29 research outputs found


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    Purpose of study: This research aims to analyze the mediating effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) image in the effect of company credibility dimensions (trustworthiness and expertise) on participation intention, in the cause–brand alliance (CBA) context. Methodology: The sample design which is used is purposive sampling with the sample criteria as the stakeholders of the University of Lampung, Indonesia. Data were collected by direct interview. Multiple regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses with 160 university’s stakeholders, using purposive sampling. Result: The results show that trustworthiness and expertise have a directly positive significant effect on CSR image. However, expertise statistically has a greater positive significant effect on consumer participation intention toward the CBA than trustworthiness. This finding is contrary to the contrast-effect theoretical framework (Dean, 2003) and balance theory (Heider, 1958). Newly finding is that CSR image considered a mediating role in the effect of trustworthiness and expertise credibility on participation intention. Implications: This implies that in the context of CBA, the company’s trustworthiness and expertise can be a more useful tool to trigger the positive CSR image in encouraging the stakeholders’ perception to buy the products and services or brand of the company implementing CSR, because CBA practices are considered as a genuine social cause, not as a promotion tool. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this study, the collected data uses the cross-sectional design and the CBA context uses CBA practices implemented by agriculture, education service, beverage industry, and a bank stated-owned enterprise

    The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Organizational Performance

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    The empirical study is carried out in Enterprises. The data was collected using a questionnaire distributed among 100 of the employees. The questionnaire is intended to measure the banks perceived credibility on building and developing the business correlations with the clientele. Regarding the hypothesis’s validation, Multiple Regression Linear statistics were performed using the SPSS software. The research findings revealed a direct interrelation between the independent variables (reputation, image, and culture) and the dependent variable. The higher the organizations importance is, the better its performance

    References for Shopping Online Versus in Stores What Do Customers Prefer and How Do Offline Retailers Cope with It?

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    The purpose of this study is to cover the importance of online shopping in todays competitive markets. How offline retailers will be able to survive. And how to sustain a good relationship between customers in providing them with the finest products or services, attractive and transparent prices, deals. In a world where online retailing and modern in-store Shopping coexist and support each other through various shopping behaviors, very little is accepted regarding the possibility of an evolving reality where shopping online or offline blends into a common trend. However, the shoppers have turned upside down due to the emergence of the Internet. Moreover, a new trend has emerged in the past years, �Online shopping.� The following offers a huge abundance of possibilities for buying products, news, book tickets, clothes, furniture, toys. Lebanese people are being used to this trend; however, they still visit stores to purchase, especially grocery stores and pharmacies. This study will also be directed to figure out its effect on retail shops that operate offline. In this study, a quantitative method will be adopted. Moreover, the research will develop analysis and understanding of the theoretical framework and models related to online Shopping and in-store Shopping, and the effect of online Shopping on offline retail shops. Adding customer satisfaction through service quality provided, whether online or in-store, maintains customer loyalty and satisfaction, which will help stores survive in the markets and sustain competitive advantage

    Positive Outcomes of Human Resources Engagement and Impact on Motivation

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    For this study, I don’t intend to show teachers as victims of their school, nor that Human Resources is the only problem that needs to be fixed or that our education system is the issue. We only intended to question why teachers are always blamed, and their needs are ignored and always accused them of being demotivated. We mean to question how the education system functions with the lack of Human Resources practices and the methods and ideas that we can provide and help our teachers have a better future. We intend to discover what the best way to motivate and engage teachers through Human Resources practices is. What makes the admins dissatisfied with teachers’ performance, and is it the fault of the teachers. This study is a series of concerns and problems teachers (including ourselves) came across through our teaching years that nobody ever tried to see it from our point of view. This article is a group of chains and ideas that will give more value to teachers and encourage Human Resources to be more engaged and active in teachers lives through many methods and techniques. Furthermore, teachers’ demotivation and lack of engagement are causing burnouts and turnovers; we’ll try to show how Human Resources can help reduce these turnovers and burnouts through being more present and implement motivational systems and engagement models. This article will review previous literature related to Human Resources engagement and motivation positivity on teachers’ performance and productivity. It will discuss these demotivating factors and assess their impact on teachers’ performance and end with. This article will conclude by implementing more motivational and engagement systems and programs to enhance teachers performance, reduce turnovers, and make schools a better environment for students

    The Conditional Analysis of Principals Bullying Teachers Reasons in The Surroundings of The City

