5 research outputs found

    Comparaci贸n de la actividad de determinados m煤sculos del tronco y extremidades inferiores en la marcha de mujeres j贸venes con pie en supinaci贸n, pronaci贸n y neutro

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    聽 Los cambios en la estructura anat贸mica del pie reducen su capacidad de funcionamiento normal. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo comparar determinados m煤sculos del tronco y de las extremidades inferiores durante la marcha en individuos con distintos tipos de pie. Se clasificaron 45 estudiantes femeninas en 3 grupos, seg煤n la estructura de sus pies, es decir, en pronaci贸n, supinaci贸n y neutro. Un m茅dico especialista defini贸 los tipos de pie seg煤n el 铆ndice postural del pie y rayos X. Se registraron las actividades electromiogr谩ficas de los m煤sculos tibial anterior, peroneo largo, gastrocnemio medial, b铆ceps femoral, gl煤teo medio, oblicuo externo y erector de la columna de los 3 grupos, al realizar un recorrido determinado, a una velocidad de marcha autoseleccionada. Se grab贸 con una c谩mara cada esfuerzo simult谩neo con registro electromiogr谩fico. Se utiliz贸 el test ANOVA de un factor para comparar los grupos, con un nivel de significaci贸n de 0,05. La actividad de los m煤sculos tibial anterior y gastrocnemio medial fue superior en el grupo de pie pronador que en los grupos de pie supinador y neutro, durante la fase de contacto del tal贸n en la marcha (p = 0,001). El grupo de pie supinador reflej贸 una activaci贸n mayor del m煤sculo peroneo largo que el resto de grupos (p = 0,001). No se observaron diferencias significativas en los 4 m煤sculos restantes (p > 0,05). Durante la fase de apoyo medio, el grupo de pie supinador reflej贸 una mayor actividad del peroneo largo en comparaci贸n con los dem谩s grupos, mientras que el grupo de pie pronador reflej贸 mayor actividad muscular del gl煤teo medio que los dem谩s grupos (p = 0,001). Se produjo una diferencia significativa entre los grupos de pie pronador y de pie neutro, respecto al oblicuo externo (p = 0,001). De acuerdo con los resultados de este estudio, los cambios del funcionamiento muscular de los grupos de pie pronador y supinador fueron m谩s notorios que en el grupo de pie neutro

    Comparaci贸 de l鈥檃ctivitat muscular de determinats m煤sculs del tronc i de les extremitats inferiors en la marxa de dones joves amb peus en supinaci贸, pronaci贸 i neutre

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    聽 Els canvis de l鈥檈structura anat贸mica del peu en redueixen la capacitat de funcionament normal. Aquest estudi tingu茅 l鈥檕bjectiu de comparar determinats m煤sculs del tronc i les extremitats inferiors durant la marxa de persones amb diferents tipus de peu. Es classificaren 45 estudiants dones en 3 grups, segons l鈥檈structura del peu, 茅s a dir, en pronaci贸, en supinaci贸 i neutre. Un metge especialista defin铆 els tipus de peu mitjan莽ant l鈥櫭璶dex postural i raigs X. Es registraren les activitats electromiogr脿fiques dels m煤sculs tibial anterior, peroneal llarg, gastrocnemi medial, b铆ceps femoral, gluti mitj脿, oblic extern i erector de la columna, en els 3 grups, en realitzar un recorregut determinat a una velocitat de marxa autoseleccionada. Es grav脿 amb una c脿mera cada esfor莽 simultani amb registre electromiogr脿fic. S鈥檜tilitz脿 el test ANOVA d鈥檜n factor per comparar els grups, amb un nivell de significaci贸 de 0,05. L鈥檃ctivitat dels m煤sculs tibial anterior i gastrocnemi medial fou major en el grup de peu pronador que en els grups de peu supinador i neutre, durant la fase de contacte del tal贸 de la marxa (p = 0,001). El grup de peu supinador reflect铆 una activaci贸 major del m煤scul peroneal llarg que la resta dels grups (p = 0,001). No s鈥檕bservaren difer猫ncies significatives en els 4 m煤sculs restants (p > 0,05). Durant la fase de recolzament mitj脿, el grup de peu supinador reflect铆 una major activitat del peroneal llarg en comparaci贸 al de la resta de grups, mentre que el grup de peu pronador reflect铆 major activitat muscular del gluti mitj脿 que en els altres grups (p = 0,001). Es produ铆 una difer猫ncia significativa entre els grups de peu pronador i de peu neutre en l鈥檕blic extern (p = 0,001). Segons els resultats d鈥檃quest estudi, els canvis del rendiment muscular en els grups de peu pronador i supinador s贸n m茅s notoris que en el grup de peu neutre

