas, depending on the distance from the basinal part of the Unit. Bathymetric changes in a part of the Paštrik sedimentary area were not significant, even negligible. Montiella filipovici is found in the post-fraasi shallow water sequence, assigned to the ?uppermost Cenomanian-lowermost Turonian (= Whiteinella archaeocretacea Zone p. p.; a short stratigraphic gap, in a part of the area, is noted). Shallow water limestone with Turonian taxa, corresponding to the helvetca Zone, occurs a few meters upward. Supplementary note: the species Cylindroporella parva RADOIČIĆ is transferred in the genus Montiella, the species Permocalculus elliotti JOHNSON is transferred in the genus Trinocladus, while the species Trinocladus bellus YU JING is transferred in the genus Belzungia


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    U zadnjih dvjesto godina život ljudi podložan je mnogim promjenama. Najvažnija među njima je stalno ubrzanje svih zbivanja u čovjekovom životu, što iziskuje izuzetnu plastičnost u ponašanju i otvorenost u shvaćanju svijeta. Osim toga, tako dinamičan život i biološki se sve više produžuje što sili na promjenu tradicionalnog odnosa kako prema starosti, tako i prema djetinjstvu i mladosti. Jedan bitno novi odnos prema životu pretpostavlja već u djetinjstvu i ranoj mladosti odgoj za dokolicu, koja je kao istinski slobodno vrijeme, s jedne strane protuteža besposlici i opasnostima koje ova nosi, a s druge strane osnova za produktivniji društveni život i konačno sretniju starost. Još se uvijek, naime, starost doživljava kao manje sretno razdoblje života u kojem se ranije dosegnute mogućnosti smanjuju ili sasvim gube. Drukčijim odnosom prema vremenu koje je čovjek produženim životnim vijekom dobio, život u starosti može se znatno unaprijediti na vlastito zadovoljstvo i društvenu korist. Ali, promjena stava prema dokolici zahtijeva i propitivanje odnosa kapitala prema znanju, odnosno kvaliteti života kao bitnom uvjetu stvaranja profita. U tom razmišljanju starost ne može biti naprosto trošak koji bi kapital rado izbjegao, već životno doba koje treba nanovo filozofski, sociološki pa i ekonomski vrednovati. Starost naime ljudima otvara neke nove mogućnosti koje u mladosti nisu imali, pa usprkos mogućim bolestima i neizbježnim tegobama upravo starost može biti doba nove osobne emancipacije kojom će pojedinci na svoju i društvenu dobrobit okruniti svoj život


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    An examination of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education

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    The results of the research aimed at examining teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education were presented and analyzed by Milja Vujačić, Rajka Djević and Nikoleta Gutvajn in their paper An examination of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education. What distinguishes this research from similar studies in Serbia is its examination of the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and their implicit pedagogies. The authors offer an account of key results of related research published both in our country and worldwide and recommend how to create further research on teachers’ attitudes, which would lead to a more comprehensive and detailed consideration of this important variable, on which the quality of application of inclusive education depends to a great extent. A basic conclusion of this research is that teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education are moderately positive. The research has shown that there is a connection between teachers’ implicit pedagogies and their attitudes towards inclusion, that is, the closer teachers’ implicit pedagogies are to the contemporary education paradigm the more positive their attitudes towards inclusion are.Collection name : Library „PEDAGOŠKA TEORIJA I PRAKSA” 4

    Neomeris mokragorensis sp. Nov. (Calcareous alga, Dasycladales) from the cretaceous of Serbia, Montenegro and the Northern calcareous Alps, (Gosau group, Austria)

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    The new species of the genus Neomeris - Neomeris mokragorensis sp. nov. described in this paper from western Serbia originates: from the Albian of Mokra Gora (the succession transgrading on the serpentinite) and from the Turonian of the Skrapež-Kosjerić area (the succession transgrading on the Carboniferous). The presence of this species has been noted in the Turonian of the Kukes and in the Santonian of the Metohija Cretaceous Unit (Mirdita Zone). In the surrounding of Podgorica (Dinaric Carbonate Platform, Montenegro), the same species previously was presented as Neomeris cf cretacea STEINMANN. Well preserved Neomeris specimens from the Turonian to the Santonian strata of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Gosau Group, Austria) previously described as Neomeris circularis BADVE & NAYAK, is assigned to Neomeris mokragorensis sp. nov. Neomeris mokragorensis is characterized by a thin loosed skeleton formed only around ampullae, by which, besides the form of the ampullae, this species is clearly distinct from Neomeris cretacea (Steinmann)

    Utjecaj usvajanja eura na hrvatsko gospodarstvo: što se može naučiti od drugih zemalja?

