10 research outputs found

    Work-Family Conflict of Women Entrepreneurs and Women Employees

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    The aim of this study was to discover differences in work-family conflict among women who work as employees and women who worked as entrepreneurs. The samples of this re-search were 189 women (98 employees and 91 entrepreneurs). This quantitative com-parative design used an incidental sampling technique. The measuring instrument was the work-family conflict (WFC) translated from Greenhaus and Beutell. The data collected was analyzed using Mann Whitney-U Test. The results show no difference in WFC among women who work as employees and women as entrepreneurs. However, the data shows that the majority of entrepreneur women has very low WFC in all aspects (time, strain, and behavior), while women who work as employees tend to have medium WFC. The results of cross tabulation show that there are indications of an association between revenue and WFC (time and strain aspects) in employee respondents. While the entrepreneur women show indication of an association between the ages of marriage, and duration of work with WFC

    Interaksi Hiperpersonal dalam Penerapan Computer-Mediated Communication Akun Instagram @anneavantieheart

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    The Instagram account @anneavantieheart has been developed by a leading designer in Indonesia, Anne Avantie. The Instagram account has been verified and has 1.1 M followers on February 2023. The development of the digital era has made many public figures use various media to interact with followers who always hope to get new information from them. The social media platform Instagram is used by Anne Avantie for establishing communication with the public, especially her followers. The Instagram account @anneavantieheart become one of the channels used in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). The application of interaction between Instagram account owners @anneavantieheart and their followers seen from a perspective in the application of CMC is the aim of this study. The researchers uses the descriptive qualitative research method by conducting interviews with the social media maintenance officer, owner, and followers of @anneavantieheart Instagram account. Research shows that the application of CMC is carried out by the sender of the message to make the recipient feel closer to the message. The process of hyperpersonal interaction that occurs in the application of CMC to the Instagram account @anneavantieheart fulfills four elements, namely receivers in the context of Instagram social media where followers have a positive impression of the sender of the message. However, having exaggerated expectations. Sender is done by providing categories of uploaded content, namely daily life, inspiration, spirituality, and business promotion. Channels, Instagram social media are asynchronous which allows the account manager or social media maintenance officer to plan and produce regular and quality content. Feedback can be captured directly through the comments and direct message features and indirectly through Instagram analytics. Keywords: Hyperpersonal Interaction Perspectives, Computer-Mediated Communication, Instagram, Anne Avanti


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    Abstract: The current Covid-19 pandemic has brought a huge impact on business owners and studies on this issue are still few. This study aimed to recognize the resources entrepreneurs had to support their resilience in dealing with the pandemic. It used a qualitative approach with a case study design. There were five entrepreneurs from five different cities involved as the participants.  They ran these following industries i.e. plastic (Gresik), outdoor gears (Mojokerto), solar-powered water heater (Bandung), coffee beverage (Surabaya), and leather (Sidoarjo). Data collection was conducted through an online interview. The data were analysed using data-driven thematic coding. To increase the credibility of this study, the recordings were conducted comprehensively and investigator triangulation was used. The result of this study showed that the participants did concrete efforts to remain resilient to go through both economic and non-economic difficulties caused by the pandemic. They increased their internal resources such as the capacities to accept the condition, to adapt, to innovate and to keep productivity; faith/hope of better future; spirituality; and empathy towards business partners and employees. Besides, external resources like strategic business partners and family members had also an important contribution to their resilience. The result of this study can become a reference for other entrepreneurs to increase their awareness of internal and external resources for coping with the impacts of the pandemic. This study can be developed using social network analysis and interdisciplinary methods to obtain more comprehensive information. Keywords: entrepreneur,source of resilience, pandemic Abstrak: Pandemi berdampak sangat besar pada dunia usaha, dan kajian tentang pelaku usaha di masa pandemi masih jarang dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami sumber daya yang menunjang resiliensi para pelaku usaha selama menghadapi pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Partisipan berjumlah 5 orang pelaku usaha yang bergerak di bidang industri plastik (Gresik), peralatan outdoor (Mojokerto), pemanas air/solar water (Bandung), minuman kopi (Surabaya), industri kulit (Sidoarjo). Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara secara daring. Proses analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan koding tematik berbasis data (data driven thematic coding). Upaya meningkatkan kredibilitas penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pencatatan yang detail, seksama dan menggunakan triangulasi investigator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para pelaku usaha secara otomatis melakukan upaya konkret untuk tetap resilien menghadapi kesulitan ekonomi dan non-ekonomi yang muncul akibat pandemi covid-19. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan sumber daya internal yang meliputi kemampuan menerima keadaan, beradaptasi, berinovasi dan menjaga produktivitas kerja; keyakinan/harapan yang positif akan masa depan; keyakinan spiritual; serta kemampuan berempati terhadap mitra kerja & karyawan. Selain itu, dukungan dari sumber daya eksternal, yaitu para mitra strategis dan anggota keluarga juga berperan besar dalam menunjang resiliensi para pelaku usaha. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber yang menguatkan para pelaku usaha lainnya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan sumber daya internal dan eksternal yang dimilikinya selama menghadapi efek pandemi covid-19. Kedepannya penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan dengan metode analisis jejaring sosial serta mengaitkannya dengan bidang ilmu lain untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif


