11 research outputs found

    A comparison of no-take zones and traditional fishery management tools for managing site-attached species with a mixed larval pool

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    No-take zones (NTZs) can generate higher larval production by sessile, sedentary and site-attached species per unit area than in exploited areas, and may increase recruitment and yield compared to status quo management. Whilst NTZs may be considered an essential part of optimal management, few studies have specifically compared the effects of NTZs with those of correctly applied gear and effort controls.A yield-per-recruit (YPR) population model, based on the sedentary abalone Haliotis laevigata, was used to compare the effects of management by minimum landing size (MLS), effort limitation and NTZs, either singularly or in combination. Initially, a minimum basic YPR model was used. Three additional assumptions were sequentially added to the model to see if they affected conclusions drawn from the model. The additional assumptions were the inclusion of: (i) a length–fecundity relationship; (ii) an age-dependent natural mortality function; and (iii) mortality of undersized individuals due to fishery operations. In the absence of undersized mortality caused by fishing, under virtually all conditions the population is best managed with a combination of MLS and effort control, without any NTZs. For simulations that included mortality of undersized individuals in the fished area, under nearly all circumstances NTZs were considered an essential part of optimal fishery management, and management incorporating NTZs greatly increased the sustainable yield that could be taken

    Do abiotic mechanisms determine interannual variability in length-at-age of juvenile Arcto-Norwegian cod?

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    For the large Arcto-Norwegian stock of cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Barents Sea, year-to-year variability in growth is well documented. Here three hypotheses for the observed inverse relation between abundance and the mean length-at-age of juveniles (ages 1–4) are suggested and evaluated. Based on comprehensive data, we conclude that year-to-year differences in length-at-age are mainly determined by density-independent mechanisms during the pelagic first half year of the fishes’ life. Enhanced inflow from the southwest leads to an abundant cohort at the 0- group stage being distributed farther east into colder water masses, causing lower postsettlement growth rates. We can not reject density-dependent growth effects related to variability in food rations, but our data do not suggest this to be the main mechanism. Another hypothesis suggests that lower growth rates during periods of high abundance are a result of density-dependent mechanisms causing the geographic range of juveniles to extend eastwards into colder water masses. This is rejected mainly because year-to-year differences in mean length are established by age 2, which is too early for movements over large distances