12 research outputs found


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    This research aims to test the effect of product quality, price perception and promotions on the purchasing decision on Astra Motor Ngaliyan. Drop in sales experienced by the Astra Motor Ngaliyan background problem in this research. In this research using a method of collecting data with a questionnaire with the number of samples 75 respondents, the sample accidental use sampling techniques and methods of analysis of data used in this research is linear regression worship of idols. The result of this research shows that all the independent variable that is a product quality, price perception and promotion has links positive in line against the dependent variable for which is purchasing decisions. The testing of hypotheses using test t show that the three independent variable for which researched proved to be significantly affect the decision purchase. Then through the f can be known that in the three joint of a variable that affected decision purchase. Figures adjusted r square worth 0,528 show that the independent variable can explain 52,8% decision the purchase of the remaining 47,2% by other variables out of one variable are used in this researc

    Konsepsi Mahasiswa Tentang Cepat Rambat Gelombang Pada Permukaan Air

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    Salah satu fenomena fisika yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah gelombang mekanis seperti gelombang pada permukaan air. Parameter-parameter penting seperti kecepatan rambat, panjang gelombang, frekuensi, amplitudo, dan media perambatan sering dikaitkan berdasarkan konsepsi sederhana sehingga berpotensi terjadinya miskonsepsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsepsi mahasiswa tentang cepat rambat gelombang pada permukaan air. Sebanyak 53 mahasiswa tahun pertama pada program studi Pendidikan Matematika dan Pendidikan Fisika yang telah mengikuti mata kuliah fisika dasar dijadikan sampel uji tes diagnostik. Ditemukan bahwa lebih dari 80% sampel secara konsisten mengalami miskonsepsi tentang kecepatan rambat gelombang

    Tingkah Laku Makan Domba Lokal pada Sistem Pemeliharaan Berbeda

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    Sheep is a livestock commodity this is used to meet national meat needs. This response takes a look at goals to look at social conduct and consume nearby sheep, which can be maintained in one of a kind renovation structures and supply one of a kind styles of concentrates. Looking at the 20 sheep used, their initial weight was 16.51 kg. Experiments were conducted throughout random layouts. The first part is device renovation and the second one part is the form of feed listen. The parameters discovered beating, mastication, remastication, regurgitation, length of eating. Data become analyzed with the aid of using evaluation of variance (ANOVA). The consequences of the take a look at confirmed that the form of listen and renovation device affected meals conduct (beating, mastication of remastication and regurgitation, length of eating)

    Respon Fisiologis dan Metabolit Darah Kambing dan Domba yang Ditransportasi dengan Pick-Up Triple-Deck

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    The overall transportation process is a gripping activity for goats and sheep. Goats and sheep canexperience stress as reflected by indicators of weight loss, physiological responses and blood metabolites.The use of sheep goat and sheep conveyance according to the Regulation of the Minister of Agricultureof the Republic of Indonesia number 114/Permentan/PD.410/9/2014concerning the transportation ofsacrificial animals, vehicles can be designed for a maximum of two decks. Farmers use pick-up vehiclesarranged in three levels to reduce transportation costs. This study uses two triple-deck pick-up vehiclesfor 60 goats and 60 sheep. Each deck is filled with 20 animals and five animals are taken as samples.The design used by using a randomized block design (RBD), the position of the deck (deck 1, deck 2,deck 3) as a factor, and body weight as groups. The evaluation results of goat and sheep transportationwith a distance of ± 674 km (± 16 hours of travel) shows that deck has no significant effect (P>0.05) onthe weight loss of goat and sheep also did not affect (P>0.05) on the physiological response and bloodmetabolites. The stress level of goats and sheep transported is not affected by deck position

    Energy Balance and Blood Metabolites Status of Local Sheep Based on Indigofera sp and Sproutbean Waste Ration

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    This research was undertaken to evaluate energy utilization and blood  metabolites status of male Indonesian local sheep involving nutrient balances and using urea space techniques for measurement body composition. Factorial randomized completely design was used in this study using 16 growing male local sheep. Factor A was breed which consisted of 8 Garut sheep (av.BW 14.90 kg) and 8 Jonggol sheep (av.BW 13.60 kg). Factor B was different ration which received of diet containing Indigoferasp. and sproutbean waste. The ration offered were pellets containing CP around 16% and energy 15.6 MJ GE kg-1. Energy balance and blood metabolites studies were conducted during three-months trial. Intake, digestibility, urinary and metabolism variables were measured based on total collection method.  Methane energy was measured by rusitec technique and methane gas production multiplied by calory equivalent value of methane. Energy retention (RE) was measured by urea space  technique. Heat production was calculated from ME-RE. Plasma glucose, cholesterol and urea-N were measured by using spectrophotometry. Results showed that there were significant differences of energy intakes, digestibilities and metabolism among the rations. Animals fed with sproutbean waste ration has higher energy utilization compared to those fed Indigofera sp ration. There were no significant different for all blood metabolite variables among breed and its interaction between combination treatments. It is concluded that sproutbean waste in local sheep ration has higher energy utilization and daily gain than Indigofera sp. Keywords: Indigofera sp., local sheep, rusitec technique, sproutbean, urea spac

    Upaya Mewaspadai Serangan Jantung melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan

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    Masyarakat seringkali dikagetkan dengan kematian mendadak seseorang yang tanpa diketahui penyakit sebelumnya. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu serangan jantung. Serangan ini dapat terjadi dimana saja dan kapan saja. Maka perlu adanya kewaspadaan masyarakat tentang serangan jantung. Melalui pendidikan kesehatan diharapkan masyarakat mampu memahami serangan jantung, terutama gejala serangan jantung dan penanganan awal ketika terjadi serangan jantung di rumah. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini diikuti oleh 21 orang peserta yang merupakan penunggu pasien yang sedang di rawat di ruang intensif RSUD Pasar Rebo. PKM dimulai dari tahapan persiapan, pre test, penyampaian materi pendidikan kesehatan, diskusi, dan post test sebagai evaluasi. Hasil PKM ini menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar pengetahuan peserta meningkat dari 89,09% menjadi 91,82% setelah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan tentang serangan jantung. Akan tetapi, perlu peningkatan pengetahuan tentang tanda dan gejala serangan jantung. Sehingga perlu adanya tindak lanjut untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan menggunakan metode atau media informasi lain yang tersedia di rumah sakit