46 research outputs found

    KoriŔtenje suvremenih tehnologija i nekih pokazatelja mentalnog zdravlja predŔkolske djece u Hrvatskoj

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    Although a number of studies have been conducted over the past decade on the association between screen time and developmental outcomes in children, most studies mainly deal with the problem of obesity and physical fitness of children, while the studies on the association of screen time and mental health are rare, and there is especially a lack of research concerning internalized problems in children. Early detection of psychological problems is one of the foundations of later successful prevention and treatment, and some research shows that as many as 20% of children, including kindergarten children, exhibit certain psychological difficulties, and also that certain behaviours of preschool children are associated with various mental disorders and problems in adulthood. The aim of this research was to examine the correlation between total screen time and some indicators of the mental health of children - emotional reactivity, anxiety/depression, somatic problems, withdrawal, sleeping problems, attention problems, and other problems, in a sample of Croatian children attending kindergartens. We also examined moderating effects of childā€™s involvement in other activities, such as physical activity, playing with peers, overall outdoor activities, and time spent in other activities. In this paper, potential risk and protective factors related to screen time were investigated in preschool children, with a focus on their mental health.Iako je tijekom proteklog desetljeća proveden niz studija o povezanosti vremena provedenim pred zaslonom s ishodom razvoja djece, većina studija uglavnom se bavi problemom pretilosti i tjelesne sposobnosti djece, dok su tek rijetke studije ispitivale povezanost vremena provedenog uz zaslone i mentalnog zdravlja, a posebno nedostaje istraživanja koja se tiču internaliziranih problema djece. Rano otkrivanje psiholoÅ”kih problema jedan je od temelja uspjeÅ”ne prevencije i liječenja, a neka istraživanja pokazuju da čak 20% djece, uključujući i djecu vrtićke dobi, pokazuje određene psiholoÅ”ke poteÅ”koće, te da su određena ponaÅ”anja predÅ”kolske djece povezana s raznim mentalnim poremećajima i problemima u odrasloj dobi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati korelaciju između ukupnog vremena provedenog uz zaslone i nekih pokazatelja mentalnog zdravlja djece - emocionalne reaktivnosti, anksioznosti / depresije, somatskih problema, povlačenja, problema sa spavanjem, problema s pažnjom i drugih problema, u uzorku Hrvatske djeca koja pohađaju vrtiće. Također smo ispitali moderirajuće učinke uključenosti djeteta u druge aktivnosti, kao Å”to su tjelesna aktivnost, igranje s vrÅ”njacima, ukupne aktivnosti na otvorenom i vrijeme provedeno u drugim aktivnostima. U ovom su radu istraženi potencijalni rizični i zaÅ”titni čimbenici povezani sa vremenom provedenim uz zaslone u djece predÅ”kolske dobi s naglaskom na njihovo mentalno zdravlje

    Predictors of Adultsā€™ Mental Health During Initial Stage of Covid-19 Pandemic in Croatia

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    Besides causing serious threats to peopleā€™s physical health and lives, pandemics can lead to psychological distress. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health among adults in Croatia and its association with sociodemographic factors, perceptions of pandemic, locus of control, coping with stress and perceived social support. A cross-sectional, observational study was conducted using a snowball sampling technique. The online survey collected information on sociodemographics, chronic health conditions, self-isolation measure, perception of COVID-19, mental health status, locus of control, coping with stress and perception of social support. Mental health status was assessed by the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). A total of 1482 participants (252 males and 1230 females) completed the study. The mean age of the participants was 33.3 Ā± 12.2 years, 43 % of the participants had elevated levels of anxiety and 18 % suffered from severe and extremely severe anxiety, 33 % had elevated levels of depression and 12 % suffered from severe and extremely severe depression, and 55 % had elevated levels of stress with 13 % suffering from severe and extremely severe stress. The strongest predictors of mental health symptoms were coping with stress, locus of control, and perceived social support. These results highlight the necessity of implementing psychological interventions during the pandemic to improve the mental health of the adults and vulnerable groups in particular that should include identified factors associated with better mental health status such as coping with stress focused on problem, social diversion and social support


