11 research outputs found

    Upstream Stimulating Factors 1 and 2 Enhance Transcription from the Placenta-Specific Promoter 1.1 of the Bovine Cyp19 Gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Placenta-derived oestrogens have an impact on the growth and differentiation of the trophoblast, and are involved in processes initiating and facilitating birth. The enzyme that converts androgens into oestrogens, aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom), is encoded by the <it>Cyp19 </it>gene. In the placenta of the cow, expression of <it>Cyp19 </it>relies on promoter 1.1 (P1.1). Our recent studies of P1.1 <it>in vitro </it>and in a human trophoblast cell line (Jeg3) revealed that interactions of placental nuclear protein(s) with the E-box element at position -340 are required for full promoter activity. The aim of this work was to identify and characterise the placental E-box (-340)-binding protein(s) (E-BP) as a step towards understanding how the expression of <it>Cyp19 </it>is regulated in the bovine placenta.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The significance of the E-box was confirmed in cultured primary bovine trophoblasts. We enriched the E-BP from placental nuclear extracts using DNA-affinity Dynabeads and showed by Western blot analysis and supershift EMSA experiments that the E-BP is composed of the transcription factors upstream stimulating factor (USF) 1 and USF2. Depletion of the USFs by RNAi and expression of a dominant-negative USF mutant, were both associated with a significant decrease in P1.1-dependent reporter gene expression. Furthermore, scatter plot analysis of P1.1 activity <it>vs. </it>USF binding to the E-box revealed a strong positive correlation between the two parameters.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From these results we conclude that USF1 and USF2 are activators of the bovine placenta-specific promoter P1.1 and thus act in the opposite mode as in the case of the non-orthologous human placenta-specific promoter.</p

    Evaluation of coding-independent functions of the transcribed bovine aromatase pseudogene CYP19P1

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    BACKGROUND: CYP19A1 encodes the aromatase which catalyzes the final reaction of estrogen biosynthesis. The bovine genome also contains a non-coding copy of CYP19A1, the transcribed pseudogene CYP19P1. Whereas CYP19A1 is transcribed in all estrogen-producing tissues, mainly in the placenta and gonads, the CYP19P1 transcript so far was detected in the placenta. Strikingly, one sequence segment of both transcripts exhibits an exceptional high identity of 98%, which implies selective pressure and suggests some kind of function. Only recently, indeed, coding-independent functions of several transcribed pseudogenes were reported. Therefore, we analyzed CYP19P1 and CYP19A1 transcripts with the aim to detect clues for gene–pseudogene interference. FINDINGS: The CYP19P1 transcript was first examined in silico for the presence of microRNA coding sequences and microRNA targets. Further, to identify tissues where CYP19P1 and CYP19A1 transcripts are co-expressed, as a pre-requisite for transcript interference, expression profiling was performed in a variety of bovine tissues. Our in silico analyses did neither reveal potential microRNA coding sequences, nor microRNA targets. Co-expression of the CYP19 loci was demonstrated in placental cotyledons and granulosa cells of dominant follicles. However, in granulosa cells of dominant follicles the concentration of CYP19P1 mRNA was very low compared to CYP19A1 mRNA. CONCLUSIONS: CYP19P1 and CYP19A1 transcripts might interfere in placental cotyledons. However, in granulosa cells of dominant follicles relevant interference between gene and pseudogene transcripts is unlikely to occur because of the very low CYP19P1/CYP19A1 transcript ratio

    Placental contribution to the endocrinology of gestation and parturition

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    In addition to many other functions, the placenta is a source of a vast number of autocrine, paracrine and endocrine factors. However, the spectrum of placental regulatory factors, their concentrations, gestational profiles and roles may differ considerably even between phylogenetically closely related species. Depending on the species, placental regulatory factors of a broad range of molecule classes have been found including (glyco-)proteins, peptides, steroids and prostaglandins. Local placental regulatory factors are especially important for the dialogue between the fetal and the maternal compartment immediately at the feto-maternal borderline and for the control of growth, differentiation and functions of the placenta itself. Moreover, placental hormones in a proper sense may also have effects in more remote targets within the maternal compartment, serving functions such as pregnancy-specific adaptations of maternal circulation, provision of hemotrophe to the fetus or the development and function of the mammary gland. Functions of placental hormones in the fetus proper are less clear but may be especially important before the establishment of a functional fetal endocrine system and near term within the highly species-specific networks of signals preparing and initiating parturition. This review takes a comparative view on the situation in different domestic animals focusing on ruminants and on placental hormones occurring at significant concentrations in the maternal circulation

