19 research outputs found

    Surgical knot training in ophthalmic surgery: Skill assessment with eye-tracking

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    Suturing is a fundamental task in ophthalmic surgery. Training is necessary to master technical as well as cognitive skills and develop a high level of hand-eye coordination. Formulating novel objective measures of operational performance will be beneficial for training and computer-based image guidance. Capturing eye movements while performing surgical tasks can provide meaningful information to access operator’s skill and overall performance. This study explores: eye tracking for developing performance metrics for suturing tasks and focuses on time-based metrics and the spatial distribution of fixations

    Surgical knot training in ophthalmic surgery: Skill assessment with eye-tracking

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    Suturing is a fundamental task in ophthalmic surgery. Focused training is necessary to master technical (tissue handling, knot tying) and cognitive (appropriate selection of instruments, forward planning) skills and develop a high level of hand-eye coordination required for ophthalmic microsurgical procedures. Formulating novel objective measures of operational performance will be beneficial for training in ophthalmic microsurgery. Capturing eye movements and points of focus while performing surgical tasks can provide meaningful information to assess the operator’s technical and cognitive skills and overall performance. The locations of gaze focus and spatial distribution of fixations embed valuable information for assessing the use of instruments, the sequence and quality in executing subtasks, and possibly the level of hand-eye coordination the operator demonstrates. This study explores eye-tracking for developing performance metrics for suturing tasks in ophthalmic surgery and preliminary analysis focuses on the total duration of executing a surgical suture and its subtasks. It also introduces the spatial distribution of fixations as a feature to characterize the level of surgical expertise. Eye-tracking has been used as a tool for skill analysis in a variety of different surgical applications. Copogna et al. [1], compared anesthesiologists of different expertise levels performing an epidural block. Attentional heat-maps and gaze plots showed different gaze dispersion between the groups. Causer et al., showed that quiet eye training significantly improved learning of surgical knot tying compared to a traditional technical approach [2]. In [3], expert and novice neurosurgeons performing under a surgical microscope were examined, concluding that experts spend more time fixating on the region of interest before performing an action. Lee et al., used eye-tracking data to identify gaze patterns and blind spots in a real-time EGD [4]. While efforts have been made to analyze gaze patterns [3],[4], it has yet to be developed a metric that can be used to statistically compare the spatial distributions of gaze focus points, a rather useful tool to evaluate the skill level of groups with different expertise

    Assessment Methods of Cognitive Ability of Human Brains for Inborn Intelligence Potential Using Pattern Recognitions

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    This research aims to examine the scientific study related to fingerprint patterns and brains lobes. Generally, this method is used to find and develop the inborn potential and personality especially of children. Every person is having inborn potential and personality, which will help us to analyze strength and weakness. The present work is based only on the analysis and used as a reference for scientific research in the field of Galtian and statistical study conducted based on the fingerprint processing. Human brain is divided into two parts, left hemispheres and right hemispheres. Fingers of right hand represent the functions of left brain and fingers of left hand represent the functions of right brain. Human brain is divided into 10 lobes and each lobe is related with each finger. Each lobe represents different intelligences. A detailed analysis of the fingerprint would help the researchers to find the inborn talents. It will provide them the most appropriate learning habits from young age and improve learning ability effectively. The vital factor of an individual’s intelligence is determined by neural network connection of brain cells. Cognitive science is the scientific study that will help you to know about yourself

    Analysing Scientific Strength and Varietal Generation, Adoption and Turnover in Peninsular India: The Case of Sorghum, Pearl Millet, Chickpea, Pigeonpea and Groundnut

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    The importance of crop genetic improvement research is demonstrated by the Green Revolution, which led to a rapid increase in food production in Asia. Those productivity gains contributed to a reduction in poverty directly through increased farm-household income and indirectly through a long-term decline in the prices of food grains, which account for a large share of poor consumers’ expenditure. The success of crop genetic improvement research that led to the development of improved varieties of food crops is well documented (Evenson and Gollin, 2003; Bantilan et al., 2013). Despite the rapid progress made in the past, poverty is still concentrated in South Asia with around 571 million or one-third of the world’s poor, estimated at about 1.29 billion in 2011 (World Bank, 2012). Substantial scope exists for further reducing poverty through crop genetic improvement by increasing or stabilizing the yield of major food crops, particularly the dryland crops in South Asia. Modern varietal change by itself may not lift large numbers of people out of poverty, but greater dynamism in this area can go a long way toward moving poor people closer to that threshold. Moreover, modern varietal change can set the stage for the adoption of improved crop management practices, thereby making it possible for farmers to reduce the cost of production substantially..

