13 research outputs found
Arrange activity information comprises of Traffic Matrix (TM), which speaks to the volumes of movement amongst Origin and Destination (OD) combines in the system. Indeed, even great movement estimation frameworks can experience the ill effects of blunders or missing information. Compressive detecting is a bland philosophy for managing missing information that use the nearness of specific sorts of structure and excess in information from numerous genuine frameworks. In past research, the proposed insertion methods to precisely remake missing qualities in TM in light of incomplete and roundabout estimations. In this exploration, in spite of much late advance in the range of compressive detecting, with creating Sparsity Regularized SVD (SRSVD) utilizing l_2-enhancement standard system, which discovers low-rank approximations of TM that record for spatial properties of genuine TM. Based that can be utilized to discover arrangements of SPL is steady and best answers for approach the SPL is conflicting and SRSVD can be utilized to locate the pseudo reverse and rank of a network. The consequences of investigation the calculations utilized, creator can do recreation to 98% with NMSE ?3x10?^(-3) superior to anything different strategies ordinarily utilized as a part of the interjection procedure
Implementation of Link Failover on Metronet Network PT. Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Based on Ipv4 and OSPF
Metro ethernet is a data communication network owned by PT. Telkom Indonesia (Persero) through distribution channels, one of which is Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). As technology develops, IPv4 is used as the core addressing protocol for every communicating network device and has the responsibility of finding the route taken by packets to reach their destination. The problem that occurs in the data communication network is the absence of stable connectivity when there are links between cities experiencing downtime, resulting in several link congestion on the data packet path. To overcome the above problems, this study analyzed IPv4-based metro ethernet networks through the OSPF routing protocol using Graphical Network Simulator-3 (GNS-3). This study implements a failover system as a backup link in the event of a Jakarta-Bogor downlink. Based on the simulation and test results, the failover link shows a success status and functions to minimize network connection breakdowns. This is because the use of OSPF routing isOSPF routing canen the main link is down, so the path will be diverted via the backup link. QoS measurements using a single link obtained an average throughput of 195 Kbps, while dual links obtained an average throughput of 258 Kbps. This is because the distance from the source to the destination router is passed by more single links than dual links. Overall, the measurement shows that having a backup link can increase the stability of the data communication network connection when it is down and tested according to ETSI standard
Pneumatic Brushing Machine Automation Design Based On Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
In the production of musical instruments, PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing Asia uses wood as the main material with a production process and model that is in accordance with company regulations to produce a quality musical instrument. In the process of producing musical instruments, PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing Asia still uses industrial machines manually. Problems that occur every year the demand for musical instrument production is always increasing, the amount of production demand must of course be balanced with the readiness of capable machines/production tools because the use of manual machines in the production process reduces efficiency. Therefore, in this study the author contributes to making PLC-Based Pneumatic Brushing Machines to increase company productivity by applying automatic production machines. The design of the brushing machine system is carried out using a 3-phase electric motor as a conveyor and brush drive, a solenoid valve as a pneumatic cylinder driver, and a proximity sensor as an object detector (wood) which is controlled using an Omron PLC, as an automatic controller. The operator only puts the wood on the conveyor, then the wood will be cleaned automatically by a brush controlled by PLC. Based on the results of the feasibility test, the overall machine in the production process is running effectively marked by increased production yields and spots on the wooddisappearingr. Pneumatic works optimally in generating air pressure to move industrial engine components, proximity sensors as wood detect cane to detect wood with a maximum distance of 8 mm, and brushes are clean wood with a width of between 200 mm to 700 mm and a wood thickness of 14 mm to 700 mm. d 23mm. The implications manufacture of this hardware implantable to keep pace with the demand for musical instrument production from PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing with the ability of increasingly sophisticated production machine
Rancang Bangun Purwarupa Sistem Peringatan Pengendara Pelanggar Zebra Cross Berbasis Mikrokontroller ESP-32 CAM
