89 research outputs found

    Aquatic arsenic: Phytoremediation using floating macrophytes

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    Phytoremediation, a plant based green technology, has received increasing attention after the discovery of hyperaccumulating plants which are able to accumulate, translocate, and concentrate high amount of certain toxic elements in their above-ground/harvestable parts. Phytoremediation includes several processes namely, phytoextraction, phytodegradation, rhizofiltration, phytostabilization and phytovolatilization. Both terrestrial and aquatic plants have been tested to remediate contaminated soils and waters, respectively. A number of aquatic plant species have been investigated for the remediation of toxic contaminants such as As, Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, Hg, etc. Arsenic, one of the deadly toxic elements, is widely distributed in the aquatic systems as a result of mineral dissolution from volcanic or sedimentary rocks as well as from the dilution of geothermal waters. In addition, the agricultural and industrial effluent discharges are also considered for arsenic contamination in natural waters. Some aquatic plants have been reported to accumulate high level of arsenic from contaminated water. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), duckweeds (Lemna gibba, Lemna minor, Spirodela polyrhiza), water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica), water ferns (Azolla caroliniana, Azolla filiculoides, and Azolla pinnata), water cabbage (Pistia stratiotes), hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) and watercress (Lepidium sativum) have been studied to investigate their arsenic uptake ability and mechanisms, and to evaluate their potential in phytoremediation technology. It has been suggested that the aquatic macrophytes would be potential for arsenic phytoremediation, and this paper reviews up to date knowledge on arsenic phytoremediation by common aquatic macrophytes. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    Dietary intake of potentially toxic elements from vegetables

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    Toxic elements e.g B,arsenic(As),cadmim (Cd),ChrOmium(Co,COpper(Cu),lCad (Pb),and zinc(Zn)are the chief envÞolllnental pollutants which can cause deleterious health effects ill humans.Inhalation and consumption ofrnetal c conta \ated food are the mttOr pathways of metal entrance into hman body.Cuhivation of crop plants in the metal \ contaminated soils induces the bioaccllmlllation of toxic elements in the food chain.Among different food items,vegetables have mttOr cOntribution in the daily dict, and the heavy inetal contamination ofvegetables poses a threat to human health with the prevalence of skin and gastrointerestinal cancer

    Arsenic-induced straighthead: An impending threat to sustainable rice production in South and South-East Asia!

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    Straighthead is a physiological disorder of rice (Oryza sativa L.) that results in sterile florets with distorted lemma and palea, and the panicles or heads may not form at all in extreme cases. Heads remain upright at maturity, hence the name 'straighthead'. The diseased panicles may not emerge from the flag leaf sheath when the disease is severe. Straighthead disease in rice results in poorly developed panicles and significant yield loss. Although other soil physicochemical factors involved, arsenic contamination in soil has also been reported to be closely associated with straighthead of rice. Monosodium methanearsonate has been a popular herbicide in cotton production in the USA, which has shown to cause injuries in rice that are similar to straighthead. Since toxicity of inorganic arsenic (iAs) is higher than other forms of arsenic, it may produce a more severe straighthead disorder in rice. The use of iAs-rich groundwater for irrigation, and the increase of iAs concentrations in agricultural soil in arsenic epidemic South and South-East Asia may cause a high incidence of straighthead in rice, resulting in a threat to sustainable rice production in this region. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Eutrophication and arsenic speciation in lake waters

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    Arsenic (As) is widely distributed in aquatic environments in various forms. In natural waters, the dominant inorganoarsenicals (iAs) are incorporated into microorganisms such as phytoplankton, and are converted to methylarsenicals and/or more high order organoarsenicals. In addition, the organoarsenicals are mineralized to iAs and methylarsenicals by bacteria. The cycling of As species would depend on the bioactivity of organisms. Microorganisms, such as phytoplankton and organisms of higher trophic levels, produce methylarsenicals in natural waters with maximum concentrations in summer. The degradation and mineralization of organoarsenic compounds are thought to depend mostly on bacterial activities, which influence the As cycling in aquatic environment. Arsenic metabolism in aquatic organisms results in the occurrence of thermodynamically unstable arsenite and methylarsenic compounds in natural waters. The inorganic forms (As(V) and As(III)) and the methylated forms (methylarsonic acid (CH3AsO(OH)2); MMAA(V) and dimethylarsinic acid ((CH3)2AsO(OH)); DMAA(V)) are the main arsenic species present in natural waters. Although the predominant form of methylarsenicals is consistently DMAA(V) followed by MMAA(V), the existence of trivalent methylarsenic species in the environment has also been reported.Researchers reported the correlation between As(III)/methylarsenicals and chlorophyll-a concentrations and/or phytoplankton density, while others found that the seasonal changes of DMAA concentration is related to the temperature rather than the biological activity of phytoplankton. Eutrophication increases the concentration of nutrient salts and multiplies the primary producers, such as phytoplankton, in lake water. Lakes progress through the oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic process in the natural environment, and these transitions are very slow. Recently, the transition speed became faster because of discharged pollutants and nutrients from human activities, and the eutrophication affects the As circulation in lakes. Very recently, reports showed that the eutrophication influences As speciation in lake water too. In this chapter, the influence of eutrophication on arsenic speciation will be discussed. © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved