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    Aim: To determine the frequency and type of complications in two cohort groups of preterm newborns. Subjects and methods: The research involved 100 preterm newborns divided into two groups according to their gestational age: newborns from 24 to 33+6/7 weeks GA and newborns from 34 to 36+6/7 weeks GA. Parameters which were observed with mother were: age, number of births, course and complications in pregnancy. Parameters with infant: gestational age, weight, newborn small for gestational age (IUGR), asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, hyperbilirubinemia, apnea, anemia, intracranial hemorrhage and metabolic disorder (hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia). Research criterion for exclusion was all preterm newborn infants with chromosome anomalies which cause death, fetal death during pregnancy (in utero) and newborns (born after full 37 weeks). Results: After dividing exminees according to their gestational age into two groups, the group with higher gestational age (from 34 to 36+6/7 weeks GA) had 76% and the group with lower gestational age (from 24 to 33+6/7 weeks GA) had 24% of infants. The course of pregnancy was pathological in 68% of pregnancies and normal with 32% of pregnncies, the difference is statistically significant. 97% of pregnant woman had pathological course in the group of preterm newborns with lower GA. The most common perinatal complication was hyperbilirubinemia in 42% of cases, while sepsis was present in 1% of infants. The first group of infants (< 33 GA) had mostly combination of 3 or more complications in 46% of infants while the other group mostly had hyperbilirubinemia in 50% and combination of complications in 24% of infants. Conclusion: Perinatal complication occurence depends on premature birth and course of pregnancy. Larger number of complications and harder complications which may result with death are more common in patients with lower gestational age (24 to 33+6/7 weeks GA) than in patients with higher gestational age (34 to 36+6/7 weeks GA)

    The Significance of Strategic Documents in the Proactive Mode of Work with Special Emphasis on Terrorism

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    Proaktivno djelovanje policije kao jedan od temeljnih mehanizama odgovora na moderne oblike sigurnosnih ugroza predstavlja odmak od tradicionalnog reaktivnog modela djelovanja policije utemeljenog na Å”irokom shvaćanju policije kao isključivo represivnog tijela. Izgradnja proaktivnih modela djelovanja policije uključuje primjenu znanstvenih i stručnih metodologija planiranja i programiranja rada kao i primjenu teorijskih i praktičnih dostignuća znanstvenih disciplina kriminalistike, kriminologije, sociologije, psihologije te brojnih drugih znanosti ali i praktičnih naučenih lekcija značajnih za organizaciju djelovanja policije. Razvoj novih oblika sigurnosnih ugroza, osobito onih koji prate druÅ”tveni, tehnoloÅ”ki, informacijski i komunikacijski razvitak modernog doba, pomiče fokus djelovanja policije s tradicionalnih reaktivnih modela ka modernim proaktivnim modelima. Terorizam zasigurno predstavlja jednu od sigurnosnih ugroza najviÅ”e razine koja potražuje primjenu proaktivnih mehanizama djelovanja policije. Proaktivno djelovanje policije, za razliku od reaktivnog, zahtijeva pomno planiranje aktivnosti koje podrazumijeva uključivanje brojnih druÅ”tvenih čimbenika. Planiranje aktivnosti u proaktivnom dijelu spektra policijskog djelovanja, osobito zbog horizontalnog pristupa brojnih čimbenika, traži uspostavljanje jasnih odrednica kroz strateÅ”ke i operativne dokumente kako bi se jamčila njihova provedivost.The proactive action of the police as one of the fundamental mechanisms of response to the modern security threats is a move from the traditional reactive model of police action based on a broad understanding of the police as an exclusively repressive body. The development of proactive models of police action involves the application of scientific and professional methodologies of work planning and programming as well as the application of theoretical and practical achievements of the scientific disciplines of criminology, criminology, sociology, psychology and numerous other sciences as well as practical lessons important for the organization of policing. The development of new forms of security threats, especially those that accompany the social, technological, information and communication development of the modern era, shift the focus of police from traditional reactive models to modern proactive models. Terrorism is certainly one of the highest security threats that requires the use of proactive police mechanisms. Proactive action by the police, unlike reactive, requires careful planning of activities involving the inclusion of numerous social factors. Planning the activities in the proactive part of the police action spectrum, especially due to the horizontal approach of numerous factors, requires the establishment of clear guidelines through strategic and operational documents in order to guarantee their viability

    The Significance of Strategic Documents in the Proactive Mode of Work with Special Emphasis on Terrorism

