7 research outputs found

    Investigation of optical properties of sodium superoxide loaded polyaniline in uv and visible region

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    The PANi/NaO2 composites were prepared using an ex-situ technique in 5–20 wt.% range. The NaO2 was prepared in a single step by heating sodium nitrate in oxygen rich environment. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy was employed to extract optical parameters like direct band gap, refractive index, complex dielectric constant and optical conductivity. The refractive index increased with NaO2 content for 5 and 10 wt. %, and then decreased possibly due to non-bridging oxygen (NBO) atoms. The composite with 10 wt. % NaO2 showed the largest refractive index. On increasing the concentration of NaO2, the band gap decreased from 2.538 to 2.307 eV and became narrower. Beyond 225 nm wavelength the extinction coefficient increased linearly, indicating that light trapping was proportional to wavelength. Both parts of the dielectrics follow the same pattern and the real dielectric constant is higher than the imaginary dielectric constant. The optical conductivity increased with h due to a change in density of localized states in the band gap, and also possibly due to the electrons excited by photon energy

    Priprava i vrednovanje biorazgradljivih implantata s kontroliranim oslobađanjem za postoperativnu primjenu

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    Biodegradable implants of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride for post operative site delivery were prepared using glyceryl monostearate and different concentrations of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) glycerol and Tween 80 as erosion enhancers by compression and molding technique. Formulations were subjected to in vitro drug release by the USP dissolution method, while promising formulations were subjected to in vitro drug release by the agar gel method and also to stability studies. It was observed that glyceryl monostearate formed hydrophobic matrix and delayed the drug delivery. Antibiotic release profile was controlled by using different combinations of erosion enhancers. The formulation prepared by compression method showed more delayed release as compared to formulations prepared by molding method.Biorazgradljivi implantati ciprofloksacin hidroklorida za postoperativnu primjenu pripravljeni su pomoću gliceril monostearata (GMS) i različitih koncentracija polietilen glikola (PEG 6000), glicerola i Tween 80 kao promotora erozije metodom kompresije i lijevanja. Oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz pripravaka praćeno je in vitro prema USP metodi. Pripravci koji su dali dobre rezultate ispitani su i in vitro metodom s agarom te su podvrgnuti testovima stabilnosti. Primijećeno je da gliceril monostearat tvori hidrofobni matriks i usporava oslobađanje lijeka. Koristeći različite kombinacije promotora erozije postignuto je kontrolirano oslobađanje antibiotika. Oslobađanje iz implantata dobivenih metodom kompresije sporije je od implantata dobivenih metodom lijevanja

    Development and validation of novel stability indicating RP-HPLC method for the determination of assay of voriconazole in pharmaceutical products

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    For the determination of the assay of voriconazole in bulk and in pharmaceutical dosage forms, a novel stability indicating RP-HPLC method was designed and validated, exhibiting a very low run time. The stability-indicating nature of the approach is supported by the fact that it is unique, quick, precise, accurate, and capable of isolating the voriconazole peak from any contaminating or degrading components. Isocratic elution on a 100 mm x 4.6 mm, 3μm agilent C18 column at 45°C and a UV detection wavelength of 256 nm constitutes the analytical procedure at at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. After injecting 20µL of voriconazole sample, the elution peak occurred at 3.5 minutes, and the entire run time was 15 minutes. Between 98% and 102% was a reasonable range for the percentage of recovery. It was determined that the method's RSD for precision and accuracy was less than 2%. The method has been verified for routine analysis of voriconazole in bulk materials and its formulations according to the standards established by the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)

    Innovative strategies for managing hallucinations by exploring effects of tDCS on source monitoring abilities

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    Abstract This randomised, crossover, sham-controlled study explored the neural basis of source-monitoring, a crucial cognitive process implicated in schizophrenia. Left superior temporal gyrus (STG) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) were the key focus areas. Thirty participants without neurological or psychological disorders underwent offline sham and active tDCS sessions with specific electrode montage targeting the left STG and DLPFC. Source-monitoring tasks, reality monitoring (Hear-Imagine), internal source-monitoring (Say-Imagine), and external source monitoring (Virtual–Real) were administered. Paired t-test and estimation statistics was performed with Graphpad version 10.1.0. The Benjamini–Hochberg procedure was employed to control the false discovery rate in multiple hypothesis testing. A significant improvement in internal source monitoring tasks (p = 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.97) was observed, but reality monitoring tasks demonstrated moderate improvement (p = 0.02, Cohen's d = 0.44). The study provides insights into the neural mechanisms of source monitoring in healthy individuals and proposes tDCS as a therapeutic intervention, laying the foundation for future studies to refine tDCS protocols and develop individualized approaches to address source monitoring deficits in schizophrenia

    Development and validation of novel stability indicating RP-HPLC method for the determination of assay of voriconazole in pharmaceutical products

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    For the determination of the assay of voriconazole in bulk and in pharmaceutical dosage forms, a novel stability indicating RP-HPLC method was designed and validated, exhibiting a very low run time. The stability-indicating nature of the approach is supported by the fact that it is unique, quick, precise, accurate, and capable of isolating the voriconazole peak from any contaminating or degrading components. Isocratic elution on a 100 mm x 4.6 mm, 3μm agilent C18 column at 45°C and a UV detection wavelength of 256 nm constitutes the analytical procedure at at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. After injecting 20µL of voriconazole sample, the elution peak occurred at 3.5 minutes, and the entire run time was 15 minutes. Between 98% and 102% was a reasonable range for the percentage of recovery. It was determined that the method's RSD for precision and accuracy was less than 2%. The method has been verified for routine analysis of voriconazole in bulk materials and its formulations according to the standards established by the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)