1 research outputs found

    Comparison of Commercial and Locally Identified Yeast Strains in Relation to Young Wine Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the fermentation efficiency of locally identified yeast strains againstthe commercial yeast preparations in the case of Cabernet Sauvignon wines. For this purpose, must of CabernetSauvignon was inoculated separately with three each of commercial (KIV 1116, EC 1118 and Premier Cuvee) andlocally identified (RS1, RS2 and RS3) yeast strains. The physicochemical parameters of wines made with these twogroups of yeast strains showed significant differences during fermentation. The pH values ranged from 3.40 to 3.55,which fall in the agreeable limit. The minimum alcohol content, i.e. 10.32%, was found in the wine with maximumreducing sugars. Wine made from the inoculation of strain EC 1118 contained 11.06% alcohol. The anthocyanincontent differed significantly among all the yeast strains. The maximum anthocyanin content was found in wineprepared from RS1 (15.70 g/l). Maximum colour intensity (14.66) was observed in the RS2 yeast strain. The winesmade from locally identified yeast strains contained more antioxidant reducing power (FRAP) than commerciallyavailable yeast strains. Significant differences were noted among the yeast strains in relation to FRAP values. Thelocally identified yeast strains were found to be on par with commercial yeast strains. These strains can be used forfurther studies on other important varieties