10 research outputs found
Module Validity of Peer Counselor Character Service in State University of Medan
Many ways can be done to address the problem of students, one of them involving the students themselves (peer counselor). It required a standard model that can be applied by students as guidelines for the implementation of the guidance. Validity of the module it must be done according to the rules of various scientific tests. State University of Medan has designed the module and has conducted test for the module. The testing results showed that the five aspects, which consisted of 34 items in a module that is designed, is valid and reliable. The student can understand the module at department, faculty and university level. The correlation between aspects also indicates that the module is well integrated between aspects and equipped with a good internal consistency of the results. From the results of these test can be recommended, modules can be used in the implementation of peer counseling services. Keywords: Module Validity, Peer Counselor Character Services
The Influence of Agriculture and Industry Sectorson GRPDin Serdang Bedagai Regency
This study aims to determine the effect of agriculture and industry sectors on GRDP in Serdang Bedagai Regency. This study uses secondary data obtained from the
Central Statistics Agency (CSA) of Serdang Bedagai Regency. The tools used to process the data are Eviews 9. The data analysis technique in this study uses OLS (Ordinary Least Square) method, classic assumption test and statistical test. The results showed that the agriculture sector partially had a positive and
significant effect on GRDP, and the industrial sector had a positive and significant effect on GRDP. Simultaneously the agricultural and the industrial sectors have a positive and significant effect on GRDP in Serdang Bedagai Regency. In the estimation result the OLS method shows the value of the regression coefficient of determination (R2) of 99.8518%. This means that each increase of each variable by 1%, it will affect the
Model samootpornosti za početak uzimanja droga te ovisnosti o drogama (Pristup modelom strukturalne jednadžbe)
This study aims to find a model of students’ self-resilience to drug initiation and addiction. Samples taken were 130 street children respondents who were assumed to be vulnerable to drug initiation and addiction. Data were collected using a questionnaire containing questions from 5 latent variables (unobserved variables) with 26 indicators and 288 questions that had been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Model. This study shows that the Technology Utilization variable has a significant influence on the variables of Drug Danger Awareness, Spiritual Guidance, and Life Skills. In addition, the Spiritual Guidance variable also has a significant influence on the Self-Resilience variable, while the Technology Utilization variable does not have a significant effect on the Self-Resilience variable. Drug Danger Awareness variable also does not have a significant influence on the Self-Resilience variable, as well as the Life Skills variable on the Self-Resilience variable. To build adolescent resilience begins with increasing spiritual guidance with information technology media. Optimizing the role of educators in building children’s self-resilience by utilizing information technology is very helpful in strengthening students’ self-resilience.Ova studija ima za cilj pronaći model za studentsku samootpornost za inicijaciju droge i ovisnost. Uzet je uzorak od 130 ispitanika s ulice za koje se pretpostavljalo da su osjetljivi na uzimanje droge i ovisnosti. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću upitnika koji je sadržavao pitanja iz 5 latentnih varijabli (neopažene varijable) sa 26 pokazatelja i 288 pitanja koja su testirana na valjanost i pouzdanost. Analiza podataka izvedena je korištenjem modela strukturne jednadžbe. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da varijabla tehnološke upotrebe ima značajan utjecaj na varijable svjesnosti opasnosti droga, duhovnog vođenja i životnih vještina. Uz to, varijabla duhovnog vođenja također ima značajan utjecaj na varijablu samootpornosti. Varijabla tehnološke upotrebe nema značajan utjecaj na varijablu samootpornosti, osim toga, varijabla svjesnosti opasnosti droge također nema značajan utjecaj na varijablu samo-otpornosti, kao i varijabla živitnih vještina. Izgradnja otpornosti adolescenata počinje povećanjem duhovnog vodstva s medijima informacijske tehnologije. Optimizacija uloge odgajatelja u izgradnji dječje samootpornosti korištenjem informacijske tehnologije vrlo je korisna u jačanju samo-otpornosti učenika
Comparative Study of Student Verbal Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning between Urban, Coastal and Highlands Areas in North Sumatra
This study aims to determine differences in verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning in urban areas, highland areas and coastal areas. By using purposive sampling method, the sample was taken as many as 670 students in Urban areas, 767 students in the highland areas, and 662 students d coastal areas. Verbal and numerical test instrument used has been validated. Data analysis using ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD analysis and Bonfferoni. The results showed that there are no differences in verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning of students who reside in urban areas with highland area. However, there are differences in verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning of students who reside in urban areas with coastal areas, as well highland area to the coastal area. While the scholastic value of the three locations are in the moderate category. Note the causes of these differences, views of culture, daily habits of learning, teacher competency, food consumed, parenting parents, and other factors. This data can be used as a reference in determining the policy of the management of education in North Sumatra. Keywords: Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Urban, Coastal, and Highlands
Factor Analysis of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem to Develop Comprehenship Entrepreneurship Skills
Purpose: To comprehensively develop entrepreneurship skills in students and ultimately cultivate young entrepreneurs with strong capabilities, a holistic approach requires the integration of an entrepreneurial learning model supported by a campus entrepreneurship ecosystem and business incubators. This synergy aims to drive downstream activities and commercialization. This research aims to design an entrepreneurship learning model backed by a campus entrepreneurship ecosystem and business incubators to stimulate downstream activities and commercialization of products and services developed by students.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection involves surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. Respondents include 9 students, 5 MSME practitioners, 5 university incubator representatives, and 5 entrepreneurship lecturers. Data analysis techniques encompass factor analysis and content analysis, with a sample size of 200 students.