    Comparison of selected muscular activity of trunk and lower extremities in young women's walking on supinated, pronated and normal foot

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    聽 Changes in anatomical structure of the foot reduce the foot ability for normal performance. This study aimed to compare selected muscles of trunk and lower extremities during walking in individuals with different foot types. Forty-five female students were categorized into three groups depending on their foot structures namely, pronated, supinated and normal feet. Foot types defined by foot posture index and X-ray under the specialist physician. Electromyography activities were recorded from muscles of tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, medial gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, gluteus medius, external oblique and erector spinae in three groups while walking in determined path with self-selected gait speed. Each effort simultaneous with electromyography registration was recorded with camera. One-way ANOVA test was used to compare the groups at significance level of 0.05. The activity of muscle of tibialis anterior and medial gastrocnemius was greater in pronated foot group than that in supinated and normal groups during heel contact phase of gait (p聽=聽0.001). Supinated foot group exhibited a greater peroneus longus activation than the other groups (p聽=聽0.001). No significant differences were observed for remaining four muscles (p聽>聽0.05). During midstance phase, peroneus longus, supinated foot group exhibited a greater activity compared to other groups while pronated foot group exhibited a greater muscle activity for gluteus medius than others (p聽=聽0.001). There was a significant difference between normal and pronated foot groups for external oblique (p聽=聽0.001). Regarding the findings of this study, the muscular performance changes in pronated and supinated foot groups are more noticeable than that in normal foot type

    Comparison of Plantar Pressure Distribution in Dominant & Non-dominant leg of female Kata and Kumite National Team

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the plantar pressure distribution of dominant and non-dominant legs of females who were participated in the kata and kumite national team. Methods: Twelve kumite and 8 kata female athletes of the Karate national team participated in this study. Plantar pressure was measured using emed platform during barefoot walking. After dividing the foot into 10 masks, peak pressure, pressure-time integral, maximum force and force-time integral were calculated. Wilcoxon and U-Mann-Witney tests were used to analyze parameters at a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Results: In comparison of kata and kumite teams it was found that, kata plantar pressure parameters in Metatarsal-2 (p=0.05) and Metatarsals-3, 4, 5 (p=0.04) were significantly less than those in kumite. Also, in comparison of dominant and non-dominant leg, plantar pressure parameters of dominant leg were less in Metatarsal-2 (p=0.04) and more in Bigtoe (p=0.04) and Toes-3, 4, 5 (p=0.03) than those in the non-dominant leg. Conclusion: Results may be indicative different of natures of the two athletic fields in that Kumite has a higher impact on plantar pressure due to higher mechanical loads. Furthermore, the unequal use of the legs may affect plantar pressure because of leg dominance. Thus, further and more comprehensive studies are necessary to prevent exercise-induced adaptations in professional levels and their treatments

    The Symmetry in the Selected Plantar Pressure Distribution Parameters of the Elderly Subject With Lower Limb Discrepancy (LLD)

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    Objectives: lower leg discrepancy is a common problem which causes the changes in the plantar pressure distribution pattern during gait. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to study the symmetry in the various plantar pressure distribution parameters in the elderly subject with leg discrepancy. Methods & Materials: Twenty-one elderly from Esfehan with leg discrepancy (1.5 to 3 cm) participated in this study. Plantar pressure distribution and other related parameters were measured in the five discrete steps for each limb by “emed 2” platforms. Three successful steps from five were selected and averaged, and the plantar areas were divided into 11 marks. For each mark peak force (BW%), peak pressure (Kpa), contact area, contact time, pressure time integral and force time integral were calculated. Descriptive statistics (mean and SD) to report the plantar pressure pattern, dependent sample t- test for comparison pressure data between long and short limb (P≤0.05) and symmetry index (SI%) for the symmetrical status in the selected plantar pressure data of the elderly subject with LLD were used. Results: The consequence of dependent t-test showed that regardless of contact area in the forefoot region and 3th, 4th and 5th toes, there were no significant differences between long and short limb. Symmetry index (SI%) also revealed that the contact time in the short limbs heel was less than long limb and peak force and peak pressure in the short limb was less in mid foot region and was greater in forefoot region than long limb. Conclusion: Given The Result Of This Study Showed That In The Short Limb, Initial Contact Time And Weight Acceptance Was Reduced, Which Cause The Increase Of The Pressure In The Forefoot And Also Which Causes The Increase Of Stress Fracture Risk In The Metatarsal Region. Therefore, It Is Suggested That LLD Subject Use Orthotic Or Shoes That Can Increase Their Heel Height And Balancing The Contact Time In The Short Limb To Resolve Their Gait Pattern Problems In Their Short Limb And Also To Eliminate The Compensating Mechanism Of Their Long Limb