Salah satu hak pejalan kaki yang tidak boleh dilanggar oleh pengendara lain yang melintas yaitu zebra cross. Peraturan agar tidak berhenti di zebra cross sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan (UULAJ) Nomor 22 Tahun 2019 pasal 284 yang berbunyi “Setiap orang yang mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor dengan tidak mengutamakan keselamatan pejalan kaki atau pesepeda sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam pasal 106 ayat (2) dipidana kurungan paling lama 2 (dua) bulan dan denda sebesar Rp 500.000 (lima ratus ribu rupiah)”. Namun, masih banyak terdapat kendaraan bermotor yang melanggar aturan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini, dibangun purwarupa sistem peringatan pengendara pelanggar zebra cross berbasis mikrokontroler ESP32-CAM, dengan menggunakan sensor ultrasonic untuk mendeteksi kendaraan. Ketika sensor mendeteksi kendaraan melebihi garis zebra cross yang ditentukan dan keadaaan lampu sedang berwarna merah, maka buzzer akan berbunyi sebagai peringatan pengendara yang melanggar garis zebra cross untuk mundur ke garis yang seharusnya. Selanjutnya, sistem akan meng-capture pelanggaran yang terjadi dan hasil tangkapan layarnya akan dikirimkan ke telegram sebagai bukti pelanggaran. Hasil dari penelitian ini, sensor ultrasonic mampu bekerja apabila terdapat kendaraan yang melintasi melewati garis batas sejauh 65,6 cm pada saat lampu berwarna merah. Pada saat terjadi pelanggaran, buzzer berbunyi menandakan pelanggaran terjadi dan kamera ESP32-CAM akan menangkap layar dan mengirimkan ke telegram sebagai bukti pelanggaran. Perhitungan waktu saat buzzer berbunyi sampai akhirnya gambar diterima dan ter-download sempurna ke telegram yaitu sebesar 5,2 – 7,99 detik.One of the rights of pedestrians that other passing motorists must not violate is zebra cross. Regulations so as not to stop at Zebra cross have been regulated in the Traffic and Road Transport Law (UULAJ) Number 22 of 2019 article 284, which reads, "Everyone who drives a motorized vehicle without prioritizing the safety of pedestrians or cyclists as referred to in article 106 paragraph (2) shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 2 (two) months and a fine of Rp. 500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiahs)”. However, many motorized vehicles stop at the zebra cross line, so it is difficult for pedestrians to cross the road because they are blocked by the car. Therefore, this study built a warning system for violators of zebra cross at red lights using the ESP32-CAM microcontroller, using ultrasonic sensors to detect vehicles. When the sensor detects the vehicle exceeds the specified zebra cross line and the sunlight is red, the buzzer will signal drivers who violate the Zebra cross line to back down to the appropriate queue. Next, the system will capture the violation, and the screenshot will be sent to the telegram as evidence of the breach. The results of this study show that ultrasonic sensors can work if vehicles cross the 65.6 cm boundary line when the light is red. When a violation occurs, a buzzer sounds indicating a violation has occurred, and the ESP32-CAM camera will capture the screen and send it to a telegram as evidence of a breach. The calculation of when the buzzer sounds until the image is finally received and downloaded perfectly to Telegram is 5.2 – 7.99 seconds. Misspellings and grammatical errors can affect your credibility. The same goes for misused commas and other types of punctuation. Not only will Grammarly underline these issues, but it will also show you how to write a sentence correctly.
Fiber Optic Attenuation Analysis Based on Mamdani Fuzzy Logic in Gambir Area, Central Jakarta
In this study, the authors conducted an analysis of the quality of fiber optic network maintenance based on attenuation value and maintenance time using fuzzy Mamdani logic and simulated using Matlab software, to improve accuracy in drawing conclusions on maintaining quality. This study uses a quantitative method, in which the author obtains a summary of customer data from PT. Telkom Indonesia in a period of 4 months of observation from August to November 2021. In August there were 776 customers, in September there were 362 customers, in October there were 359 customers, and in November 445 customers who underwent Indihome fiber optic cable maintenance. The test results with the centroid method with an input Handling Time of 1.5 hours and an Attenuation of 15 dB, then the output Repair Quality is 5.5 or categorized as Good. The greater the attenuation value generated, the more time it takes to maintain the IndiHome internet network disturbance. This is due to the many technical maintenance of fiber optic cables carried out by technicians to adjust for damage/trouble in the field. It is expected that maintenance can be carried out routinely in order to avoid fatal internet disturbances on the customer's side, and maximize maintenance time according to the dosage determined by the company, which is less than 3 hours, taking into account the work performance of technicians and also the quality of maintenance
Perancangan Jaringan Backhaul Sistem Transmisi Gelombang Mikro Digital Menggunakan Frequency Diversity dan Tanpa Diversity di Wilayah Kepulauan Riau
Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi mengakibatkan sejumlah desa
di Kabupaten Lingga, Kepulauan Riau masih merasakan minimnya informasi
publik karena keterbatasan signal. Salah satu pulau yang menjadi sorotan
pemerintah yaitu Pulau Pekajang. Secara ekonomi penduduk Pulau Pekajang
lebih banyak berinteraksi dengan Pulau Bangka. Jarak yang cukup jauh dan
fasilitas perhubungan yang sangat minim membuat Pulau Pekajang terisolir.