    Ecosystem aspects of arsenic poisoning: Human exposure to arsenic from food chain

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    Although the main source of arsenic to human body is ground water, the use of arsenic contaminated ground water for irrigation gives rise to the question whether arsenic uptake in crop plants could also be another potential pathway of human exposure to arsenic. Arsenic content in straw, grain and husk of rice is especially important as rice is the staple food for man and straw and husk have been used as cattle feed. It was estimated that the daily intake of arsenic in human body from rice (containing 0.40 mg As/kg, the highest concentration of arsenic found in the present experiment in treatment containing 40 mg As/kg soil) is 0.20 to 0.32 mg/day (as the average consumption of rice by the people above five years old is between 400 and 650 gm/day) whereas it is 0.20 mg/day from drinking water (as the recommended safe level arsenic in drinking water is 0.05 mg As/l for Bangladesh and the average intake of water by an adult is about four litres). This finding suggests that arsenic intake in human body through rice could be a potential pathway in addition to drinking water. Therefore, a hypothesis have been put forward that the human beings have not been suffering from arsenicosis only from drinking water but also from "Plant-Animal-Man" and some other food chain pathway

    Phytotoxicity of arsenate and salinity on early seedling growth of rice (oryza sativa l.): A threat to sustainable rice cultivation in South and South-East Asia

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    Arsenic (As) contamination is an important environmental consequence in some parts of salinity-affected South (S) and South-East (SE) Asia. In this study, we investigated the individual and combined phytotoxicity of arsenic (As) [arsenate; As(V)] and salinity (NaCl) on early seedling growth (ESG) of saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice varieties. Germination percentage (GP), germination speed (GS) and vigor index (VI) of both saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice varieties decreased significantly (p[0.01) with increasing As(V) and NaCl concentrations. The highest GP(91%) was observed for saline non-tolerant BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan49, while the lowest (62%) was for salinetolerant BRRI dhan47. The ESG parameters, such as weights and relative lengths of plumule and radicle, also decreased significantly (p\0.01) with increasing As(V) and NaCl concentrations. Relative radicle length was more affected than plumule length by As(V) and NaCl. Although VI of saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice seedlings showed significant variation (p\0.05), weights and lengths of plumule and radicle of different rice varieties did not show significant variation for As(V) and NaCl treatments. Results reveal that the combined phytotoxicity of As(V) and NaCl on rice seed germination and ESG are greater than their individual toxicities, and some saline-tolerant rice varieties are more resistant to the combined phytotoxicity of As(V) and NaCl than the saline non-tolerant varieties. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

    Influence of EDTA and chemical species on arsenic accumulation in Spirodela polyrhiza L. (duckweed)

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    The influence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and chemical species on arsenic accumulation in aquatic floating macrophyte Spirodela polyrhiza L. (duckweed) was investigated. The uptake of inorganic arsenic species (arsenate; As(V) and arsenite; As(III)) into the plant tissue and their adsorption on iron plaque of plant surfaces were significantly (p0.05) by EDTA addition to the culture media while its concentration in CBE-extract decreased significantly (p<0.05). The As(inorganic)/Fe ratios in plant were higher than those of CBE-extract which indicate the increased uptake of these arsenic species into the plant relative to the iron. The lower As(organic)/Fe ratios in plant and on CBE-extract suggest the reduction of accumulation of these arsenic species relative to the iron. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Potential of proteins and their expression level in marine phytoplankton (Prymnesium parvum) as biomarker of N, P and Fe conditions in aquatic systems

