703 research outputs found

    Preliminarno istraĹľivanje obiljeĹľja ekoinovacija i ekodizajna u Sloveniji

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    Eco-innovation is crucial to Europe’s economic competitiveness; environment-friendly technologies have a positive impact on businesses and contribute to job creation. A survey of perceptions and attitudes about eco-innovation and eco-design among 712 Slovenian enterprises was conducted. The survey included micro, small and medium enterprises, and large companies. Analysis of the survey revealed that eco-design in Slovenia is underexploited. Only approximately 50 % of the 657 respondents have established an innovative environment for sustainable development or support for eco-innovation processes. Based on the survey results, it was concluded that further development and promotion will require comprehensive policies at the local and national levels. Specifically, policy solutions should advocate combining eco-innovation and adopting a life-cycle design approach. These policies could result in the development of successful innovations at a breakthrough level. Eco-innovation and eco-design present Slovenian enterprises with the opportunity to create new markets where they could dominate and prosper. Furthermore, Slovenia could become an important contributor to the European Union goal of becoming a smart, sustainable, and inclusive economy by fully satisfying the objectives of four “Europe 2020” Flagship initiatives, while simultaneously contributing to reducing climate change.Ekoinovacije imaju ključno značenje za ekonomsku konkurentnost Europe; okolišno prihvatljive tehnologije pozitivno utječu na poslovanje poduzeća i pridonose stvaranju novih radnih mjesta. Istraživanje percepcije i stajališta o ekoinovacijama i ekodizajnu provedena su u 712 slovenskih poduzeća. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena mikropoduzeća, mala i srednja poduzeća te velike tvrtke. Analiza rezultata ankete pokazala je da je ekodizajn u Sloveniji nedovoljno iskorišten. Samo je oko 50 % od 657 anketiranih tvrki uspostavilo inovativno okruženje za održivi razvoj ili uvelo potpore za ekološke inovacijske procese. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja zaključeno je da daljnji razvoj i promocija ekoinovacija i ekodizajna zahtijevaju opsežne politike na lokalnoj i nacionalnoj razini. Naime, politička rješenja trebaju promicati kombinaciju ekoinovacija i usvajanje novog pristupa dizajnu uzimajući u obzir životni ciklus proizvoda. Takve politike mogu dovesti do razvoja uspješnih inovacija. Ekoinovacije i ekodizajn za slovenska su poduzeća prilika za stvaranje novih tržišta na kojima bi mogli dominirati i napredovati. Nadalje, Slovenija bi mogla postati važan čimbenik u ostvarenju težnje europske unije da postane pametno, održivo i inkluzivno gospodarstvo i da u potpunosti zadovolji ciljeve četiriju ključnih inicijativa strategije „Europa 2020”, a da pritom istodobno pridonosi smanjenju klimatskih promjena

    Catalyzing Public and Private Investments to Scale Up Socio-Bioeconomy and Nature-Based Solutions

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    Socio-bioeconomy presents a promising approach to sustainable development by leveraging biological and social diversity to transition away from a fossil fuel dependent economy while simultaneously creating income and employment opportunities for millions of Indigenous and rural communities worldwide. Because the bioeconomy values the sustainable utilization of renewable biological resources, nature-based solutions (NbS), which are a facet of the socio-bioeconomy, gain increasing prominence. Socio-bioeconomy requires substantial investmentsfrom both public and private sectors to develop effective socio-biodiversity production systems. Socio-bioeconomy development will require improved institutional coordination, robust planning, and novel methodologies to measure trade-offs as well as promote synergies that can generate scale gains while preserving ecosystem services. This Policy Brief aims to propose a comprehensive framework for investment governance aligned with socio-bioeconomy, offering specific policy recommendations that G20 countries can adopt and help promote globally. The goal of this contribution is to foster a just development of the socio-bioeconomy by ensuring the rights of communities in accessing natural resources and participating in policymaking processes, and an investment climate that places socio-bioeconomy at the forefront of the development agenda at a global scale
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