12 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the analgesic activity of n-hexane extract of Marsilea crenata Presl. The analgesic effect was examined by acetic-acid-induced writhing response. Before intraperitoneally injection of acetic acid 0,6%, drugs were orally administered to Balb/C mice. This animal were divided into 5 groups, positive control (Ibuprofen 1,04 mg/20 g BW mice), negative control (10% tween 80), dose 1 (0,27 mg/20 g BW mice), dose 2 (0,54 mg/20 g BW mice), and dose 3 (0,81/20 g BW mice). The number of writhings exhibited by each animal was counted for thirty minute beginning five minute after acetic acid induction. Obtained data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by LSD test with confident level 0,05. Dose 1, dose 2, and dose 3 showed significant different compare to negative control (p0,05). This study indicates that n-hexane extract of Marsilea crenata has analgesic effect. The obtained results provide information for the potential use in the treatment of pain. Keywords: Analgesic activity; N-heksana extract; Writhing metho

    A rationality study of antihypertensive drugs usage in preeclampsia patients in the private hospital

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    Preeclampsia is a hypertension that happens in pregnancy of ≥ 20 weeks and occurs with proteinuria. Preeclampsia is also the highest cause of mother’s death second place in Indonesia. According to that, a study of rationality is needed concerning medicine usage as one of the efforts to determine which medicine is accepted by the rational patient so that the expected therapeutic effect is achieved and does not harm the lives of the mother and baby. The purpose of this research is to determine the profile and rationality of anti-hypertension medicine usage on pregnant mothers with preeclampsia at a private hospital in Malang. This is an observational descriptive research that uses retrospective data. The sample-taking method of this research is using a total sampling method. This research data is served on a diagram or table and percentage. The result of this research is that 3 kinds of anti-hypertension medicine are used: nifedipine 78%, amlodipine 17%, and candesartan 5%. The rationality study of the use of antihypertensive drugs in this study obtained 78% correct indication, 100% correct drug, 93% correct dose, 62% correct interval of administration, and 100% correct patient. This study shows that the usage of antihypertensive drugs in preeclampsia is rational in several parameters

    Pengaruh label halal MUI dan brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian produk suplemen kesehatan oleh masyarakat muslim di Kota Malang

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    In Indonesia, there are various kinds of health supplement products that have obtained a distribution permit number by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Badan POM RI), both those that do not have halal certification and those that are already certified halal. Halal labels will become important information and become an attraction to the public, so that it will affect the decision to buy health supplement products. Besides to halal labels, brand image or brand image also plays an important role in product marketing to the public. So, in this study, the influence of the MUI halal label and brand image on the decision to buy health supplement products by the Muslim community, especially in the city of Malang, will be examined. The sampling technique in this study was using non-probability sampling with incidental sampling in the Muslim community of the city of Malang who entered the inclusion criteria. The results of this study found that the MUI halal logo, brand image, as well as the MUI halal logo and brand image had a significant positive influence on purchasing decisions for halal supplement products

    A rationality study of antihypertensive drugs usage in preeclampsia patients in the private hospital

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    Preeclampsia is a hypertension that happens in pregnancy of ≥ 20 weeks and occurs with proteinuria. Preeclampsia is also the highest cause of mother’s death second place in Indonesia. According to that, a study of rationality is needed concerning medicine usage as one of the efforts to determine which medicine is accepted by the rational patient so that the expected therapeutic effect is achieved and does not harm the lives of the mother and baby. The purpose of this research is to determine the profile and rationality of anti-hypertension medicine usage on pregnant mothers with preeclampsia at a private hospital in Malang. This is an observational descriptive research that uses retrospective data. The sample-taking method of this research is using a total sampling method. This research data is served on a diagram or table and percentage. The result of this research is that 3 kinds of anti-hypertension medicine are used: nifedipine 78%, amlodipine 17%, and candesartan 5%. The rationality study of the use of antihypertensive drugs in this study obtained 78% correct indication, 100% correct drug, 93% correct dose, 62% correct interval of administration, and 100% correct patient. This study shows that the usage of antihypertensive drugs in preeclampsia is rational in several parameters

    Analisis efektivitas biaya penggunaan antidiabetik oral pada pasien diabetes melitus rawat jalan di RSU Haji Surabaya

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    Pendahuluan: Diabetes melitus adalah penyakit kronis akibat proses metabolisme dalam tubuh yang tidak normal yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan kadar glukosa darah melebihi batas normal dalam tubuh. Diabetes melitus membutuhkan perawatan medis secara terus-menerus sehingga biaya medis yang dikeluarkan besar. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis efektivitas biaya penggunaan antidiabetik oral pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 rawat jalan di RSU Haji Surabaya. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan data retrospektif berupa rekam medis dan biaya pengobatan pasien rawat jalan dengan penyakit diabetes melitus tipe 2 di RSU Haji Kota Surabaya Periode Juni-November 2021. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan rumus Average Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ACER) dan Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER). Hasil: Didapatkan 70 pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan penyakit penyerta yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Penggunaan terapi antidiabetik oral monoterapi ditemukan pada 11 pasien dan pada terapi antidiabetik oral kombinasi sebanyak 59 pasien. Antidiabetik oral monoterapi yang paling banyak digunakan adalah glimepiride (8,57%), sedangkan pada antidiabetik oral kombinasi adalah kombinasi metformin dan glimepiride (17,14%). Terapi antidiabetik oral monoterapi yang paling cost-effective adalah gliklazid dengan nilai efektivitas sebesar 100%, nilai ACER sebesar Rp 1.331,15. dan nilai ICER Rp. -641,70 dan Rp. -714.52. Sedangkan terapi antidiabetik oral kombinasi yang paling cost-effective adalah kombinasi pioglitazone, metformin dan glimepiride dengan nilai efektivitas 55,56%, nilai ACER sebesar Rp 3.266,34 dan nilai ICER Rp. 1.491,54 dan Rp. 1.654,43. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan parameter ACER dan ICER, antidiabetik oral monoterapi yang paling cost-effective adalah gliklazid. Sedangkan antidiabetik oral kombinasi yang paling cost-effective adalah kombinasi pioglitazone, metformin dan glimepiride