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    Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and Iron (Fe) are im-portant nutrients for phytoplankton, and are key limiting nutrients in many marine systems. In the present study, growth and protein expression of ma-rine phytoplankton Prymnesium parvum under dif-ferent nitrate, phosphate and iron conditions were investigated in order to evaluate whether proteins and their expression level can be used as biomarker of N, P, and Fe conditions in aquatic systems. The growth of P. parvum increased with the increase of nitrate, phosphate and iron concentrations in the culture medium. Protein expression levels also differed significantly (p < 0.001) for different nitrate, phosphate and iron conditions in the culture medium. The expression level of an 83 kDa protein at 0 and 5 µM nitrate treatments differed significantly (p < 0.001) from those at 20, 30, 50 and 100 µM nitrate treatments, indicating the expression levels of this protein as a biomarker of N status in the culture me-dium. A 121 kDa protein was up-regulated at phos-phate stress conditions ([P] = 1.0 µM), while this pro-tein was not expressed at phosphate replete conditions ([P] = 5 µM). Therefore, the expression of 121 kDa protein in P. parvum is indicative of phosphate replete condition in aquatic systems. The expression level of a 42 kDa was significantly higher (p < 0.01) at Fe-stress condition ([Fe] = 0.01 µM) than Fe-replete conditions ([Fe] = 0.1 µM). In addition, a new protein of 103 kDa was only expressed under Fe-deplete condition ([Fe] = 0.01 µM). Therefore, the 42 and 103 kDa proteins can be used as a biomarker of Fe-limitation condition of aquatic systems. However, further studies (two dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry) are needed to identify and characterize these proteins in P. parvum

    Arsenic uptake by aquatic macrophyte Spirodela polyrhiza L.: Interactions with phosphate and iron

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    The uptake of arsenate (As(V)) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) by aquatic macrophyte Spirodela polyrhiza L. was investigated to determine the influence of arsenic interaction with PO43- and Fe ions. Plants were grown hydroponically on standard Murashige and Skoog (MS) culture solutions. Arsenic concentrations in Fe-oxide (Fe-plaque) on plant surfaces were determined by citrate-bicarbonate-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (CBE) technique. S. polyrhiza L. accumulated 51-fold arsenic from arsenate solution compared to that from DMAA solution with initial concentrations of 4.0 and 0.02 μM of arsenic and phosphate, respectively. The arsenate uptake was negatively (p 0.05) with iron accumulation. The results suggest that adsorption of arsenate on Fe-plaque of the surface of S. polyrhiza L. contributes to the arsenic uptake significantly. Thus, arsenate uptake in S. polyrhiza L. occurred through the phosphate uptake pathway and by physico-chemical adsorption on Fe-plaques of plant surfaces as well. The S. polyrhiza L. uses different mechanisms for DMAA uptake. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Influence of phosphate and iron ions in selective uptake of arsenic species by water fern (Salvinia natans L.)

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    In the present study, the effect of phosphate ion and iron hydroxides (Fe-plaques) on the selective uptake of arsenic species by water fern (Salvinia natans L.) was investigated. The plants were grown for 5 days in aqueous Murashige and Skoog (MS) culture media modified in arsenic and phosphate concentrations. Arsenic accumulations in S. natans L. increased with the increase of arsenate and DMAA concentrations in the culture solutions. Compared to the control treatment, S. natans L. accumulated significantly higher amount of arsenic from phosphate-deficient solutions, when the source was arsenate. However, arsenic uptake was not affected significantly by phosphate, when the source was dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA). From solutions containing 100 μM of phosphate and 4.0 μM of either arsenate or DMAA, the S. natans L. accumulated 0.14 ± 0.02 and 0.02 ± 0.00 μmol (g dry weight)-1 of arsenic, respectively. In contrast, plants accumulated 0.24 ± 0.06 and 0.03 ± 0.00 μmol (g dry weight)-1 of arsenic from solutions containing 4.0 μM of either arsenate and DMAA in phosphate deficient conditions, respectively. Thus, it is reasonable to state that increasing phosphate concentration in culture solutions decreased the arsenic uptake into the water fern significantly, when the source was arsenate. Moreover, arsenic and phosphate content in plant tissue correlated significantly (r = -0.66; p 0.05). Similarly, significant correlation was observed between arsenic and iron content in plant tissues (r = 0.66; p < 0.05), when initial source was arsenate while the correlation was not significant (r = 0.23; p < 0.05), when initial source was DMAA. The results indicate the adsorption of arsenate on Fe-plaques of aquatic plant surfaces. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that the DMAA uptake mechanisms into the water fern are deferent from those of arsenate. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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