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    Proaktivno djelovanje policije kao jedan od temeljnih mehanizama odgovora na moderne oblike sigurnosnih ugroza predstavlja odmak od tradicionalnog reaktivnog modela djelovanja policije utemeljenog na Å”irokom shvaćanju policije kao isključivo represivnog tijela. Izgradnja proaktivnih modela djelovanja policije uključuje primjenu znanstvenih i stručnih metodologija planiranja i programiranja rada kao i primjenu teorijskih i praktičnih dostignuća znanstvenih disciplina kriminalistike, kriminologije, sociologije, psihologije te brojnih drugih znanosti ali i praktičnih naučenih lekcija značajnih za organizaciju djelovanja policije. Razvoj novih oblika sigurnosnih ugroza, osobito onih koji prate druÅ”tveni, tehnoloÅ”ki, informacijski i komunikacijski razvitak modernog doba, pomiče fokus djelovanja policije s tradicionalnih reaktivnih modela ka modernim proaktivnim modelima. Terorizam zasigurno predstavlja jednu od sigurnosnih ugroza najviÅ”e razine koja potražuje primjenu proaktivnih mehanizama djelovanja policije. Proaktivno djelovanje policije, za razliku od reaktivnog, zahtijeva pomno planiranje aktivnosti koje podrazumijeva uključivanje brojnih druÅ”tvenih čimbenika. Planiranje aktivnosti u proaktivnom dijelu spektra policijskog djelovanja, osobito zbog horizontalnog pristupa brojnih čimbenika, traži uspostavljanje jasnih odrednica kroz strateÅ”ke i operativne dokumente kako bi se jamčila njihova provedivost.The proactive action of the police as one of the fundamental mechanisms of response to the modern security threats is a move from the traditional reactive model of police action based on a broad understanding of the police as an exclusively repressive body. The development of proactive models of police action involves the application of scientific and professional methodologies of work planning and programming as well as the application of theoretical and practical achievements of the scientific disciplines of criminology, criminology, sociology, psychology and numerous other sciences as well as practical lessons important for the organization of policing. The development of new forms of security threats, especially those that accompany the social, technological, information and communication development of the modern era, shift the focus of police from traditional reactive models to modern proactive models. Terrorism is certainly one of the highest security threats that requires the use of proactive police mechanisms. Proactive action by the police, unlike reactive, requires careful planning of activities involving the inclusion of numerous social factors. Planning the activities in the proactive part of the police action spectrum, especially due to the horizontal approach of numerous factors, requires the establishment of clear guidelines through strategic and operational documents in order to guarantee their viability

    Knowledge on cognitive ageing, ageism and affective well-being in professionals working with older people

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    Istraživanja u području kognitivnog starenja sve viÅ”e naglaÅ”avaju važnost ispitivanja stereotipa o starijim osobama, tzv. ageizam, kod stručnjaka u skrbi za starije. Prisutnost stereotipa i predrasuda kod stručnjaka u skrbi za starije, može dovesti do neprikladnog tretmana starijih osoba. Nedovoljno poznavanje procesa starenja može značajno doprinijeti stvaranju i razvoju ageizma. Također, nepoznavanje domene rada dovodi do smanjene percepcije dobrobiti na poslu, dok bolje poznavanje domene rada doprinosi smanjenju stresa na radnom mjestu. Ovim smo radom željeli ispitati razinu znanja o dobnim promjenama pamćenja, izražavanje ageizma, te afektivnu dobrobit na poslu kod stručnjaka u skrbi za starije osobe (N = 128), te međusoban odnos ispitivanih varijabli. U on-line ispitivanju sudionici su ispunili Upitnik znanja o dobnim promjenama pamćenja (KMAQ), Fraboni skalu ageizma (FSA) i Skalu afektivne dobrobiti na poslu (JAWS). Rezultati su analizirani s obzirom na specifične karakteristike sudionika (dob, zanimanje, skrb o starijem članu obitelji). Stručnjaci pokazuju umjereno znanje o dobnim promjenama pamćenja, izražavaju blago negativne stavove prema starijima i izvjeÅ”tavaju o prevladavajućim ugodnim emocijama u radu sa starijima. Liječnici pokazuju značajno viÅ”e znanja o dobnim promjenama pamćenja u odnosu na ostale djelatnike obuhvaćene ispitivanjem, a stariji stručnjaci iskazuju značajno viÅ”e razine izbjegavanja, kao aspekta ageizma, od ostalih sudionika. Također, stariji stručnjaci iskazuju viÅ”u razinu ugodnih i nižu razinu neugodnih emocija u odnosu na svoj radni kontekst. Izbjegavanje je pozitivno povezano s nižim znanjem o dobnim promjenama pamćenja, a stereotipi i diskriminacija s emocionalnom dobrobiti na radnom mjestu. Rezultati su interpretirani u skladu s hipotezom kontakta i teorijom upravljanja strahom.Cognitive aging research is ever more stressing the importance of examining ageist stereotypes in senior care professionals. Ageism in senior care professionals may lead to inappropriate treatment of the elderly. Inadequate knowledge of the aging process can significantly contribute to the creation and development of ageism. Also, lack of work-related knowledge might result in the reduction in perceived job-related well-being, while more knowledgeable professionals seem to experience higher satisfaction and less stress in their professional context. In this study, we examined the level of knowledge about memory aging, ageism and affective job-related well-being in professionals working with elderly (N = 128) and the relation between these variables. Using an on-line form, participants filled in the Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire (KMAQ), Fraboni Ageism Scale (FSA) and Job-related Well-being Scale (JAWS). The results were analyzed with regard to the participantsā€™ characteristics (age, occupation, care of the older family member). Professionals in this study show average knowledge of memory aging, express average levels of ageism, and mostly perceive the positive affect related to their job. Medical doctors show significantly higher levels of knowledge in comparison to other vocations. Older participants express higher levels of avoidance of the elderly, as an aspect of ageism. In terms of job-related affectivity, older participants express higher levels of positive and lower level of negative emotions. Avoidance is correlated with lower levels of memory aging knowledge, while stereotypes and discrimination are correlated with job-related affective well-being. The results are discussed in terms of contact hypothesis and terror management theory

