2 research outputs found

    Analisis Stereotipe Gender Dalam Budaya Pemerkosaan Sebagai Rekomendasi Kebijakan Pemerintah

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    Gender is an issue that is always interesting to cover. In its development, gender has always been related to female emancipation words, not only at the level of society at the macro level or at the inter-state level. A poor understanding of gender and sex makes this a refractive gender. The purpose of this study was to convey, explore and analyze gender stereotype in a rape culture that flourished in Indonesian society and made recommendations to the Government.  In this case, through literature review, researchers used a qualitative approach to being able to express existing issues and get a deep picture of gender stereotypes issues in the growing rape culture in Community. Researchers voted to use a qualitative descriptive approach in this study. Then, the emphasis of the qualitative approach used is in terms of the phenomenological approach. Researchers have determined the informant needed in this study. In addition, researchers are trying to choose the informant who understands the problem even experiences sexual harassment and feels the impact of the stereotype of gender and rape culture that happened to him. The current phenomenon is difficult to change, but awareness of the importance of the battle of injustice must be fought. The government needs to examine legislation to suppress harassment and sexual violence that continue to increase annually. Then, the community and foundations of this existing victim mentoring need to be supported even need to expand the mentoring to the various areas in Indonesia, especially in the district/city

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Kabupaten/Kota Layak Anak Di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation of the district/city Worthy Development policy (KLA) in central Kalimantan province.  The method used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques using interviews, observations and documentation. The data analysis used is the interactive model of Miles & Huberman with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The results of this research show that the policy of district development/city worthy of children (KLA) has been implemented in central Kalimantan province, although not optimal because of the lack of effective communication done to the public. Another thing that hinders the policy of district/city development worthy of children is because of the limited budget resources so that the implementation of the policy of District/city development worthy of children in central Kalimantan province becomes hampered. The advice that can be conveyed is to the Women Empowerment Department, Child protection, population control and family planning (P3A-PPKB) with the Office of Population Control and family planning, women empowerment, protection District level children to conduct more active and sustainable communication to the public through the installation of banners, banners, and creative posters or through other advertising media to improve the Community's understanding and awareness So that the active role of the community in the process of implementing district/city worthy development policy can increase. Approach the private sector to allocate the budget of their Corporate Social Responsibility to support the implementation of the district/city proper development policy in Central Kalimantan province