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    Public obedience to the implementation of the health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic was important. In reality, not all people, especially in residential areas (neighborhoods), were obedient. Limited research had addressed the implementation of health protocols in the settings of the neighborhood so a thorough study on this issue was significant to explore new knowledge. This study aimed to identify the authorities in charge of handling the COVID-19 pandemic in the neighborhoods, the obstacles experienced by the authorities and the residents, the support of the neighborhood authorities, the residents’ responses to policies related to the pandemic, and the impacts of the pandemic on the residents’ lives. There were 30 participants from 30 neighborhoods interviewed and observed. To increase the credibility of the study, a triangulation method was employed. It revealed that there were formal and informal authorities. Both the authorities and the residents experienced obstacles. The authorities had conducted many efforts to handle the pandemic like delivering education, providing facilities, modifying the residents’ behaviors, and collaborating with related stakeholders. Residents were supporting and not supporting the policies and the authorities’ efforts. Besides the negative impacts on the economy, health, society, and psychology, it turned out the pandemic has also brought positive impacts such as the adaptation to new habits and the emergence of new micro-businesses in the neighborhoods


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    Made Subdistrict of Sambikerep, Surabaya is an area that is very close to Ciputra University campus building complex which is only about 3 km away.  The large number of migrants living in the area ranging from those who work in offices and students is a huge opportunity for residents of the Made Subdistrict to open catering business. This was the main reason underlying Ms. Alfiah to open a heavy food supply business. Ms. Alfiah is a housewife who loves cooking. Come from Lamongan Regency and has lived in the Made Subdistrict area for quite a long time. The problems faced by the business partners of Okay La Beb Catering are limited marketing: The catering business owner Oke La Beb has not implemented a marketing strategy that reaches more customers, the technology used is not maximal, often there are no transactions simply because she does not have any knowledge how to use technology for marketing. The solution is to provide basic knowledge of marketing strategies through integrated marketing communication, guiding the use of digital technology in marketing communications. Through community service activities conducted, Ms. Alfiah can use online media, namely Whatsapp (personal messenger) and (Instagram) social media in marketing. Keywords: online media, catering, digital technology, marketing communicatio

    Upaya Mereduksi Konflik Kerja-Keluarga Dan Efisiensi Kerja Melalui Pernacangan Desain Pekerjaan

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    Kehadiran personal assistant merupakan senjata utama bagi bisnis fashion khususnya dalam bidang tekstil. Personal assistant sendiri merupakan pegawai yang memiliki tugas untuk menemani pelanggan, membantu memilihkan barang dan dapat memberikan saran atas kebutuhan pelanggan. Persentase antara jumlah pengunjung dan personal assistant juga harus berimbang, tentu saja hal ini perlu diperhatikan agar pengunjung merasa dilayani dengan cepat dan baik. Pada kenyataannya tidak semua pemilik industri fashion mampu mempertahankan kondisi ideal perbandingan personal assistant dan pelanggan. Karyawan di Toko SS merasa tidak nyaman dengan jam kerja yang sudah ditetapkan, sehingga menyebabkan sering tidak masuk kerja. Jam kerja yang ditetapkan terlalu panjang, sehingga menyebabkan konflik kerja-keluarga bagi kehidupan karyawan dan berdampak buruk juga bagi toko SS. Hasil analisis awal menunjukkan variablel konflik kerja-keluarga menghasilkan nilai di atas rata-rata. Sedangkan dari ketiga macam jenis konflik kerja-keluarga (time, behaviour & strain), nilai rata-rata yang paling tinggi ada pada time. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan upaya untuk mengurangi konflik kerja-keluarga, sehingga dapat menghasilkan dampak yang baik bagi karyawan maupun toko SS. Rancangan intervensi yang akan dilakukan adalah perancangan desain pekerjaan yang sesuai berdasarkan kondisi toko SS. Perancangan desain pekerjaan dengan membuat uraian deskripsi pekerjaan yang belum pernah ada, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan studi gerak dan waktu. Terdapat temuan 5 deskripsi pekerjaan yang berbeda di toko SS, dimana sebelumnya semua karyawan dianggap sama. Hasil perhitungan studi gerak dan waktu menunjukkan alat bantu kerja karyawan dirasa menghambat kinerja terutama efisiensi waktu, selain itu didapatkan fakta, terjadi penumpukan karyawan di jamjam sepi. Jadwal kerja yang baru saat ini membuat pegawai lebih mampu memiliki waktu untuk keluarga. Alat bantu kerja berupa rak kain dan lift barang juga membuat pegawai lebih menghemat waktu sehinga dapat mengerjakan hal yang lain