Oleh karena itu, untuk menyediakan layanan ICT diperlukan jaringan
backhaul untuk mendukung akses layanan ICT. Pada penelitian telah
dilakukan perancangan jaringan backhaul sistem transmisi gelombang mikro
menggunakan frequency diversity dan tanpa diversity di wilayah kepulauan
riau. Dari hasil pengujian rancangan dengan menggunakan Simulator
Pathloss 5.0, maka didapatkan nilai kehandalan sistem yang menggunakan
frequency diversity yaitu 99.96879% dan tanpa diversity yaitu 99.81417%.
Dapat disimpulkan hasil perancangan sistem transmisi gelombang mikro
menggunakan frequency diveristy layak untuk dapat diterapkan karena
memiliki nilai kehandalan sistem diatas ambang batas berdasarkan standar
ITU-R G.827 dan F.1703
Analysis of Power Quality in Low Voltage Switch Panels in Real-Time Based on IoT Using the Fuzzy Logic Method
This far power quality analysis from the PHBTR monitoring system is still done manually. This condition creates several challenges in efficiency and accuracy in detecting and responding to changes in PHBTR power quality. With manual processes, collecting and analyzing data related to power quality can be time consuming, and there is the potential for delays in identifying disturbances or anomalies that could affect PHBTR performance. Therefore, in this research an innovative step was taken by applying the fuzzy logic method to simplify and increase the accuracy of automatic power quality analysis. From the analysis results, it was found that the power quality at the MCC4, GRL2, and CKG116 substations when viewed from voltage, current, frequency, and temperature, the three substations were at normal indications (91.32) and in good condition (76.32). However, the load balance quality of the three substations is still not balanced with load imbalance percentages of 110%, 52% and 17% respectively. This is because there are consumers in one phase using higher power than consumers in another phase, so a load imbalance will occur. This can be caused by differences in the use of electrical equipment or loads on each phase. Through this effort, it is hoped that significant improvements in the efficiency and responsibility of the PHBTR monitoring system can be achieve
Untuk mengakomodasi kegiatan pembelajaran siswa/i di sekolah, pengelola instansi menyediakan fasilitas yang menunjang dan memperlancar kegiatan belajar mengajar, seperti perangkat komunikasi suara dengan tujuan sebagai media penyebaran informasi kepada siswa di ruang kelas dan lingkungan sekolah. SMP IP YAKIN merupakan satuan pendidikan formal jenjang SMP di wilayah Cengkareng Jakarta Barat di bawah naungan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan didirikan oleh Institut Pendidikan Yayasan Kenang Indonesia dengan 362 siswa aktif. Menurut informasi yang diberikan oleh manajemen SMP IP YAKIN, sejauh ini sudah ada sekitar 14 kelas yang sudah terpasang speaker pasif. Namun, sudah berhenti berfungsi dalam waktu sekitar delapan tahun yang lalu, sehingga perlu diaktifkan kembali perangkat komunikasi audio beserta prosedur perawatannya untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi dan efisiensi peralatan. Selain itu, diutamakan kepada divisi logistik yang bertanggung jawab atas pengadaan atau pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana sekolah, perlu melakukan pemeliharaan preventif secara berkala untuk memastikan kehandalan peralatan dan menghilangkan potensi gagal pengoperasian. Teknis pemeliharaan preventif adalah inspeksi, perencanaan dan penjadwalan, pencatatan, serta analisis. Oleh karena itu, melalui kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) dilakukan Sosialisasi Pemeliharaan Preventif Perangkat Komunikasi Audio Sebagai Upaya Mengoptimalkan Fungsi Peralatan dan Efisiensi. Materi yang dibahas dalam sosialisasi yaitu jenis dan bentuk-bentuk pemeliharaan, kartu laporan gangguan, pekerjaan dasar pemeliharaan preventif, manfaat pemeliharaan preventif dan tips merawat speaker pasif. Berdasarkan hasil rangkuman lembaran evaluasi kegiatan, ditemukan bahwa sosialisasi ini dirasakan sangat bermanfaat bagi peserta mengingat antusiasme dari para guru yang melihat secara langsung praktek pemeliharaan yang diperagakan oleh tim pelaksana kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan sosialisasi menyadarkan para peserta akan pentingnya pemeliharaan secara preventif terhadap perangkat komunikasi audio di lingkungan sekolah dan peserta juga dapat mengetahui tujuan dan manfaat dari pemeliharaan preventif sebagai upaya mengoptimalkan fungsi peralatan dan efisiensi, khususnya di lingkungan SMP IP Yakin Cengkareng Jakarta Barat