8 research outputs found

    miRNA Expression Profiles of Mouse Round Spermatids in GRTH/DDX25-Mediated Spermiogenesis: mRNA–miRNA Network Analysis

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    GRTH/DDX25 is a testis-specific DEAD-box family of RNA helicase, which plays an essential role in spermatogenesis and male fertility. There are two forms of GRTH, a 56 kDa non-phosphorylated form and a 61 kDa phosphorylated form (pGRTH). GRTH-KO and GRTH Knock-In (KI) mice with R242H mutation (lack pGRTH) are sterile with a spermatogenic arrest at step 8 of spermiogenesis due to failure of round spermatids (RS) to elongate. We performed mRNA-seq and miRNA-seq analysis on RS of WT, KI, and KO to identify crucial microRNAs (miRNAs) and mRNAs during RS development by establishing a miRNA–mRNA network. We identified increased levels of miRNAs such as miR146, miR122a, miR26a, miR27a, miR150, miR196a, and miR328 that are relevant to spermatogenesis. mRNA–miRNA target analysis on these DE-miRNAs and DE-mRNAs revealed miRNA target genes involved in ubiquitination process (Ube2k, Rnf138, Spata3), RS differentiation, and chromatin remodeling/compaction (Tnp1/2, Prm1/2/3, Tssk3/6), reversible protein phosphorylation (Pim1, Hipk1, Csnk1g2, Prkcq, Ppp2r5a), and acrosome stability (Pdzd8). Post-transcriptional and translational regulation of some of these germ-cell-specific mRNAs by miRNA-regulated translation arrest and/or decay may lead to spermatogenic arrest in KO and KI mice. Our studies demonstrate the importance of pGRTH in the chromatin compaction and remodeling process, which mediates the differentiation of RS into elongated spermatids through miRNA–mRNA interactions

    Chromatoid Bodies in the Regulation of Spermatogenesis: Novel Role of GRTH

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    Post-transcriptional and translational control of specialized genes play a critical role in the progression of spermatogenesis. During the early stages, mRNAs are actively transcribed and stored, temporarily bound to RNA binding proteins in chromatoid bodies (CBs). CBs are membrane-less dynamic organelles which serve as storehouses and processing centers of mRNAs awaiting translation during later stages of spermatogenesis. These CBs can also regulate the stability of mRNAs to secure the correct timing of protein expression at different stages of sperm formation. Gonadotropin-regulated testicular RNA helicase (GRTH/DDX25) is an essential regulator of spermatogenesis. GRTH transports mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and phospho-GRTH transports mRNAs from the cytoplasm to the CBs. During spermiogenesis, there is precise control of mRNAs transported by GRTH from and to the CBs, directing the timing of translation of critical proteins which are involved in spermatid elongation and acrosomal development, resulting in functional sperm formation. This chapter presents our current knowledge on the role of GRTH, phospho-GRTH and CBs in the control of spermiogenesis. In addition, it covers the components of CBs compared to those of stress granules and P-bodies

    Single-Cell Transcriptomic Profiling of the Mouse Testicular Germ Cells Reveals Important Role of Phosphorylated GRTH/DDX25 in Round Spermatid Differentiation and Acrosome Biogenesis during Spermiogenesis

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    Gonadotropin-regulated testicular RNA helicase (GRTH)/DDX25 is a member of DEAD-box family of RNA helicase essential for the completion of spermatogenesis and male fertility, as evident from GRTH-knockout (KO) mice. In germ cells of male mice, there are two species of GRTH, a 56 kDa non-phosphorylated form and 61 kDa phosphorylated form (pGRTH). GRTH Knock-In (KI) mice with R242H mutation abolished pGRTH and its absence leads to infertility. To understand the role of the GRTH in germ cell development at different stages during spermatogenesis, we performed single-cell RNA-seq analysis of testicular cells from adult WT, KO and KI mice and studied the dynamic changes in gene expression. Pseudotime analysis revealed a continuous developmental trajectory of germ cells from spermatogonia to elongated spermatids in WT mice, while in both KO and KI mice the trajectory was halted at round spermatid stage indicating incomplete spermatogenesis process. The transcriptional profiles of KO and KI mice were significantly altered during round spermatid development. Genes involved in spermatid differentiation, translation process and acrosome vesicle formation were significantly downregulated in the round spermatids of KO and KI mice. Ultrastructure of round spermatids of KO and KI mice revealed several abnormalities in acrosome formation that includes failure of pro-acrosome vesicles to fuse to form a single acrosome vesicle, and fragmentation of acrosome structure. Our findings highlight the crucial role of pGRTH in differentiation of round spermatids into elongated spermatids, acrosome biogenesis and its structural integrity

    Single-Cell Transcriptomic Profiling of the Mouse Testicular Germ Cells Reveals Important Role of Phosphorylated GRTH/DDX25 in Round Spermatid Differentiation and Acrosome Biogenesis during Spermiogenesis

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    Gonadotropin-regulated testicular RNA helicase (GRTH)/DDX25 is a member of DEAD-box family of RNA helicase essential for the completion of spermatogenesis and male fertility, as evident from GRTH-knockout (KO) mice. In germ cells of male mice, there are two species of GRTH, a 56 kDa non-phosphorylated form and 61 kDa phosphorylated form (pGRTH). GRTH Knock-In (KI) mice with R242H mutation abolished pGRTH and its absence leads to infertility. To understand the role of the GRTH in germ cell development at different stages during spermatogenesis, we performed single-cell RNA-seq analysis of testicular cells from adult WT, KO and KI mice and studied the dynamic changes in gene expression. Pseudotime analysis revealed a continuous developmental trajectory of germ cells from spermatogonia to elongated spermatids in WT mice, while in both KO and KI mice the trajectory was halted at round spermatid stage indicating incomplete spermatogenesis process. The transcriptional profiles of KO and KI mice were significantly altered during round spermatid development. Genes involved in spermatid differentiation, translation process and acrosome vesicle formation were significantly downregulated in the round spermatids of KO and KI mice. Ultrastructure of round spermatids of KO and KI mice revealed several abnormalities in acrosome formation that includes failure of pro-acrosome vesicles to fuse to form a single acrosome vesicle, and fragmentation of acrosome structure. Our findings highlight the crucial role of pGRTH in differentiation of round spermatids into elongated spermatids, acrosome biogenesis and its structural integrity