    Trophoblast cell differentiation in the bovine placenta: differentially expressed genes between uninucleate trophoblast cells and trophoblast giant cells are involved in the composition and remodeling of the extracellular matrix and O-glycan biosynthesis

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    BACKGROUND: In the bovine placenta, intimate fetomaternal contacts are restricted to discrete placentomes. Here, widely branched fetal chorionic villi interdigitate with corresponding maternal caruncular crypts. The fetal trophoblast epithelium covering the chorionic villi consists of approximately 80% uninucleate trophoblast cells (UTCs) and 20% binuclear trophoblast giant cells (TGCs). The weakly invasive TGCs migrate toward the caruncle epithelium and eventually fuse with individual epithelial cells to form short-lived fetomaternal hybrid cells. In this way, molecules of fetal origin are transported across the placental barrier and released into the maternal compartment. The UTC/TGC ratio in the trophoblast remains almost constant because approximately as many new TGCs are produced from UTCs as are consumed by the fusions. The process of developing TGCs from UTCs was insufficiently understood. Therefore, we aimed to detect differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between UTCs and TGCs and identify molecular functions and biological processes regulated by DEGs. RESULTS: We analyzed gene expression patterns in virtually pure UTC and TGC isolates using gene arrays and detected 3193 DEGs (p &lt; 0.05; fold change values &lt; − 1.5 or &gt; 1.5). Of these DEGs, 1711 (53.6%) were upregulated in TGCs and 1482 (46.4%) downregulated. Gene Ontology (GO) analyses revealed that molecular functions and biological processes regulated by DEGs are related to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and its interactions with cellular receptors, cell migration and signal transduction. Furthermore, there was some evidence that O-glycan biosynthesis in TGCs may produce sialylated short-chain O-glycans (Tn antigen, core 1 O-glycans), while the synthesis of other O-glycan core structures required for the formation of complex (i.e., branched and long-chain) O-glycans appears to be decreased in TGCs. CONCLUSION: The differentiation of UTCs into TGCs particularly regulates genes that enable trophoblast cells to interact with their environment. Significant differences between UTCs and TGCs in ECM composition indicate reduced anchoring of TGCs in the surrounding matrix, which might contribute to their migration and their weakly invasive interaction with the maternal endometrium. Furthermore, increased expression of sialylated short chain O-glycans by TGCs could facilitate the modulation of maternal immune tolerance

    Alleles of the bovine DGAT1

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    Dissection of Genetic Factors Modulating Fetal Growth in Cattle Indicates a Substantial Role of the Non-SMC Condensin I Complex, Subunit G (NCAPG) Gene

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    The increasing evidence of fetal developmental effects on postnatal life, the still unknown fetal growth mechanisms impairing offspring generated by somatic nuclear transfer techniques, and the impact on stillbirth and dystocia in conventional reproduction have generated increasing attention toward mammalian fetal growth. We identified a highly significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) affecting fetal growth on bovine chromosome 6 in a specific resource population, which was set up by consistent use of embryo transfer and foster mothers and, thus, enabled dissection of fetal-specific genetic components of fetal growth. Merging our data with results from other cattle populations differing in historical and geographical origin and with comparative data from human whole-genome association mapping suggests that a nonsynonymous polymorphism in the non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit G (NCAPG) gene, NCAPG c.1326T&gt;G, is the potential cause of the identified QTL resulting in divergent bovine fetal growth. NCAPG gene expression data in fetal placentomes with different NCAPG c.1326T&gt;G genotypes, which are in line with recent results about differential NCAPG expression in placentomes from studies on assisted reproduction techniques, indicate that the NCAPG locus may give valuable information on the specific mechanisms regulating fetal growth in mammals