    Pharmacovigilance from the Perspective of a Pharmaceutical Company

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    Farmaceutska industrija aktivno prati sigurnosni profil lijekova kako bi na vrijeme spriječila ili smanjila mogućnost nastanka nuspojava. Farmakovigilancijske aktivnosti u farmaceutskoj kompaniji sastoje se od aktivnog prikupljanja prijava o Å”tetnim učincima lijekova, njihovoj obradi, koja uključuje medicinsku analizu, trajno pohranjivanje i prijavu agencijama za lijekove te sustavne i periodičke analize svih prikupljenih podataka. Farmakovigilancija je vrlo uređen sustav s jasnim zahtjevima pa je tako, primjerice, radi lakÅ”e i točnije izmjene podataka i njihove analize, uveden jedinstveni medicinski rječnik za regulatorne poslove ā€“ MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities). Jedna od najvažnijih aktivnosti prilikom praćenja sigurnosnog profila lijekova jest i otkrivanje novih informacija i rizika od primjene lijeka putem praćenja sigurnosnih signala. Radi toga se rabe statističke metode i stručna analiza podataka o kvaliteti, klinički i neklinički podatci, farmakovigilancijska i farmakoepidemioloÅ”ka saznanja, kao i podatci iz objavljene znanstvene literature.Pharmaceutical companies actively monitor the safety profiles of their marketed medicines as well as those under development, with the purpose of timely detection, prevention or minimization of adverse drug reaction risks. Pharmacovigilance activities in a pharmaceutical company include the collection of adverse event reports in the company safety database, medical analysis of the reports, their reporting to the medicines agencies, as well as systematic and periodic analysis and review of cumulative data. Since pharmacovigilance requirements are clearly defined, with special emphasis on global timely data exchange, tools were designed to make this more efficient and precise; for example the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). One of the most important pharmacovigilance purposes is detecting new information and risks related to medicines, a process called safety signal detection. This is done by statistical methods and scientific analysis of data on quality, clinical and non-clinical information, pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiological data and published scientific literature

    Uporaba modernih tehnologija kao rizik za seksualno zlostavljanje i iskoriŔtavanje djece i adolescenata putem interneta

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    Napredak tehnologije u zadnjih dvadesetak godina nedvojbeno je promijenio način života pa tako i način odrastanja djece i mladih, a uporaba interneta postala je sastavnim dijelom svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti. KoriÅ”tenje modernim tehnologijama, osobito u okviru rizičnih online aktivnosti, u ovom će radu biti razmotreno kao rizik u kontekstu odrastanja, a od rizičnih ponaÅ”anja razmatrat će se seksting (engl. sexting), odnosno izmjenjivanje seksualnih sadržaja, seksualna prisila i iznuda (engl. sextortion) kao iznuđivanje seksualnih sadržaja te vrbovanje ili mamljenje (engl. grooming) kao zavođenje ili namamljivanje maloljetne osobe. Svi rizici bit će detaljno analizirani u kontekstu seksualnog zlostavljanja i iskoriÅ”tavanja putem interneta međusobnom povezanoŔću, razmatranjem posljedica kao i ulogom stručnjaka iz multikulturalne perspektive. Razvoj modernih tehnologija, kao i mogućnosti koje donosi, posebno u pandemiji, predstavljaju plodno tlo za ozbiljne prijetnje mentalnom zdravlju djece i mladih, ali i postavljaju zahtjeve pred sve one koji se bave zaÅ”titom djece i mladih da kreiraju i razvijaju nove sustave zaÅ”tite djece