    Determinants of non-attendance at face-to-face and telemedicine ophthalmic consultations

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Evaluation of telemedicine care models has highlighted its potential for exacerbating healthcare inequalities. This study seeks to identify and characterise factors associated with non-attendance across face-to-face and telemedicine outpatient appointments. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study at a tertiary-level ophthalmic institution in the UK, between 1 January 2019 and 31 October 2021. Logistic regression modelled non-attendance against sociodemographic, clinical and operational exposure variables for all new patient registrations across five delivery modes: asynchronous, synchronous telephone, synchronous audiovisual and face to face prior to the pandemic and face to face during the pandemic. RESULTS: A total of 85 924 patients (median age 55 years, 54.4% female) were newly registered. Non-attendance differed significantly by delivery mode: (9.0% face to face prepandemic, 10.5% face to face during the pandemic, 11.7% asynchronous and 7.8%, synchronous during pandemic). Male sex, greater levels of deprivation, a previously cancelled appointment and not self-reporting ethnicity were strongly associated with non-attendance across all delivery modes. Individuals identifying as black ethnicity had worse attendance in synchronous audiovisual clinics (adjusted OR 4.24, 95% CI 1.59 to 11.28) but not asynchronous. Those not self-reporting their ethnicity were from more deprived backgrounds, had worse broadband access and had significantly higher non-attendance across all modes (all p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Persistent non-attendance among underserved populations attending telemedicine appointments highlights the challenge digital transformation faces for reducing healthcare inequalities. Implementation of new programmes should be accompanied by investigation into the differential health outcomes of vulnerable populations

    Tomato and Brinjal Germplasm Screening and Rootstock Identification for Fusarium Wilt Resistance

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    Fusarium oxysporum is a destructive disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) that causes large yield losses in fields and commercial greenhouses, implying the need for disease resistance research. The current study was conducted in Rabi - 2021 at the Postgraduate Research Block, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. In the present study, 25 genotypes of tomato and brinjal were studied for Fusarium wilt resistance at morphological level. Scoring of Fusarium wilt infection severity based on morphological symptoms revealed five groups viz., asymptomatic/no chlorosis in one cultivar (Solanum torvum) slight chlorosis of leaves in two genotypes (Arka Keshav and Surya), Moderate chlorosis with wilting or stunting of the plant in ten genotypes (EC-620509, EC-615055, EC-620378, EC-620389, EC-620394, EC-620422, EC-631369, AVTO-9803, EC-620428 and EC-631379), severe chlorosis with wilting and stunting of the plant in four genotypes (EC-620503, LA-1589, Marutham and PKM-1) and plant death was observed in eight genotypes (EC-620441, EC-620452, LA -0490, Money maker, Pusa rohini, Pusa sheethal, including susceptible checks (Pusa Ruby and Arka Vikas). Genotypes exhibiting Fusarium wilt resistance will be grafted on to commercial variety of tomato and evaluated under open field conditions for yield, quality parameters and disease resistance under Telangana conditions

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    Not AvailableThe present study was conducted to compare the plasma levels of melatonin, ghrelin, steroid hormones, amino acids, expression of hormone receptors (MNTR, GHLR), and amino acid transporters (AAts, 4 nos.) during early (EP, 24-28 weeks) and mid (MP, 32-36 weeks) laying period. Hormones melatonin and ghrelin have been associated with ovarian function in chickens. Till date no reports are available with respect to mentioned physiological parameters on the production performance and their modulation by Se (selenium) treatment in Vanaraja Chickens. Vanaraja chickens at 22 weeks of age were divided equally into two groups. Control group was reared on a basal diet containing 0.3mg of inorganic Se. Treatment group was offered additional 0.3mg of organic Se enriched yeast during EP and MP. When compared between the control groups of EP and MP, the mean level of all the hormones was higher at EP. The expression of all the AAts and MNTR was higher in jejunum, compared to magnum, except for CAT and GHLR during EP. When compared to control group supplementation of selenium increased the level of plasma hormones and amino acids significantly (P <0.05) during MP. When compared between EP and MP, treatment with Se increased expression of 2-3 number of aats and decreased MNTR in both the tissues significantly at EP, whereas expression of only GHLR increased in magnum. The Se treatment did not cause significant change in the expression of receptors, at MP. In conclusion, additional Se supplementation increased the utilization of hormones and modulation of the physiological parameters was higher in magnum tissue resulting in a beneficial effect on increased egg production (2%), and body weight (P < 0.01) during EP and MP.Not Availabl

    Wool Carpet Dye Adsorption on Nanoporous Carbon Materials Derived from Agro-Product

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    In this paper, wool carpet dye adsorption properties of nanoporous activated carbon materials (NCMs) prepared from bamboo agro-product is reported. Bamboo cane powder was chemically activated with phosphoric acid at different temperatures (400, 500, and 600 °C) at an impregnation ratio of 1:1. We found that the specific surface area and the total pore volume of NCM increases with temperature giving the highest surface area and pore volume ca. 2130 m2·g−1 and 2.69 cc·g−1 at 600 °C. Owing to superior surface textural properties, bamboo-derived NCM showed excellent adsorption capacity for wool carpet dyes Lanasyn orange (LO) and Lanasyn gray (LG). The adsorption phenomena could be described by Langmuir/Freundlich adsorption isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacity was ca. 2.60 × 103 and 3.04 × 103 mg·g−1 for LO and LG, respectively. The adsorption followed pseudo second order kinetics with the second order rate constant of 1.24 × 10−3 g·mg−1·min−1 (LO) and 7.69 × 10−4 g·mg−1·min−1 (LG), respectively. This study demonstrated that the high surface area NCMs prepared from agro-product can be used as efficient and cost-effective adsorbent materials for the removal of dyes from industrial effluent