Research, Practical & Social implications:The outcome will be a designed entrepreneurship learning model supported by a campus entrepreneurship ecosystem and business incubators to facilitate downstream activities and commercialization of students' products and services.
Originality/Value: The proposed entrepreneurship learning model supported by a campus entrepreneurship ecosystem and business incubators, aimed at fostering downstream activities and commercialization of students' products and services, encompasses the following aspects: Enhanced Entrepreneurial Competence Learning Process, Entrepreneurship Internship Program, Bootcamp for Skill Enhancement, Prototyping and Validation, and Expo Engagement
Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Mengajar
Kebijakan pemerintah “Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka” tentu
menimbulkan respon tersendiri bagi para dosen selaku akademisi bagaimana
menyikapi, merencanakan, menyusun dan mengimplementasikan sistem dan
model belajar yang paling sesuai dengan kebijakan tersebut. Dan di buku
Antologi inilah akan dijumpai berbagai pandangan, pemikiran, dan juga
mungkin gambaran usulan untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan MBKM di
era informasi teknologi yang sangat cepat berubah dewasa ini. Sebagai
pendidik profesional, para dosen tentu memiliki kiat dan cara tersendiri untuk
bisa menghasilkan output lulusan peserta didik yang benar-benar sesuai
dengan tujuan dan target kebijakan MBKM tersebu
Pengaruh Penghasilan Rendah, Inflasi dan Total Penduduk pada Produk Domestik Bruto Regional Indonesia
Regional gross domestic product is the value of goods and services produced in that country in a given period. This study aimed to find out how low income, inflation and total population affect the regional gross domestic product. The research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method. This study was conducted in 34 provinces in Indonesia between 2010 and 2020. The research sample was 34 provinces with an 11-year research period, so the results of observations in the study were 369 data. The data analysis used in this study was Panel Data Regression Analysis using Eveiws 9 software. The coefficient of determination test yielded a value of 0.866983 or 86.6983%, which means that the independent variables, namely low income, inflation and total population, can explain regional gross domestic product results. The results of the F test show that low income, inflation and total population significantly affect regional gross domestic product results. The t-test shows that low income positively and significantly affects the regional gross domestic product. In contrast, the inflation and total population variables have no effect on Indonesia's regional gross domestic product for the 2010-2020 period
Analisis Inflasi dengan Pendekatan Kurva Philips di Provinsi Aceh
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pada tahun 2020 saat terjadi gejolak perekonomian global inflasi Indonesia cendrung stabil di bandingkan dengan tingkat inflasi Provinsi yang mengalami peningkatan dan tingkat Pengangguran di provinsi Aceh cendrung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia pada priode 2011- 2021. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan trade off antara inflasi dan tingkat pengangguran di Provinsi Aceh serta faktor lain yang mempengaruhi inflasi di Provinsi Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series tahun 1988-2021 dengan model analisis Vector Error Correlation Model (VECM). Hasil penelitian ini adalah Dalam jangka pendek nilai tukar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap inflasi di Provinsi Aceh, tingkat pengangguran, ekspektasi inflasi, jumlah uang beredar, dan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap inflasi di Provinsi Aceh, sedangkan dalam jangka panjang jumlah uang beredar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap inflasi di Provinsi Aceh, tingkat pengangguran dan ekspektasi inflasi berpengarhun negatif dan signifikan terhadap inflasi di Provinsi Aceh, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto dan nilai tukar berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap inflasi di Provinsi Aceh. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah trade off antara tingkat pengangguran terhadap inflasi hanya terjadi pada jangka panjang
A Holistic Review of Lake Rawapening Management Practices, Indonesia: Pillar-Based and Object-Based Management
Lake Rawapening, Semarang Regency, Indonesia, has incorporated a holistic plan in its management practices. However, despite successful target achievements, some limitations remain, and a review of its management plan is needed. This paper identifies and analyzes existing lake management strategies as a standard specifically in Lake Rawapening by exploring various literature, both legal frameworks and scholarly articles indexed in the Scopus database and Google Scholar about lake management in many countries. By using Publish or Perish with the keywords “lake management” OR “management of lake”, 1532 and 1990 works from the Scopus database and Google Scholar, respectively, have been reduced 37. The results show that there are two major types of lake management, namely pillar-based and object-based. The holistic review has resulted in nine points of pillar-based management, which consists of conceptual paradigms as the foundation, and 11 points of object-based management to restore or preserve the lake, which is in line with the form of programs and activities. Overall, Lake Rawapening management should be concerned with finance and technology when applying pillar-based management, and it should include more activities within programs on erosion-sedimentation control as well as monitoring of operational performance using information systems to ensure the implementation of activities within programs in applying object-based lake management