8 research outputs found
The economic implications of voting requirements for the establishment of the European Monetary Union
The European Council selects the EMU participants by a vote with a qualified majority. These voting requirements influence the benefit-cost-considerations of the EU states and may make it necessary to loosen the convergence criteria and/or to grant side payments, in order to achieve the necessary number of votes. However, not even making use of these options can guarantee the realization of a monetary union in every case. For this reason, supporting economic and institutional measures, such as convergence programs and the so-called stability pact, which diminish the binding character of the voting requirements, are of great importance
Dégradation et renouvellement des infrastructures [Un modèle de survie par cohorte]
Infrastructure and population age in a similar way. Both have age structures where wars, depression and growth periods leave their marks. After periods of growth, periods of infrastructure deterioration always follow in due time. While populations regenerate through births, infrastructure renewal is a major investment decision. If renewal is delayed, social costs rise and standards go down. The deterioration model proposed here describes the ageing process as a function of the type of material, technology and stress. The cohort survival approach is then applied to the existing stock of infrastructure. Elements which fail and no longer meet the requirements constitute an annual demand for renewal. For given budget constraints and supply standards, the demand for infrastructure renewal may be realized with different renewal strategies. This is shown for the stock of water mains in the City of Stuttgart, and a prognosis is given up to the year 2050.Les infrastructures et la population vieillissent d'une manière analogue. Toutes deux présentent une structure ď âge marquée par les récessions, les guerres et les périodes de croissance. Les périodes de croissance sont suivies, après un certain laps de temps, de périodes de récession. Alors que la population se renouvelle à travers les naissances, le renouvellement des infrastructures fait appel à d'importantes décisions d'investissement. Si leur renouvellement est différé, le niveau de service diminue et les coûts sociaux augmentent. Le modèle de dégradation proposé ici décrit le processus de dégradation comme une fonction du matériau de construction, de la technique de conception ou de construction et des conditions d'exploitation. L'approche de la survie par cohorte est appliquée au stock d'infrastructure. Les éléments qui ne satisfont plus aux conditions requises constituent la demande annuelle de renouvellement. Pour des contraintes budgétaires et des niveaux de service donnés, différentes stratégies peuvent satisfaire la demande de renouvellement des infrastructures. Ceci sera illustré sur le réseau d'alimentation en eau de la ville de Stuttgart, avec des projections jusqu'en l'an 2050.Herz Raimund. Dégradation et renouvellement des infrastructures [Un modèle de survie par cohorte]. In: Flux, n°23, 1996. pp. 21-36
Stabilitaetskonzessionen und Kompensationszahlungen - oder der Preis einer gemeinsamen europaeischen Waehrung
Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 716 (58) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
The economic implications of voting requirements for the establishment of the European Monetary Union
SIGLEAvailable from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 716 (82) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
Economic Effects of Recent Social and Technological Developments
This paper summarizes and connects the main findings of the habilitation project. The important social developments analyzed, result from the demographic change that many economies will face in the future. Especially on the regional level, problems arise due to increasing disparities in population. This challenges the comprehensive pro-vision of public services such as health care or basic infrastructure. Therefore, new strategies have to be implemented and previous structures have to be adapted. In particular, as also many cities, which have always been agglomeration areas of economic activity, face demographic and/or economic problems, appropriate proactive strategies must be developed to ensure future prosperity. The most predominant recent technological development is the emergence and comprehensive availability of the Internet. This has led to new business opportunities but also new threats for economic activity. One particular online market comprises online games. In this market, due to the virtuality on the one hand and the importance of net-work externalities on the other hand, challenges for the assignment of property rights of virtual objects and optimal pricing strategies arise that have to considered. In the context of B2B, and also B2C, cloud computing becomes more and more important, however, this service is threatened by cybercriminals that force access into the cloud. Thus, the provider must develop strategies to prevent damage for his customers and the economy. All in all, overall analysis shows that only cooperation of all relevant (economic) stakeholders can help to overcome challenges of social and technological developments