3 research outputs found

    Detection of aphid migrations in Finland

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    Our insect immigration warning system was built on the atmospheric dispersion model that has been used in predicting long-range transport of airborne pollen. We observed immigrations with a trap network consisting of rotating tow-nets, yellow sticky traps, and suction traps. Based on our studies the aphids can be detected with radars when they occur in large numbers

    Blue sticky traps are more efficient for the monitoring of Lygus rugulipennis (Heteroptera: Miridae) than yellow sticky traps

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    Lygus bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) are important pests of several crop plants. For the development of an efficient monitoring and forecasting system for Lygus densities, low catches of bugs with yellow sticky traps have been a problem. We determined the spectral reflectance of yellow and blue traps and compared their catches of Lygus spp. during five consecutive growing seasons in carrot fields, with additional data collected from other crop plants. Blue sticky traps caught significantly more omnivorous Lygus rugulipennis (Popp.) than yellow sticky traps in carrot fields. Lygus kalmi (L.) that is a typical species in carrot fields, was equally caught by yellow and blue traps. Our results suggest that blue sticky traps are a convenient method for monitoring of L. rugulipennis especially during the seedling stage of cultivated carrot plants when sweep netting cannot be used. Factors affecting the efficiency of blue sticky traps to capture omnivorous bugs and thrips are discussed.Lygus-suvun luteet (Heteroptera: Miridae) ovat useiden viljelykasvien merkittäviä tuholaisia. Luteiden tarkkailua ja ennustemenetelmien kehittämistä on haitannut luteiden vähäinen hakeutuminen keltaisiin liimapyydyksiin. Määritimme keltaisista liimapyydyksistä ja ripsiäisten tarkkailuun kehitetyistä sinisistä liimapyydyksistä auringon valon kokonaisheijastumisen, ja vertailimme pyydysten ludesaaliita viitenä peräkkäisenä kasvukautena pääasiassa porkkanakasvustossa. Lisähavaintoja kerättiin nurmelta, kaalilta, perunalta, pinaatilta, lantulta ja punajuurikkaalta.Porkkanalla siniset liimapyydykset pyydystivät selvästi tehokkaammin peltoludetta Lygus rugulipennis (Popp.) kuin keltaiset liimapyydykset. Harvinaisemmalle, mutta porkkanapelloille tyypilliselle Lygus kalmi (L.) -ludelajille siniset ja keltaiset pyydykset osoittautuivat yhtä houkutteleviksi. Tulokset osoittavat, että siniset liimapyydykset sopivat peltoluteen tarkkailuun ja niiden avulla voidaan osoittaa luteiden saapuminen kasvustoon etenkin vuosina, jolloin luteet esiintyvät runsaslukuisina

    Blue sticky traps are more efficient for the monitoring of Lygus rugulipennis (Heteroptera: Miridae) than yellow sticky traps

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    Lygus bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) are important pests of several crop plants. For the development of an efficient monitoring and forecasting system for Lygus densities, low catches of bugs with yellow sticky traps have been a problem. We determined the spectral reflectance of yellow and blue traps and compared their catches of Lygus spp. during five consecutive growing seasons in carrot fields, with additional data collected from other crop plants. Blue sticky traps caught significantly more omnivorous Lygus rugulipennis (Popp.) than yellow sticky traps in carrot fields. Lygus kalmi (L.) that is a typical species in carrot fields, was equally caught by yellow and blue traps. Our results suggest that blue sticky traps are a convenient method for monitoring of L. rugulipennis especially during the seedling stage of cultivated carrot plants when sweep netting cannot be used. Factors affecting the efficiency of blue sticky traps to capture omnivorous bugs and thrips are discussed