    The meaning of complementary, alternative and traditional medicine among the Indonesian psychology community: a pilot study

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    Complementary, alternative and traditional medicine (CATM) is a new field, as well as a promising area of study and practice in psychology. It is important to research the cultural context and meaning of CATM, including its definitions and examples, among different communities of psychology because CATM's use is dependent on how it is understood by the members. The aim of this pilot study is to provide an interpretation of the Indonesian psychology community's understanding of CATM through a qualitative approach.Online interviews with open-ended questions and purposive sampling were used. Participants were dominantly psychologists or lecturers in clinical psychology area. Ten males and 12 females with an average age of 28.0 ± 2.5 years voluntarily participated in this study. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and reviewed and analysed by the two authors to ensure accuracy of interpretation.It was found that there was no single meaning of CATM among the Indonesian community of psychology. Participants were not familiar enough with the terms and tended to use them with overlap. It can be suggested that "complementary medicine" and "alternative medicine" or "complementary-alternative medicine" combined provides more suitable terminology for use among Indonesian psychology community when communicating with other health care professionals.The understanding of the terms and examples of CATM were diverse and were often used interchangeably in the projects/interviews. It was also found that Indonesian psychologists required more education regarding CATM. In addition, future studies with more participants from various aspects of the psychology community should be conducted to capture a more representative sample

    Correlation Between Learning Orientation Culture and Teachers’ Entrepreneurial Innovative Behavior

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    Conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic are continuously requiring teachers to improve their use of innovative behavior at work. Several previous studies have proven that learning orientation culture has an influence on innovative behavior. However, all of these studies have been conducted in the industrial sector. The current study aims to examine the relationship between learning orientation culture and teacher’s innovative behavior. Respondents of the study included 36 teachers from six cities in Java, Indonesia: Surabaya, Malang, Semarang, Salatiga, Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The results show that there was no relationship between learning orientation culture and teacher’s innovative behavior. Meanwhile, in the current study, only the intra-organizational knowledge sharing component had a significant correlation with teacher’s innovative behavior. Different job characteristics for teachers and employees in the industrial sector are the main point of argument in the discussion of this research

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Formulasi Gel Ekstrak Etanol Daun Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia): Antioxidant Activity Test and Gel Formulation of Lime Leaf Ethanol Extract (Citrus aurantifolia)

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    Citrus aurantifolia leaves have several pharmacological properties such as antibacterial and antioxidant activity. The main objective of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity and obtain the best gel formula from the lime leaves ethanolic extracts.  Five different concentrations of  Citrus aurantifolia leaves extract namely FI, FII, FIII, FIV, and FV were tested for its antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. Furthermore,  the lime leaves extract gel were formulated using carbopol 940. The gels were then evaluated for various parameters including organoleptic,  homogeneity, pH, spreadability and viscosity to select best formulation. The extraction process was conducted using maceration method. The results of the DPPH radical scavenging activity showed that lime leaves extract with concentration 60,84 ppm has the preeminent IC50 value.  The preparation of lime leaf ethanol extract gel obtained was clear white, clear green, green, brownish green, dark green, homogeneous, and had a characteristic smell of lime leaf. Evaluation of dispersion of 5-5.4 cm, pH of 5.1-5.8, and viscosity of 4.44-6.39 Pa.s.  From the evaluation results, it can be concluded that formula 2 is the best formula

    Adolescents’ Entrepreneurial Orientation in terms of Perceived Self-Temperament

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    Entrepreneurial orientation is an important construct that usually affects performance, profit, product growth and innovation in a company. Some successful entrepreneurs have shown this character since adolescence. Therefore, it would be better if this entrepreneurial orientation is implemented early on. Researchers are interested in looking at the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and personality, especially personality that is nature, referring to The Theory of Humours by Hippocrates (460 BC) and Galen (2 AD). Based on the results of the One-Way ANOVA test, it was found that there were significant differences from the four temperaments in the dimensions of innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness and autonomy (p less than 0.05). Whereas in the competitive-aggressiveness dimension it is known that there are no significant differences in the four temperaments (p less than 0.05). Overall, entrepreneurial orientation variables, obtained results that there are significant differences in entrepreneurial orientation from the four temperaments (p less than 0.05)