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    Centered on teachers intimidation by officials, this paper (a) discusses how management incompetence favors their emergence, (b) how teachers can see it, and (c) whether or not this issue impairs teacher success. Empirical findings indicate that teacher efficiency improves with inspiration, a good environment, and not bullied or upset by principals. The results suggest that the principal cause to be blamed is the teachers negligence. Teacher teamwork will play a part in curbing this violence. Take the time and position constraints into account for the analysis, where 15 hours of monitoring may not be enough time to analyze this kind. Furthermore, qualitative research was conducted in and out of Beirut classrooms. As a consequence, the findings of this study are generalized in the surroundings of the city

    The Impact of Teaching Innovative Strategy on Academic Performance in High Schools

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    The study focuses primarily on the impact of creative teaching on learning effectiveness in a certain technical vocational school in Vietnam. The satisfaction in the learning of students is like a variable mediator. The sample population of the research was the student organ of the technical-professional college in Taiwan. Comfort samples were included for taking the samples. To validate the whole study model and to calculate its success fit, the structural model. Analysis showed that the direct and optimistic impact of creativity in teaching on student quality was insignificant. Secondly, there is a strong positive effect on the enjoyment of learning from innovation. The satisfaction of the learners affects their academic success significantly and explicitly. In short, student satisfaction is as mediating as possible between learning and schools. It will also improve students comprehension and progress. Thus, this study has attempted to monitor and acknowledge the effect of learning creativity on learning performance in vocational, technical, and schools in Taiwan – with the mediation variable being learning satisfaction

    The impact of motivation on employees productivity in the retail sector: the mediating effect of compensation benefits

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    All companies aspire to compete against their rivals, retain a strategic edge in the industry, gain the largest market share and be inspired to bring out their utmost to achieve their desired goals at work. Few businesses think they will gain growth and wealth by important assets for their workers. Unfortunately, most companies appear to exploit the dismissal of their workers and talented applicants. Recognizing the critical position of workers appears to have a major effect on operational performance as most companies aim to maintain staff by empowering and enhancing the working standards of their employees. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce certain techniques to retain high quality and ensure performance and efficiency. The research examined the influence of organizational participation and encouragement in banks' work results. A study of 100 participants was tested, and findings were evaluated using the chi-square analysis. The findings revealed a substantial level below 5% which indicates that the study variables are closely linked. The quantitative approach and qualitative framework have been used to analyze their perception of the effects of job retention on the success of workers. Approach a single case study for various branches by implementing a similar case study and addressing a larger number of samples. This allows the researcher to remove the survey challenge and hold evidence from a larger community with a deeper comprehension of the idea of encouragement and how it influences workers' output

    The Empirical Results of Conditional Analysis of Principals Reasons in Bullying Teachers

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    Starting from the bullying of teachers by principals, this paper elaborates (a) how incompetency of management favours its emergence, (b) how teachers can see it, and (c) whether this problem affects the performance of teachers or not. The empirical results show that motivation, a positive workplace, and not being bullied or agitated by principals increase teachers performance. The findings show that the teachers consider managements incompetency the major factor to be blamed. Collaboration between teachers can have a role in limiting this abuse. Because management is the key obligation for clearing the ethos and function of the company and clarifying the translation of words into the organization, there is some laggard of management in the way the control extracted from the structured authority is confused. Success strain!! In the light of the short- and long-term priorities and plans, colleges and organized entity made up of people operating, supervised and operationally, can operate every phase so the activities can be orchestrated and integrated in an equilibrated manner

    The empirical results of conditional analysis of principals' reasons in bullying teachers

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    Starting from the bullying of teachers by principals, this paper elaborates (a) how incompetency of management favours its emergence, (b) how teachers can see it, and (c) whether this problem affects the performance of teachers or not. The empirical results show that motivation, a positive workplace, and not being bullied or agitated by principals increase teachers' performance. The findings show that the teachers consider management's incompetency the major factor to be blamed. Collaboration between teachers can have a role in limiting this abuse. Because management is the key obligation for clearing the ethos and function of the company and clarifying the translation of words into the organization, there is some laggard of management in the way the control extracted from the structured authority is confused. Success strain!! In the light of the short- and long-term priorities and plans

    The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Organizational Performance

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    The empirical study is carried out in Enterprises. The data was collected using a questionnaire distributed among 100 of the employees. The questionnaire is intended to measure the bank's perceived credibility on building and developing the business correlations with the clientele. Regarding the hypothesis’s validation, Multiple Regression Linear statistics were performed using the SPSS software. The research findings revealed a direct interrelation between the independent variables (reputation, image, and culture) and the dependent variable. The higher the organization's importance is, the better its performance