    ANALISIS HUBUNGAN KADAR ADIPONEKTIN TERHADAP PERUBAHAN BERAT BADAN PADA PASIEN BANGKITAN EPILEPTIK ANAK DENGAN MONOTERAPI ASAM VALPROAT (Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf dan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RS Universitas Airlangga Surabaya dan RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Blitar)

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    BACKGROUNDS – A seizure is defined as an abnormal, disorderly discharging of the brain's nerve cells, resulting in a temporary disturbance of motor, sensory, or mental function. Longterm antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) remain the mainstay of epilepsy treatment and may cause unwanted side effects in some people. The pharmacological treatment for the management of epilepsy in children includes first generation AED (Valproic acid). Among the side effects of VPA, weight gain is frequently reported between 10% and 70%. The mechanism through which valproic acid may induce a weight gain is still unclear. VPA induced overweight was associated with lower adiponectin levels. Adiponectin pathway may be one of the factors leading to weight gain in patients. OBJECTIVES – to analyze the correlation between adiponectin level on weight changes in epileptic children with valproic acid monotherapy. METHODS – this prospective observational study recruited children aged 2-17 years on valproic acid monotherapy less than 2 years from polyclinic neurology and pediatric airlangga university hospital and ngudi waluyo wlingi blitar hospital from April 2019 to June 2019. The weight was measured and blood sample was taken at the time patient control and following after 1 month. RESULTS – Weight gain was reported on 76,4% patients. The mean weight was significantly higher (p<0,05) after following 1 month (post) than before (pre) with mean 1,18 kg. The pre and post adiponectin levels measured using the ELISA method did not differ significantly (p=0,619). The correlation between changes in body weight and changes in adiponectin levels was used spearman rho correlation test and the results were not significantly associated (p=0,704, r=- 0,100) but there was correlation between body weight with adiponectin level in pre and post. CONCLUSIONS – The correlation between changes in body weight and changes in adiponectin levels were not significantly associated but there was correlation between body weight with adiponectin level

    Aktivitas analgesik ekstrak N-Heksana daun Semanggi (Marsilea crenata Presl.) dengan metode geliat pada mencit

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi aktivitas analgesik ekstrak n-heksana daun semanggi (Marsilea crenata Presl.) menggunakan acetic-acid-induced writhing response. Sebelum injeksi intraperitonial asam asetat 0,60%, ekstrak diinjeksikan ke tikus Balb/C. Hewan uji dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok: kontrol positif (Ibuprofen 1.04 mg/20 g BB), kontrol negatif (10% tween 80), EHMC 1 (0.27 mg/20 g BB), EHMC 2 (0.54 mg/20 g BB), dan EHMC 3 (0.81/20 g BB). Jumlah geliat tikus diukur pada masing-masing tikus selama 30 menit sejak 5 menit setelah injeksi asam asetat. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan one-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji post-Hoc LSD menggunakan signifikansi 0.05. Kp 1, Kp 2, dan Kp 3 menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan terhadap kontrol negatif (p0.05). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak n-heksana Marsilea crenata memiliki efek analgesik. Hasil yang diperoleh dapat menjadi informasi untuk potensi penggunaan ekstrak pada pengobatan nyeri

    Farmakoterapi gangguan saluran cerna

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    Saluran pencernaan merupakan hal yang penting dalam proses fisiologis tubuh manusia. Dalam saluran pencernaan, makanan melalui serangkaian proses sehingga nutrisi, elektrolit, mineral maupun vitamin dapat terserap dan dimanfaatkan oleh tubuh. Gangguan pada saluran pencernaan dapat mempengaruhi kondisi fisik maupun psikologis seseorang. Gangguan yang sering muncul pada saluran cerna berupa mual muntah, tukak peptik, GERD –dispepsia, konstipasi-diare, pendarahan saluran cerna serta inflammatory bowel disease. Pilihan terapi yang tepat pada gangguan tersebut dharapkan dapat mencegah manisfestasi lanjut yang dapat mengancam ststus kesehatan seorang pasien. Oleh karenanya pengetahuan tentang penyakit dan pengobatan pada saluran pencernaan sangat penting agar dapat memberikan rekomendasi terapi yang efektif.Buku farmakoterapi gangguan pencernaan ini memuat bahasan mengenai fisiologi saluran pencernaan beserta masalah medis yang dapat terjadi. Dalam buku ini dilengkapi dengan tata laksana terapi pada gangguan yang muncul pada saluran cerna. Bahasan farmakoterapi dalam buku ini meliputi rekomendasi pemilihan obat, dosis dan efek terapetik yang dapat dihasilkan oleh suatu obat pada gangguan pencernaan