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    In this paper the impact of adopting the euro in Croatia is analysed using experiences of other countries which have passed through this process in the last decade and which are comparable with Croatia in many aspects. The process of adopting a currency different from the one that has been used for more than twenty years presents a very important economic question for each country. In this period preceding to adopting the euro, there is an opportunity to analyse this process in the countries which went through it in the past. The result of this paper shows the impacts of adopting the euro in the European countries. The selected countries, which are adequate for analysing the effects of adopting the euro, are: Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. These countries have been selected for different reasons. The majority of these countries have some similarities with Croatia, which are shown in this paper via relevant economic indicators. These results are significant for Croatia and show a positive influence on the Croatian market on a long-term basis. This paper is relevant and has a practical basis both for Croatia and other countries which will go through this process in the future.U ovom je radu utjecaj usvajanja eura na hrvatsko gospodarstvo analiziran putem iskustava drugih zemalja koje su u prošlom desetljeću već prošle kroz ovaj proces te su usporedive s Hrvatskom u mnogim aspektima. Proces usvajanja valute drugačije od one koja se koristila više od dvadeset godina predstavlja važno ekonomsko pitanje za svaku zemlju. U ovom razdoblju koje prethodi usvajanju eura leži prilika za analizu procesa u zemljama koje su kroz taj proces već prošle. Rezultat ovog rada prikazuje utjecaje usvajanja eura u europskim zemljama. Odabrane zemlje adekvatne za analizu utjecaja usvajanja eura su: Portugal, Irska, Grčka, Španjolska, Slovenija, Slovačka, Estonija, Litva i Latvija. Navedene su zemlje odabrane iz više različitih razloga. Većina ovih zemalja ima sličnosti s Hrvatskom, koje su prikazane u ovom radu putem relevantnih ekonomskih pokazatelja. Dobiveni rezultati su značajni za Hrvatsku te pokazuju dugoročno pozitivan utjecaj na hrvatsko tržište. Rad je relevantan i ima praktičnu podlogu za Hrvatsku i druge zemlje koje će prolaziti kroz ovaj proces


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    Promišljanje i usavršavanje visokoškolske nastave postaje imperativ koji se postavlja pred sveučilišne nastavnike. Potrebne i nužne promjene u metodologiji poučavanja i kvaliteti komuniciranja osobito su značajne na fakultetima koji obrazuju buduće nastavnike, jer su sveučilišni nastavnici i njihove metode ne samo ogledni primjer rada budućih nastavnika, nego su kao „učitelji učitelja“ u odgovornom položaju pokretača pozitivnih promjena u strategiji poučavanja, učenja i osuvremenjivanja svih razina sustava obrazovanja. U vremenu silne brzine nastanka novih znanja i zamjene starih znanja novima, prioritet odnosa prema znanju, a time i cilja obrazovanja, više nije „steći znanja“, nego steći vještinu, naviku i potrebu njihovoga samostalnog konstruiranja. Prikazan je primjer pokrenute komunikacije u okviru metodičkih kolegija iz fizike na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, gdje su primijenjene metode rada oslobodile komunikaciju na više razina unutar i izvan sveučilišne nastave. Aktiviranjem studenata i poticanjem njihove kreativnosti pokrenut je „domino efekt“ različitih aktivnosti (projekti MZT-a, MIPS-a, MZOS-a, e-škole Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, konstruktivističke radionice s osnovnoškolcima, popularna predavanja, izložbe, itd.) koje su povezale nastavnike i studente s nekoliko fakulteta riječkoga Sveučilišta, nastavnike i učenike više osnovnih i srednjih škola, te ljude iz nekoliko stručnih udruga i instituta