1,236 research outputs found
Coherence lengths for superconductivity in the two-orbital negative-U Hubbard model
We study the peculiarities of coherency in the superconductivity of
two-orbital system. The superconducting phase transition is caused here by the
on-site intra-orbital attractions (negative-U Hubbard model) and inter-orbital
pair-transfer interaction. The dependencies of critical and noncritical
correlation lengths on interaction channels and band fillings are analyzed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Acta Physica Polonica (2012) in pres
Conformal vs confining scenario in SU(2) with adjoint fermions
The masses of the lowest-lying states in the meson and in the gluonic sector
of an SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac flavors in the adjoint representation
are measured on the lattice at a fixed value of the lattice coupling for values of the bare fermion mass that span a range
between the quenched regime and the massless limit, and for various lattice
volumes. Even for light constituent fermions the lightest glueballs are found
to be lighter than the lightest mesons. Moreover, the string tension between
two static fundamental sources strongly depends on the mass of the dynamical
fermions and becomes of the order of the inverse squared lattice linear size
before the chiral limit is reached. The implications of these findings for the
phase of the theory in the massless limit are discussed and a strategy for
discriminating between the (near--)conformal and the confining scenario is
outlined.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures using RevTeX4, Typos corrected, references added.
Versions to appear on PR
Critical exponents of the 3d Ising and related models from Conformal Bootstrap
Latex, 19 pages, 9 figures, v4: updated literature resultsThe constraints of conformal bootstrap are applied to investigate a set of conformal field theories in various dimensions. The prescriptions can be applied to both unitary and non unitary theories allowing for the study of the spectrum of low-lying primary operators of the theory. We evaluate the lowest scaling dimensions of the local operators associated with the Yang-Lee edge singularity for . Likewise we obtain the scaling dimensions of six scalars and four spinning operators for the 3d critical Ising model. Our findings are in agreement with existing results to a per mill precision and estimate several new exponents
Quantitative Argumentation Debates with Votes for Opinion Polling
Opinion polls are used in a variety of settings to assess the opinions of a population, but they mostly conceal the reasoning behind these opinions. Argumentation, as understood in AI, can be used to evaluate opinions in dialectical exchanges, transparently articulating the reasoning behind the opinions. We give a method integrating argumentation within opinion polling to empower voters to add new statements that render their opinions in the polls individually rational while at the same time justifying them. We then show how these poll results can be amalgamated to give a collectively rational set of voters in an argumentation framework. Our method relies upon Quantitative Argumentation Debate for Voting (QuAD-V) frameworks, which extend QuAD frameworks (a form of bipolar argumentation frameworks in which arguments have an intrinsic strength) with votes expressing individuals’ opinions on arguments
String effects in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
We discuss the effective string picture for the confining regime of lattice
gauge theories at zero and finite temperature. We present results of extensive
Monte Carlo simulations - performed with the Luscher and Weisz algorithm - for
SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in 2+1 dimensions. We also address the issue of "string
universality" by comparing our results with those obtained in other lattice
gauge theories.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Lattice2003(topology
Efecto del cambio climático sobre problemas fitosanitarios en caña de azúcar, manà y algodón: un abordaje binacional.
La roya marrón y la roya anaranjada de la caña de azúcar, la viruela tardÃa del manà y el picudo del algodonero son problemas fitosanitarios actuales y potenciales para estos cultivos industriales tanto en Argentina como en Brasil. En Argentina no se han realizado estudios sobre el efecto del cambio climático en cultivos que ocupan actualmente áreas bien definidas, con perspectivas de expandirse a otras áreas agroecológicas, generando flujos de patógenos y plagas en macroregiones abarcando ambos paÃses. Para ello se elaboró un proyecto interinstitucional entre INTA y EMBRAPA cuyo objetivo principal es evaluar el impacto del cambio climático sobre enfermedades y plagas de cultivos de importancia para la agroindustria de Argentina y Brasil, intentando el desarrollo de alternativas de adaptación para su control en los escenarios climáticos futuros. La investigación y discusión en red entre Argentina y Brasil es una oportunidad indispensable para evitar esfuerzos innecesarios, integrando los resultados obtenidos con los diferentes cultivos de importancia para la agroindustria
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